As Lord Farquaad in the movie Shrek. once said, " Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I am willing to make."

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"Before it injured millions of people."

This is not only premeditated murder and genocide, in the U.S. at least it would also be treason.

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I might be good with lethal injection. Two Covid-19-vaccines and six boosters should just about do it.

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What are talking about? A "good" lethal injection? Go back where you belong.

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I'm just guessing, but I think the commenter might have been talking about giving those lethal injections to the monsters that did this to the world. But, again, it's just a guess. lol.

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But of course. I would like the song in the Operetta The Mikado, to let the punishment fit the crime.


The advertising quack who wearies

With tales of countless cures,

His teeth, I've enacted,

Shall all be extracted

By terrified amateurs."

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So your research shows the government knew they would harm many people instead of protecting them, knew the expected costs of the harm and still went ahead with the shots and fights tooth and nail daily to avoid paying claims and thereby ruining the lives of those citizens.

This is not right from any point of view. Keep in mind that many bright people came up with treatments that treated covid (ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin) and prevented Covid (XClear, Iodine Nasal Rinse). There was no need for the government to screw the economy unless that was the plan all along (retorical question). I agree with Ray H.

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I think it's long past obvious their intent was to inflict maximum harm on the people they are supposed to serve and protect. But, hey, they made a whole lot of money doing it. The rot is so pervasive and widespread. It starts at the top. Therefore, I see little chance of any justice. Criminals in plain sight. The whole lot of them. Even Congress took Ivermectin when their despicable government was withholding it and pushing the jabs (or lose your livelihood).

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And Fauci just got his pardon to go with the medal of freedom he got from Trump. If Fauci was on the up and up... would he have even needed a pardon? What a bunch of monsters!

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I think Biden awarded Fauci with the Medal of Freedom, but I get your point. Yes, monsters. That much is for certain.

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Wow! I'm sorry, Rob. I stand corrected. This is despicable.

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Yeah, that was kept pretty quiet. Sigh. I better bite my tongue now, because there was more. lol. Let's just hope that Trump has learned his lesson........

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Donald Trump just ordered back pay for the brave military who were fired for refusing the fake jab! I think fraudulent big pharma should pay!

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Money is not (never) wasted by governments, it is just a giant money-laundring, redirection, pay-off scheme. It only looks as waste to those not part of the feeding process.

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Covid wasn’t just about killing and debilitating people to reduce population as per Gates and co, it was about destruction of the middle class with all the pandemic response. The state I live in in Australia has so many bankruptcies, businesses closing building firms collapsing. Apparently you can’t have one world government and basic income for all without the purpose of the pandemic being a multi pronged attack and n society. In Australia the narrow criteria for compensation excluded most people, and the application process so tortured few qualified.

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You have to understand the big picture, the details are not important, they are just a pieces in the big puzzle.

The goal is to create one-world-gov, kill 80-90% of the population (that they want to replace with "intelligent" machines), establish total control over what is left ..

It is absolutely essential to squeeze as many people into 15-min cities (which are nothing but a big concentration camps) where they can be orderly disposed off.

Everything leads in that direction, details are not important.

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So true.

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The "government" is a baby in diapers. It only spends the taxpayer's money, so this ruse was "only" a feature of the controlled demolition of countries and the current fiat currencies in order to give way to the CBDC:


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I stand with the God given right of the individual to be secure in their person to make medical decisions for themselves. If you’re sick stay home. If the majority of the public’s immune systems have been substantially damaged then the *enemy of our souls* will have taken a heavy toll open the people of the West. Maybe we should stop playing God by messing around with people’s DNA?? The Lord gave you an immune system, and minus terrible things like ebola… if you are healthy, you will recover. Treat your body well… eat quality real foods (as best you can), get exercise, get sunshine… don’t just blindly take every dang pill your doctor recommends.

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See Reform UK MP Rupert Lowe’s critical commentary on the UK regulatory agency, the MHRA: "This was simply not a vaccine that was needed by the entire population...It should always have been a fully free and informed choice." https://elizabethhart.substack.com/p/this-was-simply-not-a-vaccine-that

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Money didn't matter, end game run, all roads lead to a digital pass. We must be grateful to the 20%, too many, to be able to mop up the stragglers. On a completely unrelated note, did you know that the Jewish population in prewar Germany was only about 4.8%.

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I’d love to see the details of the original 300 billion total indemnity. And also how they came up with any benefit at all. Covid - if it existed at all - only killed old people who were not contributing to the economy. So saving them, which of course it didn’t, makes no financial sense. Only if you think it allowed us all to go back to work can you get a benefit! That is only escaping from a totally artificial problem - the lockdown policy. They don’t even try to make this stuff sound plausible! And “everyone” sleeps on.

Of course it is all for the CBDC / totalitarian one-world, permanent surveillance, permanent lockdown and kill-everyone government they are trying to install.

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Pay the peasants pennies for the irreparable harms you pushed upon them at the expense of losing their jobs. Yeah, that sounds like a fantastic deal. We'll be talking about crimes against humanity for many years and most likely, there will be no actionable justice.

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So "safe and effective" means "we expect the vaccines to cause quite a bit of harm and probably death, too." It's no wonder Biden is pardoning Fauci for pre- and post-pandemic crimes. What will it take for half the country to wake up to the actual level of depravity in our government?

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Many have been refused compensation even though they had doctor's note and could no longer hold a job down to physical difficulties. These so called democratic governments are real terrorist. The criminals should be brought to justice. Like Dr Luc Montaigner said: "Those vaccinated will die between 2 and 5 years" if not will develop immune diseases.

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The "net benefits of vaccinating the population" was removing a lot of those who were drawing a state pension.

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"The UK government knew that COVID vaccine I injuries could cost them $75-300 Billion pounds"

'them' = taxpayer.

'taxpayer' = future generations of taxpayers.

Like ALL government policies, vaccination is stealing money from future generations across time and space and handing it to a bunch of corporations in the here and now.

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Sadly! We already know full well; that there is absolutely ZERO possibility of this sham of an enquiry EVER telling the truth. There is no possible way they will damage the careers of the many absolutely corrupt civil servants involved in the original cover up of vaccine injuries. Professional lawyers doing everything they can to prevent the truth being discovered, have openly abandoned the rule of law. Period. This is just another can being deliberately kicked down the road. Careers are much more important that allowing the truth to be described.

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