This WHO crew can't even follow basic rules like thou shall not kill. Or do no harm. Watch the knifes come out when we break any of their "rules" though.
Empathy we don't need no freek'in empathy.
His Dad brought us Planned Parenthood. Now Billy boy brings us Planned Euthanasia with the added feature of home delivery for the hesitant!
This WHO crew can't even follow basic rules like thou shall not kill. Or do no harm. Watch the knifes come out when we break any of their "rules" though.
Empathy we don't need no freek'in empathy.
His Dad brought us Planned Parenthood. Now Billy boy brings us Planned Euthanasia with the added feature of home delivery for the hesitant!
This WHO crew can't even follow basic rules like thou shall not kill. Or do no harm. Watch the knifes come out when we break any of their "rules" though.
Empathy we don't need no freek'in empathy.
His Dad brought us Planned Parenthood. Now Billy boy brings us Planned Euthanasia with the added feature of home delivery for the hesitant!