This WHO crew can't even follow basic rules like thou shall not kill. Or do no harm. Watch the knifes come out when we break any of their "rules" though.
Empathy we don't need no freek'in empathy.
His Dad brought us Planned Parenthood. Now Billy boy brings us Planned Euthanasia with the added feature of home delivery for the hesitant!
"The objective of the World Health Organization (hereinafter called the Organization) shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health."
Just kind of wondering how killing people off with poison jabs fits into that objective?
Must be a semantic incongruity, lol. "Deny, deny, deny."
(They undermined the use of alternative treatments, even some on their own list of essential medicines! Don't strain to make sense of their contradictions; it's part of their plan to blur all definition, and confuse/demoralize the masses.)
WHO is so corrupt that it is 'speaking out of both sides of its mouth'. Many know that it can't be trusted. When a dispicable known terrorist heads an could it be otherwise? i just read about its counterpart, the UN , which is behind the massive ivasion of our sourthern border.
Great observations and questions.. seems to me no organization or country is following their constitutions or charters, but it is definitely something worth looking into.
I hope this is helpful: the problem is finding 1) someone who has legal standing to challenge their violations (do their documents define who has standing?); 2) the appropriate court to file in (The International Court of Justice?); 3) either a lot of money or a pro bono lawyer. A fundamental issue with all laws is enforcement -- how does one hold the WHO accountable to its own restraints? Of course, these issues you raise may have future power aside from restraining the WHO's present course: it may be very challenging to establish standing right now (likely only a signatory nation has standing, would be my guess), but if WHO implements health protocols that adversely impact individuals in the US, they should all then acquire standing if they can demonstrate a "particularized harm." The other problem is that if you pursue these concerns the bureaucratic WHO might simply "cure" these defects by amending its constitution to broaden its powers accordingly. These are bureaucratic entities unresponsive to voters: they just morph like cancer. The WHO is an Andromeda strain....
I am not sure anyone has standing, not even a government. Countries can dispute how well another follows WHO regs at the ICJ but not sure they can do so with WHO as the defendant. Remember immunity?
But I think that bringing these issues to officials in many countries highlights the underlying rot at the heart of the WHO proposals and will make nations hesitate to sign on.
It is the right assumption, Meryl. Educate these countries so they realize the consequences of being affiliated with the WHO criminals. Thank you for using your fabulous brain God gave you to help us all. I thank James Roguski, also. The public must be informed. Most have no clue.
I am so appreciative of your commitment to us in America and other countries! I wish I could send you a big check, but God determined I should be a teacher, and I was with Joy . Now “older” retired and no big checks😢 Praying some people will send those checks to you!!!! You need them..!!!!!! ❤️
I suspect a member state would have standing before the ICJ, if they met the bar on stating a claim -- after all, under international law the things you are identifying are "breaches" of a document to which parties are indirectly signatories through the UN Charter.
However, the chief purpose of a costly lawsuit would be to educate people about these ultra vires actions. And it is much cheaper to simply go directly to the people -- the court of public opinion is likely to be much more responsive than a disconnected technocratic court of law.
The goal is to reveal enough troubling issues to persuade enough countries to "just say no" to drugs under the new treaty. I submit the Gaza fiasco of UN workers engaged in warfare is another area where these institutions' trustworthiness is experiencing increasing doubt.
Constitutions? We don't need no stinkin' constitutions!
Hundreds, maybe thousands, of politicians, government agency officials and officials at the UN and WHO are corrupt, wholly-owned tools of globalists. They push globalist agendas, and don't let trifles like constitutions, rule of law, due process, proper justice procedures or rationality get in their way.
Thanks to each of you, for the commitment to keep informing of this power hungry groups of self appointed and self righteous bullies.
They too, shall succumb to Judgment Day.
It’s interesting that they place a halo around themselves to protect from being accountable in the courts. (Big i and Little you). ( For me, not Thee).
Private meetings , behind closed doors, invitation only, these are ideas formulated by EVIL!
"I am seeking an international lawyer well versed in these documents to help us understand how much wiggle room the WHO has to ignore its own specified procedures and rules."
Know you and James R work together closely, but does the WHO's own counsel in his latest video shed light on this?
" us understand how much wiggle room the WHO has to ignore its own specified procedures and rules."
Anyone who knows how the UN / WHO operates knows the answer to that question.
All the wiggle room they want.
Article 29, Section 3 of the Declaration says "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."
Article 29 says the only rights you have are the ones they say you have and they can remove or suspend them any time they feel like it. Some human rights ! Those are the same human rights proponents who murdered JFK, RFK, Senator Wellstone, and who did 9-11.
United Nations Exposed for Facilitating Mass Migrant Trafficking Into the US | Live With Josh
Human trafficking and USA invasion sponsored by the U S taxpayers via the United Nations' distribution channels.
video and article by Joshua Phillip of Epoch Times TV of
I believe if they propose things adverse to their Constitution and the member states agree then they will get away with it. They always word these Constitution to be easily manipulated and the changes will be done in the same manner. As you know they continuously say they will not threaten the sovereignty of the member states but we KNOW that is a lie as is most of what they say. And remember the US is 110% on board and it is the US and the UK leading the way. As I have stated many times before the only hope we have is for the states to stand up and refuse to comply. That is why we here in TN have legislation to nullify unconstitutional law, rules, regulations, EOs, international agreements and treaties. And what is coming from the WHO IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL the federal government was never given authority over health. The General Welfare and many other clauses in the Constitution have been twisted to fit their agenda but if one were to go back and read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers one would see that none of the clauses in our Constitution never expand the federal governments authority beyond the VERY limited enumerated powers given to the state. You can find them in Art. 1 Sec 8 of the Constitution but also read Art. 1 Sec. 9 and 10 as well. As you can see in Sec. 10 the states have a very short list of what they cannot do. Our founders left many and indefinite powers to the states and the people of the states.
I have my own personal constitution as a sovereign human being. It supersedes all others. Sorry teddy, you and your tyrannical gang of thugs lose again.
WHealthO or WHarassO has NOTHING to do with personal health and freedom. It only has to do with them bullying people into taking their blasted shots/drugs for fake/made up/contrived viruses and even a couple of real ones. I would BOLD this if I was able!
An organization having to violate its constitution exceeded the expiry date. Abolish the WHO and eventually set up a new, decentralized network in a way that privatizing, racketeering etc. is impossible (or made punishable by death, in countries like China where people of high standing are supposed to give an example).
Super Cool Questions!
You probably read Tess' Lawrie Substack piece too?
'Is the UK Unlawfully a Member of WHO?'
This WHO crew can't even follow basic rules like thou shall not kill. Or do no harm. Watch the knifes come out when we break any of their "rules" though.
Empathy we don't need no freek'in empathy.
His Dad brought us Planned Parenthood. Now Billy boy brings us Planned Euthanasia with the added feature of home delivery for the hesitant!
"The objective of the World Health Organization (hereinafter called the Organization) shall be the attainment by all peoples of the highest possible level of health."
Just kind of wondering how killing people off with poison jabs fits into that objective?
Never mind the DNA implications for future generations.
Must be a semantic incongruity, lol. "Deny, deny, deny."
(They undermined the use of alternative treatments, even some on their own list of essential medicines! Don't strain to make sense of their contradictions; it's part of their plan to blur all definition, and confuse/demoralize the masses.)
WHO is so corrupt that it is 'speaking out of both sides of its mouth'. Many know that it can't be trusted. When a dispicable known terrorist heads an could it be otherwise? i just read about its counterpart, the UN , which is behind the massive ivasion of our sourthern border.
Great observations and questions.. seems to me no organization or country is following their constitutions or charters, but it is definitely something worth looking into.
I hope this is helpful: the problem is finding 1) someone who has legal standing to challenge their violations (do their documents define who has standing?); 2) the appropriate court to file in (The International Court of Justice?); 3) either a lot of money or a pro bono lawyer. A fundamental issue with all laws is enforcement -- how does one hold the WHO accountable to its own restraints? Of course, these issues you raise may have future power aside from restraining the WHO's present course: it may be very challenging to establish standing right now (likely only a signatory nation has standing, would be my guess), but if WHO implements health protocols that adversely impact individuals in the US, they should all then acquire standing if they can demonstrate a "particularized harm." The other problem is that if you pursue these concerns the bureaucratic WHO might simply "cure" these defects by amending its constitution to broaden its powers accordingly. These are bureaucratic entities unresponsive to voters: they just morph like cancer. The WHO is an Andromeda strain....
I am not sure anyone has standing, not even a government. Countries can dispute how well another follows WHO regs at the ICJ but not sure they can do so with WHO as the defendant. Remember immunity?
But I think that bringing these issues to officials in many countries highlights the underlying rot at the heart of the WHO proposals and will make nations hesitate to sign on.
That is the assumptions I am working on, John
It is the right assumption, Meryl. Educate these countries so they realize the consequences of being affiliated with the WHO criminals. Thank you for using your fabulous brain God gave you to help us all. I thank James Roguski, also. The public must be informed. Most have no clue.
I am so appreciative of your commitment to us in America and other countries! I wish I could send you a big check, but God determined I should be a teacher, and I was with Joy . Now “older” retired and no big checks😢 Praying some people will send those checks to you!!!! You need them..!!!!!! ❤️
I suspect a member state would have standing before the ICJ, if they met the bar on stating a claim -- after all, under international law the things you are identifying are "breaches" of a document to which parties are indirectly signatories through the UN Charter.
However, the chief purpose of a costly lawsuit would be to educate people about these ultra vires actions. And it is much cheaper to simply go directly to the people -- the court of public opinion is likely to be much more responsive than a disconnected technocratic court of law.
The goal is to reveal enough troubling issues to persuade enough countries to "just say no" to drugs under the new treaty. I submit the Gaza fiasco of UN workers engaged in warfare is another area where these institutions' trustworthiness is experiencing increasing doubt.
Constitutions? We don't need no stinkin' constitutions!
Hundreds, maybe thousands, of politicians, government agency officials and officials at the UN and WHO are corrupt, wholly-owned tools of globalists. They push globalist agendas, and don't let trifles like constitutions, rule of law, due process, proper justice procedures or rationality get in their way.
Thanks to each of you, for the commitment to keep informing of this power hungry groups of self appointed and self righteous bullies.
They too, shall succumb to Judgment Day.
It’s interesting that they place a halo around themselves to protect from being accountable in the courts. (Big i and Little you). ( For me, not Thee).
Private meetings , behind closed doors, invitation only, these are ideas formulated by EVIL!
Yes yes
Excellent work Dr Nass. Is the WHO operating under its own charter with its reliance on external funding from private entities and not member states?
15% of funding is dues and the rest is voluntary from states, NGOs, pharma etc.
73% of total funding is earmarked.
"I am seeking an international lawyer well versed in these documents to help us understand how much wiggle room the WHO has to ignore its own specified procedures and rules."
Know you and James R work together closely, but does the WHO's own counsel in his latest video shed light on this?
I don't think so--solomon came up with a worthless fig leaf, then the Russian delegate (of all people) provided him a better fig leaf.
" us understand how much wiggle room the WHO has to ignore its own specified procedures and rules."
Anyone who knows how the UN / WHO operates knows the answer to that question.
All the wiggle room they want.
Article 29, Section 3 of the Declaration says "These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations."
Translation: Dachsie version
Article 29 says the only rights you have are the ones they say you have and they can remove or suspend them any time they feel like it. Some human rights ! Those are the same human rights proponents who murdered JFK, RFK, Senator Wellstone, and who did 9-11.
United Nations Exposed for Facilitating Mass Migrant Trafficking Into the US | Live With Josh
Human trafficking and USA invasion sponsored by the U S taxpayers via the United Nations' distribution channels.
video and article by Joshua Phillip of Epoch Times TV of
January 31, 2024
Peace, Dignity and Equality on a Healthy Planet
U N DragonSpeak for
One World Death and Slavery System for All
Amen and Amen. This tells it how it is. I will not comply. I’ll go to Heaven instead. ✝️
I believe if they propose things adverse to their Constitution and the member states agree then they will get away with it. They always word these Constitution to be easily manipulated and the changes will be done in the same manner. As you know they continuously say they will not threaten the sovereignty of the member states but we KNOW that is a lie as is most of what they say. And remember the US is 110% on board and it is the US and the UK leading the way. As I have stated many times before the only hope we have is for the states to stand up and refuse to comply. That is why we here in TN have legislation to nullify unconstitutional law, rules, regulations, EOs, international agreements and treaties. And what is coming from the WHO IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL the federal government was never given authority over health. The General Welfare and many other clauses in the Constitution have been twisted to fit their agenda but if one were to go back and read the Constitution and the Federalist Papers one would see that none of the clauses in our Constitution never expand the federal governments authority beyond the VERY limited enumerated powers given to the state. You can find them in Art. 1 Sec 8 of the Constitution but also read Art. 1 Sec. 9 and 10 as well. As you can see in Sec. 10 the states have a very short list of what they cannot do. Our founders left many and indefinite powers to the states and the people of the states.
Very important. Sorry I never called you. TN is leading the way on this. CAF is also leading a charge down there.
No problem. I know how crazy busy you are.
I have my own personal constitution as a sovereign human being. It supersedes all others. Sorry teddy, you and your tyrannical gang of thugs lose again.
Hi Meryl, you might want to check a Law Dictionary too (I think Black law's might be a suitable one - I think I've spelt it correctly).
There are many common English words which have a completely different legal meaning and you'll want to check their terms very carefully I imagine!
Best of luck, we are all hoping for the "Downfall of the WHO"
Rather than a dictionary I need a seasoned lawyer used to dealing with this.
Love Shabnam but she does not practice law though she went to law school.
Snakes have endless wiggle room.
They only know how to slither - that is their nature.
WHealthO or WHarassO has NOTHING to do with personal health and freedom. It only has to do with them bullying people into taking their blasted shots/drugs for fake/made up/contrived viruses and even a couple of real ones. I would BOLD this if I was able!
An organization having to violate its constitution exceeded the expiry date. Abolish the WHO and eventually set up a new, decentralized network in a way that privatizing, racketeering etc. is impossible (or made punishable by death, in countries like China where people of high standing are supposed to give an example).