Let me guess: Bugs are the most healthy food. :)

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And gmo lab created meats!

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Yeah. I keep wondering how they're going to combine reparations for slavery with owning nothing and eating bugs and gmo-fake-meat in a way that will render the recipients HAPPY.

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Haha and nutrient dense Jeff 🤨

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More fear initiatives to keep the false concept that they are the savior of humanity!

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Lee County, Florida Republican Assemly just passed resolution declaring UN, WHO, & WEF terrorist organizations, and cooperating with them an act of treason against the United States and the state of Florida.

Read the story here:


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Great News! Go Lee County!

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Every GD county in America better start following this and on both sides!

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Upcoming WHO educational articles:

"Chernobyl Produce: Enjoying the Odd Fruit that Glows"

"Enjoying Pufferfish on the Cheap"

"Raising Your Own Cobras for Meat: A High Protein Alternative to Poultry"

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I can now see pufferfish & Cobra flu as future pandemics. Bug flu should surface shortly too.

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rotfl. The only problem is that there's only a few nanoseconds between a joke and the next cretinous attack on us.

from, naturally, WaPo( aka human health wastes away within our pages)

Want a More Sustainable Meat for the Grill? Try a 13-Foot Python Steak.


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James you are funny!! That was good!!

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“Unlimited Renewable Power: The Grid-Tied Gymnasium”

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It’s an allusion to the first episode of “Black Mirror.”

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Rightfully so…because they insure we only get poison food. So unless you personally validate your own, it’s ALL dangerous.

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AMEN!!! My uncle always said, "Rob, you have to stay out of the grocery store!". And this was decades ago when our food was not nearly as dangerous as it is now.

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That's what my dad would say.

But only because I use to steal stuff...


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Perfect comment.

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Of course, they don’t talk about food to educate people about healthy eating habits, they want you to know how close you come to being killed by it unless they intervene.

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I'm so sick of this crap. I'll never forget this guy I worked with who would typically grab whatever was convenient for lunch. I ate with him one day and he pulled out the slimiest head of iceberg lettuce and some green tinged lunch meat. He proceeded to put together a sandwich and gobbled it up. I was taken a back until I thought, "you know, I have never seen this guy miss a day's work in over two years. He never gets sick.". We are in WAY more danger from the corporations cooking up their dead, nutrient deficient, overly processed, genetically modified, and chemical filled "food" than we are from ANY kind of natural things that may taint our food. That is an absolute fact.

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Rule number 1: never let a malevolent bureaucracy start to collect data on anything. The data is the route to interference

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And all while they destroy the food supply without letting on to the masses it is underway. Local organic farmer in Massachusetts has given up providing eggs because they wanted no federal, state or local government stomping on their property like the natzis labelled who or whatever they wanted as diseased.

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We need to organize locally to protect small organic farms and the farmers who have been providing healthy food for decades. This is Agenda 2030 creeping in to destroy everything but Frankenfoods.

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Interesting-as the number of recalled salmonella riddled foods has been increasing alot lately. I didn't want to go to conspiracies ... But, I also won't ignore all crazy possible anymore

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WHO do they think they're kidding? Like snuffing out the campfire while the forest burns around us! Thanks Meryl for keeping the campground safe so that I can close my flaps and sleep at night.

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lol 😝 let these evildoers dream on — none of us will give the WHO-criminals the time of day, let alone care about a word they have to say. Soon they will be no more. 🙏🙌🏼 God has His Mighty Ways of taking care of the wicked. “The face of the Lord is against the wicked to wipe out the remembrance of them from the earth.” Psalm 34.16

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Are they needing something to “blame” for the unexpected deaths ?

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No doubt, Soylent Green with a side of locusts and maggot puree for dessert will be highly recommended.

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And the remedy is - MORE GOVERNMENT

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Channeling Terror Tedros: "The effort is to feed human cattle just enough to keep working and simultaneously, chronically diseased enough to maximize profit which includes minimizing pension payments. Our medical staff, with its covid era experience, is at the job already".

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