Now if we would just get out of the UN......

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Just do it. Announce that you no longer care to be a member.

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Given the consequences of subjecting ourselves to the management of a pandemic by the WHO, I think we'd be nuts to give a squat what the so-called law says about it. It's not like the Federal government and State governments don't violate the original intent of their respective constitutions ALL THE TIME already. Why become "retentive" about "legality" when our very lives and health are on the line? They strain at gnats and swallow camels. Despicable.

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The US, in fact, should sue the WHO for malfeasance (or worse), hold the principals accountable, ensure that it be disbanded as a terrorist organization, and demand reparations.

Same goes for the UN and several other abominations.

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Never mind get out. Just treat it with the same disdain we've shown hard won arms agreements with the Russian.

Yeah we strengthen our faith in our banking system by stealing depositors assets, who cares about our credit rating, don't pay!

Better yet, howz about some asset stripping to build back everything they have destroyed!

Oh their are a few diehard's clutching the remote control to their brain washing tv. The only confidence most of us have, is that if they can screw us with a dirty trick, they will, shamelessly, repeatedly, with glee!

If they can't, they'll get AI to invent a new one, send us the bill for inventing it and deploy in earnest. Was a time we programmed computers, now they run us.

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I think there is this value of getting out of the WHO, even if we just ignore them until that happens: It forces the Democrats to put us back in the WHO, making it more probable that such action will be reported in the media. People need to know what their government is doing, even if it only wins a handful more to our side. Numbers may matter one day.

I'm convinced this war isn't anywhere near over due to the catastrophic levels of world debt. That's why the BRICS countries are doing what they're doing. They see the US dollar becoming more and more worthless and are trying to transition to sounder economics. Seemingly, our moronic Deep State thought other countries would keep buying treasuries forever, no matter how economically injurious it would be to the buyers. So they kept racking up more and more debt - spending it on counter-productive non-sense, to boot.

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Just blowing off steam. It seems ludicrous that we should be funding an organization that accomplishes the diametric opposite of what its mission statements declare.

Unclear on your debt observation. The special military operation in Ukraine was decided before it began. NATO never had a chance.

There is only one purpose in the debt the West piles up. To enrich and empower the overlord class. None of what they promise results.

Are we safer? decidedly not. Especially draft age members of society! Nor those going to regular doctors for health issues.

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It is truly amazing how depraved they are. I'm typically less optimistic than everyone I know. But when the doctors went along with the insanity during the pandemic, that even blew MY mind.

I go through phases reaching acceptance at each level of realization of how depraved government has been throughout history. And now even doctors. I always knew they were crooks. But I never knew how many don't value human life any greater than that of a means to their ends.

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The pendulum is coming to a halt. In a year's time a doctor's integrity will be measured, not by the money you made during Covid, but by how quickly you came to your senses, and gave it back to your victims!

Now is the best time, to get on the right side of history! Yesterdays mal, miss, and dis: information is next weeks clearly established legal precedent. By this summer it will be too late.

Yes the Covid weapon was man-made not natural. Yes natural immunity is a thing. Yes Remdesivir and a vent is a very cruel way to kill people.

Yes safe and effective was an awesome advertising slogan, and perhaps the largest lie in history! Goebbels's rule!

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Greta Van Susteren was interviewing Admiral Girard, who sat on Trump’s Covid Response Panel. She expressed such excitement about Trump’s EO to exit the WHO. When she asked Girard, “ How great is that? Getting out of such a corrupt, encroaching China pandering cabal?”. Girard was totally against it

. “ The WHO needs reform, but it’s important that we remain a member”. She was perplexed and asked why. His reply was absolutely absurd and typical of the globalist war machine, anti-sovereignty playbook. “ Well, it could make Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine vulnerable to Chinese, Russian and Iranian aggression”. For starters, the U.S./EU/NATO/UN /WEF are what has made Taiwan, Israel, Ukraine and the rest of the world vulnerable to aggression. Taiwan, Israel and Ukraine wouldn’t be in this position had not Carter, Bush, Clinton, W, Obama, Biden, Blair, Cameron, May, Johnson, Sunak, Starmer, Kissinger, Brezinski, Panetta, Rumsfeld, Condi, Hayden, Blinker, Powers, Bolton, Cheney, McMaster, Brennan, Killery,Clapper, Milley, Austen , etc not meddled in every nation, not provoked conflicts , etc. Deliberately, I might add.

Greta then asked, “ What about America, Sir?”

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Girard has spent his career dining at the trough of pandemic preparedness

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Meryl, no doubt you’re very familiar with the Bush/Cheney Anthrax debacle and Fauci’s secret “upgrade” to the highest paid federal employee.

Remember Pence’s bogus receipt of one of the envelopes and his sanctimonious commentary? I loathe him. Matter of fact, unless it’s either Franklin Graham, Vigano , Star Parker or Dumisani Washington… I’m skeptical of public figures, particularly politicians and pundits who feel compelled to remind us of their “ Christian values” , replete with preaching the gospel and quoting scripture. It’s a cudgel of deflection. In Pence’s case, he would be better suited quoting Krishna morphing into Vishnu telling Arjuna,” Now, I am become Death”.

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Did you mean Admiral Giroir? Can someone explain to me why the US Admirals are pediatricians? No offense, I don't want to be protected by Admiral Rachels (ex-Richard), also a pediatrician. I want to be protected by the professional US Military Cadre (not MDs, Polit Science PhD, etc.), because, I can assure you on the "opposite side" they use professional military cadre, and laugh at us.

Such "Admirals" are nor proper MDs, neither proper military, they are political animals engaged in bureaucratic games, putting politics above people health or safety!

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More like GREED above people’s safety!

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Yes, the “ Smartphone” auto-corrects to make things incorrect.

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Can somebody explain why Admirals and Generals are engaged in anything aside from military directives? For that matter, why politicians who have never signed the front of a paycheck have the right to spend taxpayer dollars who pay their specious salaries?

Or how Avril Haines,whose greatest achievement was owning a failed pornographic bookshop scripted the Covid policies presented at Event 201 and became Biden’s DNI? That she was confirmed unanimously but for Mike Lee, yet Tulsi Gabbard is being destroyed?

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Add Nuland and the b of buchenwald van der lying to that list.

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With her stellar spouse, Robert Kagan

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Yeah? How many Divisions does the WHO have? We are a sovereign nation. We belong or don't however we see fit. THe UN and WHO can go pound sand.

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The WEF laughs at the very idea there are ANY SOVEREIGN NATIONS. So does Black Rock.

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And why should we care what the WHO thinks?

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Are we a Sovereign Nation? I dont think so , or would we be in all these situations ?

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We are if we act like we are. There will always be "situations." What matters is how we respond to them.

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Yay! Now pull out of the UN as well

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Good idea but incomplete UNLESS WE GET OUT OF UN. and they will likely just move to more use of NGO s Like they did with GAVI , Eco alliance ect ect this will not stop B. Gates , and ALL aligned with those agendas.

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Trump seems to be waffling on this issue. I heard today he might reconsider. There is another, better organization, Tess Lawrie's group, World Council for Health, A Better Way. Does Trump know about this group?

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UN withdrawl ends it all. According to Dr Rima, all it takes is a letter from head of state to UN & we're out.

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And we remove all special status from all diplomats in the USA at the same time assigned to the UN immediately. Watch them scramble to leave.

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End diplomatic immunity, yessssssss

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Tell them to go pound sand and walk away. So sue us. Do the same with the UN.

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Why is this even a question? I never signed up for the (bleepin) thing! In fact, no one ever asked me about it at all!

In fact,

"Every citizen owes the country a vigilant watch and close scrutiny of ITS LAWMAKERS, … and this is the price of our liberty.

Sir, your declaration is so far true, as that all the danger to “our liberty” comes solely from the lawmakers.

And why are the lawmakers dangerous to “our liberty”? Because it is a natural impossibility that they can make any law—that is, any law of their own invention—that does not violate “our liberty.”

LYSANDER SPOONER, “Letter to Grover Cleveland,” Boston, May 15, 1886


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All of this is interesting, but actually quite irrelevant. There is no glue in any international agreements. Nothing holds any of them together except for the good will of their member states. There is no legal basis for world anything, and there is no legal world structure. Any country can thumb its nose at any international agreement at any time, full stop. What are they going to do? Sanctions? Almost always just makes the sanctioned country stronger as they then have to take care of themselves. Nope, world agreements are figures of an elite’s imagination and mean nothing.

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"Any country can thumb its nose at any international agreement at any time, full stop. "

And they have done it quite often. Has there ever been a "treaty" or agreement that hasn't been broken on the flimsiest of pretexts, some technicality, or even none at all?

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US sovereignty reins supreme!

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It should but it can't when our politicians keep us in thrall to the international banking scum.

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re: comments about Trump/WHO:

Whitney Webb TRIGGERS Weinstein TANTRUM With FACTS About Trump


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Great and Canada must as well and wef un and all who? are less democratic and improve our phoney democracy under a fn monarch and our 1000 year past slavery lives under the rotten pedo, murdering Families who have controlled we peoples of the Commonwealth contained slaves.https://ketoflavorhouse.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Easy-Keto-Chicken-Cordon-Bleu-Casserole.webp

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Take a good look at the Stargate program they are now touting ACTING as if we will ALL GET CANCER WITH CERTAINTY , and letting L .Ellison push A.I generated mrna cancer vaxxes. Anyone ignorant enough to fall for this deserves the fate they create by this decision.

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All of these organizations have dues to be paid by its members. The WHO, WEF, AMA, etc, are expected to pay annual membership dues. Just quit paying the dues. I’m sure they’ll get the message!

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