Our Enduring Reaction

We The People will oppose this agenda on constitutional grounds with lawsuits one by one that demonstrate that their agenda is tyrannical and illegal, until there are so many holes in their plan that it collapses into a pile of rubble and is swept away by history.

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Daiiiiiiiimn!! That is the spirit❤️

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It will be throughly opposed on Constitutional, Statutory and Scientific Grounds:

The 40th Annual Meeting of Doctors for Disaster Preparedness was held in Las Vegas, August 14 – 16, 2022 at the South Point Hotel, Casino & Spa. The “doctors” in this group include scientists, physicians, engineers, and experts in various fields.

Dr. Cohen calls human-caused global warming “a crackpot idea, a hoax that does not stand up to true scientific inquiry.”



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Thank you Contumacious for this wonderful link! It's the first I've heard of their meetings.

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Before I saw Yet Another Tommy’s post, and having only read the beyond the first paragraph or two, my thought was they want to do away with the Constitution!

Anybody that signs on to this is committing treason, and needs to be treated as a traitor.

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CIA investigation into this from the 1970's projected the America's would break up into 9 regions - we shall see, soon enough! Either way things get voted will be cause for another civil war I'm thinking also.

Interesting times we are here to experience! Hopefully humanity rises above and becomes more aligned with the important things to live by rather than the latest gucci or latte purchase or likes on fakebook.

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And today, an email about Alfred and his relevant story to the break up of NA into Nine Regions. Alfred is a retired Common Law Judge and formerly worked for CIA + DAARPA


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In due time you will learn that many of these Traitors are already "pushing up daisy's" if you understand what was just said.

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Consider that "Climate Change" may be somewhat of an insider misnomer for a 12, 000 year disaster cycle, the root of apocalyptic tales of antiquity. There is a rotating galactic current sheet, which flips the magnetic poles of Earth, reducing our protections from X-rays and cosmic rays, among other things. Some cycles may be much worse. Less than 20 minutes of short videos gives the big picture here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2decDcEJqo&list=PLHSoxioQtwZcVcFC85TxEEiirgfXwhfsw

Here is a series of three in-depth scientific articles by The Ethical Skeptic which present a very similar picture, and explain that irregular removal of most of the lower stone veneer of Egyptian pyramids:

Master Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Theory


1) The Climate change Alternative We Ignore (to our peril)

Recent climate change may stem from structural and exothermic phase changes in the Earth’s nickel-iron core, rather than solely from human carbon and methane generating activity. Lattice structure changes in shed core material release latent kinetic energy (heat), which flows to the asthenosphere and abyssal ocean depths. This process could be the primary driver of observed climate change, the rapid ocean heating of 2023, methane outpacing climate model projections, and a long-associated weakening of the Earth’s geomagnetic dipole.

2) Hidden in Plain Sight:

The unique features observed on the Khufu and especially Khafre Pyramids suggest a sustained oceanic displacement lasting 10 to 50 years, which inundated the Giza Plateau in antiquity. This inundation reached a height of 576 feet above current sea level, leaving a distinctive ocean water karst erosion band near the top of the Khafre Pyramid. The sustained and stable nature of this inundation strongly suggests that it was caused by a change in the georotational dynamics of the Earth sometime within the last fourteen millennia. This constitutes ‘dead body’ evidence, and it must be addressed. This evidence, along with its supporting predictive observations, have been neglected through professional buffoonery.

3) Exothermic Core-Mantle Decoupling – Dzhanibekov Oscillation (ECDO) Hypothesis:

Periodically, the Earth’s core loses its magnetic moment and decouples from the outer rotational body (ORB), which includes the mantle and crust. This decoupling causes a shift in the geographic axis of rotation along the 31st East meridian, moving towards South Africa. The process is facilitated by the lubricating effect of exothermic H-layer material shed from the core. These effects enable the Earth’s outer rotational body to shift from today’s geomagnetic mechanical equilibrium, to a 104-degree rotated momentum-conserving gyroscopic one. This cyclical and violent process may be the impetus behind many world flood myths, as well as being reflected in the inner design and function of the Khufu Pyramid itself.

Critical Path Conclusion

It is our contention that we are now well past an Indigo Point of exothermic core-mantle decoupling and that we have incorrectly interpreted the heat presented by this phenomenon as being caused solely by human activity. While we don’t conjecture an interval for this catastrophic cycle, and cannot predict when the next instance will occur, we nonetheless cite that there exists an urgent need to consider the possibility and detect the approach of a subsequent Tau Point Dzhanibekov gyroscopic oscillation in Earth’s rotation. Such a rotation will likely reproduce the cataclysmic inundation we see marked into the Tura limestone casing of the Khafre Pyramid and which is contained inside many ancient cultural mythologies.

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"We The People" failed bitterly to detect and rectify the behavior of back then, rulers, now, owners. That failure has resulted in the (mildly put) present mess. A few links to show the issue:

1. The appreciation for "our military": 100 Years of US Troops as Lab Rats


2. The issue of "peace": “We’re at War!” — And We Have Been Since 1776: 214 Years of American War-Making


3A. Exporting "freedom and democracy": The U.S. Has Killed More Than 20 Million People in 37 “Victim Nations” Since World War II



The Bloody Legacy of the US Army School of the Americas


4. Support for the above: Poll: Americans Support The Military-Industrial Complex Above All Else


From that perspective, it can't be a surprise that things only will get worse, unless....

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We want no part of any of this s—t!

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Fascinating stuff for sure but right from the start I couldn't help notice it was (as many things online are) a bit US-centric. American writers often seem to believe there is only America and everywhere else exists only as a side issue, (so-called "Biden Inflation" is a small example ... really? Is Global Inflation really a Biden by-product? As if we aren't all suffering from inflation which has nothing to do with him). What we've seen happening over the "Covid Period" (tm), and now with CBDCs and all the rest, (and unprecedented illegal immigration) is a global phenomenon and must be viewed as such. Biden (who gets repeated name-checks in the article) is a bit-part player in this story not a lead actor, certainly not THE lead actor.

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Who can read the documents from everywhere else? The EU is doing similar things, dismantling peoples' rights. But in this post we are dealing with US official documents.

If you read your nation's official statements and report back I will be happy to publish your summary because this is a global problem. But this post's evidence is US-derived.

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I agree, I was only pointing out the US centric aspect, not undermining the content. You must've noticed that yourself, everything being blamed on Biden (Steve Bannon type shows do it all the time) and even thought he's bloody useless there's a bigger world out there that he isn't in charge of.

Who IS in charge is perhaps a better question.

All the best

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My friends,

My production company LowWiseZah Studios creates purposeful entertainment to awaken society. I would greatly appreciate your support so that I can produce more eye-opening movies! BECAUSE it is getting REALLY BAD with these FUCKERs running the world and too their puppetted Democratic Party... I belong to NO party by the way. But I do like to party!


Please, reach out, Like, Subscribe on YouTube and Instagram so I can continue to create this content:

Awakening Society With Purposeful Entertainment


Your love is much appreciated.

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Very cool Michael.

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i appreciate you, man. thank you

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I have two questions that are stirring me most days and create dreams of misery at night if you happen to have wisdom for them:

1) if we are in revelation and there is a lamb out there, who is it?

2) if that said person is dreadfully reminded in constant that he is both the lamb and the Arm of God does that make him insane even if he realizes that no one will accept that as the truth without farther action in identifying from those who he dedicates his life to?

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the lamb would be the one consciousness that permeates all beings

one must dedicate one's life to the one source and thus dedicates one's life to all

these concepts are limiting - the depth is beyond words and especially thoughts - the answer is within the space between

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Are we talking about God? Just need to be sure. Only way to have one consciousness is through the door that is Jesus’ teachings. No way for any one to permeate on the same page without him. So depending on your context I may agree to some extent. But rest assured if you get nothing else from these comments, there is a beast that we must claim victory over. We are in revelation brother and all are doomed without the Lamb’s direction. This is one consciousness that is shared with as many who will abide without the heart that most would assume. Of purity.

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Thank you for this. Please take a look at my post from last night which I believe dovetails with what is presented here.


I am calling what they are doing: "Communism" in that it is the culmination of the attempt to reduce humanity to an anthill that has been going on since Marx and now is culminating in the New World Order. I know not everyone would agree with that characterization, but please think about it.

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I should add that this also represents the culmination of what was exposed in the Protocols over a century ago, though updated in modern bureaucratic double-speak. One of their tricks is to present so much verbiage no one can see through to the real intent, as with the Patriot Act. Harris-Walz and the DNC are the Trojan Horse; CNN, MSNBC, and the NYT are the Pied Piper.

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2 Thessalonians 2:6-17 KJV - And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle.

16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace,

17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.


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I think the "ANT HILL" analogy is a most perfect one! I'll have to remember that!

Ants are magnificent little life forms. They have been seen to sacrifice for the "good of the colony" which I suppose is a shadow of communism, but far more than that, they show us what devotion truly is, especially with their work ethics.

Just this morning, I was enjoying some Christian background music and notices it was augmented with the many forms of marine life, all so exquisitely colorful!


When a beautiful "school" of tropical fish was shown, the thought came to me in question form: How can one distinguish its mate from another, which look perfectly similar? Maybe they don't have "mates." But there are oodles of other examples, which I'm more familiar with, such a massive flock of birds. Starlings, certain finches, blackbirds, crows, sea-birds and dozens more, flock together. They all look EXACTLY alike within their genders. Yet they will select a mate, make a nest, and raise a family, defending it from their species and others as well!

How can they distinguish one from another? It's beyond comprehension!

Enjoy a little glimpse of God's Hand in nature; a welcomed reprieve from all this chaos we are confronted with!



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Hmmm... if climate change is more of a threat than nuclear war....if we start a nuclear war we will get nuclear winter and climate change is solved, along with the "human population" problem...win win win!

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So freezing to death could be a good thing! NOT!

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yeah...that was sarcasm...

I normally use the "/sarc off/" command line on such posts...

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Can you imagine what would happen if the climate never changed, as God designed it?

Can you imagine what will happen, after men, playing God, "fix" the "problem" & "save" us?

BUT who will save us from the savers?

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Just wondering if Dr Nass has any recommendations for monkey pox’s? Or anyone? Is ivermectin going to help?

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“They” have been spinning this spider web to cull and enslave humanity for years. Seems like the web is nearing completion and the trap will be sprung. “They” are in for a rude awakening.

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The long march through the institutions.

The march is almost over.

Now it’s down to the people to stop it before they cross the finish line.

I don’t know if it’s possible, but we really have no other option.

No one is coming to save us !!!

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“Risks from Bioincidents. The ability to determine a deliberate biological weapons attack is complicated by the potential for an accidental laboratory release and the growing risks from naturally occurring diseases due to climate change.”

As has been pointed out previously, the potential for an "accidental laboratory release" (of a biological weapon!) is the greatest threat that we face in this area. Since that one can be prevented (by not doing laboratory work on potential biological weapons!), why not start there? Because that is not in the interests of the global elite or the new world order agenda!

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Please thank this person for working so hard at synthesizing this information for us. The passage about NATO and disinformation must be what PHo the bow-tied orc was referring to when he was fulminating about calling in the military to stop anti-vax "aggression". The project of rewriting cells is just straight up Frankenstein levels of insane. We do not even know what consciousness is, or where it comes from. Frederico Faggin, a Silicon valley inventor, turned his great mind to consciousness after having an anomalous experience in which his heart suddenly broke open to light and love. He thinks cells are both Newtonian, classical physics, and quantum, so good luck with that torturing of life by those hubristic we-are-gods dimwitted freaks. All they want is more and more money and more and more control, total exponential control freaks, but because it is a psychopathology, an addiction to sadism and filthy lucre and control and to being worshipped as if they were gods (no doubt they'll make little creches as the mexican drug lords do, with statues of themselves to be worshipped), they will never ever be satisfied. Even if they succeed in murdering more of us, owning us from cradle to grave, owning nature, commodifying everything, it will never ever satisfy them. We have to stop them from further destruction not just of humanity and the genome, but of those aspects of being that we don't yet understand, both biological and spiritual. They must be stopped before they destroy all of what lies potentially within us through their cretinous machinations.

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“All they want is more and more money and more and more control, total exponential control freaks, but because it is a psychopathology………they will never ever be satisfied.” This is because they have no true faith in God, so that void is filled by a false faith in themselves. Climate change will not end the world; God will end the world when He is ready: but Jesus will come first, so be ready for Him.

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Self-righteous technocrats appear to be consumed by and undoubtedly proud of their opus of an agenda to control virtually all aspects of life. They appear to be disinterested in commoners who happen to populate our planet and who are interested in raising and teaching children, pursuing health, and feeling the fulfillment of freedom, morality, creativity, health, love, God. Although these egomaniacs probably regard the rest of us as bugs to be squashed, no amount of threats of control will eradicate instinct, need for human connection, learning, wisdom, survival instinct.

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Please look into bill S 5389 aimed to ban your constitutional right to protect yourself from a Satanic government by forming militias, it seems to me that it bans people even learning self defense but I’m not the most educated on government affairs. I’m hoping someone else is, but please spread the word

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