We all need to know more as to the functionality of farming. The pesticides are keeping us sick. We must argue for better ways to farm and keep us healthy.
The key is in the soil. It should be full of worms and a healthy biome of microbes. It should not be just sand or dirt. Using restorative farming principles restores the land and the nutrition in the food.
The key may actually be global dominance of staple food sources, as Kissinger pointed out to Nixon, and Earl Butz started repeating his mantra of "get big or get out" to American farmers.
This succeeded in underselling all the farmers of the world with American corn, wheat and oats, including massive sales to the USSR a couple of times, which kick-started the process in their bad-years of impaired harvests.
American farmers were collateral damage in all of this. I raised a calf for Ag. class in 1973, and failed to make the required $50 to pass the class on that "animal project", but I was passed, anyway, because everybody had that same problem.
[Notice the jagged drop in the red line of number-of-small-farms in 1973.]
The pharmacological poisons are keeping us sick but we are bamboozled by propaganda stating how fantabulous our medical system is. Just mention homeopathy to an allopathic doctor and see the rage welling up in the eyes of the allopath. All about dollars and control over humanity.
I have a regenerative “garden”. I use nothing but homemade compost, water and sunshine growing organic seeds. Initially building my no-dig beds took an expenditure of compost soil from a local farmer but as time went on I added
leaves, plant debris and food scraps and 4 years later it is thriving and produces most of the fruits and vegetables we eat throughout the year. I control bugs by visiting the garden almost daily and doing a once over. Also companion planting and judicious use of netting keeps the bad bugs at bay and the good bugs hunting. Some will think it’s a lot of work but for me it’s hugely beneficial to both my mental and physical health aka gym membership! Joel Salatin does it in a huge scale-and he’s amazing. Treat yourself and look him up: The Lunatic Farmer❤️.
This is my succession-rotation gardening framework for climate zone 8a, which I worked out a decade ago. The 3-bed-3-year rotation is most flexible, overall. I have 9 beds in my rural garden and 9 smaller beds in my Austin garden (pictured) https://www.johndayblog.com/2016/07/liberty-garden-central-texas-climate.html
Until Reagan's admin messed around with the "immigration" policies, our farm always used *legal* migrant workers that would come up from Mexico during the growing season. They would tend our acres until harvest in the fall and then they would go back home to Mexico. There are definitely ways to farm, but it does require labor... labor that the government has made nearly impossible to get anymore... legally anyway. It's insane.
I get my strawberries from a small fruit farm that started an organic greenhouse. This winter they lost their whole organic crop of strawberries and have to sterilize and restart from scratch. Farming is not for the faint of heart or the unskilled. Some crops like carrots, radishes, beets and spinach don't take much care others require lots of care.
Lawyers. Pure & simple. They write the laws so that they don't have to pay taxes. "Too big to fail" and that garbage. We are about to see how Goliath gets knocked down.
Regenerative farming also called RESTORATIVE farming is not just smaller. It is not just about home farming. It is about growing plants and animals together in order to RESTORE the land back to quality SOIL, not sand/dirt. Look into the popular guy in Georgia that does this. Quality SOIL/worms/microbial life in the soil is a MUST to sustain healthy agriculture.
That being said, we can HELP by growing plants/different kinds of grasses, trees on our properties, both for food and for wildlife. I have about 1/4 of an acre in a subdivision and have been doing JUST that. If your subdivision is run by an organization, then you may have to teach your neighbors and coop enough about this in order to get a VOTE to allow it. Also, the main area plantings should be not just ornamental, but for FOOD. Same for governmental lands and properties.
That being said, until we keep a freeze on the geoengineering of toxic chemicals being dumped onto our land via air, water,land, our food cannot be safe and effective for sustaining life.
Soil is one of our most precious resources. Regenerative Ag offers practices to preserve and improve soil health. It just makes sense. It’s in harmony with natural processes. We’ve lost so much wisdom from yesteryear and Regenerative Ag is reviving old time practices. It’s so exciting! Thanks for letting me rave 😊
I highly recommend SMALL FARM REPUBLIC by Vermont farmer/attorney John Klar. He provides the rationale for why small family farms are much better for our environment and healthier food vs. the corporate mega-farms.
Is this right? Got today from Organic Consumer Association:
"The petition, filed by GOP attorneys general from 11 states, broadly asks the agency to block any state and local pesticide laws. If the Trump EPA grants the request, it would prevent communities from not only banning or restricting glyphosate, an herbicide linked to cancer, but also tackling other potentially harmful pesticides."
We all need to know more as to the functionality of farming. The pesticides are keeping us sick. We must argue for better ways to farm and keep us healthy.
The key is in the soil. It should be full of worms and a healthy biome of microbes. It should not be just sand or dirt. Using restorative farming principles restores the land and the nutrition in the food.
The key may actually be global dominance of staple food sources, as Kissinger pointed out to Nixon, and Earl Butz started repeating his mantra of "get big or get out" to American farmers.
This succeeded in underselling all the farmers of the world with American corn, wheat and oats, including massive sales to the USSR a couple of times, which kick-started the process in their bad-years of impaired harvests.
American farmers were collateral damage in all of this. I raised a calf for Ag. class in 1973, and failed to make the required $50 to pass the class on that "animal project", but I was passed, anyway, because everybody had that same problem.
[Notice the jagged drop in the red line of number-of-small-farms in 1973.]
The pharmacological poisons are keeping us sick but we are bamboozled by propaganda stating how fantabulous our medical system is. Just mention homeopathy to an allopathic doctor and see the rage welling up in the eyes of the allopath. All about dollars and control over humanity.
There are natural ways to fight the bugs, and fertilize, it’s usually not more expensive, but it’s more work
I have a regenerative “garden”. I use nothing but homemade compost, water and sunshine growing organic seeds. Initially building my no-dig beds took an expenditure of compost soil from a local farmer but as time went on I added
leaves, plant debris and food scraps and 4 years later it is thriving and produces most of the fruits and vegetables we eat throughout the year. I control bugs by visiting the garden almost daily and doing a once over. Also companion planting and judicious use of netting keeps the bad bugs at bay and the good bugs hunting. Some will think it’s a lot of work but for me it’s hugely beneficial to both my mental and physical health aka gym membership! Joel Salatin does it in a huge scale-and he’s amazing. Treat yourself and look him up: The Lunatic Farmer❤️.
This is my succession-rotation gardening framework for climate zone 8a, which I worked out a decade ago. The 3-bed-3-year rotation is most flexible, overall. I have 9 beds in my rural garden and 9 smaller beds in my Austin garden (pictured) https://www.johndayblog.com/2016/07/liberty-garden-central-texas-climate.html
Until Reagan's admin messed around with the "immigration" policies, our farm always used *legal* migrant workers that would come up from Mexico during the growing season. They would tend our acres until harvest in the fall and then they would go back home to Mexico. There are definitely ways to farm, but it does require labor... labor that the government has made nearly impossible to get anymore... legally anyway. It's insane.
I get my strawberries from a small fruit farm that started an organic greenhouse. This winter they lost their whole organic crop of strawberries and have to sterilize and restart from scratch. Farming is not for the faint of heart or the unskilled. Some crops like carrots, radishes, beets and spinach don't take much care others require lots of care.
Know Your Farmer or become one.
has become more important then ever!!!
Thank you!
"If you have a garden and a library you have everything you need"
"Life begins in a garden"
Thank You, Jessica.
Gardening is a voyage of becoming more human, a steward of life.
drjohnsblog@substack.com is the more active blog now.
You might want to examine how property taxes fit in - they hurt the small, and the corporates get around them.
How do they do that? Bribe the assessor, centralization allow for less need of improvements, or what?
Lawyers. Pure & simple. They write the laws so that they don't have to pay taxes. "Too big to fail" and that garbage. We are about to see how Goliath gets knocked down.
Regenerative farming also called RESTORATIVE farming is not just smaller. It is not just about home farming. It is about growing plants and animals together in order to RESTORE the land back to quality SOIL, not sand/dirt. Look into the popular guy in Georgia that does this. Quality SOIL/worms/microbial life in the soil is a MUST to sustain healthy agriculture.
That being said, we can HELP by growing plants/different kinds of grasses, trees on our properties, both for food and for wildlife. I have about 1/4 of an acre in a subdivision and have been doing JUST that. If your subdivision is run by an organization, then you may have to teach your neighbors and coop enough about this in order to get a VOTE to allow it. Also, the main area plantings should be not just ornamental, but for FOOD. Same for governmental lands and properties.
That being said, until we keep a freeze on the geoengineering of toxic chemicals being dumped onto our land via air, water,land, our food cannot be safe and effective for sustaining life.
Soil is one of our most precious resources. Regenerative Ag offers practices to preserve and improve soil health. It just makes sense. It’s in harmony with natural processes. We’ve lost so much wisdom from yesteryear and Regenerative Ag is reviving old time practices. It’s so exciting! Thanks for letting me rave 😊
Except that you either are unaware or did not mention the FACT that
DJT is enticing displaced African farmers with oportunities including a fast track to
citizenship since we will "need" more farmers...
Fully understand the regenerative issue, decades in the trenches...
Read Operation Gladio by Paul Williams this opens your eyes to the corruption of big business and big government
I highly recommend SMALL FARM REPUBLIC by Vermont farmer/attorney John Klar. He provides the rationale for why small family farms are much better for our environment and healthier food vs. the corporate mega-farms.
Regenerative Farming is for the wise and prudent and Godly people. More more more
Is this right? Got today from Organic Consumer Association:
"The petition, filed by GOP attorneys general from 11 states, broadly asks the agency to block any state and local pesticide laws. If the Trump EPA grants the request, it would prevent communities from not only banning or restricting glyphosate, an herbicide linked to cancer, but also tackling other potentially harmful pesticides."
Is it not time to ban glyphosate at all?
"Small farms are being crushed". You mean the ones that are still left?
Join community supported agriculture! I already bought my CSA share this year and it felt so good to be part of it again.