For the people of Gaza, their EOTW is playing-out right now. Most of the world’s audience basks in a gas-lit high distraction-glow and pays little to no mind.
It's so sad when a sick Godless dedicated people who want genocide for your, send missiles into your city & kill thousands, then die in counter attacs! Then Boo Hooing leftist snivelers cry, "Oh the humanities'." Didn’t you snivelers know, War is Hell?
Wow, you really can't help showing your racist, supremacist side, can you? Palestinians are a "sick, Godless" people? Who want to genocide you? Is it Hamas that has killed 25,000 Jewish women and children, has destroyed all the synagogues, all the medical facilities in Israel, all the universities, sniping Jews for fun. Is that right? From September 2000 to October 15, 2023 approximately 35 Israelis were killed by Palestinian rockets while over 15,000 Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes.
What's happening now is the most extreme example of an asymmetrical war in the history of mankind. This is a GENOCIDE.
Wow, do you mean God & the Bible are also "racist" ? I.e. "Genesis 12:3 - And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Psalms 122:6 - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Isaiah 60:12 - For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted. Zechariah 12:1-14 - The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.... Isaiah 41:11-12 - Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish....
Psalms 83:1-18 - (A Song or Psalm of Asaph.) Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. Zechariah 2:8 - For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. Numbers 24:9 - He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. Joel 3:1-3 - For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,...
Romans 11:1-36 - I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin...Deuteronomy 28:1-68 - And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:...Joel 3:1 - For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,...Ephesians 3:6 - That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel: Malachi 3:6 - For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.... Isaiah 43:1-28 - But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine....
And you are terrorist Hamas, ISIS, and Taliban supporter. 😂
Whatever your real name is, aka Paula Muth
Is Kuwait too no different from Taliban and ISIS? Kuwait expelled its ALL Palestinian Arabs in 1991
Is Lebanon too no different from Taliban and ISIS? Lebanon killed tens of thousands and expelled hundreds of thousands of its Palestinian Arabs in 1986
Is Palestinian state of Jordan (90%+ of population are Palestinian Arabs) no different from Taliban and ISIS? Jordan killed tens of thousands and expelled hundreds of thousands of its Palestinian Arabs in 1970 in Black September.
“ Wow, you really can't help showing your racist, supremacist side, can you? Palestinians are a "sick, Godless" people? Who want to genocide you? Is it Hamas that has killed 25,000 Jewish women and children, has destroyed all the synagogues, …”
No that’s YOU, who “really can't help showing your racist, supremacist side, can you? Palestinians are a "sick, Godless" people? Who want to genocide you? Is it Hamas that has killed 25,000 Jewish women and children, has destroyed all the synagogues, …”
How many Jews live in Gaza? Why? Has anything to do with Hamas commitment to genocide the last Jew not only in Israel but all over the world?
How Jew-loving of you?
You virtue signaling your love to Palestinians? Then, why are you supporting enslavers and murderers of Palestinians - Hamas? While killing every LGBTQ+ who comes out, every anti-regime Palestinian hero, they!Hamas billionaires-leaders steal YOUR aid money to the Palestinian people:
Haniyeh $5Bln (that’s with B)
Marzouk $3Bln (that’s with B)
Mashaal $5Bln (that’s with B)
How Humanity-hating, terrorist-loving of you. Why don’t YOU make a donation to Hamas leaders in Qatar directly?
You're unhinged and irrational, spewing Zionist talking points. Hamas leadership are billionaires? I've been waiting for proof of this for a long time.
Many Jews have visited Gaza - like Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen who have done documentaries on Gaza. Israel doesn't allow Jews to live there. Judaism is not Zionism. Zionism is a racist ideology, I would like to believe Judaism is not.
All these people Meryl Nass included would have so much more credibility if any of them had carried on remotely like this for the real genocide going on in Ukraine. An entire generation, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of young men used as cannon fodder by NATO & the collective West to cover up Biden crime family & same for Pelosi, Kerry, one other I can’t think of right this minute. What have we heard about this tragedy. Crickets. Why? Because No Jews, no news. Shame on you.
I'll be worshiping my idol God Jesus in glorious Heaven, for all eternity while you owner Satan is having you shoveling coal in torment full Hell, for all eternity! Unless you wise up before your time is up! Remember, this short life is only a test! The next one starts soon! Good luck suka!
Yes, thanks. But I'm still wondering why so many health freedom movement voices remain silent about the atrocity in Gaza. Is it some ghastly reverse version of what happened with Covid with people not wanting to rock the boat? Or is it the misplaced refusal of not wanting to criticize RFK Jr for his closed-minded, brittle defense of the insanely militant Zionist leadership? A government which includes racists and bigots orchestrating the massacre of innocents in the West Bank and Gaza. I am a never-ending supporter of what he's done for years around the environment and the Covid cartel. But forget about voting for him for president unless he wakes up to the fact that he's been played by another aspect of the same evil which gave us childhood vaccines schedules. Yes, applaud his fierce defense of children's health in the US. But what about the children being blown to bits in Gaza by military hardware furnished by the US government? Don't they count? Oh, I forgot...Must be because they're darkies... Shame...
I appreciate your position relative to the people of Gaza and your criticism of RFK Jr. But Biden is still selling weapons to Israel, and I have no doubt that Trump will as well should he get the chance. So we need to find another issue on which to separate the candidates.
Three wrongs don't make a right. Bobby Jr has to be called out for his extreme public defense of what is indefensible. This is separate from bought and sold Biden and narcissistic thug Trump. If you're looking for a candidate who gets what's going on in Gaza, look to Cornel West. Does he stand a chance of being elected? Of course not. Well, let's be honest, neither does Bobby. The election is a fraud. But Bobby represents something else that Trump and Biden don't: integrity. Until this issue came up
Exactly. I was beyond thrilled to see RFK Jr. run for president. I was gutted when I found out he was an extreme supporter of Israel. Which makes no sense since Israel most likely had a hand in the assassinations of his father and uncle. And his father worked hard to have AIPAC register as a foreign agent to no avail.
Could it be a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?
Thank you for your balanced comment. I feel the same way. Having been a huge supporter of RFK Jr for years, and someone who was working hard highlighting his candidacy to everyone in my circle of influence, I just cannot reconcile with his blind support of Israel. Such a shame for sure.
How silly of you people! If HAMAS & other sick wacko Muslims nut cases had the power, they would cut off your head if you didn't submit to their fake Christian knock off religion!
You're so damn ridiculous and Islamophobic. I'm a Christian white woman who grew up in 3 Muslim countries. I have first hand experience and have happy memories of Muslims. Extremists of any religion are dangerous.
Ridiculous?? How great that YouTube cleaned up Stalin-way all the videos of early Hamas reign in Gaza, when Hamas fighters have been entering wedding halls of, I guess their Palestinian Arab opponents, and leave not a single Palestinian Arab there breathing …. in a pool of blood … children … women … elderly …
@Paula: I like how you Leftist "educated" love to rape the language and invent phobic words to ridicule with! Was the USA Japaphobic & Germaphobic for raining bombs on their countries, just full of kind friendly women, chrildern & Christian people! Don't you know if allowed Muslims, Koran ordered evil would spread [like cancer] that sick religion would enslave the whole world! (History should tell you that!) It's in their blood & their silly man made Koran! [IF?] You want some education about that sick Hell bound fake religion, Google, (Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"!) You don't have to remain ignorant! Vaya Con Dios! Love. Steve
You should see award wining educator, John Gatto's book, Dumbing us Down, & learn how a "Cog" like you were [cough] "educated"! Check it out! You don't have to stay brainwashed all your life!
Oh paalease keep virtue signaling leftie. You don’t know the meaning of genocide…People like you would be happy to see the genocide of Jewish people. Stick to antivaxing, leave stuff you know absolutely nothing about out.
Zionism is not Judaism. I do not hate Jews, you are lying. I do despise racist genocidal Israel, which dies not represent the Jewish people or their religion. Only a true antisemite would assert that it does.
Is the same true of "islam"? Of course not, islam is currently conducting genocide in many areas, but you don't hear it framed that way. There is a reason the entire middle east and northern Africa are nearly entirely muslim, because those who rejected islam over the past 1,400 years were eradicated. islam went from not existing to taking over the entirety of the middle east and north Africa and making a play for the whole of Europe but they were stopped in Europe by the crusades. Then in the last 20 years "Europeans" thought it was a good idea to allow muslims to immigrate unchecked and cause massive crime increases.
But you can't see that because you hate Israel and Jews.
Islam isnt doing anything, anymore thsn Judaism is committing genocide in Palestine. But serns all you Zionists have are your racism and ypur lies. So glad light is now shining on your dark deeds for all to see.
Wow another completely erroneous comment. You need to watch this, but I know you won't:
There were thriving Arab Jewish communities throughout the ME. Israel's founding through terrorism and ethnic cleansing ruined it for those Arab Jews. I lived in the house in Cairo belonging to the Jewish lawyer of Egypt's King Farouk. He had to flee after Zionists' false flag operations (the Lavon Affair) scared the Jews into fleeing. All his belongings were still in the basement in 1970. The Arab Jews of Egypt had the most beautiful life until Israel's creation ruined it.
Just as Jews, Muslims and Christians lived peacefully in Lebonan. The ill conceived racial supremest Jewish state has been a blight since its inception. It infuriates me that my taxes are being used to murder babies in the West Bank and Gaza.
Don't go conflating Arabs with muslims. 1400 years ago there were no muslims in all of the middle east or even the whole world. Jews, and later Christians were the inhabitants of the middle east. And then along came muhammed who appealed to the baser instincts of people and developed a "religion" that has as its core belief that only those who believe deserve to live.
It is a strange thing but if Israel wanted an "Arab" genocide they could start easiest with the 20% of their country which are not Jews who are full Citizens and have the same rights as everyone else there. But go on about how stomping out hamas is genocide and answer me this, if the rest of the muslim world is so concerned about Gazans being "murdered", why have they not brought them all into their own muslim countries? There are 2 possible correct answers, first because having Arabs in Gaza serves their purposes of eventually wiping Israel off the map or because they understand that those people in Gaza are dangerous and they want them nowhere near their country. Neither answer puts them in a good light, both are morally reprehensible and likely both true.
Rosalee, you are an example of a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Did you know Israel helped create and fund Hamas as a counterbalance to Fatah. Israel did everything it could to NOT let Gaza become successful, including destroying its airport. Are you aware that in 2023 before October 7th the IOF had killed over two hundred Palestinians, and arrested (more like kidnapped) thousands without charge including children - called indefinite detention. Here's an Australian documentary of Israelis systemic torture of Palestinian children. I'm certain you will not watch it.
For anyone who is interested in the truth about what's happening in Gaza, I cannot recommend more highly the 2 very best sources: 1. The Electronic Intifada with Ali Abunimah which has not-to-be-missed livestreams and 2. The Gray Zone with Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate who also have the most informative livestreams Both sources constantly debunk all of Israel's lies & those of its handmaidens in US corporate media.
U.S. air drops 38 thousands MRE’s (ready to eat meals) for over a million homeless without water, shelter or functional hospitals…on the same day Israeli soldiers received enough American made ammunition to kill every starving Palestinian a thousand times over. Meanwhile, here in America our government demonstrates another irony; the ability to close a doctor’s bank account in one day for questioning the Palestinian genocide and Vaxx protocols—but can’t or won’t shut down WMD manufacturing or block funding for those weapons that end up in Israel to continue killing the few who received worthless MREs without water.
See the fake knock off man made Quran's 9:5 "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [IF] you want to learn about the sick/ fake Quran? see/ Google, "Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"! But I bet your afraid to! Truth is like poison to the Godless brainwashed group thinkers!
Israeli leaders have to act under pretence of a legitimate war against mostly children wielding sticks and stones to claim coveted war territory as per international convention. Greater Israel has been a long time in the making. The corrupted shackling of the world to silence and blindness is the sickness of our times.
Silly Boy! How about "Acting under pretence of a legitimate missal attack & mass murdering attack? Are you too woke, Lib. brainwashed to comprehend that?
I have seen the evidence from multiple different sources and it is clear as day that the IOF opened fire for no reason other than that is what they have done, over and over. We have videos of them firing on groups of civilians - women and children, and people holding white flags. And John, if you were in a starving Gazan's place, would you politely stand in line or would you try to grab a bag of flour so that your family doesn't starve?
These are calumnies and lies - you believe Hamas, which invites civilian casualties - and exaggerates them greatly - as part of its strategy to gain the sympathies of propagandised Westerners
Many times white flag bearers have been Hamas terrorists trying to trap IDF soldiers, also ambulances used to transport Hamas terrorists - plenty of evidence of it
The NYT wouldn't know the truth if it tripped over it....NYT (and all MSM) lies about everything including the IDF and Israel. Meryl, what are you doing?!
Te whole issue in Gaza is a diversion and Meryl puts this up and adds to the diversion. Stop this and pay attention to your state and local issues. We can even keep our borders nor can we hold an election and instead of doing the work that needs to be done here we are diverted do it now and we may survive. Keep playing this game and the odds are against The United States of America. Europe must deal with their issues.
Ignore a genocide? Ignore children starving to death? The U.S. can stop this in a second. We can stop sending weapons of death, tell Israel to end the occupation. One democratic state where all have equal rights. The end to Jewish/Zionist supremacy.
I have no idea where you are or who you are. No! do not ignore genocide. But, we all have our own issues and spending time on situations that you cannot alter is not good. But, spending the time on your local issues brings results. The UN et al. created this in 1948. Now just what can we do about it? Nothing but heartache and little or no good. Just like all the other diversions.
Sadly, most Israelis support the murder and genocide, even if they don’t support Bibi. Watching the videos posted of Israeli families mocking the deaths and suffering of Palestinians is a real eye-opener.
“Fish in a barrel”
For the people of Gaza, their EOTW is playing-out right now. Most of the world’s audience basks in a gas-lit high distraction-glow and pays little to no mind.
Shameful times, for everyone alive, these..
End Of The World
and dropping relief to panhandle of Texas?
Oh wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are NOT foreigners in need are they?
Besides, like East Palestine, they did not vote for what levitates in the oval office
and never mind Maui 'aid'
Ready to eat meals? When people are starving,they need bulk food that could feed them for days...what company made lots of money off these"meals"?
Probably military surplus
{...surplus...} equals EXPIRED !!!
It's so sad when a sick Godless dedicated people who want genocide for your, send missiles into your city & kill thousands, then die in counter attacs! Then Boo Hooing leftist snivelers cry, "Oh the humanities'." Didn’t you snivelers know, War is Hell?
Wow, you really can't help showing your racist, supremacist side, can you? Palestinians are a "sick, Godless" people? Who want to genocide you? Is it Hamas that has killed 25,000 Jewish women and children, has destroyed all the synagogues, all the medical facilities in Israel, all the universities, sniping Jews for fun. Is that right? From September 2000 to October 15, 2023 approximately 35 Israelis were killed by Palestinian rockets while over 15,000 Palestinians were killed in Israeli airstrikes.
What's happening now is the most extreme example of an asymmetrical war in the history of mankind. This is a GENOCIDE.
Wow, do you mean God & the Bible are also "racist" ? I.e. "Genesis 12:3 - And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed. Psalms 122:6 - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee. Isaiah 60:12 - For the nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted. Zechariah 12:1-14 - The burden of the word of the LORD for Israel, saith the LORD, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him.... Isaiah 41:11-12 - Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish....
Psalms 83:1-18 - (A Song or Psalm of Asaph.) Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God. Zechariah 2:8 - For thus saith the LORD of hosts; After the glory hath he sent me unto the nations which spoiled you: for he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye. Numbers 24:9 - He couched, he lay down as a lion, and as a great lion: who shall stir him up? Blessed is he that blesseth thee, and cursed is he that curseth thee. Joel 3:1-3 - For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,...
Romans 11:1-36 - I say then, Hath God cast away his people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin...Deuteronomy 28:1-68 - And it shall come to pass, if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth:...Joel 3:1 - For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,...Ephesians 3:6 - That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel: Malachi 3:6 - For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.... Isaiah 43:1-28 - But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine....
You are a Jewish extremist, no different that the Taliban or ISIS.
And you are terrorist Hamas, ISIS, and Taliban supporter. 😂
Whatever your real name is, aka Paula Muth
Is Kuwait too no different from Taliban and ISIS? Kuwait expelled its ALL Palestinian Arabs in 1991
Is Lebanon too no different from Taliban and ISIS? Lebanon killed tens of thousands and expelled hundreds of thousands of its Palestinian Arabs in 1986
Is Palestinian state of Jordan (90%+ of population are Palestinian Arabs) no different from Taliban and ISIS? Jordan killed tens of thousands and expelled hundreds of thousands of its Palestinian Arabs in 1970 in Black September.
History that YOU don’t want the world to know 🤡
Satan's people sure love to twist logic and love to fit their agenda! I guess that's the difference between a Freedom lover and a Satan lover!
As I said, You people "think" God Jesus was an extremist, Correct???
“ Wow, you really can't help showing your racist, supremacist side, can you? Palestinians are a "sick, Godless" people? Who want to genocide you? Is it Hamas that has killed 25,000 Jewish women and children, has destroyed all the synagogues, …”
No that’s YOU, who “really can't help showing your racist, supremacist side, can you? Palestinians are a "sick, Godless" people? Who want to genocide you? Is it Hamas that has killed 25,000 Jewish women and children, has destroyed all the synagogues, …”
How many Jews live in Gaza? Why? Has anything to do with Hamas commitment to genocide the last Jew not only in Israel but all over the world?
How Jew-loving of you?
You virtue signaling your love to Palestinians? Then, why are you supporting enslavers and murderers of Palestinians - Hamas? While killing every LGBTQ+ who comes out, every anti-regime Palestinian hero, they!Hamas billionaires-leaders steal YOUR aid money to the Palestinian people:
Haniyeh $5Bln (that’s with B)
Marzouk $3Bln (that’s with B)
Mashaal $5Bln (that’s with B)
How Humanity-hating, terrorist-loving of you. Why don’t YOU make a donation to Hamas leaders in Qatar directly?
You're unhinged and irrational, spewing Zionist talking points. Hamas leadership are billionaires? I've been waiting for proof of this for a long time.
Many Jews have visited Gaza - like Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen who have done documentaries on Gaza. Israel doesn't allow Jews to live there. Judaism is not Zionism. Zionism is a racist ideology, I would like to believe Judaism is not.
🤡🤡🤡 the evidence is all over. Only deliberately blind lying terrorist propaganda pushers would not see this.
To anyone who wishes, google”Haniyeh and wealth,” “Marzouk and wealth,” “Mashaal and wealth,” etc
The poorest of them all is Mahmoud Abbas’s, aka Abu Mazen. He is worth ONLY measly $100 mln
“ Israel doesn't allow Jews to live there.”
So Hamas’ Charter does not have a commitment to genocide the every last Jew not only in Israel but also all over the world? 🤡🤡
All these people Meryl Nass included would have so much more credibility if any of them had carried on remotely like this for the real genocide going on in Ukraine. An entire generation, HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of young men used as cannon fodder by NATO & the collective West to cover up Biden crime family & same for Pelosi, Kerry, one other I can’t think of right this minute. What have we heard about this tragedy. Crickets. Why? Because No Jews, no news. Shame on you.
George Galloway has a great answer::
That was unforgettable! Epic! Thanks for sharing.
For "dedicated people who want genocide" war is Heaven, no?
Are you fucking morons still argueing over religion?
Your stupid foul mouth best demonstrates morinic nature! Thanks for the demo!
Keep worshipping your idols, bro.
I'll be worshiping my idol God Jesus in glorious Heaven, for all eternity while you owner Satan is having you shoveling coal in torment full Hell, for all eternity! Unless you wise up before your time is up! Remember, this short life is only a test! The next one starts soon! Good luck suka!
Yes, thanks. But I'm still wondering why so many health freedom movement voices remain silent about the atrocity in Gaza. Is it some ghastly reverse version of what happened with Covid with people not wanting to rock the boat? Or is it the misplaced refusal of not wanting to criticize RFK Jr for his closed-minded, brittle defense of the insanely militant Zionist leadership? A government which includes racists and bigots orchestrating the massacre of innocents in the West Bank and Gaza. I am a never-ending supporter of what he's done for years around the environment and the Covid cartel. But forget about voting for him for president unless he wakes up to the fact that he's been played by another aspect of the same evil which gave us childhood vaccines schedules. Yes, applaud his fierce defense of children's health in the US. But what about the children being blown to bits in Gaza by military hardware furnished by the US government? Don't they count? Oh, I forgot...Must be because they're darkies... Shame...
I appreciate your position relative to the people of Gaza and your criticism of RFK Jr. But Biden is still selling weapons to Israel, and I have no doubt that Trump will as well should he get the chance. So we need to find another issue on which to separate the candidates.
Three wrongs don't make a right. Bobby Jr has to be called out for his extreme public defense of what is indefensible. This is separate from bought and sold Biden and narcissistic thug Trump. If you're looking for a candidate who gets what's going on in Gaza, look to Cornel West. Does he stand a chance of being elected? Of course not. Well, let's be honest, neither does Bobby. The election is a fraud. But Bobby represents something else that Trump and Biden don't: integrity. Until this issue came up
Exactly. I was beyond thrilled to see RFK Jr. run for president. I was gutted when I found out he was an extreme supporter of Israel. Which makes no sense since Israel most likely had a hand in the assassinations of his father and uncle. And his father worked hard to have AIPAC register as a foreign agent to no avail.
Could it be a case of keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?
Maybe RFK Jr. loves Israel like God Jesus did/ dose? OR are you people much smarter than they are? Inquiring mind want to know!
🤣 Epic …
May be because the real atrocity is reversed? Have this ever entered YOUR terrorist loving, Jew-and-Palestinian-Arab-alike-hating mind?
Excellent comment, thanks.
Thank you for your balanced comment. I feel the same way. Having been a huge supporter of RFK Jr for years, and someone who was working hard highlighting his candidacy to everyone in my circle of influence, I just cannot reconcile with his blind support of Israel. Such a shame for sure.
How about God's [not so] " blind support of Israel." Is he wrong and you people right?
Do you people need some Bible quotes from him to convince you?
THEY voted overwhelmingly for HAMAS to assume the driver's seat
Then there was what happened on Oct 7
THIS has ALL been conveniently forgotten
I learned as a child when I misbehaved and asked why the punishment
"Why? Because I never reward bad behavior"
The NYT convinced America during the Vietnam war that WE, ie the military, were
the real enemy
The rest of the rags, and the networks gleefully joined them
I walked in '68 following Tet and to date have never seen any reason why I was wrong
A pox on the rags, the networks, CNN and MSNBC
You are supporting evil even worse than the Nazis. Thankfully, many of us have seen Zionism for the poison it is and wont be fooled by these lies.
How silly of you people! If HAMAS & other sick wacko Muslims nut cases had the power, they would cut off your head if you didn't submit to their fake Christian knock off religion!
You're so damn ridiculous and Islamophobic. I'm a Christian white woman who grew up in 3 Muslim countries. I have first hand experience and have happy memories of Muslims. Extremists of any religion are dangerous.
Ridiculous?? How great that YouTube cleaned up Stalin-way all the videos of early Hamas reign in Gaza, when Hamas fighters have been entering wedding halls of, I guess their Palestinian Arab opponents, and leave not a single Palestinian Arab there breathing …. in a pool of blood … children … women … elderly …
Look in the mirror, murderous terrorist-lover.
@Paula: I like how you Leftist "educated" love to rape the language and invent phobic words to ridicule with! Was the USA Japaphobic & Germaphobic for raining bombs on their countries, just full of kind friendly women, chrildern & Christian people! Don't you know if allowed Muslims, Koran ordered evil would spread [like cancer] that sick religion would enslave the whole world! (History should tell you that!) It's in their blood & their silly man made Koran! [IF?] You want some education about that sick Hell bound fake religion, Google, (Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"!) You don't have to remain ignorant! Vaya Con Dios! Love. Steve
What kind of education have you been subjected to ?? ...
You should see award wining educator, John Gatto's book, Dumbing us Down, & learn how a "Cog" like you were [cough] "educated"! Check it out! You don't have to stay brainwashed all your life!
I deleted my reply because frankly Debbie, you are not worth my time
Ok pathetic antisemite
That slur has lost its power from misapplication and overuse. But if it now means anti genocide, I’ll wear it proudly. Just like anti-vax.
Oh paalease keep virtue signaling leftie. You don’t know the meaning of genocide…People like you would be happy to see the genocide of Jewish people. Stick to antivaxing, leave stuff you know absolutely nothing about out.
Define Zionism 🤡
Zionism is not Judaism. I do not hate Jews, you are lying. I do despise racist genocidal Israel, which dies not represent the Jewish people or their religion. Only a true antisemite would assert that it does.
Is the same true of "islam"? Of course not, islam is currently conducting genocide in many areas, but you don't hear it framed that way. There is a reason the entire middle east and northern Africa are nearly entirely muslim, because those who rejected islam over the past 1,400 years were eradicated. islam went from not existing to taking over the entirety of the middle east and north Africa and making a play for the whole of Europe but they were stopped in Europe by the crusades. Then in the last 20 years "Europeans" thought it was a good idea to allow muslims to immigrate unchecked and cause massive crime increases.
But you can't see that because you hate Israel and Jews.
Islam isnt doing anything, anymore thsn Judaism is committing genocide in Palestine. But serns all you Zionists have are your racism and ypur lies. So glad light is now shining on your dark deeds for all to see.
“ Islam isnt doing anything, …”
Are you on a payroll, troll?
Wow another completely erroneous comment. You need to watch this, but I know you won't:
There were thriving Arab Jewish communities throughout the ME. Israel's founding through terrorism and ethnic cleansing ruined it for those Arab Jews. I lived in the house in Cairo belonging to the Jewish lawyer of Egypt's King Farouk. He had to flee after Zionists' false flag operations (the Lavon Affair) scared the Jews into fleeing. All his belongings were still in the basement in 1970. The Arab Jews of Egypt had the most beautiful life until Israel's creation ruined it.
Just as Jews, Muslims and Christians lived peacefully in Lebonan. The ill conceived racial supremest Jewish state has been a blight since its inception. It infuriates me that my taxes are being used to murder babies in the West Bank and Gaza.
Don't go conflating Arabs with muslims. 1400 years ago there were no muslims in all of the middle east or even the whole world. Jews, and later Christians were the inhabitants of the middle east. And then along came muhammed who appealed to the baser instincts of people and developed a "religion" that has as its core belief that only those who believe deserve to live.
It is a strange thing but if Israel wanted an "Arab" genocide they could start easiest with the 20% of their country which are not Jews who are full Citizens and have the same rights as everyone else there. But go on about how stomping out hamas is genocide and answer me this, if the rest of the muslim world is so concerned about Gazans being "murdered", why have they not brought them all into their own muslim countries? There are 2 possible correct answers, first because having Arabs in Gaza serves their purposes of eventually wiping Israel off the map or because they understand that those people in Gaza are dangerous and they want them nowhere near their country. Neither answer puts them in a good light, both are morally reprehensible and likely both true.
“ Wow another completely erroneous comment.
There were thriving Arab Jewish communities throughout the ME.
🤡🤡🤡 can you define than provide evidence of thriving “Jewish communities in the Middle East” 🤡🤡🤡
The two aren’t forcefully inclusive:
One can subscribe to the former without the believing the latter.
Rosalee, you are an example of a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Did you know Israel helped create and fund Hamas as a counterbalance to Fatah. Israel did everything it could to NOT let Gaza become successful, including destroying its airport. Are you aware that in 2023 before October 7th the IOF had killed over two hundred Palestinians, and arrested (more like kidnapped) thousands without charge including children - called indefinite detention. Here's an Australian documentary of Israelis systemic torture of Palestinian children. I'm certain you will not watch it.
Since when is the NY TIMES Israel’s bestie?
I cannot believe that people STILL read the NYT!
The U.S. and Israeli governments are murderers pretending to be humanitarians. and heroes. They may fool themselves but nobody else is fooled..
Truly an Age of Enlightenment where a murderous neanderthal form of racism/hate is supported by the liberal West
You leave the Neanderthals out of this discussion. ;)
For anyone who is interested in the truth about what's happening in Gaza, I cannot recommend more highly the 2 very best sources: 1. The Electronic Intifada with Ali Abunimah which has not-to-be-missed livestreams and 2. The Gray Zone with Max Blumenthal & Aaron Mate who also have the most informative livestreams Both sources constantly debunk all of Israel's lies & those of its handmaidens in US corporate media.
Absolutely 100% correct.
U.S. air drops 38 thousands MRE’s (ready to eat meals) for over a million homeless without water, shelter or functional hospitals…on the same day Israeli soldiers received enough American made ammunition to kill every starving Palestinian a thousand times over. Meanwhile, here in America our government demonstrates another irony; the ability to close a doctor’s bank account in one day for questioning the Palestinian genocide and Vaxx protocols—but can’t or won’t shut down WMD manufacturing or block funding for those weapons that end up in Israel to continue killing the few who received worthless MREs without water.
I do hope they go back and drop some dehydrated water.
That would be most helpful.
Bombs work well to bring peace to Japan & Germany! Why not ALL geocidal Islam!
What is "ALL geocidal Islam".
Those rabid, blood thirsty Muslims are planet killers now?
Maybe left over hand sanitizer, cobbled into IEDs.....that would cause some damage.
To our cuticles.
Have a nice day, Troll.
See the fake knock off man made Quran's 9:5 "And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of ambush. But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful." [IF] you want to learn about the sick/ fake Quran? see/ Google, "Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"! But I bet your afraid to! Truth is like poison to the Godless brainwashed group thinkers!
There are two flavors of Islam that I am familiar with.
Men and women are partners. Equals.
Non Muslims are equal to Muslims.
There is no proselytizing, either nice or nasty.
It is, overall, a reasonable, rational, Belief System.
It is not regarded as a religion.
It is created from the best parts of Judaism, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, and other faiths.
It is about peace and tolerance.
On the other hand....there is
Much like fundamentalist Christianity:
Intolerant. Mysogynistic, racist.
Mean, spiteful, bullying and controlling. Delusional and paranoid.
Because "Allah sez so".
The passage you quoted is from
THE B: form is a grotesque corruption of Islam.
Either way, there is
NO justification for treating the Palestinians like the Previous White European Invaders treated the Peoples of the New World.
Genocide was wrong back then.
It is wrong now.
Palestine, including the gas and oil offshore, belong to the Palestinians.
Not to the Israelis.
Israeli leaders have to act under pretence of a legitimate war against mostly children wielding sticks and stones to claim coveted war territory as per international convention. Greater Israel has been a long time in the making. The corrupted shackling of the world to silence and blindness is the sickness of our times.
that's how City's been or years...sticks And stones against troops who occupied Gaza
Silly Boy! How about "Acting under pretence of a legitimate missal attack & mass murdering attack? Are you too woke, Lib. brainwashed to comprehend that?
Neither. I can see things as they are, because I simply am not for hire to spread hateful propaganda.
Like we overwhelmingly voted in Joe lol
Only a few casualties from Gazans threatening the Israeli troops who escorted the convoy in
Most deaths due to trampling due to mass crowding and looting of the trucks
See the aerial photo evidence
You would have to believe the single bullet theory on 22 nov 1963 too with that sort of story John.
There is video evidence you idiot!
Your lies are so utterly transparent, you should be ashamed.
I have seen the evidence from multiple different sources and it is clear as day that the IOF opened fire for no reason other than that is what they have done, over and over. We have videos of them firing on groups of civilians - women and children, and people holding white flags. And John, if you were in a starving Gazan's place, would you politely stand in line or would you try to grab a bag of flour so that your family doesn't starve?
These are calumnies and lies - you believe Hamas, which invites civilian casualties - and exaggerates them greatly - as part of its strategy to gain the sympathies of propagandised Westerners
Many times white flag bearers have been Hamas terrorists trying to trap IDF soldiers, also ambulances used to transport Hamas terrorists - plenty of evidence of it
The IOF are liars by default. There are thousands of videos of them sniping civilians.
Was this woman a Hamas terrorist?
Hamas in civilian clothes - which is a contravention of international law
Ever see aerial photos Hiroshima Nagasaki Tokyo Dresden? Do you know why you don't speak German? Did you know that WAR is HELL?
The NYT wouldn't know the truth if it tripped over it....NYT (and all MSM) lies about everything including the IDF and Israel. Meryl, what are you doing?!
Te whole issue in Gaza is a diversion and Meryl puts this up and adds to the diversion. Stop this and pay attention to your state and local issues. We can even keep our borders nor can we hold an election and instead of doing the work that needs to be done here we are diverted do it now and we may survive. Keep playing this game and the odds are against The United States of America. Europe must deal with their issues.
Ignore a genocide? Ignore children starving to death? The U.S. can stop this in a second. We can stop sending weapons of death, tell Israel to end the occupation. One democratic state where all have equal rights. The end to Jewish/Zionist supremacy.
I have no idea where you are or who you are. No! do not ignore genocide. But, we all have our own issues and spending time on situations that you cannot alter is not good. But, spending the time on your local issues brings results. The UN et al. created this in 1948. Now just what can we do about it? Nothing but heartache and little or no good. Just like all the other diversions.
Very wise. Hence no likes.
Please don’t shoot the messenger. Even those who truly care about Israel must consider the consequences of Netanyahu’s “strategy.”
Sadly, most Israelis support the murder and genocide, even if they don’t support Bibi. Watching the videos posted of Israeli families mocking the deaths and suffering of Palestinians is a real eye-opener.
The Koran promotes "genocide" for all Jews & when finished they come for You!
Wake up suckers & smell the coffee!
The Talmud is another that promotes what?
Live by the sword and enjoy your latte while you can.
Everyone needs to watch this video. Thank you.
The cowardice of world governments afraid to break the blockade is stunning.