Thank you so much for your calm and informed voice

We need More doctors like you

thank you Dr Nass

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Geez they really gotta scramble to find victims.

The opioid pandemic is going full song and not a peep from public health about that.

In the middle east their concern is catching a missile, not measles.

Meanwhile they are immunizing the media so no truth breaks out.

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If my memory is correct, didn't they stop bombing to give shots?

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Yup, it's getting late or I'd go on a rampage about that. I suppose their government is more transparent about the need to die already will Ya!

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A heads up!

There is no virus!

There is no contagion!

There is no new disease!

Virology is pseudoscience!


Wise Traditions Podcast Episode 491

Blowing The Lid Off Virology (Or Bird Flu Part 2)

with Jamie Andrews


Truth, Love, Justice and Freedom!

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Frankly, that is a very leftist tactic. Wishing to stay totally asleep!

How can you spice and dice a virus when they admit they can’t find one?


Wishing you health, wealth and happiness.

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Here, here!

Virology is not a science.

It is a business model!

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ah our daily dose of no such thing as a virus. Did I miss Dr. Nass' post where she finally agreed with you fools. Yeah I didn't think so!

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You’re only 1/2 awake Frankly. Keep going down the rabbit hole. Dr. Nass has more to lose. She can not allow herself to even consider that contagion has been debunked. But you can. Let’s show her the way. She’ll allow herself to join us eventually.

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On trial for Gain of Function research that wound up killing millions. #1 defense, there is no such thing as a virus. I would rather be totally asleep then whatever the fuck y'all are.

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I wonder will 'the boy who cried wolf' eventually be ignored?

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We can only hope and pray! WAKE up o' sleepers!

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Aesop's Lost Fables: The Boy Who Declared Things

with apologies to Aesop


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These scare tactics are becoming a childish game. Unfortunately there are deceases which are developing due to the poisonous shots and also killing people.

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Intelligence has been bred out of most doctors.

They are destroying the lives of their own kind. Willfully.

That’s how unhuman they have become.

They’ve all been fucking the wrong people. Funny but true.

Which is precisely why they are having an impossible time fucking with those of us devoted to pissing on their graves.


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Thankyou for the continued education. You sharing your knowledge has validated my automatic questioning of these ‘pronouncements’. This kicks into overdrive one’s inherent skepticism, a useful reaction; gives one time to ruminate on the next attempted weasel manipulation.

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Oh FFS ! That's all I can come up with right now!

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FYI: Now they're trotting out iron-containing nanoparticle vaccines against SARS-CoV-2.

'SARS-CoV-2 ferritin nanoparticle vaccines produce hyperimmune equine sera with broad sarbecovirus activity'


The full text is freely available via that PubMed link. It's worth a look, if for no other reason than the artist's rendition of what these nanoparticles look like.

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Oh, and I forgot to mention the author affiliations for this paper, which include...

* Walter Reed Army Institute of Research

* Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

* Pfizer

... and numerous other private companies.

My head is still spinning from watching the Omniwar symposium (on CHD.TV, among other places) last weekend and then reading up on the technocracy on PropagandaInFocus.com. But at least my antennae are now tuned to look out for all this madness-in-progress.

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Need go back to college get degree to ito interpret the scientifique lingo....no wait its two words....kill you

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Many years ago with Ebola and other fear porn measures they would use this green and white colour coding in Africa , rugged up with this nonsense garb . The locals raided the Sierra Leone lab based out of Tulane university well known for bio lab conferences when they knew they were getting sick from these injections. The govt shut it down 2011 or 2013/4 ? It’s like a secret society tagging exercise . Never changes. The ugly white hats that ended up moving in after a firing squad in Syria for the war machine. All uniformed out . Crappy Colour revolutions ....

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I have to tell you: Guess who the principal investigators were for that NIAID-sponsored lab in Sierra Leone, ground zero for the first Ebola outbreak in West Africa?


Robert Garry and Kristian Andersen, famed for their roles in Fauci's coverup crew, writing Proximal Origin, and the huge grants they received. Lots more dirt on them too.

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Not in the least surprised. There’s been this scientific mini cabal working the vaccine and Pharma trade while under the big cabal. Thanks for this, Dr. Nass. We can only hope that more people realize what’s going on!

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I used to work for the Wellcome Trust in early 90s so I got stuck into the book Dr Mary’s Monkeys and the film on AIDS having no link to hiv with The house of numbers woke me up so much that my colleague who ran the diagnostic’s dept ( who I randomly ran into) in New Zealand for Wellcome came up to my holiday place for summer out at great barrier island for a drink . I poured her one while mentioning she must watch the film : House of numbers. Bet she didn’t. I’m known on the strip ( beach) as the conspiracy gal.

What about Christian Drosten who was ground zero for the Colman Drosten report that brought this whole thing to a head with Covid : 6 bodies in total surveilled to find any similarities ? What a nonsense paper He got his honour degree through the German industrialist Quandt family whose grand mother is Magda gobbells who committed suicide with her husband and 6 children in the furher bunker. Suzanne Klatten who’s a descendant ( Magda is her great grandmother) holds stakes in Entrust, the company behind the vaccine credentials/passports being rolled out around the world.

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Ah yes the white helmets, better trained in video production than emergency rescue procedures. Didn't they win a Grammy or something?

Kinda like giving the Ukrainian Nazis a prize for most improved tyranny. Not quite right.

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We're not gonna take it da dada da da not gonna take it..Tommy, Tommy not gonna tale it!

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Correction Tony. Tony.

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Take your vitamin-D and be a considerate and engaging human-being in this life...


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Courage is, as always, a choice. I choose NO FEAR.

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Reminder: Bird Flu summit under way....


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Cure for Marberg? Smallpox vaccine, which they have just put on the dreadfully toxic mRNA platform...

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