I thought the Japanese were aware of the COVID scam... I must have misunderstood.

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As has been observed long ago, "Japan is a nation of sheep ruled by a pac of wolves". Most people are drenched in the mainstream media narratives, and do not have the skill in foreign languages to access overseas alt-news media. Nonetheless, it seems that some people are at least figuring out that the vaxxx was/is harmful, with disabled and even killed relatives and friends who were jabbed. But like America, many still refuse to believe that the gov't or doctors would behave in any way except benevolently.

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I just had a revelation while reading your post, it never occurred to me that someones information flow might be hampered by language, silly of me right? But since so much of what goes on stems from the US and the UK/Australia/NZ it seems I under estimated the value of understanding English.

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Dear Meryl,

Are you aware of this Substack article? It is horrifying. I just have no knowledge of the author and cannot really judge it properly. This is likely to come up at the summit I assume.


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I hope to learn more details from the Japanese doctors since these vaccines are premiering there.

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Dr. Nagasse is a Canadian doctor who lost his licence for successfully prescribing Ivermectin to 2 or 3 very ill elderly women in the hospital with covid. It is a very upsetting article indeed.

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"Replicon" or replicate the con...

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Feel free to contact me if you need samples for testing… weaponized BB, 40 years of Chronic Lyme and medical gaslighting, and UNVACCINATED Covid.

I AM evidence

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Lady Amalthea. I don't know if it's true but it worth to watch this story. The man healed himself from Lyme disease with OSHA Roots.

Herbal Relief of Lyme Disease 15:26 min


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I'm curious if any of these wonderful doctors, scientists, and supposed virolgist speakers would admit that they have never seen an an actual real virus in there lives!🤡🌎😎

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