I am old so I remember a time when people got sick, went to bed, and basically treated themselves through the illness. No one thought that much about prevention except a few “health nuts” who were as rare as anti-vaxxers. There was kind of a common wisdom culture about disease that advised to endure it like bad weather. Of course, sometimes people did die but most people didn’t. So, I never took a flu shot, even though I’ve been hit with some big bugs. One time I literally was two weeks in bed and could barely open my eyes. The wisdom was that I wouldn’t get that one again and I never did. I don’t know, though, how to tell someone who doesn’t have this folk wisdom how to put up with symptoms. Like my granddaughter who on her first hike in the mountains started sweating, and she said, “I’m sweating, is this normal?”

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Ahh, the wisdom of the aged!

Paradoxically, when we're young, we "know everything" but as time passes, and we collect valuable wisdom and knowledge along life's path, we then realize how very little we actually know.

God bless you!


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No shots of any kind for me.

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Vaccination is the biggest medical fraud in history.

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Mr Jefferson's work continues to impress.

I grew up on a farm in rural Ireland. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was two. All through childhood I had regular problems with my asthma. When I was a teen I went to secondary school in small town that had a major air pollution problem because it had a huge amount of traffic going through every day, and most people had dirty diesel cars. After a few years of each winter my asthma getting progressively worse, my mom took me to a specialist in Dublin to see what could be done to help me from being so constantly ill. My mom asked if having a flu shot might help, to which he said that no, it wouldn't be of any benefit to me. The specialist explained that the flu shot wouldn't help my asthma and I wouldn't gain any of the alleged protections from the shot itself when it came to maybe catching the flu, that for an average child (even one with asthma) or adult the flu was nothing to worry about.

The only thing that has changed in the thirty years since that meeting is that there has been more PR around the flu shots, the specialist's recommendations still ring true today.

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Erin go braugh.

That's an Ireland of long ago. Thank God there are (and were) still good people in Ireland.

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Meryl, you say, "These shots never made any sense--their purpose was to groom Americans to expect to show up each year for a jab." I'd add that the parallel, more important, purpose was for Pfizer/Moderna to rake in $billions in the process. Both are such a losing proposition for us citizens.

BTW, I never got any of these jabs, never got C19, not even the flu or a cold!

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They do rake in money, but the majority of the money comes from the feds, who pay for at least half the childhood vaccines and all vaccines for people on medicare and medicaid.

Obamacare changed the rules 15 years ago so there would never be an out of pocket copay for vaccines. This has been long in the planning.

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Yes, we taxpayers foot the bill on the C19 jabs; also for the R&D, contracting, manufacturing, so-called QC, distribution, and delivery/injection of said jabs--what a racket. We taxpayers fund the whole toxic/fraudulent project and then are coerced into being the Guinea pigs to be injected by its poisonous products.

The "vax cartel/alliance" engineered its profit scheme quite cleverly over the last few years, especially so if no one ever goes to prison, except maybe for a couple pre-selected fall-guys who might be "sacrificed" to make us taxpayers/funders believe "justice is being served." In the meantime, the cabal remains fully functional after some additional slap-on-the-hands fines.

It still boggles my mind how so many of us citizens remain duped by it all. We're paying to be poisoned; the irony is brain breaking (gotta love alliteration). Anyhow...

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Haven't had any vaccines in over 50 years. The last flu I had was in the 1990s. You know this is a complete fraud when they can't even develop a vaccine to protect against the simplest of ills...the common cold.

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Bill Gates is facing a court appearance in the Netherlands.

Its probably too much to hope that the transnational deep state would throw him under the bus, but if not then they will have to protect him from this somehow, and how they do that will reveal more about just who they are and how they operate.

"Bill Gates' appeal has been rejected, he must appear in Dutch court regarding a lawsuit."

Bill Gates lost - he will be prosecuted about misleading information about covid vaccines


Bill Gates to Stand Trial in Netherlands in COVID Vaccine Injury Lawsuit

A Netherlands court last week ruled that Bill Gates can stand trial in the Netherlands, in a case involving seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines. Other defendants include Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, and the Dutch state.


Bill Gates Ordered to Stand Trial in Netherlands in November Over COVID Vaccine Injury Claims — Ordered to Pay Legal Costs as Dutch Court Dismisses Jurisdiction Claim


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Fauci and BIG PHARMA’s dream talk - NOTE the TIMING of this UNIVERSAL “discussion” Oct 2019

REMEMBER the GATES funded FLU simulation for a major OUTBREAK was also being DONE and even INCLUDED INVITING CHina’s version of Fauci and various others playing and practicing their part coincidently in OCT 2019…. Watch and listen to the parallels of what they practiced and what happened with controlling the media etc. and note WHO attends these simulations…



Note the CSPAN Milken discussion at minute 32 on what needs to occur to ENSURE they can get people vaccinated with their FOR PROFIT shots EVERY year.

And min 42 Fauci I dont’ care what you think…we’re going to do “it” in a DISRUPTIVE way. Well they sure achieved their target.

Also 45 min point (BARDA - MRNA based vaccine)

Something independent that won’t rely on gov…. They want the v a x e s made FAST.

When Fauci says inclusion of resources (billions of our tax payer money) will get “people” excited…

Disgusting how they’ve now RIGGED the health system for financial gain.

Note the Milken Institute hosts these upstanding events where our so called health protectors work with private corporations to ensure their financial gains are hedged in.

Michael Milken (founder) a felon - https://www.deseret.com/1990/11/21/18892276/milken-is-sentenced-to-10-years-in-prison-br/

Pfizer paid largest FRAUD settlement of $2.3 BILLION !


And let’s not forget the OPIOD settlements of BILLIONS too - Johnson


WHY are these companies trustworthy I ask? WHY are they still ALLOWED to OPERATE with serious manufacturing processed involving health…

Don’t forget Fauci and friends within NIAID PERSONALLY FINANCIALLY benefitted with ROYALTIES made on these patents used in ADDITION to HUGE SALARIES we pay for



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The CSPAN link does not work at all. Presents blank page

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It worked for me - just tested it a few mins ago.


Try it on another device - your VPN may be a problem?

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Yes, this is partly why Christianity looks so bright and hopeful. The alternative (worldly hope)

is so very polluted and intentionally poisoned, that it repels all but the most criminal. There was a time in my earlier years that I was convinced that trading stock was a viable and legal way to riches. I found out the hard way that where there is big money, there is ALWAYS corruption. No exceptions.

Remember O.J. and the "Dream Team?" That murderer is but a pauper compared to Gates. Gates will pay a fine and get off. He'll do no jail time, is my prediction. "Justice?" Fugetabadit!

This world is corrupt through and through. The "justice" we seek for all this criminal behavior will not be enacted until the "Judge" returns from His heavenly post. At that monumental time, according to Scripture, those who denied and rejected Christ's beckon call to us sinners to repent, will die the death while the faithful are gathered together and meet the Lord in the air after the righteous are resurrected and are joined.

I know there is a majority who don't want to hear it. But the invitation has been made and would be a great loss for everyone involved to ignore it. The "price" for sin has already been paid. Isn't that "Good news?"


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I had my last flu shot - and it might have been my first also - in 2004. OMG. My arm got red and swollen from shoulder to wrist and I couldn't move it for a few days. Then I got a horrible case of the flu delirious with a 103 temp. I worked for a small law firm and my boss was an asshole insisting that I must be faking it and if I didn't show up for work the next day he would fire me. I hadn't had the job that long so I went to work the next day and he could see how sick I still was. No more shots for me - ever.

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I have read that "virus" is only a theory, like evolution. Theories are unproven, and in order to be proven, they have to be repeatable with the same results. The hidden alternative, posted by the brave soul who posted this, is "Exosome Theory." Exosome theory is God's given "take out the trash," or the body's own immune system doing its' job. I happen to seriously believe it is the latter, proven to myself by 2 incidences that both had to do with one of my dogs. One a sick dog, who slept with me, as I have always done, after I lost her, about one month later, came down with "flu" symptoms. I began to think... The second example was trying to walk my antibiotic-damaged young Boxer and keep up with my speed-walking friend, who showed no mercy. The very next day, after sweating bullets in 85° temps, trying without success to hold back my dog and keep up with my friend, I ended up wrapped up in my King sized electric blanket, on high, for 3 days, suffering with what the dumb docs would call, "the flu." Nonsense. Both of these were direct cause and effect. WHY have they hidden Exosome Theory? $$$$$$$$..

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And let’s not forget they still have thimerosal in these vaccines unless you specify. The FDA site has an interesting word salad about “thimerosal reduced” vaccines and vaccines that don’t have it. And of course, they assure us that the very small concentrations won’t hurt us. 🤦‍♀️

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yeah, cuz there's a 'safe' amount of mercury. pfffft.

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Or.....they know it WILL hurt us, and that is the goal. Profits above everything else. Shorter lifespan. A win-Win for them.

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I’m 78, I’ve never had the flu shot and I’ve never had the flu.

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yay, Linda!

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My friend was hospitalized at Christmas for a flu shot around 2018.

Saw him in March and he looked ROUGH. Guillaine Barre, , bed rest for months.

You might think he'd have learned, but no. Ran right out to get jabbed.

The indoctrination is thorough.

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Guillain Barr is awful…and can occur from shots, or post surgery. Body shuts down in a serious way and some die or are close to dying from it.

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In 2015, at 70 - I thought it was time to start taking an annual Flu shot. When Covid was released in 2019, a (dangerous but highly profitable) injection appeared as if by magic - miraculously at warp speed = "At the speed of Science"?

When I realised these injections were not conventional 'VACCINES', but were new mRNA technology insufficiently safety tested for humans, and based on unstable and unpredictable science, I became further concerned.

I then learned that ALL the MANUFACTURERS of these dangerous mRNA injections accepted NO LIABILITY for 'vax'-related injuries or 'vax'-related DEATHS. This was a massive Red Flag! Why?

Since 2018, I have notified my Doctor, as well as the UK NHS, that I am no longer interested in receiving invitations for their depopulating CULL by injections. No mRNA injection mis safe and also probably ineffective against the illnesses and diseases it is supposed to protect one from.

In spite of formally notifying the NHS, I still receive frequent invitations, which I regard as 'intimidating', 'threatening' or/and 'menacing' in their nature. But the evil corrupt Sales Drive continues.

Big Pharma, Merck, Pfizer, Moderna, etc, are running amuck with deadly experiments to see how far the CDC, FDA and other World Health monitoring organisations can collaborate with their depopulation programs. The phrase 'Money talks' comes to mind?

All the while, these murderous organisations continue to enjoy 'ZERO LIABILITY' for vax induced Injuries, Deaths and vax-Shortened Life Expectancy. So they will push their evil intent to the limit.

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer without corrupt medical interference. useless Doctors and their dangerous meds.

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"Got your flu shot for this year yet?"

It used to be like asking if you voted yet.

Remember that?


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This is a good read for those who would like to understand flu pandemics:

1918 Influenza: the Mother of All Pandemics

Jeffery K. Taubenberger* and David M. Morens†

“… No virus from 1918 pandemic had been isolated but…”


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