Holy moly. First the military industrial complex robbed all the taxpayers. Then the banks robbed all the taxpayers. Now the whole biological weapons industry is robbing the taxpayer. The WHO/WEF/CIA terrorists are now making hay by killings millions of people and we are paying for it! You could not make this shit up!

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"You could not make this shit up! " Maybe not, but one can dump it appropriately! See my new comment in that regard.

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Bill the Gates of Hell.

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Bill is a prophet and time traveller. How else can you explain his "investments". Either that or he is the biggest mass murderer in the world.

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I'll take #2 for a thousand, Robert.


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And they say there is no such thing as a dead cert!

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This means the British people have been sold out to profiteering megalomaniacs… none of them have scientific nor medical qualifications .. the only thing they have is dirty money… we are all doomed.

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Please keep the truth rolling doctor, it's very soothing.

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Five eyes, but no brains, heart or soul ... 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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The rot is in the roof .. the walls .. and the floorboards of the British constitution… everyone involved is guilty of treason… to sell the country lock chopstick and barrel to the Chinese using British tax payers money .. especially after forcing people through years of austerity measures..does not sit well with me… these are an insult to the word crime against humanity… the deaths BG has caused alone would make the devil weep with joy… how the hell did we end up .. in hell?

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I heard that when Trump stopped sending money to the WHO he diverted the funds to Gates. Who probably in turn gave it to the WHO. I have never found any concrete proof but I do know GAVI was fully funded in his budgets. So taking away from the WHO but still giving to GAVI is just a shuffling of the deck chairs.

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a good argument could be made that shooting any of the above-mentioned arseholes on site would be self-defense. I recommend that lots of people try that.

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IN fax it is self defence since we know the vaccines are "kill shots!

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Gonna need a lot of bullets.

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The Delighted Duper will face justice.

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The recent dumping of and spraying in liquid form, massive amounts of cow manure on government entities and offices is so totally appropriate.

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Of course, they love the payoffs and gates's plan to eradicate all of humanity. These clowns don't understand that they are targets as well.

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So many people don't realize that when Gavi was founded it was setup to "*create* a market for vaccines". When we "create" a market for something, we have to actually cause the circumstances in which our product will be needed. Man, if the public really knew what's going on in this world...

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Thumbs down for anyone supporting the Gatesinator, WHO, WEF, the Crappers or any liberal org...

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When you have hundreds of billions of dollars you can buy anyone. Bill Gates has done that.

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So Bill Gates bought the UK. I wonder how much it cost him.

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Moneyed interests are about to destroy the entire planet. Money des not equate to intelligence. Those who would take a man like Gates seriously who has no integrity or ethics...just the ability to make money...have to be coming from the exact same place. Utter stupidity!!

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