Have you ever noticed that pandemic is DEM surrounded by PANIC?

(Courtesy Unstructured)

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That is amazing

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How are they testing for the bird flu? If they are using the scam PCR test that they used for C19, people need to RESIST with every ounce of their being!

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you'd think so...i have seen people still muzzled and driving alone in their car....there is a special level of stupidity that i cannot relate to....

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Yep, better Warp Speed an mRNA spike bird flu shot immediately because this thing isn't killing enough people. Oh, and scare the shit out of everyone so they will take the shot. If it doesn't, gotta mandate that thing!

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Lots of clamor and commotion being created about nothing of value, in order to take the focus off of the CV-19 death statistics. Big Pharma knows its .days of wine and roses are coming to an end with MULTITUDES AWAKENED to the truth that all Big Pharma has promoted is FRAUDULENT!

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Bird flu = Another Hoax

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I live in Cornwall, UK, & used to keep a couple of hens for their eggs; now that we have been subjected to more fearmongering and lies, I have given my hens away, rather than see them culled to further the globalist agenda of mass starvation. You, Tess, Del, Aaron, Jessica, Ryan, Paul, Pierre, and so many other good people, are fighting so hard to help people understand what is true and sane. I don't know why we continue with this insanity. Thank you for defending true science.

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overheard a family member asking when the bird flu vaccine would be available

sadly, many ppl still buying the bs

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God bless you Dr. Nass!

Donating more for your incredible work.

Cannot begin to tell you how much we value, appreciate, and really really need you!!!

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It's going to dawn on the normies soon, right? That this is..... insane? I think about the "What Then?" A cold shock for the oblivious; to finally wake up to the malevolence on the inside, delivered with a good-natured smile from people like Dr. Leana Wen.

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Some may still be fooled!

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Without a doubt.

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Dr. Nass, your contributions here are invaluable. I re-post many of them, including this one, on a Facebook group site that I manage. Thank you.

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I think if you’re just looking at human cases, you’re missing the game. I think this is about exterminating the food supply, and they can pull that off under current conditions without ever achieving human-to-human transmission.

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Yep! It's not like it's a "conspiracy theory" either. The engineers of our demise have come right out and said we will no longer eat meat, dairy, etc. We will eat bugs and lab grown poison. If we play along, that's exactly what we will get. I'm not feeling very hopeful about the public finally getting a clue. I'm hoping that I'll be wrong about that though. Sigh

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As the existence of no pathogenic "virus" has ever been confirmed, and the "tests" are fraudulent, what is "bird flu"? It looks like a tool for eliminating natural food sources. After all, it's supposed to be in milk, too (most of the "milk" in the US is UV-pasteurized, anyway, turning it into dishwater, but that's a topic for another day):


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The lies go back decades. Ignore all this.

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It's the phrase 'without lab interference' that is key. We all know pathogens or viruses, whatever you want to call them, can be interfered with and are being interfered with.

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They already GOF’d the thing to get it spread to mallard ducks (which is the transmission variable they’ve been looking for to really get this show on the road).

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Evil baskets!

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Well, I have to disagree with you - in order to manipulate something, you first have to have it - but no one has EVER isolated a so-called “virus” - all these fraudulent experiments/studies on non-existent “viruses” take place in vitro and in silico, with synthetically-chemically produced so-called “cell lines”, with additional aids - reagents, countless other chemical substances and exact instructions, which then lead to the desired “result” - then so-called “oligonucleotide primers” are designed by a software and the whole thing is entered into another software(there is software for absolutely everything!), which then generates letter groups that are supposed to represent something that does not exist in reality -

read here at Methods:


and so-called "embryonated chicken eggs" are egg cultures, incubated chicken eggs or chicken embryo cultures that are chemically prepared to carry out a fraudulent experiment -

tests are then calibrated on the basis of these letter groups - and if you swap 2 to 3 letters on the software, you can invent something new again and again - and if you scroll down here,


you can read why.....



in almost 40 years I've earned my living in laboratories with this nonsense, I know 100% what I am writing! And what nobody should forget is that these tests are always 100% wrong and harmful to health and nobody can know what is already brought into the human organism/blood with it!!!

if you like and have time, you can also browse through the other articles!





etc. etc.

Best regards!!

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Thank You, Meryl. I'm including this and other bird-flu stories in my next post.

Don't Take This Fear-Bait, Folks!

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Mark Twain said it best, "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."

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