Well - since I wrote an argument describing exactly HOW the COVID numbers were manipulated in the US, representing less than 5% of actual deaths, and less than half of that of heart attacks the prior year - I have been relentlessly censored. My blog attacked. My server hacked.

And I know why - because they intend to do it again and as usual I was right over the target. I have a unique perspective with 10 years in a hospital company, 5 of them in IT as the Director of IT Quality for an international hospital company - and I was there when they created those systems used to report the deaths.

I even names names of who was involved with proof - CDC, FDA, HHS, CMS (division of HHS), Congress, WHO, Bill Gates. My next article I never wrote since this July 2020 article resulted in immediate censorship, blocking, and hacking of my BUSINESS was about Francis Collins (Fauci’s boss), Fauci, Gates & their “global flu vaccine” again with the FDA.

I should move that article and my videos over here so they get seen. We cannot do their again based on fake manipulated data!!! People need access to information to decide for themselves.

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So you KNOW what time it is!

It's really, really helpful to present your testimony, being an insider as you were. If the MSM were truthful and dependable, there would be NO way for this all to occur. If journalists were for real, this thing would have never gotten so deep and ugly, plus some heads would roll, and sentences laid upon the guilty. (Lots of "ifs")

But that's a grandiose flying dream, and so what you have had to resign yourself to is to simply state your case, and position, as you have. THANK YOU KINDLY for standing up and blowing the war trumpet with authority and conviction! It might not seem as though many are listening, but one by one, or two by two, the truth finds its way among the people, so they too might gain a fighting chance of survival. It's otherwise known as freedom of conscience.

Treacherous times we live in!

Stay in prayer, humbly and maybe God will grant some favor to those who do.


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Thank you. Suddenly all my word and disparate jobs made sense.

I’m sure many of us have found ourselves saying “so that’s why I learned that” as we sit here watching this!!

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Well, Pam, I can see your time in Healthcare has surely paid off! You look great for 71! Just kidding! I added up all your disparate years of work and learning. Haha. I'm sure there was some overlap, eh?

Glad you commented. Thank you too. And yes, as for myself, I take notice every now and then of the things I learned (mostly by experience, and nothing really to speak of from school) and find myself asking the same question: "Is this something I learned for a reason to apply usefully now? (Maybe to help others with their troubles and doubts...) And yes, I think it is!


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I wrote an article not an argument but I can’t edit on my phone.

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Oh no it’s flagged as a violation that’s concerning

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WHO pandemic treaty = ushering of the One World Government. They are all pressing for this enslavement pandemic treaty

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The WHO, the UN and the CCP are all interconnected... They are working to generate fear about the next pandemic coming. Don't fear the virus....Fear the killer solutions they would offer. We experienced CV-19 and saw what was worse...the Vax!

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They are connected. Selling “existential” Hoaxes as a predicate for their Global Communist Technocracy. Pandemic Preparedness, Climate Change, Saving Democracy, DEI, Modern Monetary Theory.

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Many who still have minds have got the message.. Vaccine-induced brain-damage may have led many weak-minded individuals to accept the nonsense you mentioned; provided by devious organizations with sinister motives.

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Thanks Meryl,

This BS just can't be used against us again. Way too many people have experienced adverse events, lies and the denial of their own life experiences from the operatives of the medical hierarchy.

We can't be passive, though, and I appreciate your global travels and clearly presented advocacy for the Truth.


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Ooh, I like the sound of PAUSE. We need time to change more minds to really solidify a sustainable course with freedom and some economic sanity.

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Yeah, count my vote on that one! We can certainly use some more probationary time allotted us. I know it falls on deaf eyes, but I'll reiterate for those whose ears are not blind:

As a nation, we (America) have apostatized and fallen far from the Maker of all things, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In God's merciful grace and extended patience with the covenanted "church" (those who keep the Commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus) He has extended our time here for to come to grips with historical recurrence. History records faithfully the trials and tribulations of the Hebrew slaves and subsequent wanderings, and how Jesus protected, sustained, endured their murmurings, provided for their physical needs (water and manna) refrained from totally annihilating the entire group of over a million men, when they had Aaron make them a golden calf for to lead them back to Egyptian captivity, and were found worshipping the same!!!

Yet God, for His Name's sake strived with the issue and refrained Himself, and you know the rest of the story. It's a foretaste, a foreshadow, a "type" of things to be repeated with sharp resemblance only on a world-wide scale this last time.

America has rejected God's sovereignty. and "expelled" His presence from society's view. Now, the consequences are to be paid in full, just like the 40 years of wandering in the desert until the original defectors and complainers were consumed by death. God's promise that they will NOT see the "promised land" was fulfilled. America, as a nation, has been slated for hell, in response to her blatant and proud apostacy. If she would have humbled herself, as she should have, sighting the blessings and protections the Lord surrounded and clothed her with, not to mention the GIFT of such a beautiful nation where freedoms and righteousness held sway, then she would have assumed the role which ancient Israel forfeited in its proud, national presumptions and sinful doings.

We were graciously given an "end times" prophet (E.G. White) who expounded on this theme to a slight degree in the book, "Great Controversy." She gives a dramatic overview of things, and the prophecies which pertain to our times as well. She points out very clearly how the prophetic words in Rev and Daniel have been fulfilled to the letter, pin pointing the Beast, the Second Beast, the False Prophet, the Dragon, and the very notable "Dark Ages" which lasted for 1260 prophetic days (years) with accuracy. It was a time of persecution and compulsion by the "church" of the Middle Ages, the Papacy.

If we don't believe that, then we are primed and open to false interpretations, which are intended to mislead the masses. One thorough read of that book, and it will become patently obvious that it is the truth inspired by the Holy Spirit, for God's people at the time of the end. We NEED to understand that a spiritual WAR is building momentum; the infiltration phase has been completed, and now there will come the implementation of injustice and brutal cruelty, persecution and death by decree.

Have we not experienced this as of today?

This is why it is so important to prioritize understanding all of this; so we can learn how we've been duped, misled, lied to, and brought like sheep to the slaughter. It happened exactly like this in the past. And the historical account of the thing was not only to record history, but to serve as a learning experience for us all. If we repeat similarly, the outcomes will be similar as well, but much broader.

Get the book, read it with the Bible, and be warned.


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There are some that will remain willingly ignorant to the end. I just pray there are enough that can be convinced in time. But I am confident that we don't have enough yet. We don't need people who prefer not to take the coming vaccines. We need more people who will NOT comply. Short of enough of those kind of people, I'm convinced they will prevail over us. Because the RINO party is NOT a real opposition party.

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Hello Jeff,

Good of you to put your comment here. It surely does seem that time is short, while "fields are ripe" for harvest, as it is written. The difficult task at hand, that everyone faces in this dilemma is 'What to do(?)" Can anything we do make a difference in the grand scheme of things?

Much like in any temporal war, we are individual soldiers, collectively assembled to perform a task that without the collective force of our comrades, would be impossible. Each one makes personal decisions on a second by second basis, while yet keeping with the directed objective from the "war room Brass." Grunts are "expendable" and often know not what the objective even is, but follow orders, trusting their efforts and lives to the competency of the Brass.

As the spiritual war ramps up and the enemy emboldens his efforts toward removing Christ from His rightful position of authority as Creator and Redeemer, we are instructed to meet the dire conditions on a personal level with prayer and action, while we pray for corporate guidance from above, via the Holy Spirit, and for the powerful intervention of Heavenly beings who are thus engaged. After all, the war is not ours, but Christ's. However, we are given the honor of partaking in this affair, as soldiers in the conflict, proving our obedient solidarity and conviction, even unto death. Our "Commander" went before us, (as fully human) and triumphed over every evil temptation the enemy put forth expecting His failure. But was disappointed.

Christ has promised His faithful followers ETERNAL LIFE, if they will remain engaged and true to the very end. So, while we are at battle, holding down the fort, as it were, let us be diligent to remain in prayer, where agencies and power are in such abundance. As "grunts" we are blinded as to the "big picture" but there is a sense of right-doing, along with the knowledge of victory on the horizon that instills hope.

At some point in the near future, Christ will have completed His work of Judging, and will return to gather His "elect" from above and below ground, and escort them for a temporary stay in heaven. On that day, and forward, knowledge will be given us "grunts" of our efforts toward bringing the "light of the Gospel" to others.

It was partially God's intent to re-populate heaven concerning the vacancy that ensued by Satan and his defecting angels. So, it is that we too, should be engaged with the same objective. God's righteous Government (exhibiting His Character by His Commandments) will be acknowledged throughout all the universe for all eternity once this "controversy" has come to its full and final end!



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Things may very well get very bad. If it were only the "health" tyranny that was at issue, it would be bad enough. But the DEBT problem of the world is so bad, and so baked into the cake, that there is no telling how draconian governments will get from that problem alone. It's easy to see why those who have no belief in a better future beyond this life will be tempted to go along with the powers that be. Because as they have done in the past, they will do their best to make us miserable if we don't. They already proved it in these last few years with the gas lighting and the attempt to force mandates on us. They just couldn't all get on the same page as to what to do once the con started failing. But the WHO issue and the climate change hysteria proves they haven't remotely given up yet.

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Yes, Jeff,

Agreed. The Banksters have awaited this period in time, when they could gain an iron grip on world nations. It's been a planned for occasion since before America was even a nation.

What keeps gnawing at me, is that no matter what one looks at there is deception, fraud, unrighteousness, murder and mayhem. And it's troubling to say the least. But He who is above sin and perfectly righteous, as our King and Savior, has encouraged us to "Fear not, nor let your hearts be troubled."

It's the devil's design to take your perfect trust and hope which rightfully belongs to Christ, and misdirect it. We are lied to from the cradle to the grave. The atheists and agnostics doubt the Word, and trust "evolution" and therefore dishonor God, and seal their fate. Those who claim the promises of God, have been sold a bad bill of goods, in that they are told that we humans are immortal. That's a bald-faced lie that is intended to deface the character of God. And that the Commandments of God have been done away with, which is another of Satan's supremely effective lies.

So, how can we "Fear not" amidst all this deceptive mayhem and its trappings? It takes faith to know that what God has written in His Word, through His prophets, stands strong and can be trusted. How do we know this? One sure way is to put prophecy to the test. Many many things have been fulfilled, since they were instructed to be written. Investigate that truth, and your footing will find a sure place to proceed from. God cannot lie, and that has been established since dirt.

Time is growing shorter by the day, and our only source of hope lies in trusting the Lord.

May The God of Peace guide your will,


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Thanks, Ray. Praying that we navigate the rest of our journey with fidelity to the truth, while praying for divine mercy/intervention.

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Re “a review of the data and evidentiary citations underlying the claims of the World Health Organization (WHO), the World Bank, and the Group of Twenty (G20) reveals a troubling picture in which the stated urgency and burden of infectious disease outbreaks, namely those of pandemic threat, is grossly misrepresented”.

But this ‘data’ was used to incarcerate people in their homes via lockdowns and restrictions, plus international and state border closures; to mask/muzzle/subdue people; to subject people to intrusive testing without valid voluntary informed consent, to place people under surveillance via ‘vaccine passports’ violating privacy; to coerce, intimidate and even mandate people to submit to repeated COVID-19 vaccinations without valid voluntary informed consent, against a disease it was admitted from the beginning wasn’t a serious threat to most people.

The WHO initiated this manufactured crisis with its ‘PHEIC’ aka FAKE announcement.

The WHO is mired in conflicts of interest, it’s a front for the vaccine industry, being funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Gavi Alliance, and countries developing lucrative vaccine industries.

The global population has and is being exploited by highly questionable vaccine and other medical products, being used as fodder for burgeoning vaccine markets.

Freedom of movement and association of people was stolen by the calling of this fake pandemic, which is being used as a device to impose a social credit system.

Who has benefited from this massive crime against humanity?

It’s way past time for investigation, exposure and accountability…

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Evidence? What evidence... the WHO don't need no stinking evidence.... they are just all part of a death cult and think we are all stupid bottom feeders. Let me know when even one person gets held accountable for the largest mass murder in human history and it will go on for years... This is a murder in progress. It will take a few years for all the cancer cases to develop.

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Huh! Let's see they're lying AGAIN, to get their way. Acting their mental ages, of around 12 to 16 years old. We need a government that's not in on the scam.

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I just finished for about the 10th time the series "Designated Survivor" A fictional TV series about an ethical president of the US who does the job properly. I put it on in the backround sometimes when working. It is a dream right now that the US will every have an ethical President.

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Never heard of that one. Sounds like a good show. I'm pretty sure we won't ever have an ethical president, too. 😢

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It’s all too absurd.

The WHO can point to a single (disputed) pandemic between 1917 & 2020.

But now they want people to believe there’s a pandemic around every corner.

How did the utterly repellent Jeremy Farrah keep a straight face when he said recently that the bird flu is ‘very concerning’?


And the guy’s symptoms were....a bit of eye inflammation.

The WHO is a global JOKE, SCAM & CRIME.

The WHO frauds want to frighten people, get the tax we pay & funnel it all to the WEF-CCP, taking a nice cut themselves.

Defund the WHO.

Sack its « leaders » & put them on TRIAL.

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Covid 'originated' in a Think-Tank, so as to further the end of 'Tanking Thinking'-

not a 'Lab'...


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I love how the WHO is allowed to perform "Victory Laps" over their Covid 19 performance. "Obviously" humanity would want more of the same! The interventions did...something...and not everyone died...success!

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"When international agencies make claims of an “existential threat” to humanity and advocate for urgent action from countries, it should be a safe assumption that they are consistent with their own data."- That need to be change. That simply can no longer be assumed. These agencies are all compromised in my view.

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Sometimes the polite, legal language is almost funny.

In this tiny North of 60 town one could characterize Covid simply. The time when the deadly brain tumors started.

The compliant have gone from lets stomp the 'hesitant' to death in the street, to a barely contained viscous jealousy. Yeah, yeah you were right.

So Dr. Nass presents the argument in many succinct, accurate ways. No one has proven her wrong, they just buy another jury, or flood the media with lies.

A true statement from the WHO would go like this. We are the best people ever to exist. Just do what we say. We are starting to get angry.

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Yes, these organizations are vultures when they estimate carcass is present. Those who work for them need to fund their programs and via those their own salary as well. Most people there are well meaning BUT……

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I just heard Del Bigtree's last comment on yesterday's episode of the HighWire. Never has he spoken truer words. He said, "... the fight is not over. In fact, the fight has really JUST begun."

Buckle up comrades. The enemy isn't going to lay down when even the RINO's are hell bent on protecting them. All the RINO's have done so far is postpone any kind of corrective action as long as possible while distracting people as much as possible.

The trans-humanism cult etal will continue to cheat, lie and play every unethical trick in the book to make sure their decades of planning have not been in vain.

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