I have shared this site numerous times for people to become informed of those who
are reputable.
I did not care what THEY were Rxing in rolling out the jab and paid a price in family and friends, but that is okay as I have never been one to march to someone else's tune.
I analyze and research and there were too many red flags for me
I have followed reputable physicians, virologists, epidemiologist's protocol for the past 3 years + and have yet to have a sniffle despite I am
81 now & immunosuppressed due to loss of my pituitary (tumor gobbled it up)
When they rolled out the virus we learned about it in '20 not '21 and it was early in that
period that my naturopath who had been networking with other physicians, virologists,
epidemiologist (ie those who were shoved aside to ensure the jab was the ONLY
alternative that was allowed) sat down with me
He shared what reputable health care providers were advocating as a prophylaxis
As a result of our appointment, and reading the information he had gathered
I began the therapeutic protocol in April of that year. I also watched interviews with
Malone, McCullough, Adiss, and others who had a protocol in place but were shoved aside in order to accommodate PROFIT and CONTROL. . .here:
I have shared this site numerous times for people to become informed of those who
are reputable.
I did not care what THEY were Rxing in rolling out the jab and paid a price in family and friends, but that is okay as I have never been one to march to someone else's tune.
I analyze and research and there were too many red flags for me
I have followed reputable physicians, virologists, epidemiologist's protocol for the past 3 years + and have yet to have a sniffle despite I am
81 now & immunosuppressed due to loss of my pituitary (tumor gobbled it up)