Seems to me that the USA & Canada are extremely resource-rich countries that the globalists want depopulated for their own use.... no wonder they’re trying to ban firearms...

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I listened to Dr. Naomi Wolf & she said the same thing only that it is also China who wants American resources, energy, land, ports, but wants us gone. China working w/ the WEF & Billionaire globalusts (not a typo). China is at war w/ USA & the cheater-in-chief is their brown-nosing worker bee. He is a bought & paid for traitor. Dr. Wolf said the covid Vaxx is made by the communist chinese. This began w/Biontech. The harms that have been done to reproductive age women are enormous. She & her group have the “receipts” which show “they” knew what the jab would do to pregnant women & nursing moms.

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While China may want American resources, America (its deep state, not its people) wants to break up the Russian Federation and appropriate its oil and gas, hence the proxy war. When the petrodollar collapses that's the only way they'll be able to keep the show on the road. I think Naomi Wolf is fantastic, but to me she's too fixated on China. The 'vaccines' were developed by the American Department of Defense, with help from the DoDs of Canada, Australia and the UK (NZ hasn't been mentioned in this context, but it seems to be clearly a Five Eyes project).

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Absolutely correct. China does not hide its intentions at all! When will people wake up?China is loudly telling the world they will take over by 2049, (100 years since Communism began in China), is their clearly stated goal.

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You are correct about China. One good book on this subject is: " The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower", by Michael Pillsbury (2016). I read this book a few years ago. He lays it all out. For those who wish to know more on this subject, I highly recommend it.

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China is rapidly depopulating. They have so many problems that they are not taking over anything at anytime.

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I simply can not fathom the inherent evil that is responsible for this. Yes, Sodom and Gomorrah biblical times did not go unpunished. Even more devastating is the thought that "they" wanted 75 years for the information to become public. Thanks be to God we have fearless, digital warriors among us with gifted minds to expose truth.

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I saw this interview of Dr. Naomi Wolf by Steve Bannon. While deeply disturbing, it was not in the least surprising. For those who have not seen it, here is a link.....https://rumble.com/v34xuk4-hhs-paid-the-nations-ob-gyns-to-stick-to-the-script-on-covid-vaxs-effect-on.html

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Yes, Pfizer sold the rights to China some time ago and now building factories around the world including USA to manufacture mRNA junk. 🙏

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Of course they want to ban firearms. Then only the military will have weapons. The framers of the U.S. constitution clearly knew this.

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as a 62 yr old woman who's never even contemplated owning a gun, I now am. (It helps that I have an adult son who's a police officer, who has gotten me over my outright fear of them.) I figure that I better get one while I still can. I'm sure I'm on a 'list' somewhere on account of what I read and who I donate to...

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The 2-piece bioweapon (virus + injection) uptake was higher in the richer countries, but various WHO programs and "charitable" vaccine donations will ensure it eventually spreads to the others. Besides, government mechanisms to control the population have to be renewed every 5 years or so. Recall how the war of terrorism scam of 2001 killed the anti-globalization protest movement. Then the economic crash of 2008 inflated currency and devalued the savings of the middle class resulting in record personal debt levels and housing shortages. Now the Covid scare itself is evaporating but most of the damage is done and people will not have energy to organize when so many of their friends and relatives are struggling with mysterious ailments or dying.

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No. I think it’s just that in the US the pharma lobbyists are more powerful. And Trudeau gets some kind of backhander from his ownership of LNP company. I reckon it’s a money thing.

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Who is the decision maker in the US that believes he will save more of our children’s lives by injecting them all on top of the burden of normal vaccines most of which have no positive value? This is criminal! Period!

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Agree in spades, “This is criminal! Period!” for children.

But those challenging this evil narrative would have stronger arguments against it, if they focused more on the fact that all mRNA things are unsafe -- not just covid jabs -- based on Nobel-Prize-winning discoveries, that have been taught in med-schools for decades. Very important since all jabs are being moved to mRNA.

Basically, when a cell is infected by mRNA, it is tricked into making foreign, non-self-proteins, which essentially marks this mRNA-infected cell for violent death by “complement” (killer system #2 in body), if antibodies are present (as they would be after 1st shot). Thus, mRNA causes the body to attack itself, making all things with mRNA unsafe:

* Blood vessels damaged first, causing blood clots and leaks, which then enable damage to surrounding organs

* Above mechanisms explain sudden death and most other mRNA injuries

Sadly, too few parents seem willing to learn enough to protect their kids from mRNA-pushing MDs, by devoting the few 10’s of minutes it takes to be educated by the experts below, who explain things in easy-to-understand layperson terms:

* 00:45-22:00+ of https://rumble.com/v1p3855-friday-roundtable-worrying-developments-with-michael-palmer-m.d.-sucharit-b.html

* 11:00-16:06+ of https://sp.rmbl.ws/s8/2/o/3/7/w/o37wi.caa.mp4?u=8msc5&b=0

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No argument from me. And they’re giving those mRNA jabs to livestock - the CAFO kind. And heaven only knows what else they’re using it in - flying mosquito needles - vegetables that spread that stuff - whatever they can think of. Beyond evil.

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Spot on! The medical mafia doesn’t give a damn!

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Just took a screenshot shot of your beautifully accessible summary John. It’s all about the mechanism by design. Thank you!

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Oh they are not trying to save the children! That is 100% clear at this point. This is murder! Any parent who takes their kids for these shots is committing murder. It may be right away or it could be a few year or a few months. All depends on which brew they get as it is proven the batches are all different.

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Kill them early before they reject it later

I refused early '20

and while 2 of my friends are dead and several have tested + several times

and 2 serious enough to be hospitalized, I have yet to have a sniffle in 3 1/2 years

I am sticking with my therapeutic protocol

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I think you mean early 2021 for refusing the jab.

Unless you have connections that you haven't revealed here.

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When they rolled out the virus we learned about it in '20 not '21 and it was early in that

period that my naturopath who had been networking with other physicians, virologists,

epidemiologist (ie those who were shoved aside to ensure the jab was the ONLY

alternative that was allowed) sat down with me

He shared what reputable health care providers were advocating as a prophylaxis

As a result of our appointment, and reading the information he had gathered

I began the therapeutic protocol in April of that year. I also watched interviews with

Malone, McCullough, Adiss, and others who had a protocol in place but were shoved aside in order to accommodate PROFIT and CONTROL. . .here:


I have shared this site numerous times for people to become informed of those who

are reputable.

I did not care what THEY were Rxing in rolling out the jab and paid a price in family and friends, but that is okay as I have never been one to march to someone else's tune.

I analyze and research and there were too many red flags for me

I have followed reputable physicians, virologists, epidemiologist's protocol for the past 3 years + and have yet to have a sniffle despite I am

81 now & immunosuppressed due to loss of my pituitary (tumor gobbled it up)

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Well done, Rosalee! Excellent!

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But as to seniors we will surely introduce them to early onset dementia.

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But wait, there's a almost worthless, very expensive medication for that...

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No baby should be vaccinated. If the mRNA shots have proven anything, it is that they’re very unpredictable and dangerous.

Parents should contact good doctors using repurposed drugs and supplements and nebulizing, to get young children and babies through influenza like illnesses ( if it even end up necessary ).

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The Vaccine Advocates Are Road Kill.

Don't Steer To Avoid.

Let Your Tires Run Right Over Them.

And All Of Those - Still To Take Our Brunt.


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The idea that something is unsafe to use on healthy people, but is approved for old people, tells so very many stories.

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Speaking from Scotland, I'm pretty sure they'll get our kids some way or other. If they have to wait for their next staged pandemic (2025?), they'll get them then. That's the one Bill Gates said 'will get people's attention'.

Primary school children are to be offered the nasal flu vaccine here this autumn, facilitated by the schools. I'm concerned about that for my grandson - I don't think my opinion on the matter will be welcome. My daughters were born in 1981 and 1985 and were never offered a flu vaccine at any point, including when they were pre-school. I had flu once in my life, at age 30, and don't even recall being aware of flu vaccines at that point.

The SNP is in bed with the globalists. Re the figures, when the official government data showed that 90% of covid deaths in Scotland were in the vaxxed, Nicola Sturgeon declared that they would stop publishing deaths by 'vaccination' status as the figures 'were being taken out of context by 'anti-vaxxers' and allowing them to spread misinformation'! Later, when they were obliged to undertake an 'investigation' into a spike in stillbirths, they managed to discount covid itself, but they claimed they would not ask the bereaved mothers if they were 'vaccinated' because it would be too insensitive. What can you do with people like that? The cynicism and corruption are off the scale.

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He'll be nasal sprayed, wanted or not. Happened to unV friend's kids. Every letter in place at the school saying no. Kids came home one day and said what had been done. There was no warning or they'd have kept the kids off school that day. Totalitarian ignorant arrogant evil puppet bastards imho 🙂

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Home schooling is the answer! Don't let your kids go to any school, keep them home and as safe as possible. All schools are dangerous today & are complicit with COVID edicts and march to the tune of the WEF! I am glad mine are adults now, but worry about what the Evil Ones will do to my grand kids. Colleges are still forcing VAXes! Every parent (and grandparent) must stand up and say NO! Do not touch my precious child!!

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I have made it clear to my adult son that if he ever has kids, I will be ready (and hopefully still able) to homeschool them for him.

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think about all the special needs/special ed students who are not capable of telling what happened! my minimally-verbal son would never be able to convey that. that's why I have always made a point of having a good relationship with each and every teacher he's ever had and made sure they KNEW my very STRONG views on mainstream medicine. luckily I have been able to do so without being confrontational. I have found that most special ed staff are open and actually quite happy to have strong parental involvement.

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In your comment above, did you actually mean to say "90% of covid deaths in Scotland were in the vaxxed"?

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Yes! Thanks, I'll edit it!

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covid and flu shots are scrapped for the under 65s. maybe they don't want the workforce or young ones dropping dead during the holidays? just a thought.

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How kind of “them”.

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not so lucky here in the US. jabs still pushed like crack on the youngers.

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This is the 2023 vax schedule given to parents at birth in Scotland. Add the vit k stab 'within an hour of birth'. No surprise at the levels of chronic illness in Scottish kids.

Clearly 8 week olds at high risk of tetanus??? This is a cut and paste.

When to immunise

Diseases protected against

8 weeks old

• Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), polio, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and hepatitis B (HepB)

Vaccine given

⚫ Six-in-one



Meningitis B (MenB)

• Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib and HepB

12 weeks old

• Pneumococcal disease • Rotavirus

Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, polio, Hib and HepB

16 weeks old

Between 12 and 13 months old- within a month of the first birthday

Every year from age 2 until the end of secondary school

3 years 4 months old or soon after

Meningitis B (MenB)

Hib and meningitis C (MenC)

Pneumococcal disease

Measles, mumps and rubella (German measles)

• Meningitis B (MenB)

• Influenza (flu)

• Diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough and polio

• Measles, mumps and rubella (German measles)

• Cancers caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) including cervical cancer (in women) and some head and neck, and anogenital cancers (in men and women)

11 to 13 years old

Around 14 years old

• Tetanus, diphtheria and polio

Meningitis ACWY (MenACWY)

• Rotavirus

• MenB

• Six-in-one (DTaP/IPV/Hib/HepB)

• Pneumococcal


• Six-in-one (DTaP/IPV/Hib/Hep8)

• MenB






• Four-in-one (DTaP/IPV or dTaP/IPV)

MMR (check first dose has been given)


• Td/IPV, and check MMR status


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I think it’s about the same in USA.

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"..1796 ..smallpox vaccine ..no supporting data ..tended to increase ..smallpox ..erysipelas ..in vaccinated individuals..": https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/what-can-the-smallpox-vaccine-disaster

"..pesticide was sprayed in the US ..coincided with the first "polio" epidemics ..1916 New York City polio epidemic that killed over two thousand people ..caused by a virulent strain of poliovirus that was engineered at the Rockefeller Laboratories ..“accidentally” released into the public..": https://twitter.com/vgclements1/status/1605691559717937152

"..polio vaccines were contaminated with at least one monkey virus, SV40 ..hypothesize that the AIDS pandemic may have originated with a contaminated polio vaccine that was administered to inhabitants of Equatorial Africa from 1957 to 1959..": https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/7935079/

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Why would humans allow their species to be stolen and down graded into a slaved sub species by an evil minority group of who ever they are. Time to fight this and stop the carnage, not talk about it as if the subject itself is even allowable.

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this isn't a new thing, it's been done over & over throughout human history.

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Agree that mass murder and sterilization are not new -- yet there is a novel feature in the germline alteration of the species.

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Until we’re all unafraid of death (there are things worse than death),nothing will happen. Doesn’t history make sense now? Very few here have ever lost their “freedom”.

I’d rather die than lose my freedom...what’s left of it.

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A seemingly strong desire by humans is to NOT be a part of regular humanity but to have special qualities that set you aside from regular humanity. Some people gain that confidence through the accumulation of money, others through education, and politicians get it through political power. Competition always makes people improve, its not that exactly but it seems to be more of a seperation process that gives confidence to these unconfident people

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It would appear the Brits have a smaller demographic they wish to dispose of.

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Quite the opposite, it seems. According to the Deagel population forecasts from 2017 or whenever it was, the UK is to lose a greater percentage of its population by 2025 than any other country, followed by Ireland, the US and Germany. They predicted that the UK population will be 14.5 million by 2025 (it's currently about 67 million) and the US is predicted to fall to about 100 million. I don't think 'the Brits' - even our puppet governments - have any say in the matter. The numbers are decided elsewhere.

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This is unimaginable.

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Big developments related to this.

HHS and CDC 2023 budget have been given additional BILLIONS for MANDATORY child and adult vaccination, surveillance, electronic registry.

Plandemic 2.0 has started to push this fall's poisonous fast-tracked tri-valent Flu-Covid-RSV heart-breaking Turbo-cancer clot shot, necessitating more Emergency measures, Vaccination Health Pass digital ID, and resulting economy banking disruptions.

Hospitals are now reinstating ineffective mask mandates for another emerging Scary-Variant.

DO NOT COMPLY. Our lives and Consitutional Republic depend upon it.

1. Coordinated hype cycle: https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/covid-19-is-heating-up-all-around-this-summer-should-we-be-wearing-masks-again/ar-AA1f02HB

2. Local hospital mask mandate on August 9: https://www.vnews.com/Masks-back-at-APD-51906176

3. US Covid Health pass are ready. Read and see application diagram:


4. USA DoD-HHS has extended Covid-19 medical emergency "Countermeasures" EUA from May 11 2023 thru Dec 31 2024 and now is expanded to include influenza.


5. USA 2023 HHS budget now funds a new mandatory adult vaccine program modeled on the Childhood Vaccine Advisory. *search doc for keyword term "mandatory" found 120 times:


6. Refer to biometricupdate.com for daily global and USA Digital Id developments.

Remember, they need strong state of fear to get unquestioning consent for control. Watch for upcoming Climate Change Emergency declaration, coordinated 2008-like banking / currency crash to usher in CBDC financial relief programme.

This all is taking place exactly according to WEF/BIS/World Bank/IMF Financial Stabilization Board Global Unique Identifier project plan 2022-25. Save the document and month timeline.

See pgs 14-15 item: Action 2 milestone date within document below:

G20 Roadmap for Enhancing Cross-border Payments: Consolidated progress report for 2022

"ID systems worldwide, (ii) legal and regulatory framework related to the adoption of Digital ID as well" <- FSB language



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IMO There will be huge pushback. Fool me once.............

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Death and destruction is now the main driving force of big pharma and the modern stone age medical mafia. The have nearly 8 billion patients to attend to. And they want every one subjugated and tortured by the medial community.

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