I have said for years "if I were President for 24 hours and could do anything I wanted without limits the first thing I would do is to end all 501 C tax exemptions". Next would be to exit the US from the UN and all affiliates permanently and remove them from NYC. Then get rid of the Federal Reserve and return to the gold standard. The list is much longer but they are the top 3.

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I'd vote for you!!! These are top things which need to be done.

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/rbA3J1ChPL

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Next I’d repeal the 16th amendment. Founders had a little tea party to express their opinion on taxes.

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These tax exempt foundations emerged after the Income Tax Amendment was passed in 1913. It was a bankers' move to finance the massive government debt anticipated by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Rich people supported the amendment because of legislation that would allow them to park their money with "non-profits" that have grown like cancer and become the source of unspeakable evil. Not just the Clinton Foundation, but the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford Foundations, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Atlantic Council, the Brookings Institution, etc., etc., etc. All claim to be "charitable" or"educational." All are fascist to the core, plus they provide employment to massive cadres of Ivy League twerps who couldn't earn a living in the private sector if their lives depended on it. A system that is totally bizarre, perverted, and disgusting.


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How long has our world gone along with, this very largely oblivious, wanton mafia? That our pilfered, hard earned cash, is used to further cartel power and profits, kill and maim, is undeniable.

The really insufferable part is where no matter how much they skim off the top, it will never be enough to satisfy their greed or ego gratification.

No so subconsciously, they know that they deserve none of it, you can't get rid of that itch, no matter how often you have big gatherings, where mutual ego masturbation rules the day.

The proof comes when the bill for their protection comes due. No wonder they are so keen to perfect robots.

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Most of what you note here is right on target. Only one quibble - a lot of the "Ivy League twerps" you mention made a fortune in the private sector. Like Leon Black of Apollo Global, former Goldman Sachs CEO and Secretary of the Treasury Hank Paulson, NY Fed Chair Tim Geithner, the Bushes were Yalies - the list of private sector "Ivy League twerps" is very lengthy. And a lot of them are Global Mafia members in good standing.

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Of course you can be corrupt in the private sector. This post was about payback to govt officials who give taxpayer money away or commit other crimes.

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This is an amazing collection of some of the threads of the organized crime syndicate’s matrix. They’ve invented an extraordinary network of ways to award themselves all honors and glory while buying control of a huge part of our societies and cultures, at the expense of the 99 percent. The system they’ve set up also awards to them the vast majority of whatever value we collectively produce. A highly evolved form of feudalism – a very violent feudalism. We excuse them from taxation so that they can do this to us – declare war on us. So far, we’ve let them do pretty much whatever they want. Our reward is global chaos, chronic illness, widespread poverty, genocide, democide, and being plundered and poisoned daily by the rackets. At its core, it’s just a highly refined, centuries- old, matrix of organized crime. The banksters and their toadies, and pigs at the public trough. It’s long past time to render them irrelevant. It’s not that hard, but it will take a while. And how much of a while do we have?

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One of their best money making scams is and has been the illegal drug trade. Of course profiting off both curse and cure.

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Hiya Meryl thanks you are brilliant, saw this thought you might want it.


Vital Animal News: January 12, 2025

Bird flu in Pet Food: Oops / Gain of Function / Screwed Way Back to Smallpox / Polio Reality / Intermittent Fasting and MORE


Archived 👇


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I want to know why republicans weren’t interested in the pay for play Clinton foundation when she was SoS? There was so much evidence of her scam and much more than the Biden crime family. But republicans just weren’t interested.

Also after she lost the election the money started going to the McCain foundation.

Sorry for no link. It’s old news.

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Is the Trudeau Foundation imoney laundering operation in Canada? There have been reports of large donations from China. Why would that be? What might they want in return?

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I heard when the public found out about the china donation then the Trudeau foundation refunded it back to the Chinese donor.

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When Bill the letch Clinton was president, I saw where Hillary was going with promoting Medicare...pushing drugs. I did not vote for a Republican or Democrat, for almost 40 years, until President Trump. He really isn't into party. He is PRO-America. Party should not be important. What will the candidate do for the American people? President Trump, even with all the opposition he faced, when he took office; did far more than most people know. There is a booklet entitled Fifty Things President Trump did during his administration that benefitted Americans.

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NGOs are among the most evil of corporate entities. Equalled only by government corporations.

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/rbA3J1ChPL

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Well, isn't that interesting?

New World Order is very dominate in the organizations this group participates in, including the Clinton Foundation.

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Yet another great article Meryl, what would I do without your "input"? In the article it states (One of) the "missions" is to provide enormous sums of money with the intention of "vaccinating" some 300 Million Children, specifically mentioning the treatment of covid-19.

My understanding is, that the "vaccines" dont actually work as such, I understood that they "did not stop you catching or shedding of covid-19"! Further, it has been written widely, that young Children have little or NO need of a "vaccine" as such. A word from you would be much appreciated. Many Thanks.

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Correct on all.

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Just one big happy family globalist mess!

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Garbage. Someone please burn the the landfills with ALL the Garbage!! Self centered basta…!!!!

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Are you under a spell? Get wise to predictive programming control structure for your mind:


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Money Laundering, revolving door Muller-Comey wingman Gambit, Savior Conman Gambit, run by the largest Mafia Cartel in the world, demanding protection money with their pedo and honey traps blackmails…the CIA.

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