Oct 1Liked by Meryl Nass

Honestly only 31 trying to combat this evil is just not enough. I’m contacting my reps.

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Kudos! All Meryl's CHAOS readers shooed do the same...

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When I was 7 around 1975 or so my neighbor friend’s younger sister was killed by a vaccine. The well known pediatrician was sued and put out of business. This is why the 1986 Vaccine Safety Act passed. Why Reagan signed it leaves me pissed.

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Reagan was lied to, in their twisted way he accepted their spiel that it would save children's lives.

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I see that the Act only refers to children. Does that me I can sue Pfizer for killing my Dad with their toxic jab?

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The act refers to any vaccine on the childhood schedule. Other vaccines do not have the liability shield. That was why it was so important to them to get the Covid vaccine on the childhood schedule.

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I hope so. A lot of people have been killed by this stuff.

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Wow good catch. My daughter got a heart reaction from that recent evil J😈B💉they are going to pay soon as the Lord WILL repay this evil

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They had a specific liability shield for this product, which was then extended to the mRNA platform

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Yes, because it can be proven that their was fraud and malfeasance in their development and production.

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Also since they are all about profit do they use poor quality ingredients and methods to increase their per J😈B 💉?

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As a social scientist, I agree wholeheartedly with the following statement: "The biggest problem that all of this comes down to is the refusal of most people to believe that people in power wish them harm, actively want to do harm to them. This is the hardest thing for most people to accept". - Bob Moran

Unfortunately, we don't wield enough power to stop this.

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Still doctors know very little about nutrition and supplements..

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Remove it. With a bulldozer.

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This isn’t the real issue though, is it? Are you implying that if we change the law, vaccines will work?

Vaccines have been a deadly grift since day one, over 100 years ago. They do not work and they harm, often outright kill. Now they are being used to deliberately harm us.

By implying that a little glitch in the system is what ails us, you are perpetuating the vaccine myth. And you know it. I don’t know who writes your 5-10 substack articles a day but it’s not you- you have an army. Not by accident.

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No, I clearly implied they would be safer. I did not address efficacy.

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Thank You for this explanation of the perverse-incentives caused when there is a liability shield for health-care products which kill-some-folks.


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YES, precisely, Legal Immunity for the most corrupt, PREP ACT by Trump Admin... warp speed mobilized by Trump.

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Removing that shield would be a game changer.

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recipients shall bear any and all risk...while administrators shall reap the rewards.

(there is no safe vaccine, in fact , there are no 'vaccines', only injectable poisons, given to the herd...)

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September 25, 2024


H.R. 9828.

Congress has the power to enact this legis-

lation pursuant to the following:

Article I Section 8

The single subject of this legislation is:


By Mrs. HAYES:


Heart Health Strategies

Sept. 30, 2024

Clients: Hart Health Strategies Inc. represents physician and patient organizations, as well as hospice, pharmaceutical and medical device companies. Below is a representative list of our current clients…..(see client link)

Congress extends Government Funding through Dec. 20

H.R.9828-To amend the Public Health Service Act to end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers, and for other purposes; Sponsor: Gosar, Paul A. [Rep.-R-AZ-9]; Committees: House-Energy and Commerce


Report for Recommendation 91-4

Innovation and Challenge: The First Year of the

National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program




Recommendation 86-1

Nonlawyer Assistance and Representation - p. 221

Adopted June 20, 1986


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How long have Eugenicists and profit driven psychos been using vaccines to engineer our lives?

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Day late and a dollar short. Its getting to the point if you need government intervention to protect you from the government, you just aren't paying attention.

Those still on board with the "vaccine regime" are like Kapos in a Nazi camp.


Interesting link, towards the end they explain the Kapos where actually victims, righhhht!

If they know the vax will kill you if you cooperate, what do they have in store for those who resist?

The link above goes into divide and conquer. The blue and red will fight each other to the death, while the elite pat each other on the back, ah victory.

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I was happy to see my Congress-critter as a co-sponsor. I wrote a letter of thanks. Even though I'm quite sure this won't pass, at least it shows there are a few politicians out there that are aware that this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Like I said to my rep: "We can say that a bee sting, a mosquito sting, or a peanut can harm or kill someone but we aren't allowed to even entertain that a man-made "vaccine" could possibly ever cause damage." Why don't people get this??? There is risk in *anything* that we put in our bodies. Where there is risk, there *must* be choice. And these "vaccine" companies should have to answer to their shareholders when they are maiming and killing people. No other industry gets blanket immunity.

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The War Against The Child: Battlefront “Fight For Your Child’s Future, and Yours Too”

The critically important first step to be taken to sweep the enemy from the ramparts. This sortie is worthy in concept.


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