Leithian I admire your bravery and self respect for leaving rather than acquiescing. We know relatives and friends who went ahead despite knowing all the dangers because they wanted to ‘protect their pensions’. But then one particular relative also went along with placing DNARs on patients in the ICU and administering heavy sedative med…
Leithian I admire your bravery and self respect for leaving rather than acquiescing. We know relatives and friends who went ahead despite knowing all the dangers because they wanted to ‘protect their pensions’. But then one particular relative also went along with placing DNARs on patients in the ICU and administering heavy sedative medications to ‘make patients comfortable’. We tried to push her to whistleblow but her pension is more important then saving lives.
I couldn’t do the same but she’s sadly not the only one. There are documentaries out there that have noted that the nurses were the most enthusiastic implementers of the T4 Programme.
In Britain they have followed the target populations for elimination as was the case for the T4 Programme.
Tbh I find it difficult to get along with those that went along.
Leithian I admire your bravery and self respect for leaving rather than acquiescing. We know relatives and friends who went ahead despite knowing all the dangers because they wanted to ‘protect their pensions’. But then one particular relative also went along with placing DNARs on patients in the ICU and administering heavy sedative medications to ‘make patients comfortable’. We tried to push her to whistleblow but her pension is more important then saving lives.
I couldn’t do the same but she’s sadly not the only one. There are documentaries out there that have noted that the nurses were the most enthusiastic implementers of the T4 Programme.
In Britain they have followed the target populations for elimination as was the case for the T4 Programme.
Tbh I find it difficult to get along with those that went along.