Of course you don't, you D.o.D. TROLLS here echoing your paymasters' 5G psyops warfare bullsh!t. What else should we expect from blatant liars like you? Wait-- I know: The Sun revolves around Earth, and Earth, of course is flat. Wonder how many labs your Kalashnikov-toting homicidal bitch had her filthy fingers in over in Ukraine-- It's common knowledge she made her so-called "fortune" in developing poisons for idiots like you ;-)
Of course you don't, you D.o.D. TROLLS here echoing your paymasters' 5G psyops warfare bullsh!t. What else should we expect from blatant liars like you? Wait-- I know: The Sun revolves around Earth, and Earth, of course is flat. Wonder how many labs your Kalashnikov-toting homicidal bitch had her filthy fingers in over in Ukraine-- It's common knowledge she made her so-called "fortune" in developing poisons for idiots like you ;-)