Meryl Nass is not only a great American 🇺🇸 Patriot, She is a Digital Warrior who has fought against The #DeepState #DarkEnemies #GlobalSatanists #Psychopaths #WEF #Illuminati Cult-Members #YuvalHarari #BillGates

Biden’s Clinton’s Obama’s #Fauci “Klaus Schwab” Founder of WEF, Vanderbilt’s Rockefeller’s Rothschild’s BlackRock #DEI #Pedophilia COVID GAIN OF FUNCTION PLANNEDEMIC #KillShots #DeathJabs

“Luciferian Soldiers”

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Yes, Meryl's a TRUE digital warrior with a heart-- Unlike "certain" other substack "freedom fighters," for whom the fight appears to be more on the level of biting, face-scratching "mean girl" dripping-with-sarcasm specious attacks not based in reality (omits portions of the entire story) on other freedom fighters-- as well as her own subscribers, then complains of not having enough of them, go figure-- wasting her subscribers' time and energy, yet never dares confront those "fraudulent" "D.o.D.-allied" freedom fighters personally, even when encouraged to do so, in person, actually. Let it be noted: "When fighting dragons take care lest you become one," but at this point, and in consideration of the consistently seen addiction to conflict, the wise advice is far too late.

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Mar 5, 2024
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Of course you don't, you D.o.D. TROLLS here echoing your paymasters' 5G psyops warfare bullsh!t. What else should we expect from blatant liars like you? Wait-- I know: The Sun revolves around Earth, and Earth, of course is flat. Wonder how many labs your Kalashnikov-toting homicidal bitch had her filthy fingers in over in Ukraine-- It's common knowledge she made her so-called "fortune" in developing poisons for idiots like you ;-)

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There's a video called "The Great Taking" going around. If it's true, the WHO, if empowered to advise lockdowns, could further crush the global economy to the point of collapse and then all the draconian TAKING would be legally triggered. Pray hard and often, comrades. The RINO's don't seem to be coming to our rescue. They have created too much world debt for things to go smooth from here.

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Not surprising at all. But good to know.

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"The Great Taking" is available on Rumble.

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The Democrats & RINO’s are the ones who are Globalists/Communists/Socialists & members of WEF The Obama’s Clinton’s Biden’s Mitt Romney, Gavin Newsom, John Kerry, Nikki Haley, etc

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I worry about this as well. I hope an effort will start to bring awareness to this into the mainstream. It literally harms almost everyone . Hope who treaty fails and then this could be the next push against.

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Yeah. The reason I don't find it implausible is because I've heard a lot of related claims about similar hidden "rules" in legislation passed after the Great Financial Crisis. All heavily indebted countries should have gone into austerity then while we might could have dug our way out of the debt at that time. So it makes perfect sense that they would do secretive legislation to enable the creation of a full-blown communist state once the final crash results from hyper-inflation.

I think they don't realize how unlikely that scenario is given the wars that are already in play. It will be much worse than they think. As the sages have said all along, those who think they can create a social utopia always create a hell on earth.

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Scary monsters under the bed.

Ignorance and lack of awareness attract them.

Sunlight and fresh air easily destroys them.

Look them right in the eye and say: "Hello."

Open the window.

Next say: "Goodbye."

Watch them perish.

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Countries must start “Withdrawing from The New World Order Government which is The United Nations” 🇺🇳

Klaus Schwab’s “WEF’s Young Global Leaders” have infiltrated The United States Government’s Agencies, as well as many other countries’ governments.

Klaus Schwab has bragged about “owning Justin Trudeau” & infiltrating Trudeau’s Cabinet. Joe Biden & Hunter Biden are members of The WEF. Trudeau, Mitt Romney, John Kerry, The Clinton’s, Bush’s, Obama’s, NIKKI HALEY, Gavin Newsom, Angela Merkel, Immanuel Macron, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, former P.M. Borris Johnson & many Presidents, Prime Ministers, Queens, and other leaders are members of The Satanic #WEF Cultists who are attempting to destroy America’s sovereignty & implement their One World Health System, One World Order Government, & One World Bank System. Crypto Currencies will digitally control Humanity. Bill Gates & Microsoft Lawyers & Engineers patented The Digital Monetary System in The USA & The World Patent Office, Patent Scope International Patent Office.

I looked it up three years ago when someone posted about how Klaus Schwab was bragging about “Every Human Will Be Microchipped Within Eight Years.” Graphene Oxide is a derivative of Carbon. These Global Elites reinvented Graphite Oxide by changing the molecular structure. It was the primary ingredient of COVID-19 Death ☠️ Jabs™️[Nanotubes of Graphene Oxide which are reactive to 5G Cell Towers, Electromagnetic radiation ☢️ Energy, WiFi, Computer s, Smart Phones & this element changes structure inside of a Human Body. It turns into a glob that moves throughout your bloodstream & causes Myocarditis, Brain Damage, Blood Clots.

Please Research Patent #WO2020060606 [666=Mark of The Beast]. Satanists always use symbolic words, signs & numbers to express themselves.

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"prayer" = Take action using your free will.

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Right. Do all that is within within our power to do - non-compliance, education, etc.

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Beware of globalists' plans attempting to distract you from what is more important than a plan to take your securities if/when DTCC goes down AND one or more systemically important financial institutions is allowed by the Fed/financial regulators to fail. That's way less likely than their taking your financial transaction freedom through the banking system (e.g., CBDCs, but there are other threats through banking), by taking your real estate through land grabs (e.g., conservation easements and NAC-type initiatives under 30X30 plan) and schemes to throw you into mortgage default, keeping you from buying healthy food, poisoning you with chemtrails and EMF.... These are GREATER takings going on NOW. Then there's the federal government's inability to account for trillions of dollars and failure to enforce financial management laws..... What it would take to change the commercial codes of 51 states and DC to eliminate a potential and far-off risk that would also adversely affect some of the globalists' friends, is a huge amount of time that could be better devoted to fighting/exiting WHO and enacting state laws to protect our financial transaction freedom. Why do you think that wealthy people have received copies of THe Great Taking in brown paper wrappers with no return address and has othewise spread like wildfire?

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I'm not distracted by any of it. The RINO's are distracting the majority of Republicans with school issues, inflation and such. That's the real fear. Because even though those issues are huge, they are NOTHING compared to the tyranny being planned for us. We need our numbers to grow.

And even conservative friends I have don't even want to talk about this stuff. Or they assume they will be raptured out before it gets bad for them. Too many people can't handle thinking about this stuff still. And RINO's love it.

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I like your comment Jeff. I like it because it makes perfect sense.

I started saying this five years ago (going down the rabbit hole) and I do not remember which podcaster or expert said it first.

“Because governments are broke!” Looks were insulting and hurtful but I’m just a conspiracy theorist!

BIL told me before he passed last week “you were right...you were right about everything”

I was overwhelmed with emotions of sadness.

I may reference your statement👍🙏👍

I may use your

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I had been trying to learn about how macro economics affected the stock market years before the pandemic. I learned then about the catastrophic debt bomb. So when I saw the WEF talking about owning nothing and being happy, it was obvious to me that those people are about getting people to go along with draconian agendas willingly either thru fear or virtue signaling. Fear in the pandemic and virtue signaling in voluntary poverty so "SAVE THE PLANET."

Then early into the pandemic, I heard Ed Dowd say the same thing. He was a Black Rock portfolio manager and knew we were headed for trouble with the exponentially increasing debt and unfunded liabilities. And he sees it just like I do. As I always say, a conspiracy theory is a theory based on the assumption that the conspirators couldn't POSSIBLY be as stupid as they seem. No human being is THAT void of basic reasoning skills.

Much of what we casually call stupidity is actually more like denial of reality which becomes stubbornly arrogant eventually. So when you throw in the debt issue, it all makes sense how they could plan something that seems so insane, even though it's still REALLY EVIL.

As corroboration of that view, Klaus once said something like "we don't know if the Great Reset will work, but we have no choice but to try." IOW, they're not totally crazy, intellectually. They're crazy MORALLY. I say we do have a choice. We can do austerity and go for the most affordable energy for the sake of future humanity until the debts are brought under control. But the hypocritical elite refuse to distribute their wealth. So they choose the most risky plan imaginable simply because they can't abide the idea of losing their precious wealth and power. They are in for a rude awakening one day.

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Belarus was always anti-jab, Luka was one of the very few leaders to speak publicly in opposition to it and the lockdowns.

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Got to love the colorful sarcasm in the reporting, too.

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We certainly do not need a Pandemic agreement. What we need is to end all gain of function experiments and shut down every BSL 3 and BSL 4 laboratories. These experiments are not to help stop pandemics but to further genocide and depopulation and control while lining their pockets.

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I am just happy to see "uncensored" not being censored here, strange days indeed..

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Belorussia have atleast some brain cells still left 🧠

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And you should remember that we tried to topple the government there. A pretty popular head of state who refused to pursue neoliberalism, and the U.S. tried to stir up a "popular" uprising against him.

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Belarus is cooperating with Russia on defense issues. I hear a propaganda echo from Putin

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Maybe they will save us from the globalists, not a bad thing

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Defined as a "treaty, the Senate will need an unlikely 2/3 vote. The Influence of TRUMP could force it to happen. I could gag it down if that happens

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Thanks Meryl for your continued war on evil. Although I'm sure that the video shared a weather of important information, one needs to be a speed reader to observe it.

My biggest proof of the biggest scam of our political system is that it's a one party organization, and one t hat is becoming more corrupt each day. Hardly anyone in our corrupt government will acknowledge the jet spraying of poisions in our sky's on a regular, destructive basis. Most people are being completely snowed by this travasty because it's too hot to handle. How can anybody look up at the sky each day and refuse to acknowledge the mess that a child could notice. If this activity is not a nefarious one, what is it then? Oh, why worry about this. Of course our government would not do to us what they did to our Native Americans during the "Manifest Destiny" period of our country's development.

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The Press Likes Violence.

Let’s Just Re- Brand

Vaccine Injury


Vaccine Violence.


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Gestapo medicine

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The issues is genocide.

The WHO's initial and ongoing role in genocide.

Most nation's initial and ongoing participation in genocide.

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Global Democide, Infanticide, "grannycide" and encouraged suicide, for all..

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We just need to know that the dawn will come; light is stronger than darkness; and life conquers death.

There is always hope.

Fear not.

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An asymmetic counteroffensive to NATO's proxy war against Russia in Ukraine?

(Asking for a friend :-)

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There are too many coincidences not to be from the same source. Massive propaganda.

What good is democracy when all the crucial information is unavailable to the electorate. We could use a bit of informed consent, instead we get, line up here, documents now slave, if you wanna stay alive.

Otherwise, come to Canada. Now we have MAID for tourists. Ok I admit sometimes I make things up. Oddly a few eventually came true.

Seems there is no line up if you are eligible for or receiving a pension. Kickbacks to all "medical" personal closing the deal.

Just a small informal survey, does anyone here still think Russia is getting it's butt kicked in the Ukraine? Related is it just me or does it seem like our politicians and business leaders are definitely on side, just not ours? Odd they can fire us but seem firmly ensconced in their juicy roles of tyrant for life.

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IMO, Russia never got its butt kicked. Shouldn't have poked The Bear, Russia was never going to lose. The West/NATO made a big mistake and in their arrogance expected to win, planned to divide Russia into 10/12 regions and plunder all Russian resources.

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Me too but now we get the same old call to arms. Ukraine can't lose, we must defend the most democratic Fascist regime since Hitler. More bull shit to what end. Dead kids and big profits, same old crap. Only difference lots of new technocratic propaganda gadgets.

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Wow, John, wow!

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That was very good!!! The WHO needs disbanded, tarred, and featured! 👹

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They are restless and determined. Watch for a false flag scamdemic II, choreographed, executed and broadcast with greater energy than 2020. The means could include CBRN attacks attributed to 'X'. We're 'all in this together' to out the perpetrators and thrash them into oblivion.

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Belarus gets it right! And so does the rest of Russia in exposing all of the GOF labs operating in the Ukraine with US military and money!

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Putin should have exposed the US germ warfare labs in Ukraine.

And stopped right there.

Check. Mate. Done.

Yer move, Brandon.

That would have been so cool.

Too bad. :(

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Exactly right!

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Wow Meryl, wow, wow wow...

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I know, right? Just what I was thinking. Holy Belarus Batman. MSM. AND with RFK jr and Dr. Nass!

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Wow! that was an amazing segment. It covered all the important bases. Belarus TV could teach the world a thing or two.

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