Meryl Nass is not only a great American 🇺🇸 Patriot, She is a Digital Warrior who has fought against The #DeepState #DarkEnemies #GlobalSatanists #Psychopaths #WEF #Illuminati Cult-Members #YuvalHarari #BillGates
Meryl Nass is not only a great American 🇺🇸 Patriot, She is a Digital Warrior who has fought against The #DeepState #DarkEnemies #GlobalSatanists #Psychopaths #WEF #Illuminati Cult-Members #YuvalHarari #BillGates
Biden’s Clinton’s Obama’s #Fauci “Klaus Schwab” Founder of WEF, Vanderbilt’s Rockefeller’s Rothschild’s BlackRock #DEI #Pedophilia COVID GAIN OF FUNCTION PLANNEDEMIC #KillShots #DeathJabs
Yes, Meryl's a TRUE digital warrior with a heart-- Unlike "certain" other substack "freedom fighters," for whom the fight appears to be more on the level of biting, face-scratching "mean girl" dripping-with-sarcasm specious attacks not based in reality (omits portions of the entire story) on other freedom fighters-- as well as her own subscribers, then complains of not having enough of them, go figure-- wasting her subscribers' time and energy, yet never dares confront those "fraudulent" "D.o.D.-allied" freedom fighters personally, even when encouraged to do so, in person, actually. Let it be noted: "When fighting dragons take care lest you become one," but at this point, and in consideration of the consistently seen addiction to conflict, the wise advice is far too late.
Of course you don't, you D.o.D. TROLLS here echoing your paymasters' 5G psyops warfare bullsh!t. What else should we expect from blatant liars like you? Wait-- I know: The Sun revolves around Earth, and Earth, of course is flat. Wonder how many labs your Kalashnikov-toting homicidal bitch had her filthy fingers in over in Ukraine-- It's common knowledge she made her so-called "fortune" in developing poisons for idiots like you ;-)
Meryl Nass is not only a great American 🇺🇸 Patriot, She is a Digital Warrior who has fought against The #DeepState #DarkEnemies #GlobalSatanists #Psychopaths #WEF #Illuminati Cult-Members #YuvalHarari #BillGates
Biden’s Clinton’s Obama’s #Fauci “Klaus Schwab” Founder of WEF, Vanderbilt’s Rockefeller’s Rothschild’s BlackRock #DEI #Pedophilia COVID GAIN OF FUNCTION PLANNEDEMIC #KillShots #DeathJabs
“Luciferian Soldiers”
Yes, Meryl's a TRUE digital warrior with a heart-- Unlike "certain" other substack "freedom fighters," for whom the fight appears to be more on the level of biting, face-scratching "mean girl" dripping-with-sarcasm specious attacks not based in reality (omits portions of the entire story) on other freedom fighters-- as well as her own subscribers, then complains of not having enough of them, go figure-- wasting her subscribers' time and energy, yet never dares confront those "fraudulent" "D.o.D.-allied" freedom fighters personally, even when encouraged to do so, in person, actually. Let it be noted: "When fighting dragons take care lest you become one," but at this point, and in consideration of the consistently seen addiction to conflict, the wise advice is far too late.
Of course you don't, you D.o.D. TROLLS here echoing your paymasters' 5G psyops warfare bullsh!t. What else should we expect from blatant liars like you? Wait-- I know: The Sun revolves around Earth, and Earth, of course is flat. Wonder how many labs your Kalashnikov-toting homicidal bitch had her filthy fingers in over in Ukraine-- It's common knowledge she made her so-called "fortune" in developing poisons for idiots like you ;-)