"were manipulated"?

*are* manipulated.

They want nothing less than to change human nature, because its in their way.

The ruling class has long known that usury and the lack of debt jubilees will lead to the centralization of everything, so they planned on engineering “cooperation”, and that’s exactly what they’re doing with their invented crises. Its batshit crazy, its killing millions, and on top of all that, it is bound to fail. People have somehow to be made to realize this.

"Societal disruptions, including the COVID-19 pandemic, are described as accelerating changes that align with the post-industrial future outlined in Changing Images of Man. Wars and crises are viewed as opportunities to speed up societal transformations that would otherwise take generations"

research book summary

Changing Images of Man - Part 2

GPT Summary - Jessem Guy's Podcast


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I don't know why this 'brain trust' doesn't realize that the long-term effects of its machinations are the denigration of the entire medical profession. Sure, you may manage to either drive out or yank the licenses of doctors who don't adopt the official line, but when it then becomes known that all those who are left are nothing but shills for the government and Big Pharma, trust in the medical establishment collapses. And then how many people will show up for your 'treatment'?

I really don't even know how to find a doctor or a hospital I can trust any more. Thank goodness my health is still holding out and I haven't needed one.

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That is what everyone tells me. I think the globalists wanted the loss of trust, the better to diagnose and treat you with AI. more manageable and cheaper besides. I think that is why the process of making appts and the experience in the doctor's office has become so unpleasant... so we won't miss it.

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I forgot to add that my trust in prescription medications has also fallen off a cliff, especially the newer ones.

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I read recently, and it seems broadly applicable, that "when you realize that they are trying to kill you, everything becomes clear."


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I don’t trust doctors but a few who have gone out on their own. It is disgusting to see how they have given in to evil. I’m really angry at the evil they have done to children and the elderly. Fire them all. Get out the old timey remedy books, and find those that know how to use the recipes within these books. I’m old. I choose death over help from an evil , greedy doctor. Thank you for what yo have done Dr Nass. God sees, and that is all that truly matters.

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Sadly, people sometimes really need an appendectomy...

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Bingo. Reminds me of a cute dramatization of the same idea ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krcNIWPkNzA

The 'doc' pops up at 2:25. 😂

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Conducting warfare against the people of the United States is treason. Psychological warfare is still warfare. We need investigations and prosecutions. I realize that the story is about the U.K., but there are perpetrators here also, as we all know.

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Of course there are.

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Tavistock style shit, since WW I

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P.S. Andrew Bridgen (ex-MP) is on my short list of the Covid myth aware & also the deadly nature of the mRNA injection risks, which makes him a brave and honourable hero. Mick (UK).

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It's surprising how much money has been made for Big Pharma from their DEADLY INJECTIONS. Enough to finance covert factions who concentrate on ensuring that any who attempt to criticize the useless but DEADLY MRNA injections are silenced and their lives ruined.

I've tried to keep my finger on the pulse since the 'mystery' of Covid which was launched in 2019. The clues came thick and fast when a 'pretend vaccine' appeared within a few short months.

Then we learned Big Pharma wanted to continue the farcical liberty of ZERO LIABILITY for injuries and deaths caused by their poisonous injections. Our Governments agreed to this insanity.

Then we learned Big Pharma only offered CONTRACTS to Governments - distancing their 'VAX' murders from the actual recipient casualties of their deadly mRNA crap 'Snake Oil' injections!

Then we heard of many 'early deaths' and a sudden increase in surprise illnesses and diseases.

Then we heard of sports participants dropping on the playing fields or tracks. Frequently from Myocarditis, Pericarditis and strange white Blood Clots occurring during sports events.

Then we learned that 'Vax' participants actually contracted Covid or/and Flu (if they're not the same?) far more frequently than us UNJABBED.

Then we heard of a new phenomenon, DEADLY 'Turbo Cancers' which became a frequent issue.

And still Governments continue to allow MASS MURDER DEPOPLUATION injections to continue!

The criminal Big Pharma medical fraternity has all bases covered - and loads of cash for bribing whoever needs 'encouragement'.

Criminal Pfizer (et al) must reveal these known SV40 contaminants within DEADLY mRNA jabs.

No LIABILITY for these injections (called vaccines) is the deadliest and callous liberty ever taken!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) We'll all live longer by distrusting the entire medical profession.

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Closer to home in the North East was this ugly little exercise about the Canadian govt. spreading LIES about wolves on the loose:


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Yep. Disturbingly few were able to recognize this psychological manipulation and in doing so took measures that harmed themselves and their children. Fear is the control mechanism of Evil. That is why multiple times Jesus and His Angels said not to fear.

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The Guardian is wetting itself over us being prey to "misinformation" following Zuckerberg's decision. Imagine being guided by a fake-progressive rag in cahoots with the security services...

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Good to know!

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My favorite parts of Covid:


Aerosolized “Replicating” Pathogens

( via Gain Of Function )

Is A Tempest In A Petri Dish.

Despite What They Wish You To Believe.


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