CBW weapons are designed for specific purposes. And the intention is always to prevent detection (make it seem natural) because there are laws against CBW. Otherwise a bullet is simpler and cheaper.
Some are designed to cause chronic illness (say brucellosis or low dose cyanide) some to cause brief incapacitation (say shigella) some to cause assassination (say snake venom, ricin, cyanide)
So what would be the purpose of using snake venom as opposed to hepatitis A or cholera in the water? If snake venom is found in water or medications it is obvious that something illegal happened, and the manufacturer is subject to liability where there was (perhaps) none due to the EUA.
So, what I would need to convince me that snake venom was being used would be:
1. Finding some in a product
2. Finding that people were being physiologically affected in a chronic way by venom that was different than the immediate, acute life-threatening effects of venom.
Happy to entertain the venom theory as long as there is a single piece of valid evidence to support it.
Doc, you and Patrick Wood did not listen to Ardis well. Granted, Stew Peters made this too emotional. The interview with Mike Adams is infinitely better. He did not claim venom is killing folk. You both are throwing babies out with bath water. You're failing to consider the tech capabilities that have already been published.
Discounting his theory requires three mistakes you're making.
1- it's not about venom. It's about engineered molecules capable of mimicking venoms. Molecules pulled from a combination of disease causing molecules from venemous animals as well as common cold, HIV and others.
2 - nano lipids and other preservation techniques make these new unnatural molecules vastly more capable of damage and increases their longevity.
3 - Jabs are mRNA that programs human cells to make these same Frankenstein molecules. Given the DNA altering tech and the nano-lipid tech preserving them and aiding their penetration, the potential for extended and expanding harm to humans looks unlimited.
The irony here of your quick and careless dismissal is that the error feels similar to the folk crying out for more censorship of "dangerous speech" in media.
Probably the most important aspect we all fail to consider as we argue whether he is right or wrong, is that it's too early to be sure and meanwhile we fail to consider possibilities and probabilities we all face if any of it is true.
If true, then natural immunity is just one more illusion put forth to scramble our minds. That and we are infinitely more vulnerable to democide than even the conspiracy theorists that we are labeled have considered possible.
As regards why would pharma/DARPA/govt do this when other genocidal means work so much better, consider the business and profit model. Pharma / insurers / hospitals want addicted / dependent / compromised customers who suffer greatly and for decades. Opioids were a boon. Potential lifetime customers who continually and constantly produce endogenous toxins provides an infinite profit model for any companies hold patents on the antidotes to the toxins.
Imagine billions of jabbed customers faced with a dire painful life threatening NEED for constant repeated antidotes for the rest of their social / financial credit scored lives.
All I asked for was evidence. I can dream up possibilities as well as anyone. I know the score. I have repeatedly suggested the jabs are being given for an ulterior motive.
When evidence is proffered I will grapple with it.
I just finished watching this long discussion about Watch the Water, going to watch a second time. It goes into much more and near the end about Elon Musk and Twitter, so worth a listen. I was aware of a lot of the cult of the serpent but there is so much more to this: https://rokfin.com/stream/17219/CULT-OF-THE-SERPENT-Feat-Josh-Reid-Truth-Warrior-
How do you not have your own substack we can subscribe to?
Hilarious sharp stuff.
I wanna hear you and Rappoport on an hour long riff.
BTW, now that we're done with the Hogan troll, how bout we get back to issue of viewing this as an engineered bioweapon derived from multiple toxins with serious effects as well as HIV that gets positive HIV tests and further mass delusions?
One of the impacts we have not considered yet is that there is no natural immunity to such a molecule. There is repeated testing that rationalizes genocidal quarantines. But there is no natural immunity, which means that as long as pharma/MIC have covert vectors for poisoning us, they can and will keep doing it to keep their medical apartheid going and growing.
Also that means that vaccines will never work and will only serve as another hidden vector for their toxins. Herd immunity will never be reached. Blame for progressively worse poisonings will be placed on progressively more scariant variants.
So what's are best route out of this rabbit hole quickly digressing into a wormhole?
Yep. The heroic "jewish" ceo of Pfizer struggled day and night for months to produce a "vaccine" to save everyone - but alas ! the virus had become so muscular that only unvaxxed folk didn't notice it - so they had to be dealt with in "isolation camps", say.
Had similar experience with Jon even though I didn't go as hard or long as you. Considering how aligned his whole perspective is with your's that's particularly egregious. Egregious enough to be suspect. Make you want to study his hypnotherapeutics much? Let us know when you sort out bugs enough to publish. Suggest strongly go beyond "invite only."
Is spike protein toxic? Do the effects of spike protein resemble the effects of venom? Hemagglutination? Is there immune-related angiopathy from the S-protein? Thrombosis?
Dr. Ardis' father-in-law did not die from Remdesivir, but other drugs. This led Dr. Ardis to investigate the drugs and then down the rabbit hole of the only authorized treatment allowed in hospitals, Remdesivir. He has been sounding the alarm since early 2020. The paralyzed diaphragm was from the vaccines compared with snake venom, not the virus. I trust and believe chiropractors more than medical doctors. A medical doctor almost killed me with a new drug, almost 30 years ago. It was a chiropractor and a nutritionist who brought me back to health. I think you need to view the video again and get your facts straight before bashing this information and spreading misinformation, which we have too much of today.
I’m more on Nass’s side. I deeply respect NDs and DCs but she is right above the fact Ardis is not as in depth knowledgeable about some of the specific things he mentions. I didn’t watch Peters show but I did watch one of the Steve Kirsch provided links to the Health Ranger/Brighteon videos. I will be trying to learn more myself as I believe he’s on to something correct but maybe not exactly the conclusion he has drawn. It’s STILL fascinating. I vaguely recall 2 years ago about the possible “bat, snake, pangolin” links. I now want to read more on that since, as he said CORRECTLY in the Brighteon video “anything CDC says, look at the opposite”. I personally trust CDC and FDA not at all.
However, I also believe this whole discussion might be distracting us from the WHO treaty and other more important matters. Let’s all focus.
His information may or may not have validity. However, the potential consequences of these COVID-19 "vaccines" are dire based on what we know already. For example, an OpEd titled "Have we entered a self-sustaining modus operandi for COVID-19?" has been posted recently on Trial Site News (https://trialsitenews.com/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19/#comments). It addresses potential consequences of COVID-19 "vaccinations" followed by repeated boosters. Because most of the critical infrastructure personnel in the USA (doctors, nurses, military, law enforcement, teachers, pilots, etc.) were required to receive the initial COVID-19 "vaccinations" in order to remain employed, and are being required to get the boosters to remain employed, the consequences for the USA could be catastrophic if the scenario posited in the OpEd comes to pass. Recent events suggest we have entered the initial phases of this scenario.
First of all, you don't know about Dr Ardis and his practice apparently! Here we go with you are just a chiropractor and don't know about medicines. I follow him and he knows about them! You don't have to go to a school to get information on these pharmaceuticals! He does what most trained physicians don't do and researches them! His practice was healing people who suffered many years with conditions you guys just mask with more drugs. Many people might not be in the hands of physicians killing us if they would think outside their medical degree box and took the time to find out that Ramdesivir failed miserably in the ebola trials! Swallow your pride and stop the nasty attacks. There is a new system being transitioned to now of doctors that will open their minds and doctors that don't want to get on board will be left behind. Why does it take a chiropractor to figure out the hospitals are the new gas chambers?????
I don’t think her response wa a “low blow” but I do wish MDs wouldn’t be taught DCs and NDs are not very knowledgeable. My own, for example has a DC, ND, MD, PhD and I think he’s describing a MBBC (I don’t know the exact designation but it’s a British med degree). He never finished residency due to covid but he’s extremely knowledgeable. That’s mine. Not sure about Ardis.
You clearly don’t know who your talking to or what she has done for the vaccine injured. She didn’t criticize him for being a Chiro. And btw- I’m the granddaughter of a chiro. Dr. Nass has been talking about the hospital systems and the stark truth about the medical practice for decades.
But those of us that have sacrificed everything to fight this agenda, (and Dr. Nass has sacrificed more than most fighting) have to ask how someone comes out of no where, goes viral overnight, with a theory that no one questions but is so easily debunkable. What are we being distracted from? And how will this be used to discredit and deflate the work and progress so many are making together.
Then why did Dr. Ardis call Wellbutrin an SSRI? An "atypical antidepressant" isn't necessarily a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; bupropion is actually an aminoketone belonging to the class of substituted cathinones, and more generally is a substituted amphetamine. He should have looked it up before talking about it.
What you all are not getting is the Cobra Snake Venom is synthesized through A.I. to have slightly different properties than pure Snake venom! Most main Stream doctors have no clue of the cutting edge technology at hand and what’s truly possible! A good example is look at all the work China has been doing with frequency viral transmission! Bet most of you never heard of that did ya! That work has been going on since the 40’s and has done nothing but been improved through time by different government contracted entities like DARPA and so on. A.I. Venom Synthetics have been developing for quite some time so Watch the Water is more than factual as the research on those processes are not new! We need to keep in mind to not pay attention to Google for factual information as it is controlled by the Chinese CCP which most American sheep with their Barbie doll existence which I call the sheeple Fog is still in a blue pill state. Even well trained physicians get it wrong which is the case here, or they are simply paid off! Beware of know it all physicians and twisted truth! Trust your own findings in this day and age of misinformation!
Thank you. Meryl. for posting a quick rebuttal to Ardis' theory. It is unfortunate that his video on Rumble will receive 1 million views in the first day of release. Many Christians are swooning over it, throwing all discernment to the wind.
Lack of discernment is certainly a problem and Ardis makes several errors. He does bring up some valid evidence eg the nictotinic acetyl choline receptor, the fact that the proteins were linked to snake toxins early on, and the shooting of that researcher. Ardis is sloppy and probably wrong but some of his evidence should be followed I think.
I would request both of you see my other reply. Laura (self styled Jesus fanatic. 😀) and Stephanie, ps to you, I think he’s right to question whether we are listening to Jesus or to Ardis. Unthinking devotion to ANY teacher is not Biblical.
I understand that vaccine injured often develop high glucose or diabetes. I wonder whether this might be related to a venomous insulin growth-factor protein?
Also, it appears that the neurotoxin bears semblance to the genetic structure of HIV. This brings to mind Montagnier’s claim that HIV is inserted into SARS-CoV-2…
Yes. The Univ. AZ study is published. J.M. Snider et al., “Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 is associated with the pathobiology leading to COVID-19 mortality,” J. Clinical Investigation, Aug. 24, 2021; https://www.jci.org/articles/view/149236#SEC4. If you read it carefully you'll understand that Ardis is completely misrepresenting its conclusions. He first assumes and then asserts that all the patients were on remdesivir and then uses the finding that 100% had phospholipase A2 as evidence that remdesivir is snake venom. That is such poor logic, not to mention lazy research! In fact, many samples were collected before remdesivir was even approved for use. And, Supplemental Table 3 shows that no more than 1/3 of patients had remdesivir or other antiviral. So, what the paper in fact shows is the opposite of what Ardis claims: all patients had PLA2 because it is natural produced by humans in response to pathogens, including in response to SARS-CoV-2/COVID. It was not injected via remdesivir. Yet Ardis cites this study and makes this unfounded assumption and logical leap in most of his presentations. It is a key paper that he cites.
I am a Christian with deep faith in my Savior, Jesus. I swoon over Jesus.
I do not swoon over Ardis. I am properly skeptical over MOST things being fed to me these days and right now, frankly, Dr Nass has the more reasonable approach as does Dr James Lyons Weiler (popularrationalism.substack.com has a great response to Ardis also yesterday).
However, I respect Ardis too and am willing to consider as his ideas are interesting. But no, no swooning.
P.s. while I AM responding forcefully to your slightly less-than-respectful comment about Christians, unfortunately you are right and I take no real offense. Sincerely! The problem? MDs have too frequently betrayed us. Absolutely betrayed us. I have worked for them for 30 plus years, work for 6 I actually respect right at this moment I am at an eye doctor office at lunch, just spoke to my (Christian MD) boss. I love him to death but he and his colleagues have STILL betrayed us by their blind adherence to the three-letter agencies in the gov. Even my own. It is VERY sad.
But it's all been foretold and is a necessary evil to bring about the Rapture and the Tribulation, and the Kingdom of my lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; FOR BY THY SORCERIES (PHARMAKEIA in Strong's) WERE ALL NATIONS DECEIVED. People have been worshiping doctors for way too long.......hence, they bought the pharmacy sham hook, line and sinker. It is only the spirit of the living God that allows his people to discern what is true and what is false. It is what defines the TRUE body of Christ, and He is the head.
The fact that he has seemingly come out of almost nowhere and managed to get an interview to blow up overnight should be everyone's first red flag. Legitimate people in our community fighting this aren't given that kind of reach on the internet. The specific group of Apologetics he brings up is something I find interesting. The following is a write up I did in response to the interview:
As with so much regarding the complicated theology of Scripture- what we think we know and what scripture actually says are two different things.
I am not a scientist, physician, or toxicologist. So I will leave the water’s scientifically incorrect claims to them. If you would like to read some of the reviews of those who are highly accredited AND have been on our side fighting with us for years, I’m happy to link some for you to consider. So that you may do what we do. Research for yourself.
However, theology and the relevance to
v a cc I n e s IS my specialty. So I will be addressing it from this angle.
Apologetics have been raising alarm bells for a decade regarding Pharma. Specifically
vac cines. And scriptural literacy has been an important and driving force to correcting the issues created by modern day religion. So I find it funny that this was used to wrap up this theory like a beautiful Trojan horse.
But the problem comes with the lack of understanding of theology, and what it is we have been saying.
the Hebrew word used in Genesis was nahash. This translates broadly to "serpent," but was also used to describe powerful Biblical creatures like giant sea monsters. Thus, it's quite possible the serpent in the Garden was a creature more like a dragon than a snake. Like turning the fruit into an apple we also turned serpent into snake, and then later into the devil.
Genesis is quite clear that the serpent only became a snake AFTER being caught by God for tempting Eve.
Genesis 3:14, God cursed the serpent, saying, "You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life."
God's curse itself suggests the serpent must have been walking on legs up until that point, including when it tempted Eve
This is also the first prophecy in scripture- and the first time that genetics become a target of war.
“15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Because if the woman’s seed (Christ) is what will defeat the serpent - then the obvious answer would be to disrupt or destroy the genealogy. Which brings us to the flood- but that’s for another day.
Be cautious, be wise, test all spirits. Because we wrestle not against flesh and blood. And our enemy doesn’t only use mainstream media to lead us off to be lost.
Matthew 3:12 Sort the wheat from the chaff
Matthew 7:15
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Romans 16:17-18
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
1 John 4:1
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
Matthew 10:16
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
Ezekiel 22:27
Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, shedding blood, destroying lives to get dishonest gain.
No. The only thing I watch legacy media for is to see what they're focusing on, because that tells me where I should be looking that they dont want us paying attention. Ive been fighting the vaccine agenda for almost a decade. Even of all of the people that have come out of the woodwork during covid, Ardis is fairly obscure and unknown. He isn't someone widely known even amongst the vaccine fight, prior to this he averages a few thousand views per video. There are a couple of exceptions when he interviewed a couple of people that were slightly more known, but on average its 2-3k. A lot of them only have a few hundred. Then all of a sudden a dramatized interview he does hits 5-7 million views and overnight everyone across social media is discussing it. Our people aren't given that kind of reach on the internet. Plandemic blew up, but it took time and was a coordinated effort of known and respected people using their reach and platforms combined.
I am not saying everything he said is wrong. Im saying enough of what he said is just wrong enough to further discredit us. And like we all supposedly pride ourselves on doing- we should approach this with discernment, caution, and an abundance of research.
BTW, he had zero internet presence I knew of until start of cv1984 when his father in law got remdesivir'd.
And yep, I've been paying attention since 1993. Started out with antibiotic abuse and realized quickly same hypocritical exploitation as mercury amalgalms, hernia mesh repair, vaccines,..............
Seeing someone like Ardis gain popularity does not surprise me. The mechanism is more on our side of the camera than his. We are being primed to be more conservative in politics and more distrustful of pharma among other topics. Even pharma's ads are geared to make us more distrustful.
Which brings us back to the only pertinent issue about Ardis. What was he wrong about?
vaguely remember that. Have since grokked him as controlled opposition on the Stew Peters team. There probably is some truth to pharma being based on technology from venom research. Plenty more examples than ozempic. All the same, pushing nicotine as he does is evil. There are better ways. Probably the most evil Ardis is to promote panic behind the covid psyop.
Did I “discern” an eye roll in that comment, Mr. Wood?
Christians aren’t drooling young lovebirds. If these past two years have taught us anything it’s that we need lots of opposing opinions out in the PUBLIC scientific discussion when discerning truth from deception and omission. (This was one of President Trump’s biggest failures.)
Who has conflicts of interest?
Who is willing to sacrifice their professional reputation, job, social status, etc. to present unpopular truth?
What do the unbiased facts show (like annual all-cause deaths)?
A little more credit would be appreciated.
May God reveal the truth and may billions have eyes to see.
Blessed and holy Triduum.
As an aside, I’ve learned a lot from you about technocracy. Thanks for your persistence.
Thank you, Lisa, and I appreciate your opinion. I confess to the "eye roll". Since I am a Christian and a researcher, I have something to say about both matters. I have received this video from well over 20 of my Christian friends around the country who are eating this up hook, line and sinker. They should know better to lay hands on something without using their head to do some logical vetting first.
I am all for research, but responsible research. Let's put aside the venom issue. It may or not be, but sure, it could be. Genetic scientists are using synthetic genes or transgenic material all the time to edit into DNA of different species. The genetic structure of snake venom may well have inspired some mad scientist's gain of function project. However, Ardis has no genuine research skills or history, but is only able to interpret what others say.
The problem is how Ardis strings things together to make a story that confirms his thesis. It just doesn't work this way in the real research world.
He states flatly that the virus is a venom. This simply cannot be true in the simple sense of the term. He states flatly that the venom is in the water. That also cannot be true because venom dilutes, oxidizes and is destroyed by chlorine to basically render it inert. He states that he realized how they are spreading the venom by listening to a Blacklist episode (Season 4, Episode 5), where Red drank some wine with the poison in it. This is not research, it is gross speculation. He says it's in the water because the government has set up over 600 water testing facilities to measure viral presence. Well, they are testing sewage water, not drinking water. He says the CDC is in on it and is using subcontracting companies to distribute the venom but doesn't name one or offer evidence. But, what about all the other hundreds of thousands of other water systems in the world. Does the CDC or its contractors poison them as well?
He then jumps to his final selling point. He flatly states that the venom "program" is to take DNA from a snake and insert it into human DNA: "I think this was the plan all along"... "To make you a hybrid of satan, no longer belonging to God." This is pure fantasy from a Biblical perspective. First, a snake is not Satan or even a surrogate for Satan. Secondly, created angels do not reproduce nor have sexual organs. Lastly, he got his sign from God to carry on no matter what... from a fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant. He stated, "I knew that God was telling me you can’t give up and you have to tell the world." If Ardis gets his messages from God through things like fortune cookies and TV shows, then that says something about his lack of communication with God through traditional, Biblical means like prayer, reading the Word, discernment, etc. Whatever his theory might otherwise be, he is on very shaky ground laying it off on God and I, for one, simply do not buy it.
And, one other thing: He states that “The serpent is the epitome of evil in Christendom”. I suppose I hate snakes as much as anyone. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was cursed by God to crawl in the dust on its belly forever. However, when Israel suffered an invasion of vipers, God instructed Moses "Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live." (Numbers 21:8)
I hope you get my point here. If anything, Christians should practice 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." To pin hopes and beliefs on godless TV shows and fortune cookies just doesn't wash.
I hopes this clarifies my initial comments. I continue to commend Dr. Nass for her clear and experienced thinking on the matter, and thank her for the use of her comment thread to have this discussion.
Thanks for your clarification. While I may or may not agree with the fortune cookie story and what you said about it, as I mentioned in several comments, I am properly skeptical and trying my best to be prayerfully discerning.
God CAN work outside science is my only other comment I haven’t yet made. Evil IS at work. Dependence on God, His power, his wisdom and His Sovereignty trumps ALL (no pun intended).
I already mentioned to one of your detractors above the following: we should ALWAYS question Human teachers. Always. God is the ultimate authority and arbiter of truth.
I haven't seen the referenced video, but with all due respect, the neurotoxin (snake venom) homology in Spike (both vax & COV2) has been raised & published by serious people:
An insertion unique to SARS-CoV-2 exhibits superantigenic character
have been pointed out to form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to that of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, as well as neurotoxin-like regions from three RABV strains (21).
A nicotinic hypothesis for Covid-19 with preventive and therapeutic implications
"The neurotoxin motifs. Amino acid sequence alignment of the motifs found in toxins from snakes of the Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, in G from three RABV strains and in S from SARS-CoV-2."
Turns out these guys have been playing with IVM & Neurotoxins and nAChR since 1998:
This is just what I was looking for, thank you. I had revised my comment (above) to include an article from Nature that I just found in which there is an allusion to the HIV sequence also. A person who was vaccine injured entered his symptoms into Google search and the result was poisoning. NAC is one of the few detoxing agents providing relief and I heard that the FDA has restricted it.
The Nature article states, “Neurotoxins have sequence homology to viral glycoproteins, including glycoprotein of rabies virus and gp120 of HIV, which can specifically prevent the binding of the virus to nAChRs on cells and inhibit rabies virus and HIV infection.”
I wonder whether this is a perverted attempt to inoculate against HIV.
I would trust Dr. Ardis with my life, we are facing life or death. Do you think the last 2 years are something that occured in nature??!!! Ugh, many of doctors don't think this evil exist so your blinders are on missing it all.....no wonder he found what killed his father-in-law, he got off his ass and quickly found what the problem was!
Too many are blindly just accepting this genocide!
What happened to Dr Bing Liu? What is the closest genetic sequencing to Deceased Covid 19 victims? Why is Remedsvir the only Fauci prescribed 9 day treatment to the checkout land?. Could Shanghais water supply been infected with the peptides containing the Kraits synthetic sequencing? Why are 5 named toxins binding to acetylcholine receptors !) HIV1 gp 120 2) Rabies 3) BUNGARO toxin 4) King Cobra toxin 5) c19 spike. What did researchers conclude Univ arizonia conclude from autopsies of deceased Covid 19 patients? My advice is to get some nicotine gum. And by the way, my mother lost her taste after first kill shot!
The five toxins binding to the Acetylcholine receptors is death and people have to figure this will take the immune system into a death spiral Cytokine storm.
If I'm to understand the reference, the video stated that smokers were less affected by covid, and someone else mentioned that the molecules from smoking looked like the receptors that the virus bonded to. Essentially, diluting the effect of an infection by causing the virus to attach to these molecules, and not to ACE2 receptors in your body.
It's worth getting through all 3 parts of his interview with Adams. It explains how and why the outlawed early treatments are so effective. Nicotine is an excellent treatment in venom cases. https://www.brighteon.com/2b090826-787f-4d03-9f78-a1a80d3fe767
I would echo Dr Nass: don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. I am taking her slightly out of context since she’s speaking of Dr Ardis’s accurate presentation of remdesivir as harmful if I understand (any misunderstanding of Dr Nass’s statement is my own, I hope I am representing your statement accurately Dr Nass).
But I want to add : His “detox” is (1) all natural, (2) can’t hurt, (3) has many overlapping ingredients with FLCCC protocols (I.e. Drs Kory and Marik et al).
While Ardis’s protocol has nothing in it “to be wary of”, I personally find it cheaper to buy the ingredients separately. He seems to be advocating high level vitamin C (also in FLCCC), a reasonable amount of zinc (I’ve heard 25 mg is plenty but some say up to 50 mg), 250 mcg (rem this is micrograms !) selenium, a normal amount of Magnesium and I believe he’s advocating Taurine and White Pine Bark. I recently asked Dr Colleen Huber (also on substack) and she stated simply that some have found White Pine Bark to be helpful. She DOES have MD training. I think she got her MD but is not licensed and practices as an ND. My apologies to Dr Huber. I respect her knowledge a great deal. It seems consistent and is based on studies, not hearsay.
Anyway, again, while maybe not as pharmaceutically knowledgeable Ardis HAS done a lot of research on remdesivir and his products are ok. I hope he furthers his knowledge by listening to Nass
Addendum to my other statement: while his protocol can’t hurt, some minerals can interact with some western allopathic meds, it’s best to check interactions.
In due respect, Dr. Ardis shows a profound ignorance of pharmacological subjects which makes it clear that he is trying to connect dots that don't exist. I was particularly shocked when he repeatedly acknowledged that he has never heard of a company called Genentech which is one of the largest biotech companies in the USA (if not the world). Ardis didn't even seem to know about Roche, which is one of the largest drug companies in the world. Because he happens to mention this big gap in his knowledge at the beginning of the interview, I couldn't trust much else on what you had to say.
And just because anti-venom may have some role in treating people with Covid-19 or long-hauler's syndrome doesn't mean that the virus is any type of venom, just as the benefits provided from Ivermectin (a drug that provided "deworming" effects) doesn't mean that Covid is "made from worms."
You state as justification for your claim that Ardis was unaware of Genentech and Roche, but not knowing of these corporations says nothing about a hypothesis about covid or the shot.
And clearly you did not listen to the whole thing. He recognized his lack of knowledge and his pure speculations. He also recognized what we do and do not have proof of.
Seeing's how you are so esteemed, do you know of all of the venom that is being used to treat people through out the world? Have you ever heard of toxintech.com ? Have you ever researched the use of toxin for medical purposes ? I would not be so quick to judge. Please go to that site (as well as several others!) and do the research and see for your self what type of animal technology they are using and trying to infuse into our bodies. I don't wish to be a chimera !
too easy curse an entire industry because the folk at the top universally exploit and abuse the tech. We know the folk running the internet including this site are exploiting and abusing us through censorship and surveillance of varying types and degrees and we reccognize the inherent value of learning from each other here. Chemistry has much to offer us in spite of fact that it's always much better to get our biochemical help and health from the biology around us. Just like it's best to grow all our own food. For those of us less wealthy, we have to make due with the best resources availed to us. While avoiding the most exploitive monsters all around us. Equating IVM with remdesivir looks less than wise. Much less wise.
What's it a derivative of? Not an argumentative question. And yes, am long familiar with the monstrosity that is the Rockefeller family and their death grip on the planet.
Importantly you're failing incidentally or intentionally to acknowledge that not all of us have the resources to treat our selves medically nor nutritionally the way we ALL NEED to be treated. I spent all of '92 and '93 on antibiotics after decades of abuse. It took me all of '94 and '95 to get off them and stay off them. (thank you Stuart Levy and a growing list of MD's)
Besides having to learn what works (and much better than antibiotics) I had to learn to get and protect access to what works. Went through similar in 2018 over a hernia mesh repair. Circumventing the system to get decent excellent surgery to avoid polypropylene mesh implants cost me more than anyone I know is capable of paying let alone willing to pay.
Perhaps the best example is mercury amalgalm dental fillings. Getting mine replaced was crazy expensive and helpful. Most people are not able to do that. And on top of that it is naive to think that the porcelain replacements I used after mercury are without their own inherent risks.
So from this perspective it feels like I'm not the one guilty of painting everything black and white and falling for Hegelian dialectics. Thank you. Appreciate your time.
BTW, while I have not taken IVM yet, I will work hard to reserve my ability to take it if it ever seems indicated. And there's a LONG list of food, nutrients, treatments, supplements,..... whatever that I will use first.
Thanks for your take as I was wondering what other esteemed medical professionals thought. My first thought after watching and hearing about the coincidences of similar effects of covid vs snake bites was 'could snake venom DNA have been used during gain-of-function research to create the bioweapon virus??'
To comment on what you had to say, these people are worse than Dr. Frankenstein when it comes to the concoctions that they are trying to create ! I have watched the video 2 times now. I know that he is a chiropractor but to me that does not make a difference! I know and have had close association with many people in the medical field and 4 of my family are in the medical profession. My wife is a nurse and a rad tech as well as several other areas. We have not taken the KILL SHOT and we will never be doing that !!!!!! I have been addressing this issue since I found out about it from my friend in China on December 12 of 2019 ! Yes this started long before it was released to the Media. I have personally collected over 6,000 pages of information (which I have printed out!) Countless videos and PDF as well as statistical data from every where I can find that is reputable. I have been taking a regiment of vitamins and herbs. My daughter caught it and she was over it in 2 weeks. I have a friend in the Israeli army and they were not taking the shot, they were simply taking 325 mg of aspirin very 12 hours. I took care of her, never used a mask or gloves. I took copious amounts of Colloidal silver, the aspirins and vitamins and my herbs. I never caught it and never had any symptoms ! To get to the message, sorry for the rant ! I have a doctorate in secret societies and ancient religions. I taught college for 15 years, you don't have to be a medical doctor to ascertain data and how to intemperate it. I ended up compiling papers for 3 doctors in our area, all of which were not taking the KILL shots ! So there is a simple cure for this. Not saying that this will work for everyone. But when you look at the health of the populous, most people are sick and do not eat well !! People are fat and don't exercise nor do they pray and dispense kindness . If we bond together if we help each other and if we stand up for our freedom we can turn this around and arrest and punish those that perpetrated this on humanity. By the way I am at the prime age to die from this 66, I am not afraid to die. I am right with the higher power which I call GOD, maybe now is a good time to pray.
Please do publish a substack or private website with some of what you laid out. Particularly interesting is the "simple cure." The more of us publishing on the simple cure the more ridiculous the fact checkers will be as they try to stifle us. thank you.
Dr. Ardis seems to suffer from a bad case of “Duper delight” throughout the interview. Mixing truth and half-truth/guesses/made up BS is not a new grifter method, but the scent of grifter is strong with this one.
Dupers delight can mistakenly be perceived in those who are angrily relieved at getting out ideas that have been suppressed and are oppressive. Have you not ever talked like this with friends who were stupid enough to believe masks save lives?
Ya… I find this quite puzzling to say the least!!! He advertised it everywhere, gave props to Dr. Ardis for agreeing to speak with Kirsch’s contemporaries yet, no video for all of us to judge for ourselves. Seems Kirsch and the lady doctor like to spout their own ideas as a more educated, hence, correct, while maligning Dr. Ardis’s well thought out hypothesis without giving us, the viewing audience, anything to view. Strange.
I really had to force myself to keep on watching this « movie ». I even thought the doctor ought to go into acting if you know what I mean. But I persisted because we need to look at content more than form nowadays. My eyes were rolling in the back of my head at some point. Many questions remain. I got most interested when he explained the link to smoking and mild symptoms as we had the most illogical ban on tobacco here in South Africa during lockdown. Makes one wonder if our so called health authorities are as stupid as they looked! And by the way, Chiropractors are my number one choice of health practicioner. I owe my health to many of those great healers.
I agree with you 100% . Dr Tom Cowan is a great inspiration to me.We all have inner wisdom and often we call it intuition. In my case it was an indescribable punch in the guts and my second brain fired up. The best way to describe it is “thousands of voices from ancestral memories” reminding me of my only contract on this Earth. It is a spiritual contract to protect not only my child, but all living systems being preyed upon by transhumanist utopia. What happened to First Nations and ecosystems will happen to our grandchildren if we don’t act on our intuition. May we someday meet and shake hands Slendermen.
All adverse effects of the injections known so far can be explained by the toxicity of the spike protein and the LNPs and by the immune reaction against the cells that translate the spike protein. Furthermore reverse transcription of the mRNA and integration in the genome is possible though not proven in vivo so far. Finally there is contamination with (toxic) metals.
Ah, ha! You must be the same doctor who doesn’t believe that gadolinium (a toxic heavy metal) is toxic inside the human body when injected into unsuspecting patients??? And, at the same moment, you create your own unscientific pseudo-babble claiming that it is only the spike protein in the Covid vax causing “adverse reactions” in unsuspecting patients (meaning death and disabilities to real human beings). Time to go back to school or retire. You’re pompous attitude is part of the problem and will never be a part of the solution.
Just in case you were curious, I did go to the link you provided and read the summary of your conclusions:
“Thomas Binder, Swiss internist and cardiologist with research experience in virology, explains that:
“COVID is no more deadly than seasonal influenza and how the WHO committed fraud in order to conjure up the illusion of a dangerous pandemic.
COVID vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective, and unsafe. Anyone who gets injected has no way of knowing how much of the poisonous spike protein our body cells will produce – but it makes a difference if we take one or one hundred sleeping pills.”
I do agree with your conclusion that “COVID is no more deadly than seasonal influenza and how the WHO committed fraud in order to conjure up the illusion of a dangerous pandemic“ though I can only claim a degree from The School of Hard Knocks, not some prestigious university such as you can claim. Just as you want your voice and opinions to be heard, you must offer the same to others.
For me, It was your final proclamation and discounting of Dr. Ardis’s important work that had me shaking my head as you totally dismissed him, agreeing with the lady doc who truly added nothing to the conversation.
Many people, including myself, find Ardis an honest and curious man who is seeking the truth. Too many lives have been lost and destroyed by the virus and the vax to not listen to every voice concerning this nightmare we are all experiencing or in the end, we will listen to no one.
CBW weapons are designed for specific purposes. And the intention is always to prevent detection (make it seem natural) because there are laws against CBW. Otherwise a bullet is simpler and cheaper.
Some are designed to cause chronic illness (say brucellosis or low dose cyanide) some to cause brief incapacitation (say shigella) some to cause assassination (say snake venom, ricin, cyanide)
So what would be the purpose of using snake venom as opposed to hepatitis A or cholera in the water? If snake venom is found in water or medications it is obvious that something illegal happened, and the manufacturer is subject to liability where there was (perhaps) none due to the EUA.
So, what I would need to convince me that snake venom was being used would be:
1. Finding some in a product
2. Finding that people were being physiologically affected in a chronic way by venom that was different than the immediate, acute life-threatening effects of venom.
Happy to entertain the venom theory as long as there is a single piece of valid evidence to support it.
Doc, you and Patrick Wood did not listen to Ardis well. Granted, Stew Peters made this too emotional. The interview with Mike Adams is infinitely better. He did not claim venom is killing folk. You both are throwing babies out with bath water. You're failing to consider the tech capabilities that have already been published.
Discounting his theory requires three mistakes you're making.
1- it's not about venom. It's about engineered molecules capable of mimicking venoms. Molecules pulled from a combination of disease causing molecules from venemous animals as well as common cold, HIV and others.
2 - nano lipids and other preservation techniques make these new unnatural molecules vastly more capable of damage and increases their longevity.
3 - Jabs are mRNA that programs human cells to make these same Frankenstein molecules. Given the DNA altering tech and the nano-lipid tech preserving them and aiding their penetration, the potential for extended and expanding harm to humans looks unlimited.
The irony here of your quick and careless dismissal is that the error feels similar to the folk crying out for more censorship of "dangerous speech" in media.
Probably the most important aspect we all fail to consider as we argue whether he is right or wrong, is that it's too early to be sure and meanwhile we fail to consider possibilities and probabilities we all face if any of it is true.
If true, then natural immunity is just one more illusion put forth to scramble our minds. That and we are infinitely more vulnerable to democide than even the conspiracy theorists that we are labeled have considered possible.
As regards why would pharma/DARPA/govt do this when other genocidal means work so much better, consider the business and profit model. Pharma / insurers / hospitals want addicted / dependent / compromised customers who suffer greatly and for decades. Opioids were a boon. Potential lifetime customers who continually and constantly produce endogenous toxins provides an infinite profit model for any companies hold patents on the antidotes to the toxins.
Imagine billions of jabbed customers faced with a dire painful life threatening NEED for constant repeated antidotes for the rest of their social / financial credit scored lives.
All I asked for was evidence. I can dream up possibilities as well as anyone. I know the score. I have repeatedly suggested the jabs are being given for an ulterior motive.
When evidence is proffered I will grapple with it.
I just finished watching this long discussion about Watch the Water, going to watch a second time. It goes into much more and near the end about Elon Musk and Twitter, so worth a listen. I was aware of a lot of the cult of the serpent but there is so much more to this: https://rokfin.com/stream/17219/CULT-OF-THE-SERPENT-Feat-Josh-Reid-Truth-Warrior-
You totally canned it there. It's racketeering "on hyper Steroids" the way I see it.
"It's about engineered molecules capable of mimicking venoms."
1. Show the molecular configuration, then
2. Show a lab result finding that molecular configuration in vaccines in significant quantities, or
3. Shut up already.
acknowledge it's possible.
Please Do not shut up. It’s good for people to be able to talk respectfully.
lalalala, I can't hear you.
troll nature is more obvious with each ad hominem
Go to Telegram - "Quinta la Columna" for what's been found by Spanish labs, in V@cc!nes
too bad your mother didn't have any intelligent children
Did you actually publish any physics, or are you just a test taker?
unique symptom in moderate covid--silent hypoxia and pathology studies showing unusual levels of microvascular damage which is 9x that of the flu
Are you a troll working for pharma?
How do you not have your own substack we can subscribe to?
Hilarious sharp stuff.
I wanna hear you and Rappoport on an hour long riff.
BTW, now that we're done with the Hogan troll, how bout we get back to issue of viewing this as an engineered bioweapon derived from multiple toxins with serious effects as well as HIV that gets positive HIV tests and further mass delusions?
One of the impacts we have not considered yet is that there is no natural immunity to such a molecule. There is repeated testing that rationalizes genocidal quarantines. But there is no natural immunity, which means that as long as pharma/MIC have covert vectors for poisoning us, they can and will keep doing it to keep their medical apartheid going and growing.
Also that means that vaccines will never work and will only serve as another hidden vector for their toxins. Herd immunity will never be reached. Blame for progressively worse poisonings will be placed on progressively more scariant variants.
So what's are best route out of this rabbit hole quickly digressing into a wormhole?
Yep. The heroic "jewish" ceo of Pfizer struggled day and night for months to produce a "vaccine" to save everyone - but alas ! the virus had become so muscular that only unvaxxed folk didn't notice it - so they had to be dealt with in "isolation camps", say.
Oh, lookee, another neanderthal pretending to do science.
Yes have you noticed how canned food goes yukky if you let it hang around opened for a week or so?
I think thats some shit they put in it to make Louis Pasteur look like a hero.
Had similar experience with Jon even though I didn't go as hard or long as you. Considering how aligned his whole perspective is with your's that's particularly egregious. Egregious enough to be suspect. Make you want to study his hypnotherapeutics much? Let us know when you sort out bugs enough to publish. Suggest strongly go beyond "invite only."
Fraud drives one nuts and crazy. Blame it on the Covid Express ?
Thanks for the links.
Is spike protein toxic? Do the effects of spike protein resemble the effects of venom? Hemagglutination? Is there immune-related angiopathy from the S-protein? Thrombosis?
Please Meryl - American yo maybe, but its "different From, or To - not "than" !!!
Dr. Ardis' father-in-law did not die from Remdesivir, but other drugs. This led Dr. Ardis to investigate the drugs and then down the rabbit hole of the only authorized treatment allowed in hospitals, Remdesivir. He has been sounding the alarm since early 2020. The paralyzed diaphragm was from the vaccines compared with snake venom, not the virus. I trust and believe chiropractors more than medical doctors. A medical doctor almost killed me with a new drug, almost 30 years ago. It was a chiropractor and a nutritionist who brought me back to health. I think you need to view the video again and get your facts straight before bashing this information and spreading misinformation, which we have too much of today.
I’m more on Nass’s side. I deeply respect NDs and DCs but she is right above the fact Ardis is not as in depth knowledgeable about some of the specific things he mentions. I didn’t watch Peters show but I did watch one of the Steve Kirsch provided links to the Health Ranger/Brighteon videos. I will be trying to learn more myself as I believe he’s on to something correct but maybe not exactly the conclusion he has drawn. It’s STILL fascinating. I vaguely recall 2 years ago about the possible “bat, snake, pangolin” links. I now want to read more on that since, as he said CORRECTLY in the Brighteon video “anything CDC says, look at the opposite”. I personally trust CDC and FDA not at all.
However, I also believe this whole discussion might be distracting us from the WHO treaty and other more important matters. Let’s all focus.
His information may or may not have validity. However, the potential consequences of these COVID-19 "vaccines" are dire based on what we know already. For example, an OpEd titled "Have we entered a self-sustaining modus operandi for COVID-19?" has been posted recently on Trial Site News (https://trialsitenews.com/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19/#comments). It addresses potential consequences of COVID-19 "vaccinations" followed by repeated boosters. Because most of the critical infrastructure personnel in the USA (doctors, nurses, military, law enforcement, teachers, pilots, etc.) were required to receive the initial COVID-19 "vaccinations" in order to remain employed, and are being required to get the boosters to remain employed, the consequences for the USA could be catastrophic if the scenario posited in the OpEd comes to pass. Recent events suggest we have entered the initial phases of this scenario.
wonder why substack will not allow me to like this comment.
btw. good point.
Yes, her response was much too quick. Also, I don't understand why part of her Curriculum Vitae is missing.
MY CV is on my blog for anyone to read and nothing is missing.
Again, please do post a substack. And Dr Nass, please do reply.
First of all, you don't know about Dr Ardis and his practice apparently! Here we go with you are just a chiropractor and don't know about medicines. I follow him and he knows about them! You don't have to go to a school to get information on these pharmaceuticals! He does what most trained physicians don't do and researches them! His practice was healing people who suffered many years with conditions you guys just mask with more drugs. Many people might not be in the hands of physicians killing us if they would think outside their medical degree box and took the time to find out that Ramdesivir failed miserably in the ebola trials! Swallow your pride and stop the nasty attacks. There is a new system being transitioned to now of doctors that will open their minds and doctors that don't want to get on board will be left behind. Why does it take a chiropractor to figure out the hospitals are the new gas chambers?????
Also, Dr Nass is fine to question his conclusions. I think that’s good science!! That’s what we all want right?
I don’t think her response wa a “low blow” but I do wish MDs wouldn’t be taught DCs and NDs are not very knowledgeable. My own, for example has a DC, ND, MD, PhD and I think he’s describing a MBBC (I don’t know the exact designation but it’s a British med degree). He never finished residency due to covid but he’s extremely knowledgeable. That’s mine. Not sure about Ardis.
You clearly don’t know who your talking to or what she has done for the vaccine injured. She didn’t criticize him for being a Chiro. And btw- I’m the granddaughter of a chiro. Dr. Nass has been talking about the hospital systems and the stark truth about the medical practice for decades.
But those of us that have sacrificed everything to fight this agenda, (and Dr. Nass has sacrificed more than most fighting) have to ask how someone comes out of no where, goes viral overnight, with a theory that no one questions but is so easily debunkable. What are we being distracted from? And how will this be used to discredit and deflate the work and progress so many are making together.
Then why did Dr. Ardis call Wellbutrin an SSRI? An "atypical antidepressant" isn't necessarily a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor; bupropion is actually an aminoketone belonging to the class of substituted cathinones, and more generally is a substituted amphetamine. He should have looked it up before talking about it.
What you all are not getting is the Cobra Snake Venom is synthesized through A.I. to have slightly different properties than pure Snake venom! Most main Stream doctors have no clue of the cutting edge technology at hand and what’s truly possible! A good example is look at all the work China has been doing with frequency viral transmission! Bet most of you never heard of that did ya! That work has been going on since the 40’s and has done nothing but been improved through time by different government contracted entities like DARPA and so on. A.I. Venom Synthetics have been developing for quite some time so Watch the Water is more than factual as the research on those processes are not new! We need to keep in mind to not pay attention to Google for factual information as it is controlled by the Chinese CCP which most American sheep with their Barbie doll existence which I call the sheeple Fog is still in a blue pill state. Even well trained physicians get it wrong which is the case here, or they are simply paid off! Beware of know it all physicians and twisted truth! Trust your own findings in this day and age of misinformation!
Thank you. Meryl. for posting a quick rebuttal to Ardis' theory. It is unfortunate that his video on Rumble will receive 1 million views in the first day of release. Many Christians are swooning over it, throwing all discernment to the wind.
Lack of discernment is certainly a problem and Ardis makes several errors. He does bring up some valid evidence eg the nictotinic acetyl choline receptor, the fact that the proteins were linked to snake toxins early on, and the shooting of that researcher. Ardis is sloppy and probably wrong but some of his evidence should be followed I think.
https://rumble.com/v10myhi-4.11.22-patriot-streetfighter-interview-w-dr.-bryan-ardis-exposing-the-serp.html WATCH THIS MORE INFORMATION IS REVEALED.
This comment on Christians just discredits anything you say. This is why we have this problem in the first place.
Just to clarify, are you saying that we have this problem because of Christians?
No we have this problem because of your judgment of Christians.
I would request both of you see my other reply. Laura (self styled Jesus fanatic. 😀) and Stephanie, ps to you, I think he’s right to question whether we are listening to Jesus or to Ardis. Unthinking devotion to ANY teacher is not Biblical.
Dr Ardis alluded to research at University of Arizona and at University of Pittsburgh.
Dr Nass, Mr Wood, others: have the studies that he referenced been made available? The last I heard of Dr Chilton’s study was in summer https://news.arizona.edu/story/venom-coursing-through-body-researchers-identify-mechanism-driving-covid-19-mortality
Here is an interesting article in Nature
I understand that vaccine injured often develop high glucose or diabetes. I wonder whether this might be related to a venomous insulin growth-factor protein?
Also, it appears that the neurotoxin bears semblance to the genetic structure of HIV. This brings to mind Montagnier’s claim that HIV is inserted into SARS-CoV-2…
Yes. The Univ. AZ study is published. J.M. Snider et al., “Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 is associated with the pathobiology leading to COVID-19 mortality,” J. Clinical Investigation, Aug. 24, 2021; https://www.jci.org/articles/view/149236#SEC4. If you read it carefully you'll understand that Ardis is completely misrepresenting its conclusions. He first assumes and then asserts that all the patients were on remdesivir and then uses the finding that 100% had phospholipase A2 as evidence that remdesivir is snake venom. That is such poor logic, not to mention lazy research! In fact, many samples were collected before remdesivir was even approved for use. And, Supplemental Table 3 shows that no more than 1/3 of patients had remdesivir or other antiviral. So, what the paper in fact shows is the opposite of what Ardis claims: all patients had PLA2 because it is natural produced by humans in response to pathogens, including in response to SARS-CoV-2/COVID. It was not injected via remdesivir. Yet Ardis cites this study and makes this unfounded assumption and logical leap in most of his presentations. It is a key paper that he cites.
I am a Christian with deep faith in my Savior, Jesus. I swoon over Jesus.
I do not swoon over Ardis. I am properly skeptical over MOST things being fed to me these days and right now, frankly, Dr Nass has the more reasonable approach as does Dr James Lyons Weiler (popularrationalism.substack.com has a great response to Ardis also yesterday).
However, I respect Ardis too and am willing to consider as his ideas are interesting. But no, no swooning.
P.s. while I AM responding forcefully to your slightly less-than-respectful comment about Christians, unfortunately you are right and I take no real offense. Sincerely! The problem? MDs have too frequently betrayed us. Absolutely betrayed us. I have worked for them for 30 plus years, work for 6 I actually respect right at this moment I am at an eye doctor office at lunch, just spoke to my (Christian MD) boss. I love him to death but he and his colleagues have STILL betrayed us by their blind adherence to the three-letter agencies in the gov. Even my own. It is VERY sad.
But it's all been foretold and is a necessary evil to bring about the Rapture and the Tribulation, and the Kingdom of my lord and savior, Jesus Christ. Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; FOR BY THY SORCERIES (PHARMAKEIA in Strong's) WERE ALL NATIONS DECEIVED. People have been worshiping doctors for way too long.......hence, they bought the pharmacy sham hook, line and sinker. It is only the spirit of the living God that allows his people to discern what is true and what is false. It is what defines the TRUE body of Christ, and He is the head.
The fact that he has seemingly come out of almost nowhere and managed to get an interview to blow up overnight should be everyone's first red flag. Legitimate people in our community fighting this aren't given that kind of reach on the internet. The specific group of Apologetics he brings up is something I find interesting. The following is a write up I did in response to the interview:
As with so much regarding the complicated theology of Scripture- what we think we know and what scripture actually says are two different things.
I am not a scientist, physician, or toxicologist. So I will leave the water’s scientifically incorrect claims to them. If you would like to read some of the reviews of those who are highly accredited AND have been on our side fighting with us for years, I’m happy to link some for you to consider. So that you may do what we do. Research for yourself.
However, theology and the relevance to
v a cc I n e s IS my specialty. So I will be addressing it from this angle.
Apologetics have been raising alarm bells for a decade regarding Pharma. Specifically
vac cines. And scriptural literacy has been an important and driving force to correcting the issues created by modern day religion. So I find it funny that this was used to wrap up this theory like a beautiful Trojan horse.
But the problem comes with the lack of understanding of theology, and what it is we have been saying.
the Hebrew word used in Genesis was nahash. This translates broadly to "serpent," but was also used to describe powerful Biblical creatures like giant sea monsters. Thus, it's quite possible the serpent in the Garden was a creature more like a dragon than a snake. Like turning the fruit into an apple we also turned serpent into snake, and then later into the devil.
Genesis is quite clear that the serpent only became a snake AFTER being caught by God for tempting Eve.
Genesis 3:14, God cursed the serpent, saying, "You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life."
God's curse itself suggests the serpent must have been walking on legs up until that point, including when it tempted Eve
This is also the first prophecy in scripture- and the first time that genetics become a target of war.
“15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”
Because if the woman’s seed (Christ) is what will defeat the serpent - then the obvious answer would be to disrupt or destroy the genealogy. Which brings us to the flood- but that’s for another day.
Be cautious, be wise, test all spirits. Because we wrestle not against flesh and blood. And our enemy doesn’t only use mainstream media to lead us off to be lost.
Matthew 3:12 Sort the wheat from the chaff
Matthew 7:15
“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.
Romans 16:17-18
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive.
1 John 4:1
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
2 Timothy 4:3
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
Matthew 10:16
“Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
Ezekiel 22:27
Her princes in her midst are like wolves tearing the prey, shedding blood, destroying lives to get dishonest gain.
Ardis came out of nowhere?
Have you been ingesting ONLY legacy media?
No. The only thing I watch legacy media for is to see what they're focusing on, because that tells me where I should be looking that they dont want us paying attention. Ive been fighting the vaccine agenda for almost a decade. Even of all of the people that have come out of the woodwork during covid, Ardis is fairly obscure and unknown. He isn't someone widely known even amongst the vaccine fight, prior to this he averages a few thousand views per video. There are a couple of exceptions when he interviewed a couple of people that were slightly more known, but on average its 2-3k. A lot of them only have a few hundred. Then all of a sudden a dramatized interview he does hits 5-7 million views and overnight everyone across social media is discussing it. Our people aren't given that kind of reach on the internet. Plandemic blew up, but it took time and was a coordinated effort of known and respected people using their reach and platforms combined.
I am not saying everything he said is wrong. Im saying enough of what he said is just wrong enough to further discredit us. And like we all supposedly pride ourselves on doing- we should approach this with discernment, caution, and an abundance of research.
What has he said that is wrong?
BTW, he had zero internet presence I knew of until start of cv1984 when his father in law got remdesivir'd.
And yep, I've been paying attention since 1993. Started out with antibiotic abuse and realized quickly same hypocritical exploitation as mercury amalgalms, hernia mesh repair, vaccines,..............
Seeing someone like Ardis gain popularity does not surprise me. The mechanism is more on our side of the camera than his. We are being primed to be more conservative in politics and more distrustful of pharma among other topics. Even pharma's ads are geared to make us more distrustful.
Which brings us back to the only pertinent issue about Ardis. What was he wrong about?
He said this "There are no ACE2 receptors in the lungs so it can't be a respiratory disease."
vaguely remember that. Have since grokked him as controlled opposition on the Stew Peters team. There probably is some truth to pharma being based on technology from venom research. Plenty more examples than ozempic. All the same, pushing nicotine as he does is evil. There are better ways. Probably the most evil Ardis is to promote panic behind the covid psyop.
Did I “discern” an eye roll in that comment, Mr. Wood?
Christians aren’t drooling young lovebirds. If these past two years have taught us anything it’s that we need lots of opposing opinions out in the PUBLIC scientific discussion when discerning truth from deception and omission. (This was one of President Trump’s biggest failures.)
Who has conflicts of interest?
Who is willing to sacrifice their professional reputation, job, social status, etc. to present unpopular truth?
What do the unbiased facts show (like annual all-cause deaths)?
A little more credit would be appreciated.
May God reveal the truth and may billions have eyes to see.
Blessed and holy Triduum.
As an aside, I’ve learned a lot from you about technocracy. Thanks for your persistence.
Thank you, Lisa, and I appreciate your opinion. I confess to the "eye roll". Since I am a Christian and a researcher, I have something to say about both matters. I have received this video from well over 20 of my Christian friends around the country who are eating this up hook, line and sinker. They should know better to lay hands on something without using their head to do some logical vetting first.
I am all for research, but responsible research. Let's put aside the venom issue. It may or not be, but sure, it could be. Genetic scientists are using synthetic genes or transgenic material all the time to edit into DNA of different species. The genetic structure of snake venom may well have inspired some mad scientist's gain of function project. However, Ardis has no genuine research skills or history, but is only able to interpret what others say.
The problem is how Ardis strings things together to make a story that confirms his thesis. It just doesn't work this way in the real research world.
He states flatly that the virus is a venom. This simply cannot be true in the simple sense of the term. He states flatly that the venom is in the water. That also cannot be true because venom dilutes, oxidizes and is destroyed by chlorine to basically render it inert. He states that he realized how they are spreading the venom by listening to a Blacklist episode (Season 4, Episode 5), where Red drank some wine with the poison in it. This is not research, it is gross speculation. He says it's in the water because the government has set up over 600 water testing facilities to measure viral presence. Well, they are testing sewage water, not drinking water. He says the CDC is in on it and is using subcontracting companies to distribute the venom but doesn't name one or offer evidence. But, what about all the other hundreds of thousands of other water systems in the world. Does the CDC or its contractors poison them as well?
He then jumps to his final selling point. He flatly states that the venom "program" is to take DNA from a snake and insert it into human DNA: "I think this was the plan all along"... "To make you a hybrid of satan, no longer belonging to God." This is pure fantasy from a Biblical perspective. First, a snake is not Satan or even a surrogate for Satan. Secondly, created angels do not reproduce nor have sexual organs. Lastly, he got his sign from God to carry on no matter what... from a fortune cookie in a Chinese restaurant. He stated, "I knew that God was telling me you can’t give up and you have to tell the world." If Ardis gets his messages from God through things like fortune cookies and TV shows, then that says something about his lack of communication with God through traditional, Biblical means like prayer, reading the Word, discernment, etc. Whatever his theory might otherwise be, he is on very shaky ground laying it off on God and I, for one, simply do not buy it.
And, one other thing: He states that “The serpent is the epitome of evil in Christendom”. I suppose I hate snakes as much as anyone. The serpent in the Garden of Eden was cursed by God to crawl in the dust on its belly forever. However, when Israel suffered an invasion of vipers, God instructed Moses "Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole: and it shall come to pass, that every one that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live." (Numbers 21:8)
I hope you get my point here. If anything, Christians should practice 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." To pin hopes and beliefs on godless TV shows and fortune cookies just doesn't wash.
I hopes this clarifies my initial comments. I continue to commend Dr. Nass for her clear and experienced thinking on the matter, and thank her for the use of her comment thread to have this discussion.
Any of you read Dr Kory’s very even and measured and non judgmental response to Ardis? I think it’s very well done.
Thanks for your clarification. While I may or may not agree with the fortune cookie story and what you said about it, as I mentioned in several comments, I am properly skeptical and trying my best to be prayerfully discerning.
God CAN work outside science is my only other comment I haven’t yet made. Evil IS at work. Dependence on God, His power, his wisdom and His Sovereignty trumps ALL (no pun intended).
I already mentioned to one of your detractors above the following: we should ALWAYS question Human teachers. Always. God is the ultimate authority and arbiter of truth.
TOO quick.
It's the QTQTNSPRRAR thing again.
I haven't seen the referenced video, but with all due respect, the neurotoxin (snake venom) homology in Spike (both vax & COV2) has been raised & published by serious people:
An insertion unique to SARS-CoV-2 exhibits superantigenic character
strengthened by recent mutations
have been pointed out to form a motif, Y674QTQTNSPRRAR685, homologous to that of neurotoxins from Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, as well as neurotoxin-like regions from three RABV strains (21).
A nicotinic hypothesis for Covid-19 with preventive and therapeutic implications
Changeux et Al, Received: 2020-04-16
"The neurotoxin motifs. Amino acid sequence alignment of the motifs found in toxins from snakes of the Ophiophagus (cobra) and Bungarus genera, in G from three RABV strains and in S from SARS-CoV-2."
Turns out these guys have been playing with IVM & Neurotoxins and nAChR since 1998:
This is just what I was looking for, thank you. I had revised my comment (above) to include an article from Nature that I just found in which there is an allusion to the HIV sequence also. A person who was vaccine injured entered his symptoms into Google search and the result was poisoning. NAC is one of the few detoxing agents providing relief and I heard that the FDA has restricted it.
The Nature article states, “Neurotoxins have sequence homology to viral glycoproteins, including glycoprotein of rabies virus and gp120 of HIV, which can specifically prevent the binding of the virus to nAChRs on cells and inhibit rabies virus and HIV infection.”
I wonder whether this is a perverted attempt to inoculate against HIV.
Hello. No comment from anybody, not even author?
Just some likes?
I would trust Dr. Ardis with my life, we are facing life or death. Do you think the last 2 years are something that occured in nature??!!! Ugh, many of doctors don't think this evil exist so your blinders are on missing it all.....no wonder he found what killed his father-in-law, he got off his ass and quickly found what the problem was!
Too many are blindly just accepting this genocide!
It shouldn't matter if the guy is a plumber insofar as facts are concerned. Where are your facts?
James Lyons-Weiler has done some worthwhile research on snake venom and COVID here:
What happened to Dr Bing Liu? What is the closest genetic sequencing to Deceased Covid 19 victims? Why is Remedsvir the only Fauci prescribed 9 day treatment to the checkout land?. Could Shanghais water supply been infected with the peptides containing the Kraits synthetic sequencing? Why are 5 named toxins binding to acetylcholine receptors !) HIV1 gp 120 2) Rabies 3) BUNGARO toxin 4) King Cobra toxin 5) c19 spike. What did researchers conclude Univ arizonia conclude from autopsies of deceased Covid 19 patients? My advice is to get some nicotine gum. And by the way, my mother lost her taste after first kill shot!
The five toxins binding to the Acetylcholine receptors is death and people have to figure this will take the immune system into a death spiral Cytokine storm.
Why nicotine gum?
If I'm to understand the reference, the video stated that smokers were less affected by covid, and someone else mentioned that the molecules from smoking looked like the receptors that the virus bonded to. Essentially, diluting the effect of an infection by causing the virus to attach to these molecules, and not to ACE2 receptors in your body.
Thanks much!
It's worth getting through all 3 parts of his interview with Adams. It explains how and why the outlawed early treatments are so effective. Nicotine is an excellent treatment in venom cases. https://www.brighteon.com/2b090826-787f-4d03-9f78-a1a80d3fe767
Thank you. He apparently is also ' selling a ' detoxification' product. As if we don't have enough real things to be wary of.
I would echo Dr Nass: don’t throw the baby out with the bath water. I am taking her slightly out of context since she’s speaking of Dr Ardis’s accurate presentation of remdesivir as harmful if I understand (any misunderstanding of Dr Nass’s statement is my own, I hope I am representing your statement accurately Dr Nass).
But I want to add : His “detox” is (1) all natural, (2) can’t hurt, (3) has many overlapping ingredients with FLCCC protocols (I.e. Drs Kory and Marik et al).
While Ardis’s protocol has nothing in it “to be wary of”, I personally find it cheaper to buy the ingredients separately. He seems to be advocating high level vitamin C (also in FLCCC), a reasonable amount of zinc (I’ve heard 25 mg is plenty but some say up to 50 mg), 250 mcg (rem this is micrograms !) selenium, a normal amount of Magnesium and I believe he’s advocating Taurine and White Pine Bark. I recently asked Dr Colleen Huber (also on substack) and she stated simply that some have found White Pine Bark to be helpful. She DOES have MD training. I think she got her MD but is not licensed and practices as an ND. My apologies to Dr Huber. I respect her knowledge a great deal. It seems consistent and is based on studies, not hearsay.
Anyway, again, while maybe not as pharmaceutically knowledgeable Ardis HAS done a lot of research on remdesivir and his products are ok. I hope he furthers his knowledge by listening to Nass
Addendum to my other statement: while his protocol can’t hurt, some minerals can interact with some western allopathic meds, it’s best to check interactions.
In due respect, Dr. Ardis shows a profound ignorance of pharmacological subjects which makes it clear that he is trying to connect dots that don't exist. I was particularly shocked when he repeatedly acknowledged that he has never heard of a company called Genentech which is one of the largest biotech companies in the USA (if not the world). Ardis didn't even seem to know about Roche, which is one of the largest drug companies in the world. Because he happens to mention this big gap in his knowledge at the beginning of the interview, I couldn't trust much else on what you had to say.
And just because anti-venom may have some role in treating people with Covid-19 or long-hauler's syndrome doesn't mean that the virus is any type of venom, just as the benefits provided from Ivermectin (a drug that provided "deworming" effects) doesn't mean that Covid is "made from worms."
You state as justification for your claim that Ardis was unaware of Genentech and Roche, but not knowing of these corporations says nothing about a hypothesis about covid or the shot.
And clearly you did not listen to the whole thing. He recognized his lack of knowledge and his pure speculations. He also recognized what we do and do not have proof of.
Seeing's how you are so esteemed, do you know of all of the venom that is being used to treat people through out the world? Have you ever heard of toxintech.com ? Have you ever researched the use of toxin for medical purposes ? I would not be so quick to judge. Please go to that site (as well as several others!) and do the research and see for your self what type of animal technology they are using and trying to infuse into our bodies. I don't wish to be a chimera !
too easy curse an entire industry because the folk at the top universally exploit and abuse the tech. We know the folk running the internet including this site are exploiting and abusing us through censorship and surveillance of varying types and degrees and we reccognize the inherent value of learning from each other here. Chemistry has much to offer us in spite of fact that it's always much better to get our biochemical help and health from the biology around us. Just like it's best to grow all our own food. For those of us less wealthy, we have to make due with the best resources availed to us. While avoiding the most exploitive monsters all around us. Equating IVM with remdesivir looks less than wise. Much less wise.
What's it a derivative of? Not an argumentative question. And yes, am long familiar with the monstrosity that is the Rockefeller family and their death grip on the planet.
Importantly you're failing incidentally or intentionally to acknowledge that not all of us have the resources to treat our selves medically nor nutritionally the way we ALL NEED to be treated. I spent all of '92 and '93 on antibiotics after decades of abuse. It took me all of '94 and '95 to get off them and stay off them. (thank you Stuart Levy and a growing list of MD's)
Besides having to learn what works (and much better than antibiotics) I had to learn to get and protect access to what works. Went through similar in 2018 over a hernia mesh repair. Circumventing the system to get decent excellent surgery to avoid polypropylene mesh implants cost me more than anyone I know is capable of paying let alone willing to pay.
Perhaps the best example is mercury amalgalm dental fillings. Getting mine replaced was crazy expensive and helpful. Most people are not able to do that. And on top of that it is naive to think that the porcelain replacements I used after mercury are without their own inherent risks.
So from this perspective it feels like I'm not the one guilty of painting everything black and white and falling for Hegelian dialectics. Thank you. Appreciate your time.
BTW, while I have not taken IVM yet, I will work hard to reserve my ability to take it if it ever seems indicated. And there's a LONG list of food, nutrients, treatments, supplements,..... whatever that I will use first.
Thanks for your take as I was wondering what other esteemed medical professionals thought. My first thought after watching and hearing about the coincidences of similar effects of covid vs snake bites was 'could snake venom DNA have been used during gain-of-function research to create the bioweapon virus??'
To comment on what you had to say, these people are worse than Dr. Frankenstein when it comes to the concoctions that they are trying to create ! I have watched the video 2 times now. I know that he is a chiropractor but to me that does not make a difference! I know and have had close association with many people in the medical field and 4 of my family are in the medical profession. My wife is a nurse and a rad tech as well as several other areas. We have not taken the KILL SHOT and we will never be doing that !!!!!! I have been addressing this issue since I found out about it from my friend in China on December 12 of 2019 ! Yes this started long before it was released to the Media. I have personally collected over 6,000 pages of information (which I have printed out!) Countless videos and PDF as well as statistical data from every where I can find that is reputable. I have been taking a regiment of vitamins and herbs. My daughter caught it and she was over it in 2 weeks. I have a friend in the Israeli army and they were not taking the shot, they were simply taking 325 mg of aspirin very 12 hours. I took care of her, never used a mask or gloves. I took copious amounts of Colloidal silver, the aspirins and vitamins and my herbs. I never caught it and never had any symptoms ! To get to the message, sorry for the rant ! I have a doctorate in secret societies and ancient religions. I taught college for 15 years, you don't have to be a medical doctor to ascertain data and how to intemperate it. I ended up compiling papers for 3 doctors in our area, all of which were not taking the KILL shots ! So there is a simple cure for this. Not saying that this will work for everyone. But when you look at the health of the populous, most people are sick and do not eat well !! People are fat and don't exercise nor do they pray and dispense kindness . If we bond together if we help each other and if we stand up for our freedom we can turn this around and arrest and punish those that perpetrated this on humanity. By the way I am at the prime age to die from this 66, I am not afraid to die. I am right with the higher power which I call GOD, maybe now is a good time to pray.
Please do publish a substack or private website with some of what you laid out. Particularly interesting is the "simple cure." The more of us publishing on the simple cure the more ridiculous the fact checkers will be as they try to stifle us. thank you.
Dr. Ardis seems to suffer from a bad case of “Duper delight” throughout the interview. Mixing truth and half-truth/guesses/made up BS is not a new grifter method, but the scent of grifter is strong with this one.
Dupers delight can mistakenly be perceived in those who are angrily relieved at getting out ideas that have been suppressed and are oppressive. Have you not ever talked like this with friends who were stupid enough to believe masks save lives?
I noticed Steve Kirsch hadn't sent the full show out on his stack...
Ya… I find this quite puzzling to say the least!!! He advertised it everywhere, gave props to Dr. Ardis for agreeing to speak with Kirsch’s contemporaries yet, no video for all of us to judge for ourselves. Seems Kirsch and the lady doctor like to spout their own ideas as a more educated, hence, correct, while maligning Dr. Ardis’s well thought out hypothesis without giving us, the viewing audience, anything to view. Strange.
I got that video thru another cite, its there somewhere, buy I didn't watch after reading...
Rare that I am willing to watch t v
a better less emotional interview:
I really had to force myself to keep on watching this « movie ». I even thought the doctor ought to go into acting if you know what I mean. But I persisted because we need to look at content more than form nowadays. My eyes were rolling in the back of my head at some point. Many questions remain. I got most interested when he explained the link to smoking and mild symptoms as we had the most illogical ban on tobacco here in South Africa during lockdown. Makes one wonder if our so called health authorities are as stupid as they looked! And by the way, Chiropractors are my number one choice of health practicioner. I owe my health to many of those great healers.
This has much less emotional baggage. Much less "acting" involved as Adams directs appropriate questions to the paradigm. It's worth hearing him out.
I agree with you 100% . Dr Tom Cowan is a great inspiration to me.We all have inner wisdom and often we call it intuition. In my case it was an indescribable punch in the guts and my second brain fired up. The best way to describe it is “thousands of voices from ancestral memories” reminding me of my only contract on this Earth. It is a spiritual contract to protect not only my child, but all living systems being preyed upon by transhumanist utopia. What happened to First Nations and ecosystems will happen to our grandchildren if we don’t act on our intuition. May we someday meet and shake hands Slendermen.
I fully agree, dear Meryl!
All adverse effects of the injections known so far can be explained by the toxicity of the spike protein and the LNPs and by the immune reaction against the cells that translate the spike protein. Furthermore reverse transcription of the mRNA and integration in the genome is possible though not proven in vivo so far. Finally there is contamination with (toxic) metals.
We explained all this in our latest symposium:
I see no point in debating unscientific pseudo-intellectual babble.
Ah, ha! You must be the same doctor who doesn’t believe that gadolinium (a toxic heavy metal) is toxic inside the human body when injected into unsuspecting patients??? And, at the same moment, you create your own unscientific pseudo-babble claiming that it is only the spike protein in the Covid vax causing “adverse reactions” in unsuspecting patients (meaning death and disabilities to real human beings). Time to go back to school or retire. You’re pompous attitude is part of the problem and will never be a part of the solution.
Just in case you were curious, I did go to the link you provided and read the summary of your conclusions:
“Thomas Binder, Swiss internist and cardiologist with research experience in virology, explains that:
“COVID is no more deadly than seasonal influenza and how the WHO committed fraud in order to conjure up the illusion of a dangerous pandemic.
COVID vaccines are unnecessary, ineffective, and unsafe. Anyone who gets injected has no way of knowing how much of the poisonous spike protein our body cells will produce – but it makes a difference if we take one or one hundred sleeping pills.”
I do agree with your conclusion that “COVID is no more deadly than seasonal influenza and how the WHO committed fraud in order to conjure up the illusion of a dangerous pandemic“ though I can only claim a degree from The School of Hard Knocks, not some prestigious university such as you can claim. Just as you want your voice and opinions to be heard, you must offer the same to others.
For me, It was your final proclamation and discounting of Dr. Ardis’s important work that had me shaking my head as you totally dismissed him, agreeing with the lady doc who truly added nothing to the conversation.
Many people, including myself, find Ardis an honest and curious man who is seeking the truth. Too many lives have been lost and destroyed by the virus and the vax to not listen to every voice concerning this nightmare we are all experiencing or in the end, we will listen to no one.
Everything you stated in no way weakens the plausibility of Ardis' stated paradigm.