What short memories some have. I appended the start of a 2016 Reuters article that clearly states the US was giving Israel 38 billion dollars in military assistance. The largest such aid package in US history.

No doubt when the material is used up, they get more. The military contractors make out, the military is happy, Israel grows in size, as it has been doing every since it was formed, little by little. Get out a history book.

This is what the US did too. Gradual land grabs. Check out all the European wars: land grabs. Many started with false flags. Theirs and ours. Read your history and then you might be able to know what is happening in Israel riight now. Lose the propagandized excuses. WHO had been paying off Hamas? Not only Qatar; Israel too. It is a scam

I doon't bow to the bot troll armies whose job is to enforce a false narrative during a genocide.

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I'll gladly leave your self-delusional echo chamber. You're too far gone. As for history book, you might crack open a Bible, being the proud Jew you claim to be. Modern Israel is not even close to the boundaries it's described as being by the One who ought to know. Maybe you'll claim Yahweh is a fictive myth too, much like your ludicrous claims of Israel-caused genocide inside Gaza. Good luck with that.

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Good riddance!

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Right-on, and hi again, Betty! How's the Shasta area doing these days? Portland is of course going more and more insane, all by design for the cities by "the powers-who-are-scum". How 'bout we start a new acronym, such as (for the foregoing), "TPsWAS"?

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Which part is a lie? The whole world can see what the squatter colonisation, occupation, oppressors, apartheid state has been doing to Palestinians ALL over the social media, massacring 35000 defenceless people who were forbidden their own army? Starving children until some died from hunger? IDF diaper soldiers who cannot fight on the ground because they all retreated because they can only bomb from the skies with the help of AI and the weapons of USA. Never let the lies of IDF soldiers who incriminate themselves by filming themselves looting the lingerie of women they just killed! Never believe the lies and fake propaganda from day one and I am not talking about October 7th , the genocide has not started on October 7th, it started in 1936 when terrorist groups Irgun and Haganah massacred thousands Palestinians and threatened thousands more to leave or die! The lie of 44 beheaded babies, the lies of rape, the lies of tunnels built by Israel, the lies in which Israel spend billions using HASBARAH to spread fake lies for decades and ban anyone that even says the word PALESTINE! Israel is Zionist secular state built on theft and lies which is nothing to do with Judaism of 3000 years ago but everything to do with Zionism born in Europe 1000 years ago! Karma soon. Thieves can never be owner and evil can never win!

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Gawd is just a real estate agent!

According to your thinking the Native Americans should retake the lands that America stole from them.

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I never gave bombs to Israel. Please be careful how you use the word 'We', Dr. Nass, as it appears to make us all complicit in the crimes of an evil illegitimate government.

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I appended the start of a 2016 Reuters article that clearly states the US was giving Israel 38 billion dollars in military assistance. The largest such aid package in US history.

Sorry but unless you resist your government's criminality, you too are complicit. What did Reinhold Niebuhr say?

"Evil is not to be traced back to the individual but to the collective behavior of humanity."

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I did not vote for the current administration, and I have written to my Congressional rep and Senators to stop funding Ukraine. The current administration does what it wants, does illegal actions every day of the week, and it would be impossible for any one person to fight all of them at once, if at all.

However, looking at the Middle East situation - Wall Street Journal says it was Biden's policies that gave Iran the funds which allowed Hamas to do the horrific attack in which women and children were raped, kidnapped, killed etc. https://www.wsj.com/articles/iran-hamas-oil-sanctions-biden-administration-israel-gaza-adbace0b

So, if I can be held responsible for Biden supporting both sides in this war, or doing whatever he does, should those living in Gaza be held responsible for repeatedly voting for Hamas and for all the women and children who were killed or tortured and kidnapped? Or whatever happened to them, I wasn't there, and the media lies so much... but something pretty bad happened and Hamas did it.

But some think, and I agree, that to understand the situation better one needs to go back a century or more to see how the current boundaries were created / evolved. Palestine historically existed on both sides of the Jordan. In the past century, western Palestine became Israel and Eastern Palestine became "Transjordan" now the country of Jordan. Thus, the Palestinian people were provided a huge tract of land in the division and claiming to be stateless seems not entirely accurate. Here is an article about this in Mosaic. https://mosaicmagazine.com/observation/israel-zionism/2021/12/the-forgotten-history-of-the-term-palestine/

The author states that he is not giving his opinion about what ought to be done at this stage of things, but he just thought it would be useful to look back at the entire history and not just what happened a couple months ago but to go back to when the boundaries were established, and "the simple statement that Jordan is Palestine is factual." In my opinion, for anyone wanting to fully understand the present conflict, it would be useful to read the entire article and just consider that information. But - the short version, as summed up at the end says:

"To sum up: “Palestine” was long universally understood to include the land on both sides of the Jordan River. Eastern Palestine is now the kingdom of Jordan. Its eastern border was not finalized until after the League of Nations approved the Palestine Mandate. Maps of Mandate Palestine that include only Western Palestine are misleading because the emirate of Transjordan was part of Mandate Palestine, governed under Britain’s Jerusalem-based high commissioner for Palestine from 1921 until the emirate became an independent kingdom in 1946. Amery had a firm basis for saying that taking Transjordan out of the Jewish national home in 1921-1922 can properly be called Palestine’s “first partition.”"

So in addition to his sum-up above, a few other bits -

"From the viewpoint of the established experts in geography, declaring Transjordan out of the Jewish national home was a subtraction." And some thought the Arab state got the bigger and better half of Palestine: "Leopold Amery, a former colonial secretary and one of the drafters of the Balfour Declaration, criticized the Transjordan policy for “taking out of Pales­tine the larger and better half, the half more suitable to large-scale colonization.” Years later—in a May 22, 1939 House of Commons debate—he described the decision as Palestine’s “first partition.” "

Perhaps this matters to no one today, and perhaps it doesn't matter, but all these years of Palestinians saying they had no homeland is not exactly accurate, and if Hamas had not attacked Israel so barbarically as they did, with money Biden gave to Iran which Iran gave to Hamas with a green light on this, Israel may not have been compelled to take action to protect their women and children by rooting out the source of the attack. And as to who is to blame - If I am responsible either for Biden giving the money to Iran which led to the attack, or Biden arming Israel, or Biden giving humanitarian aid to Gaza or Biden supporting both teams... excuse me, I mean whoever is running the country which isn't the senile old man who pretends to run the country. I tend to think we a coup and no one knows who is really running the country, and no one is able to find... but sorry for the digression if I am responsible for this mess, the people in Gaza who voted for Hamas are responsible for what Hamas has unleashed. But on the other hand - I don't accept responsibility for that mess, and think whatever you like, when we meet God on judgment day, we'll find out for sure who is responsible for what.

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I do resist it, and I am not complicit and neither are you. We both work tirelessly to get people to take action. Here's an article worth sharing on how we can fix our problems: https://tritorch.substack.com/p/apathy-is-the-fire-in-which-we-burn

I'd appreciate it if you'd restack or cross post that Dr. Nass because we need all hands on deck if we are to stop our collective ship from sinking. None of my content is monetized, I only do this for my son to have a future worth living in.

I deeply appreciate your efforts in that regard.

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Loud and clear.

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You don’t pay taxes?

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Pay? The government steals taxes at the point of a gun. One of those things are not like the other.

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We are the voters and the majority. Taxes are a ‘thing’ because of an overwhelming statism mindset in the population. Just ask your neighbours to explore other models of administration. None can see over the steering wheel, and are lead-footed on the gas pedal. It’s us. Same people are pulling all of us collectively over the Con19 edge into the canyon right now.

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Dwight D. Eisenhower said it best, "Beware of the industrial military complex." Most all wars are about banks & money! But Godless hate filled psychopathic Muslims would love to kill all you "infidel dogs" for free! It's in their blood & silly knock off fake Koran! I.E. Google: "Jay shuts down Islam's Origins in ONE HOUR at "Calvary Chapel Chino Hills"! For fake Koran facts!!!

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Before Eisenhower gave a stern warning, one of his former colleagues (major general Smedley Butler) did something similar (1935):


War is too profitable for psychopathic addicts to power and wealth which leaves only 1 option for those intelligent and brave, motto, "it's your duty to use some (appropriate) violence in order to prevent much (more) violence".

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When the MSM highlights an issue, it gets special treatment. Eisenhower's warnings never got that treatment.

Just like many of the whistle blowers, as a group the most decorated, efficient and respected. Then they tell the big picture truth, retire and are canceled. Small wonder the efforts directed towards retired folks.

Woke to another nightmare this morning. How those hooked to a ventilator must have suffered. No witness, no mercy. Knowing your doctor is killing you. Hmm you think our victims around the world can't read the labels on the system delivering their demise?

From the article "While the exact circumstances are still unclear and under investigation, Egyptian, Jordanian, and Saudi Arabian foreign ministry officials placed much of the blame for the injuries and deaths on the Israeli forces in their initial reactions to the chaotic incident." Much of the blame?

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"Profit above all else and over dead bodies" has been the favorite business slogan for too long. Only when the credibility of MSM is endangered by ignoring / silencing / censuring truth, enough gets published to prevent that. The last case was the war crimes issue in Vietnam (remember "napalm girl"?). Compare that to the sad fate of Julian Assange who is being slowly killed for exposing US war crimes. That already shows what criminal oligarch-owned & backed MSM has become.

Due to subsidized ventilator c19 operations I lost my best friends, who without that medical crime all would have been alive. The absence of moral, ethics and lack of in depth knowledge by standard medics I already knew 55 years ago, having been told "you should have been dead by now, we can't treat someone with 100% 2nd degree skin burns" by 1st aid hospital "docs". My parents' traditionally educated doc thought otherwise, provided the proper antibiotics and nutritional advice so after ~3 weeks I was cured completely, be it with a very high risk to develop skin cancers.

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You sound like a fighter. Lot's of hard knocks but still pushing back.

So many preposterous ideas being treated as fact. So much dis-ease. Simple things still enjoyable. Will take a patrol with the dogs and make some curry chicken for lunch.

It's all a little scary, but you can't say it's not interesting.

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Steve, lots of anger on this thread today. Following the infiltrators script, you insinuate one side then reveal your true colors.

Godless. Given the outcomes, either all the religions are Godless or some did not follow the most basic teachings God sent! Hate filled, hmm if this is love the Zionists are dishing out, heaven is gonna be one weird place.

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I use "we" all the time when referring to the U.S. That doesn't mean I agree with whatever they do. There is nothing implicit in that term to say I do.

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Thank you Dr. Nass. I knew you were human. The truth is the truth.

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US is Israel's vassal, so...

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Both govt's bow to the cabal imho

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Well, one bows, the other one conspires with the cabal.

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Fun fact: Satanyahoo hated Oh-bum-ah! because the color of his arrogant skin... but Oh-bum-ah was a good boy and did whatever he was told by the "permanent government" anyway.

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The hypocrisy and insanity of the US government is off the charts.

From proxy wars in Ukraine and all over the Middle East, to wide open borders, to trans-for-kids campaigns, to pushing fraudulent "climate crisis" agendas, to vaccine mandates, to being in bed with the WEF/UN/WHO in all aspects - the list of corrupt, treasonous and psychotic actions goes on and on.

In addition, any criticism of any Israeli policy or action is instantly attacked as "anti-Semitism."

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No, not "any" criticism. Just the damnable stupidity and infernal criticisms that use moral equivalence between the Hamas incarnate evildoers and IDF trying to keep their legitimate country intact and its people alive. That's the issue.

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"IDF trying to keep their legitimate country intact and its people alive. That's the issue."

Funny then that Israel let Hamas invade even though they were warned and Israel moved troops out of the area. And they said they had the plans for a year.

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And will soon be shackled with even worse. The First Amendment and freedom of speech are being criminalized just as all rising, increasingly-corporate-fascist governments like the U.S. do.

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The trans for kids thing came from China. I don't have all the details but my husband heard a discussion about a new book coming out that has the details, and it makes sense. China wants to destroy the US every way they can, and the surgery to destroy children's reproductive systems and keep us from reproducing would seem to help China. They recently did away with their longstanding one child policy because they realize they want more soldiers. So, while they are having more kids now to grow up to become soldiers, if our kids grow up damaged and unable to have kids - works for China.

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No. The problem was the billions given to the Palestinians, who instead of building a prosperous society spent 75+ years worshiping Hate and teaching their children to hate Jews. Get some moral fucking clarity, Meryl. This entire mess is the fault of the Gazan government. They did this to their own people. I myself have zero idea why we're wasting money dropping aid to these fuckers; the bombs are enough. There are 134 hostages still being held on Day 145 of the Gazan initiated war, after they raped, tortured and murdered on October 7th. Why are you blaming the victim? What would you want the American government to do if Canada unprovoked invaded New England and raped, tortured, murdered and took hostage 54,000 people?

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Where was the Israeli army, police when the attack occurred? It was ALLOWED to happen. Stop trying to twist the truth. It happened to give certain people an excuse to take over Gaza. Any clear-eyed person knows that. Offshore energy anyone? A new Suez canal?

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For one, Arab day workers, after gaining trust of the Israelis, skunked them and assisted in the horrific rapes, mutilations and murders. Israel got caught by surprise. As far as Gaza goes, it is a terrorist camp by the sea. It didn't have to be, but Hamas made it that way.

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Israel was warned numerous times and they did nothing.

"assisted in the horrific rapes, mutilations and murders"

That didn’t happen either. It’s been totally debunked and only ignorant people believe it.

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No, people who saw the videos believe it, videos taken by Arabs committing the atrocities.

Don't tell me I'm ignorant. Are you an Islamist troll?

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Meryl, you’re close but no cigar. There is no doubt, and I thought this very thing the day that the terrorists Hamas, (Let us call a spade a spade!) attacked Israel, that something wasn’t totally “clear,” to use your verbage. Israel’s high tech superior military capabilities couldn’t stop the Hamas terrorists spades? Was Hamas strategically located so that if IDF went in the innocent Arab population would have been decimated even more? And by the way, since I love Facts, and you people have so Quickly forgotten. Do you not know that in 2005 the Jews were forced/yanked literally out of Their settlements and homes in Gaza?!! The fool Fakestinians destroyed all the greenhouses and agriculture there to cut off their own foolish noses to spite their own foolish faces! It became a third world dump after they took over. I have seen the Fakestinian high rise luxury homes there in other regions. Have you? Since they are relatively new to this modern lifestyle with increased financial support, they have no orderly sense of design or style. It’s all chaotic

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You don't like their design choices?

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That’s not my point. When you go through their neighborhoods there are luxury, that’s right, beautiful luxury homes they built, but they are laid out so disorderly and nonsensical with additions that are not the standard curbside appeal one would find in well established areas. Now obviously all aren’t living in this affluence, just like the rest of most people don’t either. But the legacy news reports of how they all live is not the whole truth.

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Just to clarify, Meryl, by definition then, yours not mine, "clear-eyed" means unsupported and unattributed fantasy hypothesis. Is that right? Got it. Thanks! Glad I can check that box off.

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Exactly Dr. Nass! It’s a common government technique - just allowing it to happen. 9/11 was one of many

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You are saying that Israel intended for Hamas to come in and rape and torture and murder and/or kidnap women and children? Truly?

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It is known as a False Flag Operation.

911 was a recent, and notable, example.

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I have heard of false flags. Hitler did that in Poland when he dressed up some prisoners that he wanted to get rid of, dressed them in Polish military uniforms at the border, shot them and then put guns in their hands, so that Hitler could say Poland started the war, then the Germans came in as Hitler planned. Right, I know how that works, so I could see if Israel bombed an empty building or something and blamed the Palestinians... but not the raping and torture and kidnapping and hostage taking and murdering of women and children? If people think that Israel did THAT, I'm thinking that is not a "false flag" kind of thing, because I do not really believe that Israel did that. That is incomprehensible. This is kind of like Alice in Wonderland - just nuts. So I think a number of people here could be delusional and I am going to exit this conversation. I will leave this page for good and not comment further because this is insane. It totally insane to think the Israelis would do something this horrific to their own women and children. I do not believe it. Good bye.

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Netanyahu poisoned his own countrymen with the COVID jabz.

Millions are sick.

Tens of thousands are dead from jabz.

The Israeli government is Nazi and Stalinist in nature.

Read non revisionist history.

Talk to actual Jewish refugees from Hitler Germany and from Russia.

Talk to former gung-ho Zionists.

And listen to the people who have the misfortune

to have Israel as a neighbor.

Israel is no Jewish Paradise.

It is Nazi Germany.

All warmed up.

Lather, rinse, repeat.

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Please refrain from being socially rude to Dr. Nass. Your arguments and

opinions should be able to stand alone without being vulgar. Thx.

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As an FYI, I believe your hypothetical 54,000 equates on a per capita equivalence with the population of Israel and numbers of October victims, correct?

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Correct. 360/9.55 = ~38. 38*1400 = 54,000.

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Excuse me?! First, Show us please where USA and its military-industrial complex "gives bombs" to ANY entity. Sell? Extract concessions from on exchange for? Yes, of course. G-I-V-E? No fucking way. And your baseless insinuation that IDF are RESPONSIBLE for the child fatalities is lifted straight from the Hamas propaganda crib notes blaming Israel for this war that began ONLY AFTER HAMAS invaded THEIR COUNTRY and raped, beheaded, marauded, murdered and kidnapped its citizens and noncitizen visitors at a music festival.

Seriously, you might want to stick with the covid and other health-care issues that you know best. You're getting buried in anti-Israel rubble masquerading...

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We give Israel billions of bucks as long as they spend them on our bombs. This is no secret.

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Yes, it's called supporting our allies. That is what responsible, morally clear nations do. You're damned right it's no secret. It is a wonderful thing to support the only democracy in the Middle East in its fight against barbaric terror. Every American should be proud we supply the weapons needed to kill the kind of evil scum who gang rape girls at a music festival and take defenseless women and children hostage. Bravo, America! Let's get those munitions factories cranking!

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I’m not proud

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$38 Billion GIVEN to BUY US weapons. reuters

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Loans are not donations. Cite sources, Meryl. Your arguments are sinking fast under its own weight of inanity.

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Get your facts or get out

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Stop being a nasty Jew Hater or get out. I am beginning to think the medical board who took your license knew something about your character which was not clear until now.

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You are out of line. Stop this. Meryl Nass is doctor with integrity and loves humanity. She is not a person who will be silenced with wads of pharma money. Disagreeing on a topic of geopolitics is acceptable but attempting character assignation based on a differing opinion is absurd.

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Thank you Mary Lou - agreed!

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That was a cheap shot.

Meryl is in full possession of the facts.

You are not.

Israel's position is one of Manifest Destiny.

It is the racist doctrine that another group of White Europeans used against the Native Peoples of the New World.

Quoting Bible Babble to justify


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Criticizing a Zionist government’s genocidal policies is not being a Jew-hater. It would be the same no matter which country was doing it. If it was France doing this, would you call people against the slaughter French-haters.

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I haven’t had the time to stop by the comment section for some time, Dr. Meryl. But wow, all your excellent work shines in the degree of nasty, hateful rhetoric foisted on you by Zionist defenders. Looks like you attracted half of the IDF mind-warfare league and bots. Don’t waste too much time on concrete.

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Repeat as necessary

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Read the reuters article I appended to the piece. I showed you.

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AMEN. There are 134 hostages still being held on Day 145 of the Gazan initiated war, after they raped, tortured and murdered on October 7th. Why are these assholes blaming the victim? What would Meryl want the American government to do if Canada unprovoked invaded New England and raped, tortured, murdered and took hostage 54,000 people?

A very disappointing, ignorant, Jew Hating piece from someone who certainly knows about the Wuhan Fakedemic, but she should stick to her lane. This is offensive.

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The antisemite argument, used against a Jew--so logical, so thoughtful. Give it up.

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Spinoza, Marx, Noam Chomsky. Sadly the world has never been short of self-hating Jews. You give it up. Hitler didn't ask what kind of Jew you were. Similarly, the evil Gazan Government did not pause when gang-raping girls at the Nova festival to ask their opinions on the two-state solution.

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It’s Not that you’re being anti-semite, although you taking this stand sure smacks of it, it’s just so unbelievable that someone like You, who saw through Convid, is taking one single-minded stance. How about proving me wrong and attack the Hamas freaks who really hate Everyone, including the ARABS who live in Gaza, and are very likely pawns of the US and U.N.? Can you do that, Meryl, in another write up? Also, don’t worry, the pre-planned intentional buffoonery of this administration will bring in one more despicable, who is playing his “role” in this scripted play, to get reelected.

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Internet army out in full force. Over the target? Taking flak.

I've heard of Uncle Toms... are you now a self-hating Jew?

Can I laugh? Or is it too tragic to laugh?

I think we have to maintain a sense of humor.

God bless you and all your readers, Meryl, those who have seen the (money-grifting plights) and those who have not yet seen them.

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I guess people have to pull out the race card when they have no viable argument.

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Disagreeing with a Jewish person isn’t anti semitism.

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No, people disagree with me all the time who are not antisemitic. A nasty human who fails to understand the moral clarity that the Gazan Government began a war and took hostages in contravention of the Geneva Convention and therefore have brought holy hell down upon their own population, is indeed a Jew Hater. Whether or not she was born Jewish, this is the stupidest thing on the planet.

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You need a wake up call. The USA is the most corrupt and evil country in the world. Wake up and realize your government isn’t here to save you. The whole purpose of the USA’s involvement in any and all of this is to push us into war to destroy America. All the “so called” conspiracies you people say we worship have all about came true since COVID purposely landed on our doorsteps. Good luck to you when you realize the truth. It will be too late.

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Government has been undermined by big banking interests: Look at the Central Bankers attempts to take out many presidents; the deaths of Lincoln and Kennedy, the warnings of Eisenhower leaving office, attempts on Andrew Jackson's life.

Then look at CIA Operations: Bluebird, MKUltra, Paperclip, etc.

US Gov't. fully infiltrated, along with universities, court system, DAs, unions, schools, social media....

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Right. The USA is the most corrupt and evil country in the world. Thanks for your input, UN Human Rights Council Chair North Korea.

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Finally, clear headed rationality.......

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...as humanitarian concern for the "underdog." You know, just like those curs who scurried like rats in their labyrinthian network of tunnels. Exactly where your pro-Hamas rhetoric belongs.

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Exactly! Very disappointed with Meryl. See my above retort.

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Fucking spare me. 99.999% of Americans who suddenly have all kinds of opinions about a ceasefire never had one fucking word to say about world events on October 6, 2023. All of a sudden, they are deeply concerned about the Fakestinians WHO STARTED THIS FUCKING WAR. None of these American clowns stop to ask WHY the Fakestinians are not welcomed by their "Arab brothers." If I could hire the contractor who built the Egypt/Gaza barrier to build the same thing on the US-Mexico border, the border jumpers Biden loves so much would trickle to zero per day.

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It’s really sickening to listen to your hate drivel over a country half made up of children. Get a grip on yourself.

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It’s election time. That’s what happens when they are down in the polls. They switch agendas to try win back popularity. They don’t care about the loss of lives. They are heartless people.

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The Biden Regime funds both sides of these Wars. The goal is to prolong the conflicts while maximizing the financial gain of the military industrial complex, compromised politicians and oligarchs. The other goal is weaken the U.S. military at the behest of the CCP. Loss of lives is not a concern. Americans are seeing through the Biden Regime double speak.

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Right. The people defending Israel are the heartless ones. Sure. There are 134 hostages still being held on Day 145 of the Gazan initiated war, after they raped, tortured and murdered on October 7th. Why are you blaming the victim? What would you want the American government to do if Canada unprovoked invaded New England and raped, tortured, murdered and took hostage 54,000 people?

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I would not respond by depopulating Canada

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Gaza is not being "depopulated" it is being de hammased. Unfurtunately, 80 percent of the population supports them.

What would you do... become a dhimmi, become a rape victim, become dead... because you propose no solution, only bitch and moan, and let the Israelis be victims.

Enough of that.

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How many hostages is Israel holding including children? Saying that Israel is above criticism is ridiculous. And Israel’s propaganda has you believing that it’s the victim. Also ridiculous.

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Come on, Meryl, you know the deal: 10% for the "Big Guy" (with no heart)


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Hard to say which is more disturbing - The horrific bloodshed caused by this war that seems to never end - Or nonstop justification of it “so we can all live in peace”.

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This war was ended on 6 October 2023. It never had to start. Now that it has started, it is up to the IDF to put an end to this evil nonsense forever. There are 134 hostages still being held on Day 145 of the Gazan initiated war, after they raped, tortured and murdered on October 7th. Why are you blaming the victim? What would you want the American government to do if Canada unprovoked invaded New England and raped, tortured, murdered and took hostage 54,000 people?

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Not a stretch to see the devastated Ukraine as Israel South.....hey, steal the offshore oil and gas off Gaza, make some bread and hire United Van Lines to move on down to the black earth chernozemic wonderment in Ukraine, original home of the Khazarians! Join up with the corrupt oligarchs in Ukraine and they can have it ALL!

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I’m not concerned about the Canadians. They weren’t forced out of their homes with many murdered to make way for our great nation. We already did that to the indigenous people we wiped out. But I am getting alarmed that enough angry Muslims will be let in through out borders to create mayhem. And why are they angry? Have you ever asked yourself that question?

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I dont have to "ask myself" anything. The misery in Fakestine is 100% due to the bad, evil choices made by the Fakestinians. The Ottomans collapsed, leaving the British in charge. In 1947, a fair Partition was made. The Fakestinians - who were nothing but the dregs of a dying Empire who happened to be on the same patch of unproductive desert when the Ottoman Empire died - instead of working with the Jews who had come home after 2000 years decided to try to kill the Jews and destroy Israel. EVERY WAR THE ISRAELIS HAVE EVER FOUGHT HAS BEEN A DEFENSIVE WAR. Those Arab assholes chose Hate instead of productivity. If - as idiots like to claim - the Israelis want to 'commit genocide,' instead of carefully waging war to remove Hamas, this war would have been over on October 10th, with not so much as a cricket making a sound in the entire moonscape of what was once Gaza. Have you ever asked yourself why you're a Jew Hating shitbag? In my experience, 99.9% of Jew Haters are losers who have failed in their lives and instead of examining WHY you're a fucking loser, you look for someone to blame. Muting you.

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You really should keep your rape fetishes to yourself. No judgement with what you do behind closed doors but publicly injecting your masochistic fantasy into current events is pretty gross. Then again, your other chat is centered around authoritarian control over what other countries do to each other with their own tax dollars. If you’re looking for a job, definitely apply to the WHO or the IMF, you’d fit right in.

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Narcissists don’t see others as separate people. Most people in power are narcissists. Yes, they would do absolutely anything to us if it benefited them.

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So no mention of Hamas, which started this murderous rampage, Meryl? Or the kidnapped and murdered Jews, or how Hamas is responsible for the Arabs, who lived in Gaza, that they also murdered, Meryl? You’re so spot on with Convid, why are you swallowing the tripe spewed out on all college campuses and the entire world?

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The US has long given my hard earned income to Israel. I’ve been watching. I didn’t just wake up and turn on media in October. This is just more $$$$$ war games to fund the master profiteers. Do you think we matter to them?

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Does the 94 billion we just approved to the instigated Ukraine Russian war bother you as much? This is like 80 billion more than we give to our brother That’s Right I Said It! Israel.

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The murderous rampage has its origins in 1948 when the Israelis started their murderous schemes directed against the real land owners. Forgot it?

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With the plan for thus written during WWI (1917) by Lord Balfour to Lord Rothschild. The Balfour Declaration -- declaring before the end of the war and the "winners" declared -- that Great Britain would get the mandate over Palestine (Ottoman Empire territory), enabling them to offer a chunk of that territory as a "national homeland for the Jews."

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By continuing to ignore that the blame for this entire horror lies at the feet of Hamas and its regional enablers, not to mention its coddlers in the West, you are ensuring the cycle will never end.

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Mar 3Edited

By ignoring the 75 year history of what Israel has done to the Palestinians you are saying it’s okay for them to keep doing it.

Maybe you can look up what happened on October 2nd that actually started this.

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Nice try. Hamas admits it had been planning this specific attack for years. And I’m sure they built all those tunnels in five days. But please go ahead and spread disinformation and continue to delegitimize any other thought you may have to offer.

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I don’t buy your lies

Buy a mirror.

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Thank you for your trenchant comments. What will it take to end Israeli's slaughter of Palestinians and the complicity of the United States government? All the billions of dollars spent of weapons creates suffering from poverty and hunger among millions of people, right here at home. Meanwhile, weapons manufacturers like Grumman are making a fortune. The sociopaths who run this country and Israel, and Ukraine, as well, don't give a damn about you and me.

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“People who treat other people as if they are worth less than animals will have no qualms about killing their own countrymen.”

You are a wonderful woman and American, Ms. Ness. How do you qualify Hamas who on 10/7 raped, murdered, and took hostages, Israelis, Jewish and Arab alike, including almost 90 years old man and less than 1year old child?

AND now, just as you predicted, Hamas billionaire-thieves leaders use these hostages and Gazans as human shields - all actions are WAR CRIMES.

How do you suggest Israel deals with Hamas which even now, while negotiating the ceasefire. reiterates its commitment to genocide the last Jew in the whole world?

Thank you for all your tireless work for the betterment of America and humanity.

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How do you qualify the Israeli govt that allowed it to happen despite the best intel in the world, the best protection, the best fences?

This would never have happened unless is was allowed to happen.

Or maybe it was MADE to happen.

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That’s a question which keeps me awake. I hope, one day we learn.

If you saw a movie Golda, the Yom Kippur war began the way it did, because one of the Security bosses turned off easedroppjng systems for a few days.

For as much as I am able to consider many opposite conspiracies, I’d rather wait for the truth to come out. And it will.

For now, once again, what would you do if you were in power in Israel on 10/8 through today please?

Thank you again.

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scripted WITH entire cabal runnin' the show--yup, made, planned it all--they even did exercises--it's all a show. Sadly ordinary jews bein' blamed and others deluded inta cheerin' on NetAnYoohoo (of the genocidal vaxx that killed his "own" nation) not unlike my ol' lefties cheered on the entity known as Biden--puppets all--Sadly, I've come ta learn--as per Rabbi Chanananya Weissman--"hear oh" Israel wuz never a jewish state, never a safe haven for (us) jews here, there, an' everywhere (in the diaspora). Dr. Meryl is right about the wrongs done in ALL our names. (An' the IDF are young men LOSING their lives--no way to have famblies there if all the young men are dead--this is a suicide mission on both sides...)

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Reports I read (not from Hamas white papers with blood on them, seemingly your preferred media source) revealed that Hamas planned the Oct. 7 assault among only a few select top leaders and all 50-75 feet underground to evade electronic surveillance of digital and enterprise-wide communications. I'd have to find the link, but at least now you can't say there is not a reasonable explanation for IDF's intel lapse.

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Get lost troll. You and your group are always trying to throw the attention away from the ethnic cleanisng and genocide that is happening as you write. The IDF has even better propaganda than the US. But take it somewhere else. You are on my property here and you have spewed your hate enough and twisted the story enough.

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“Ethnic cleansing” and “genocide”

Define the terms Ms. Ness, please.

Thank you!

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Ok, you have just turned a supporter, into the reverse.

I see you are mentally unfit to be an MD, and I would avoid you, and suggest that anyone concerned with their health do the same.

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Sorry you are being attacked so viciously like this by some Dr. Nass.. You are a fine, courageous, incredibly knowledgeable human being and do not deserve it.

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Naivete! Harken back to the days of the Balfour Declaration. British control over the area allowed for the decree that planted the Israeli seed in Palestine. Seen those maps showing original Palestinian territory gradually being ripped away bit by bit by the Haganah and other warrior groups? Hey, this land is ours, we stole it!

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Wow!! So not Jews in Israel for thousands of years prior to Christianity and Islam? Not until the Balfour?

Oh, sorry, I forgot, Jesus was a Palestinian

“Naivete! ” 🤣🤡

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Of course Jesus was a Jew... perhaps like M Nass, of the self hating variety.

It certainly did not work out well for thim in that incarnation... but he did found a great religion.

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Wait, do you dare to contradict michael janket’s postulate that no Jews ever lived in Israel prior to Balfour?

How dare you, peasant? 😉😂

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Not Israel but the overlords who control Israel

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Love you Dr Nass!

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I am disappointed that Meryl Nass cannot discern the difference between Israel (a long time ally of the U.S. & the only Democracy in the Mideast) and Ukraine (one of the most corrupt countries in Europe & not an ally of the U.S.). Is Meryl ignorant of the implacable hatred that Muslims have for Jews over the centuries? What would Meryl suggest Israel do to stop the killing of Jews in the nation of Israel (for the past 75 years) by Muslims through the use of knives, guns, bombs, & missiles?

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Israelis are not Gazans, whom no Muslim country wants even temporarily. Hence I guess, Israelis can follow Mitt Romney’s final solution and self-deport 🙃

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"If they do that to Gazans, they will do it to us, too."

Even if you don't give a shit about the Palestinian people, this should be clear. This should be a warning for all of us: Covid, East Palestine OH, Maui, Gaza. We are being tested to see how much we will allow them to take from us, brazenly and in right out in the open, right in front of our eyes.

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