Aug 17·edited Aug 17

It's weird to think I was matriculating to Harfraud when this came out, suspicious of the globalist agenda but like many kids assuming it was the way forward without much thought. Only once I got on the inside of academia and its affiliated NGOs and initiatives did I realize that nothing added up, corruption was rife, perverse incentives marked every ambition of those directing these things. Nobody questioned anything, it was so dumb – everybody was full of pretentious pomp too; truly the "Galactic Empire" kind of vibe. Globalists just want to be the new nobility, it's very clear – all the international scions I went to school with who were onboard with this stuff (and aiming to find positions therein) were just trying to fulfill the antiquated expectations of their (perhaps confucian, perhaps feudal) class and parents. All well intentioned of course, all paving the road to hell however. Rejoice, my fellow rebel scum!

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Well said!

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Perfect example of how utopian thinkers are clueless as to what is possible. The world is less integrated and less at peace than it has been in decades thanks to the control freaks who want more than humans are capable of. In pursuit of utopian conditions, they destroy most everything they touch. If they had a brain, they would have never trashed the US constitution and generated tons of unpayable debts and unfunded liabilities. Woe unto them.

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Globalist agenda is straight out of Hell they are not going to give up no matter what means necessary…..assassination attempt only the beginning

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Which may be why people have started saying online that Trump has PTSD and has stopped WANTING to be elected. Well, that's tough. But all the more reason to elect him anyway, says I. The whole thing is starting to look more and more like a fairy-tale ....

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🤔plot twist

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Que sera sera. Might make him even more likely to be elected!

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Nothing in Trump’s behavior or demeanor indicates PTSD quite the contrary….anger

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Angry outbursts are one of the symptoms of PTSD: According to Google

"What are the 5 symptoms of PTSD?

Arousal and reactivity symptoms

Being easily startled.

Feeling tense, on guard, or on edge.

Having difficulty concentrating.

Having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.

Feeling irritable and having angry or aggressive outbursts.

Engaging in risky, reckless, or destructive behavior."

Apparently Trump only ever slept 4-5 hours a night, so the last 3 of these ....

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You choose Google as a source to be Gaslighted…..hahaha

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The above actually comes from here https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd Of course the NIH has shown itself to be untrustworthy lately, so ... Where do you get your intel about the symptoms of PTSD, Mr Myers?

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First time I have heard that story same planet different world

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Yeah, it may well be just the Demo rats' latest "information management" story. But PTSD is a real thing. And apparently the mother of immensely tall Barron has said she's not going to move back to the White House if DJT does. And this concerted attack does go on and on and on .... the man would be superhuman if it didn't affect him.

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This Utopia power grab has been going on for millennia. They didn’t trash the US Constitution! They trashed the Articles of Confederation because it didn’t give them enough power to get to where we are today! Check out Michael Gaddy’s work to learn more including source documents. https://rebelmadman.substack.com?r=1b28cx&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile

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Tump set their agenda back 10 years that is why they have been trying to destroy/block him

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The agenda was originally Agenda 2020.The Globalists had a plan to enact policies aided and abetted by Hilary. Trump winning the White House put a stop to it delayed it. Trump had visited a WEF meeting at Davos years before he was elected and wanted no part of their agenda. COVID was a trial run for them as to how people would respond to efforts to control and manipulate. They are still on track for 2030, the attempt to block Trump is a Global effort. The goal is to collapse the US economy into a Central Bank Digital Currency and after that into a Global Currency.

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Can you elaborate and give examples of how Trump set them back ? Thanks.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Bless you Ms Nass for the TRUTH that you have supplied over time. I am listed as a free user with you but under another email addy, and have added the new one as my ISP in its infinite wisdom has stopped webmail.

Also as another note - In Australia we now have this to contend with too. Sadly the speaker who fought this was speaking in an almost empty chambers. I pay these mongrels to represent us, and as they were not there, that is receiving money under false pretenses.

Senate Blocks Bill Protecting Aussies from Jab Discrimination – Labor, Greens, Crossbench to Blame!

Today I asked the Senate to support my COVID-19 Vaccination Status (Prevention of Discrimination) Bill 2022.

This bill would have protected Australians from discrimination based on COVID-19 vaccination status across Australia, including in employment, education, accommodation, and services.

It would have applied to the Commonwealth, States, Territories, and non-government entities, ensuring individuals are not unfairly treated due to their vaccination status.

It would have protected free movement within and between States and given parents greater power to protect their children from vaccination coercion.

This bill would have upheld Australians' rights and freedoms against government overreach and abuse.

I would like to thank the Coalition and Senator Babet for their support, but unfortunately, the legislation was voted down by Labor and the Greens, with assistance from key crossbenchers who chose to abstain from the vote.

Senators Lambie, Tyrell, Pocock, Van, Thorpe, and Payman were all absent from the chamber, allowing Labor and the Greens the numbers to defeat this vital legislation.

To add insult to injury, Labor used their speaking time to insult Australians who support my legislation as fringe conspiracy theorists.

How shameful.

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It is shameful. Sorry. Oz seems to be where the cabal tries out its worst. This fail tells us more jabs are coming, via mandate.

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Thank you. Seems New Zealand is taking some flak too.

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... these reprobates are giving the idea of and constituting even the most deliberately boring, inane and contrived documents a bad name Meryl!...

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Aug 18Liked by Meryl Nass

WEF reminds me of my condo association. Bunch of people who want to be in control because they have no meaning in their lives.

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so we are in the midst or middle of the slow collapse......... how it comes to pass is anyone's guess. most think technology will save us but that is what is making it worse imo. now we are so far into the tech we can't retreat from it.

be kind, generous, help people and have gratitude for what one has..... live each day the best u can.

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And pray if you do that sort of thing.

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oh yes Tim, many times each day! very powerful practice.

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Thank you. Allowed me to take a breath.

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Fucking predatory "elitist" BASTARDS!

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It seems we don't have a say in this.

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Could be. I didn't vote for that. As a social scientist (PhD level), I couldn't imagine that the CCP infiltrated Western civilization so profoundly.

The problem is that we didn't know a thing about what was happening behind closed doors. And most of us thought that whistleblowers like Alex Jones were mad clowns.

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Your view of Alex Jones and others was likely a product of the MSM. Apparently it was their job to stop the public from listening to Jones.

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This is not true.

We are in perplexing times, believing humanity had left barbarism behind: 'Never again!' they proclaimed. Here's my story.

- Luc






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Could be. I didn't vote for that. As a social scientist (PhD level), I couldn't imagine that the CCP did, in fact, infiltrate Western civilization so deeply.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 18

It did not, directly. The globalists have culled and adopted several "social" paradigms in their agenda to "redesign" humanity. China is no innovator. It is a manufacturer. The US/UN/WEF use China to develop their "inventions". "Voting" is the most ridiculous and pathetic way of evading one's responsibility to one's society and oneself. It's a moronic cult that is responsible for the perpetuation of this debacle-turned-dystopia that we are in today. "Voters" are COWARDS AND FOOLS.

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Democracy is vulnerable, as seen in 1960s spy movies, particularly British ones, highlighting the struggle against communism.

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True "communism" would be the BEST thing that could ever happen to humanity. But the CRAPitalist/fascist/neo-feudalist/elitist globalists have done everything they could to thwart any attempts at achieving a genuine communist state anywhere in the world. Those disgustingly transparent CRAPitalist PROPAGANDA films are a perfect reflection of their subterfuge. You seem to be confusing "communism" with authoritarianism and totalitarianism which can and has occurred within various socio-economic systems. What we are now engulfed in is exactly authoritarian and totalitarian and it is NOT "communist" in any fashion whatsoever!

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Could be.

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"Low-Carbon Prosperity Task Force" ;D yipes, yeah right – more like the Sustaining Squalor Task Force. So many "Global Agenda Council" it's making my dizzy just skimming this index.

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Whether the WHO, WEF, UN, or other lettered organizations, I believe it has been actively happening at least since WWII-and if you count Rockefeller's takeover of medicine, for over 100 years. Go down the Illuminati rabbit hole and you will find it has been even longer.

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These people think they are globally special, it’s kind of funny they do all this damage but never get close enough for the public to get their hands around their necks. Really there is no chance of a normal citizen to even have a conversation with these people, even there emails are protected. This should tell everyone something, why do they keep themselves so guarded from us? They no they deserve every bit of what they are hiding from, also they clearly believe that they are something different then we are. When these people talk openly at media events when the address the people, they are not talking to us, they are only talking to who they consider people. Really think about that for a second because it changes everything. Then think about all of the situations where people you couldn’t get a word across to get on a microphone and address the people, I promise they are not talking to you or what are they hiding from. Any one of us can communicate in one way or another with each other directly, but there is a line drawn where we can’t connect anymore. Think about that for just a moment. Am I wrong?

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Oh for sure, this has been in the works for a long time - 1982 World Summit at Rio de Janeiro many countries 'signed on' to their program... but their proposal looked so 'promising!'

Now they have AI writing and rewriting to convince the masses... reinterpreting documents.

I literally refreshed my open page to the CDC (wished I took a screenshot) when the change of the definition for 'vaccinated' changed to 2 weeks AFTER the actual injection date.

Another time when the term 'shot' replaced vaccine - we all know vaccines are defined as reduces transmission and severity of symptoms.

Just slip these under the radar, no one will notice ... geez louise ... too obvious to be seen or what?

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Fortunately there's some good news:

Globalists have signed their own death sentence


"Globalism, which, as its ideologists assured, by standardizing everything and everyone, would make us happy, at a certain moment stumbled over the Russian objection: "Are you sure that a person (or country) can be made happy against the will, existing culture and civilizational values that have developed over centuries?"

This was brushed aside as much as we allowed them. Well, then, when we began to explain the reasons why the vices of liberalism, which put the individualistic desires of the individual above all else, were unacceptable to us, they tried to take us out of the game on a large chessboard."

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"Globalism, which, as its ideologists assured, by standardizing everything and everyone, would make us happy"

It was never intended to make us happy. That is propaganda. While they poison us.

Many different cultures, faiths and traditions are in the way of the ruling class. They intend to subjugate all of it, every last vestige of individuality.

Why? Because they enjoy doing that?

No, they would rather lord it peacefully over us if we would just be compliant sheep.

But they know that is not in our nature. They are not stupid.

But something troubles them deeply.

They know they are slated for removal, like a decaying building marked off with signs of its condemnation.

Their time is over and they know it. And it scares the bejesus out of them.

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I think they are stupid. One reason, energy shortage because data centers and AI are power hogs needing evermore, not to mention electric cars. Other reason, ignoring human evolution. This took thousands of years in a kind of self-regulating process. The satanic gang thinks to replace that with with software figments, only possible with 24/7 surveillance and increasing amounts of electric power. Without owning the resources from Ukraine (soon to be "fiefdom 404") and the Russian Federation, the WEF plan fails so the satanic gang might go for broke.

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They won't be able to control humanity with their tech. AI is not up to the job and they quietly admit that. They hope to reduce the population and control the rest with their shock and awe.

But it won't work. It will only delay the inevitable. Their removal.

Anticipating the Stalingrad of Detechnocratization

...just as Ðiên Biên Phú was “the Stalingrad of decolonization".


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The highly organized globalist minded people and groups, known and hidden, all SUCK.

People and governments that respect people and governments with freedom and responsibility, have no need for globalists agendas or them. They are on the dumb and stupid road; We can do whatever we damn well please to deal with our own challenges and however we please without a centralized dictatorship.

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“Globally, the ruling classes have no choice but to join forces and push for a world state /global dictatorship, while the rest of humanity has no choice but worldwide social revolution if it wishes to avoid permanent subjugation”. writes Hughes.

“Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the

War for Technocracy

Volume 1

David A. Hughes


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