He had amazing composure. The outrage was bizarre. I also think the yes and no questions should be banned. If the point is to hear what the candidate has to say, the questions are not only useless but misleading.

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Not only the yes and no questions, but the ranting diatribes without any questions.

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Yes! Several members used the hearing as a platform to talk about their issues—some hardly related —finishing with no time for response 😡

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Several? Posturing. The Ds are so afraid of losing their big pharma $$$$$

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The open, angry, hostility is proof positive. The gravy train is impossible to give up, when you killed to be on it!

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Are you supportive of this onesie?!?!


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Is that Bernie? Not on social media, what is a onesie?

Take a big breath and read again slowly please.

Being a loyal Democrat is like being in the mob, not so easy to get out!

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Someone please stick a moccasin in the mouth of Pocahontas.

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And if you think about it, that big pharma $$$$ is actually a gift from the taxpayers. That’s why I liked hearing Trump toss out the idea of eliminating the federal income tax. Less lobby money for the congressional do nothings.

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Nancy, as you might have concluded, their purpose was not to hear what the candidate had to say, but to propagandize and mislead. Those idiots addressing RFK we're not the least bit interested in the truth. They are bribed criminals by the pharmaceutical industry and whoever else pays their fee for their criminal services. Their outrage was bizarre because it was inappropriate and incredibly irrational given the purpose of the confirmation hearings, and was only a demonstration of proof of their allegiance to the bribing hands that feeds them. They're sole purpose is obviously to discredit RFK and prevent him from being confirmed.

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Supposedly Liz Warren has received over 5 mil from Pharma companies. So much for objectivity.......

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Revolting. Plus the shill extoling the virtues of HPV vaccine and how it prevents "cervical cancer," all the children saved, oooh, aahhh, it's for the "children." Wish Bobby had mentioned the Gardasil scandal, and the fact that HPV is another con-job, see Virus Mania: Corona/COVID-19, Measles, Swine Flu, Cervical Cancer, Avian Flu, SARS, BSE, Hepatitis C, AIDS, Polio, Spanish Flu. How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense - by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, Samantha Bailey, Stefano Scoglio. Guess he couldn't go there.

About the Book

If one follows public pronouncements, the world is repeatedly afflicted with new terrible virus diseases. As the latest horror variant, the so-called coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 dominated the headlines. The population is also terrified by reports of measles, swine flu, SARS, BSE, AIDS or polio. However, this virus mayhem ignores very basic scientific facts: the existence, the pathogenicity and the deadly effects of these agents have never been proven. The medical establishment and its loyal media acolytes claim that this evidence has been produced. But these claims are highly suspect because modern medicine has pushed direct virus proof methods aside and uses dubious indirect tools to “prove” the existence of viruses such as antibody tests and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

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the talking points about Gardisil are completely absurd considering the 'proof' that it prevents any cancer is literally 'because we said so' and no more than that. its infuriating

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Gotta wonder whether she was THAT ignorant, or just bought off. And to think that those are the people making decisions for the rest of US.

And glaringly obvious that Pocahontas spent a Weekend a Bernie's getting coached by Pharma Execs.

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LOL. somebody needs to make a meme of Pocahontas at Weekend at Bernie's!

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:D Gotta keep the humor going to stay sane!

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but they have no interest in what he has to say

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That same thing has happened in previous hearings. Block the guest invited to present his or her point of view, lecture to them, and claim that's a win for the Democrats. Yeah! We are all just as uninformed as we were before the hearing.

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Bobby’s opposition tried to question him like he was a criminal defendant, but he fought through it. regardless of the outcome, I am so very proud of Bobby.

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And, he didn't get sucked into petty arguments...he has a tremendous amount of composure and class.

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It’s a dirty lawyer trick. Routinely used. When I was testifying I would say your honor, answering a yes or no would mislead the jury. RFK jr didn’t have the luxury of a judge pushing back on the defense telling them to move on.

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So true...I think assuming ignorance of the part of the inquisitioners is naive. I think they knew exactly what they were doing, but just pray the American people can see thru it...they may not recognize the tactics, but hopefully they will smell something putrid in Washington.

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OMG the yes-and-no questions!!! "Do you regret spreading misinformation and killing millions of Americans? YES OR NO?" Infuriating.

My snarky take on the whole trainwreck is here: https://jennasside.rocks/p/the-senate-v-kennedy-two-nights-only

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Are you supportive of this onesie?!?!


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Yeah, sickening. Pun accidental.

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The “theater” was bizarre. So obviously fake outrage. Kennedy made them look like idiots. I do think it helps to stay calm as they pretend to be outraged.

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I could have sworn I saw a few moments with micro-emotions that seemed to say "Seriously???"

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The political theater was well orchestrated to put RFK in a negative light! Including the women who yelled at him. All you have to do is realize that the Democratic career politicians all received over 2 Million dollars each from big pharm. in their life as an elected politician! Shame on them that their goal was to stay in office and the hell with helping Americans stay well!

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Someone suggested it would have been great if RFKjr had asked Senator Warren if SHE would vow not to accept money from pharma.

It might be even more effective if WE ask her this- on social media.

With or without the data on just how much she / her campaign has accepted from them over the years.


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Twitter has the receipts.

Bernie has received the most and Warren is second.

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Gotta protect that Pharma cash flow…smdh

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Do you have a twitter/X link for this?

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Somebody needs to enter THAT into the record!

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Thanks for posting!

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YES, and last I checked, the $$ charts had been seen 42.5 MILLION times!

Thank GOD for X! MSM is obsolete because they lie and twist themselves into pretzels

to lie some

more. We can SEE through your lies, CNN/Washington Post— all of you!

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yes of course, but the high road was to not attack, we all know that Poco is on the take

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seriously, that is a great idea. How about we all email that question ASAP? i am going to do right now. can we confirm the specific pharma bucks each Dem took and email each one to let them know we know?

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I understand OpenSecrets.org has numbers. BrokenTruth@substack.com has posted January 29 2025 “Big Data…” with amounts politicians have received

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He should have said I’ll make the vow if you make the same vow!

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And EVERY SINGLE one of them should and will have their name and face posted next to their outrageous words that they said against RFK’s truth and response FOR ALL TO SEE for all generations to come. So EVERYONE

has visibility to their vile and putrid disregard for truth, our children, and the future of our countries health.


We will NOT let big Pharma win.

We will NOT let Bill Gaits win.

We will not let them get off this hook-

We spoke our mind with our vote.

We the people-

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You are on to something here. I think they know that the majority of Americans do not watch this stuff,,,but if we can capture some pertinent moments and make a short visual clip I bet it would be informative and maybe, just maybe they might feel some shame. ?

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Someone needs to...to balance all the vids from yesterday painting RFK Jr in a negative light. Just a vid of each badgering and interrupting him so he couldn't get more than a word of substance in. Then maybe the picture of BS in his vaxxed onesie...thank you, Dr. Nass!

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I support Kennedy’s confirmation.

It seems likely from his answer that Kennedy STILL thinks that climate change is caused by human-produced CO2, even though evidence shows that atmospheric CO2 lags global temperature by a few hundred years, and the temperature record shows a roughly-regular 80 thousand or so period saw-tooth variation in temperature over the past 800 million or so years. https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10874222


Nevertheless, this aberration does not impact the Kennedy and Trump agreement to work together on MAHA.

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Well first things first.

What is most important at the moment is getting him in as he has all the research and documents damming all the lying sacks of sh** that are running the planet.

Health -refuting digital surveillance and mandatory oh just made up injections whenever they demand……

Then we can chat about climate.

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I completely agree. I just wanted to delineate these points, and keep aside the issue of climate change.

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Yes- I believe we must take things on of importance.

I completely believe in all my soul, from all the many many many research articles, (real research articles) and discussions that I have watched and read over the past 5 years that RFK knows what he is talking about and he is real. He has No reason to lie nor does he have any vested reason to tout an un-truth that is awakening the giant. You know, that giant that is making billions and billions/trillions from our tax paying money.

We are facing the giant- and we saw it during Covid. And it will only get worse. RFK is trying to open the eyes to everyone as to what is (IS) going on.

Not sure if you have been able to read the book “The Real Dr. Fauci”

That book is HUGE.

It’s THICK. (And the dum dum Dems are trying to refute it, is hilarious-because they are stupid and have not followed anything)

It’s hard to read…..because it’s so big.

But if you can- read it from front to cover- it’s all in there. And it’s all backed up with references and research.

They (the snakes ) are banking on that you will never read it or question anything. The amazing thing is that a few have read it thru and looked up the references and it checks out.

All the patents that Bill Gates and Fauci and so many others bought prior to the so called “pandemic”……have fruitfully pocketed their bank accounts.

Bill Gates is a fucking snake in the grass-

But he has done it with eyes wide open-

He blatantly talks about “profits on vaccines being like a billion over investments”


We are the ones being stupid. And what happens to us is our own fault unless we wake up, and get someone on our side- like our David fighting Goliath….its our only hope. RFK is our only hope.

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I believe Nicole Shanahan has beem clueing Kennedy into the hoax of "climate change".

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Bernie is the top recipient of big pharma funds and Warren is second. Says all you need to know.

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Can you prove that with a link to the numbers? I'd like to see that (-:

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I just wish he had told her, rather calmly, “madam, a woman selling herself out for money is the oldest profession in the book, but when she sells us all out...what do we call her...same goes for the men.”

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So profoundly disgusting, and even more so that we have allowed this to go on. Do glad I watched most of it. Did they really have a segment that said it was sponsored by Pharma, I pray that I am just gullible and it was a joke? because I might've had a stroke to have such overt blasphemy in an official government hearing(well it kind of is the truth 😤. It sure would've been a tipping point if it happened because to flaunt there confidence in all that they've gotten away with. Here in Texas we're having a thunderstorm, it's a time for cleansing, and I have to remember that, I also have to remember to breathe❤️ Thank you everybody for sharing. I apologize but because I've been really damaged by the shedding, I'm not afraid of the vaxed. just a little angry because I always tried to be so considerate and helpful to those that were injured that were Vaxxed, and empathetic to people that wanted me to wear a mask. Thank goodness for the front line DOCTORS And all of the new, well not really new but rediscovered repurposing of more safe, accessible, and affordable medication's and supplements to help us. ❤️

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they will be judged

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I never thought I would say something like this : Shame on you Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren!

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Here's a list of those receiving Pharma largesse -


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Thank you Alexei. I was trying to find exactly that online.:)

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Top 20 Recipients, 2019-2020

1 Biden, Joe (D) President $9,025,141

2 Trump, Donald (R) President $2,932,068

3 Sanders, Bernie (I-VT) Senate $1,417,633

8 Warren, Elizabeth (D-MA) Senate $822,573

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me either. i am a recovered democrate

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Too bad, so sad about what happened to the Democrats.

good riddance.

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me too, and my liberal sons are beating me up about "spreading right wing propaganda"

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I Second Mario’s comment!

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3rd that !!!

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Yes, but this was all so transparent, and sad, just wow.

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All of the Democrats. You can start with Warren at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqhPTcOVf4g and then continue with all of the Democrat's questioning of Kennedy by clicking of the following 'PLAY NOW' screens.

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You are too kind. I saw a version with the full length onesie with Bernie wearing it. Now, Dear God, I cannot unsee it!! LOL.

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We pay these people???

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And "we" vote for them as well!

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Well...we vote...but we have no idea for whom our votes get counted. Ask the ppl who write the software which "counts" the votes.

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Speak for yourself!!

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It's shocking enough in itself that US senators would righteously demand forced medical treatment in our constitutional republic. It's a frightening indication of how many Americans have been conditioned to believe in totalitarian policies. We desperately need to reinstate freedom of expression to stop the brainwashing.

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I agree, scary and unprecedented.

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What's REALLY scary is that anyone in a position of authority gets to EXEMPT THEMSELVES from what they dish out to the public.

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First off, the country is a republic in name only, and the constitution itself was fraudulently imposed on the rest of us and is a huge link in the chain around our necks. Please study what the "anti-federalists" (those who opposed the constitution) wrote because they were correct as we are living with the abomination they predicted.

People who think the constitution was some sacred work would do well to read Lysander Spooner, Nock and many others.

"This system of false definitions, false assumptions, and fraud and usurpation generally, runs through all the operations of our governments, State and national. There is nothing genuine, nothing real, nothing true, nothing honest, to be found in any of them. They all proceed upon the principle, that governments have all power, and the people no rights.

LYSANDER SPOONER, “Letter to Grover Cleveland,” Boston, May 15, 1886




“The Constitution looked fairly good on paper, but it was not a popular document; people were suspicious of it, and suspicious of the enabling legislation that was being erected upon it. There was some ground for this. The Constitution had been laid down under unacceptable auspices; its history had been that of a coup d'état.

“It had been drafted, in the first place, by men representing special economic interests. Four-fifths of them were public creditors, one-third were land speculators, and one-fifth represented interests in shipping, manufacturing, and merchandising. Most of them were lawyers. Not one of them represented the interest of production — Vilescit origine tali. (the dice were loaded from the start)

-Albert Jay Nock, Liberty vs. the Constitution: The Early Struggle


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...and, 2/3 of our Founding Fathers OWNED SLAVES. Think about that for a while. Take all the time you need....

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Uninformed Senators, dull-of-wit dolts on display for the whole country. Repeating propaganda from the Lying Legacy Media does not result in insightful questions. The political aides appear to write the questions and the senators did not seem to know the science or have a grasp of vaccine topics. Tragic. And Elizabeth Warren outdid herself -- unhinged--, I hope it's not chronic.

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"...and the senators did not seem to know the science or have a grasp of vaccine topics."

That is not only true but typical of the ways laws are made. It's a bunch of vile, ignorant idiots "informed" by "advisors" who are generally stupid and misinformed and probably paid off, making wish lists that have little connection with reality and less with practicality.

I advise everyone to sit in a legislative session and listen to the arguments, both pro and con. You'll be amazed at the complete and total sewage spewing from BOTH sides of a given issue. It's a wonder our society has muddled through this long and not a bit surprising that it is steadily declining.

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OK, but that's just your point of view. OK, it's mine, too; & probably that of most other Americans as well. But, you know, politics is all about WHO GETS THE MONEY, & IMHO these idiots have a very firm grasp of who gets the money; THEY & THEIR PALS DO. The difficult part is pretending that it has anything to do w/ what's good for THE COUNTRY.

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Maggie Hassan from New Hampshire is a POS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm13zZsnlVI

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Ya, a real witch, that one. I found it stressful to watch the hearings due to the caustic adversarial attack-style way of asking questions. The Senators must have gotten coaching or something as they were highly charged and aggressive. None of that political posturing would be necessary if they were genuinely seeking information. This was their way to speak on behalf of their idol, The Vaccine. It was chilling when listening, how out of the loop these people are concerning all the information available. Intentional Ignorance has a limited shelf life.

I commend RFK Jr. for his composure during such a stressful confirmation hearing.

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The energy was toxic...I had to get on my treadmill after to decompress. Hope Rfk Jr had time to work out after those torturous proceedings. Swamp creatures, indeed...

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Truthstream Media @truthstreamnews

Looks like RFK Jr.'s Senate confirmation hearing is going about as you'd expect.


RFK Jr.: "Senator, you're asking me not to sue pharmaceutical companies."

Sen. Warren: "NO I AM NOT!!!"

A few minutes later to the press...

'He might bankrupt vaccine manufacturers with antivax lawsuits.'


RFK Jr. stayed strong when he had to deal with the Communists today.


The Senators leading the charge against RFK Jr. have pocketed MILLIONS from Big Pharma:

Ron Wyden: $1.5 million

Michael Bennet: $1.5 million

Catherine Cortez Masto: $421,000

Maggie Hassan: $90,000

Elizabeth Warren: $800,000

Their loyalty isn't to the people — it's to the pharmaceutical giants lining their pockets. This is the type of influence we're up against.

RFK MUST be confirmed.

Democrat Senator Patty Murray is calling to block the confirmation of Robert F

Kennedy Jr as HHS Secretary, saying RFK Jr is a "anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorist"

Senator Patty Murray lobbyist payments:

- $513,635 from pharmaceuticals

- $666,970 from health professionals

- $311,844 from insurance companies

- $198,376 from HMOs

Washington State Senator Patty Murray is directly profiting off Big Pharma using the American People as their lab rats for astronomical profits. She is paid off and corrupt. Senator Patty Murray does not represent her voters, she represents her Big Pharma donors


Truthstream Media @truthstreamnews

So they knew what the drones were the whole time, and they just wanted everyone (including members of local and state government wasting time in meetings with no answers) to spend weeks freaking out about nothing?


OpenAI is censored about certain things here, and China's DeepSeek is censored about certain things there.

So basically you'd have to use one for answers about the other and vice versa? What a joke.


This guy asked ChatGPT to make him a grocery list within his budget for the week and claims it changed his life.


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Good and informative post. But "communists" have nothing to do with it. Wyden was the worst, and didn't give RFK the opportunity to answer. Glad the audience cheered when they did, it did change the course of parts of the theater.

I think Bernie Sanders was taken aback when RFK didn't agree with him on his first question, on whether RFK agreed with Bernie that health care is a human right. I too was struck by RFK's refusal to say "Yes". And that provided the context for Bernie's growing frustration with RFK.

And I was disappointed (but really didn't expect much else) when RFK repeatedly wrapped himself as the executor of whatever Trump orders, no matter what, which triggered some of the Dem Senators. RFK's responses to those questions greatly saddened me, although elsewhere he was very good.

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I imagine rfk Jr sees health as a basic human right but not the current sick care we euphemistically refer to as health care...

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I think RFK should establish that he SUPPORTS Medicaid, and that he wants to improve it, rather than leading people to think he's opposing it.

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Kennedy kept his cool 😎 and he kept his cool 😎

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Reading and listening to others comments makes me really glad I didn't watch this. Even seeing replays like the one of Wyden grilling him is difficult. They should all be ashamed of themselves.

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Oh my. But Sanders sure looked like a kid in a candy store putting up those dramatic posters and pointing at them and raising his voice like an angry teacher. I bet they scoured the CHD website for the most outrageous tidbit they could find to display at that very moment. The way RFK was treated was disgusting and really low-brow kind of behaviour. Too bad though, those t-shirts maybe were a little untimely on CHD's part? Anyhow, I'm sure they would have found something else.

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The 'onesies' have been on the CHD website for a couple years, I think. Not recent.

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I think Bernie was upset they didn't come in his size.

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I'm so glad I missed Bernie, this is just embarrassing, and this just also has to be hard in a way for Kennedy to see his party pulled apart because of the overt changes, that even can't believe that happened overtime? My family has always been Republican and I tended to agree with them but empathized and had passion for RFK, JFK and Carter and viewed that as a Democrat but the behaviors I have seen under the Biden administration I embarrassing and unbelievable? I know no one's perfect, but again just wow. All I can say is I'm so grateful for the change Trump, Senator Ron Johnson, and of course RFK Junior to give us hope to restore the real meaning of humanity for OUR world❤️

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It was embarassing to see people w such anger full of lies. Their faces were so angy. That Whitehoouse ws so very Rude i dont think it should have been allowd totaly disrespctful. Im afaid the Rinos will be enough to keep him out. They took Millions from Pharma and yet want him to commit to their whims? Hes got more knowlede in Medical Field than most of them do

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At least, Nicole Shanahan, is warning Senators that if they vote not to confirm Kennedy, she will fund opponents to them in their next election.

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And her team put out some GREAT ads!

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I so hope Kennedy is confirmed; because, he will bring Shanahan into HHS and she will shake things up. She's brilliant and could organize data analyses of the U.S.'s healthcare databases to learn what needs to be tackled.

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Alex Marlow: The Party That Pardoned Fauci and Funded the Wuhan Lab Accuses RFK Jr. of Corruption


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N Shanahan spoke out prior to the hearing. She promised that senators voting against confirmatin of RFK will be primaried with her financial support. Like a mama bear defending her cubs she is not joking and has the means to deliver.

RFK will be confirmed, one more day of attacks, they will look even more desperate on the morrow. The Visionary DJT saw all of this coming... a very long time ago.

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Forgive my ignorance I don't know who DJT is but but a very old And respected news commentator Paul Harvey predicted it too.

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Donald J. Trump

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DJ Trump...can you see the meme of him at the turntable?

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Let's all buy some 'Unvaxxed and Unafraid' onesies from Chilrens Health Defense - and make Bernie's head spin. <grin!>


If there are no little ones in the family, we can always donate them.

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What's bernie's address at the capitol? Make sure they are shipped in clear baggies so all the postal handlers and police can see what's inside them.

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Sorry, but it un backs need to be conscious about the Shedding, I know of this firsthand and anytime I've seen DOCTORS talk about it whether it be Dr. Mobeen Syed, Kory and many others the response is tenfold from what they normally get, with people sharing their experiences of this being true whether they be young or old. Even I was shocked and I am a victim of it because of prolonged close contact with Moderna/Pfizer/J&J big time.just don't be as naïve as I was please.

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Yes Warren received 181,000 in 2019/2020 from Pfizer and then she yells her ass off. I couldn't believe RFK JR had to sit through the b.s. and total disrespect!!

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