When the criminals talk PCR, you know its a grift!

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When globalist murderers talk PCR, you know it is a depopulation plandemic!

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If the cows are for raw milk and the meat is to be grass fed and finished, they are tested differently and usually done by the farmers with a lot less chance for fraud. Except for poor Amos Miller in PA, a wonderful raw milk farmer with amazing products. The PA gov't is always picking on him as his products are way too good.

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Years ago, some enterprising farmers arranged for an interesting experiment: A lab purposefully contaminated fresh-from-the-cow raw milk with e.coli. The milk was tested 24 hours later, but ALL of the e.coli was GONE (dead). How did that happen? The good bacteria in the undefiled (by pasteurization) raw milk starved the e.coli by outgrowing it.

Raw milk sours and becomes more healthy; pasteurized milk rots and becomes poison.

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Yes, the raw milk sours and becomes kefir. If it were up to me, all dairy would be raw and legal in every state.

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Agreed. As with many other areas of interest today, the current state of dairy is backwards: The poison is legal and the healthy is illegal (or, at least, it is discouraged, most strongly). Both pasteurization and homogenization create (separate and different) unhealthy issues within the human body. As you are obviously aware, raw dairy is healthy and, actually, cleansing to the human body. Unfortunately, the lesser- and the ill-informed majority of the populace has bought in to the oh-so-oft-repeated propaganda...

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How much of the efforts made by the Dairy Industry is actually toward "health" and not for marketing advantage? Trusting ANY big industry has been shown now to be highly dangerous if not insane.

Dairy, IMO, is a concocted industry worth billions and is not about to disclose any negatives. Their motive is likely to continue to exist, and not to poison its consumers. But with the blessings of the FDA and other complicit agencies, they freely overlook the potential harm caused by hormones, pesticide residue, and a host of unappetizing procedures all in the course of marketing their products.

Before looking into any of that, one should simply become aware that cow's milk was designed by God and provided by its mother's utter, for the rapid and healthful growth of the calf. Once weaned, it will transition to hard feed, never again to drink milk. So why do people (mothers included) believe so strongly that "Milk....it does a body good" and "...builds strong bones"(?) Could it be a propaganda campaign? Come now, they wouldn't lie to us....now would they?

No, I would never believe they'd go that far! But there is one looming question that confounds logic. Why is it that the countries which consume the most dairy products also share the highest incidence of the medical "condition" called osteoporosis, if dairy is supposed to be "bone-building"? Hmmm.

Once learned, the picture comes into focus. The answer becomes obvious and makes perfect sense once fully understood.

The other biological interferences that tag along and become rejected by the body in the form of allergic reactions can be difficult to diagnose on an individual basis, but simple to test by removing cow's milk from the diet, and all related dairy products for a number of months to compare results. There is no danger in removing dairy from the diet. The calcium which it "provides" is not the same as the more beneficial phyto (plant-based) calcium. The dangers are also thereby avoided.

If I did have a medical license, surely it would be targeted! But I don't. This is all just for contemplation, and not intended as medical advice. Unless you opt it to be.


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Concocted due to the Protected Status of the Dairy Industry for a long long time. Cows' milk truly is for calves, not humans. Goat and sheep milk are much better for humans to consume once they've been weaned from momma's human milk. I recall eating some sheep milk feta and was in heaven. The cow milk feta was harsher and harder to digest.

I recall reading a Scientific study back in the '70s about the harm/inflammation done to the human blood vessels by homogenized cow's milk. The milk proteins were meant to be broken down in the stomach before travelling to the intestines and then "absorbed" into the blood stream. Homogenization threw that off. Hence, the inflamed arteries became clogged with cholesterol, our bodies's natural healer trying to do its job. Instead of dealing with the true cause of Inflammation, wham bam, thank you ma'am, a whole new opportunity for BigPharma to push worthless yet dangerous drugs to fight that evil Cholesterol.

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Thanks sister Susan!

It's easy to see that if we ever become "eternally" gifted, that there will be shown us the magnitude of delusions and lies we had been subjected to. It seems even presently, that whatever we know, is wrong! Schools teach nothing of value, and diffuse inspirational thinking.

I wish I could find some sheep milk feta here, but it's not likely. Oh well. there's other goodies.

Thanks for your input, Susan. Much appreciated!


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Cows have UDDERS, not UTTERS.

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Oh, that's udderly nonsensical! lol

Thanks will take note.


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They knew. They always knew. Medical science knew for decades PCR tests don't detect infection. I had already read the pre-2020 micribiology research journals in May-June, 2020 to learn this by the time the New York Times published this article in August, 2020:

Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.

The usual diagnostic tests may simply be too sensitive and too slow to contain the spread of the virus.

August 29, 2020 https://web.archive.org/web/20200829094039/https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/29/health/coronavirus-testing.html

"In Massachusetts, from 85 to 90 percent of people who tested positive in July with a cycle threshold of 40 would have been deemed negative if the threshold were 30 cycles, Dr. Mina said. “I would say that none of those people should be contact-traced, not one,” he said. Other experts informed of these numbers were stunned. “I’m really shocked that it could be that high — the proportion of people with high C.T. value results,” said Dr. Ashish Jha, director of the Harvard Global Health Institute. “Boy, does it really change the way we need to be thinking about testing.”"

And I dutifully shared the NY Times article on my social media, with public policymakers, health officials, anyone I had access to as a former public health policy advocate in my state. And that was a lot of people in positions of power.

Not one of them ever responded. None, not even one acknowledged receiving the information, much less offered commentary or defense of their use of PCR as diagnostic. I even shared it with local media. Same crickets.

They knew. But they willfully ignored the evidence even from their own "trusted sources" that PCR tests were less reliable than opening a phone book and throwing a dart at it blindfolded would be at landing on a name of someone who was actually sick.

Which means they didn't care and that they knew PCR tests were just the necessary theatrical prop to maintain their emergency powers. Which makes them criminals who operated under Color of Law and violated all of our civil rights. And they are not protected by governmental immunity for that.

Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Department of Justice


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Nobody in any right mind would believe a lousy word from a TREASONOUS GOVT. AGENCY ran by the Demonic U.N. Uniparty Nazi's...THE WORLD TERRORISTS seeking Mass Murder, Sterilization and Digital Slavery of 'The People' to the Demon's themselves.


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Treason is defined in the Constitution at Article 3, Section 3, as consisting "only in levying War against (the United States), or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."

All members of the American military take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; (and to) bear true faith and allegiance to the same."

When the military is committed to foreign actions without a declaration of war by Congress, as required by Article 1, Section 8, Paragraph 11 of the Constitution, that is a violation of the Constitution, arguably the action of domestic enemies.

When a member of the military participates in an unconstitutional foreign military deployment, s/he violates both the Constitution and his/her oath to "support and defend" it, giving "aid and comfort" to it's "domestic enemies," committing treason by the definition given by the Constitution.

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With the 'Emergency Medical Declaration' by HHS Secretary Azar maintained by Becerra The U.S. Constitution was NULLIFIED and all Unalienable/Civil Rights SUSPENDED...As the City of London with the Crown Corporation's 'Committee of 300' hiding behind the Demonic U.N. dreamed of, planned, manipulated, bribed, blackmailed, threatened and brought to pass by hook and by crook to happen for 250 years.

For what reason do you suppose all this endless LAWFARE is manifesting and allowed? What is everybody doing in Congress, Senate and Courts attacking Unalienable/Civil Rights and demanding them SUSPENDED indefinitely? How was the Fraud/Cheat Elections of 2020/22 Elections tolerated without investigating the overwhelming evidence? What about those over-riding the President to carry-out all the TREASON with Military in the Mideast, phoning Military Enemies to declare there to be a coup involving the Congress, Senate and Military STEALING POWER FROM A DUALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT?



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The Constitution was suspended by Lincoln and never restored by Congress after his death.

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Technically correct...Johnson was an Imperialist Feudal-Fascist; TREASONOUS to The U.S. Constitution. Neither he nor Grant really did much to advance U.S. soveriegnty and interests on behalf of The Constitution. The same enemy attacking right now was the grand saboteur staging the subversion bringing on the Civil War to begin with...There has NEVER been a time they weren't there with their evil Hegelian Cycles to reduce this nation to nothing; to depreciate it to buy CHEAP and own it and all in it for themselves once again in both Natural and Human Resources.

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Boy, Howdy!

Your ending statement is an UNDERSTATEMENT indeed!


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All of the "PCR tests" currently in use are being used fraudulently. The RT-PCR process is not a "test" for anything.

See starting at time=3:11,"Inventor Kary Mullis Explains the PCR TEST"


Kary Mullis: "PCR is separate from that. It's just a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn't tell you that you're sick; and, it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with, really, was going to hurt you or anything like that."

Early Covid-19 "PCR Test" packaging contained a disclaimer on the outside of the packaging which stated that the product could not be used to test for Covid-19; but, globally, most of our medical "professional" idiots either did not bother to read the packaging or decided to use it to fraudulently "test" for Covid-19 anyway. This is now what's happening with "bird flu". And, notice that none of these reports ever states the number of amplification cycles used in the RT procedure. Practically every lab is using anywhere from 40 to 60 cycles of amplification which will all but guarantee that almost 100 percent of the "tests" will be false positives.

I am surprised that no organization has yet sued these medical professionals and "testing" companies for fraudulent use of the PCR procedure.

See also - FLASHBAK: Dr Kerry Mullis, inventor of PCR tests, Refuted Fauci's Claims and died mysteriously.

https://www.brighteon.com/896ccd11-d928-49f8-9ce9-17148d9c5b80 [video]

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I have just learned that human beings have huge numbers of microbes of all kinds living in their intestines. How can this be! We should all be wearing masks, working at home, and getting vaccinated! Close the schools, stores, and churches before it's too late!


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Have you ever scooped a jar of water out of the sea or lake and observed the life in it? Maybe something big enough to see with your own eyes? Maybe with a basic microscope? You'll see that water teaming with lots of microbiology, live and dead. Whole and fragments.

If you scoop a jar of air wherever you are and put it under a microscope you'll see the same. But you'll need a much more powerful microscope to see it.

We live and breath in an ocean of microbiology, inhaling six liters of air with each breath. And all of the microbiology in it. Live and dead, whole and fragments. Skeletal remains of ancient microbiology remain in our atmosphere, in the air we breathe. It is impossible to avoid. Watch out! That last breath has skeletal Black Plague remains in it! Quarantine!!

That's literally what PCR tests do. They are powerful microscopes. Detecting anything they're calibrated to detect. Dinosaur DNA in fossils as they're also used for. Not live dinosaurs. If dinosaurs are even real.

We live in harmony with the natural world. Trying to control it, purify and sterilize it only harms ourselves. The arrogance of man pretends otherwise.

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Love it. Thanks.

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You cannot test part of a genetic sequence and claim its the entire virus. We have zillions of genetic sequenc es and share most of them with all if3 nature

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About our gut microbiome...Big Pharma and Fauci are now targeting it. Disappointed that trying to generate the body's immune response is largely ineffective they want to "innoculate" our symbiotic microbiome that lives in and on us. Which protects us from 70% of all potentially hazardous microbiology with live in, breath in, before our own innate immune system ever gets engaged. Airborne "inoculation" is the goal because that's the pathway that first meets our protective microbiome. Injections don't matter - if they even actually work - until a microbiological risk makes its way through our protective symbiotic microbiome.

Rethinking next-generation vaccines for coronaviruses, influenzaviruses, and other respiratory viruses

David M. Morens, Jeffery K. Taubenberger, Anthony S. Fauci

Cell Host Microbe, January 11, 2023


It's not an especially long or difficult read. After informing us that they know flu and covid "vaccines" are largely ineffective they make the case for nasal spray and eye drop "vaccines." And it's not like those experimental nasal spray "vaccines" will be safe or effective, either. Just like the injections may result in VAIDS , this biotech will attack the protection that our own beneficial mucosal microbiome provides. And thus leave that which is 70% of our natural immune system vulnerable to all of the microbial pathogens swimming in the ocean of air we breathe. Much like how hand sanitizer is indiscriminate killers of our natural hand microbiome that protects us. Does that make you feel like you'll be better "protected" by advances in medical biotech coming our way?

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Thank you. I believe this is part of the genocide agenda that I have been writing about. Here is my new article. It's still being worked on so forgive the glitches.


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Good read, thank you for sharing!

Reading your background you may find it interesting to learn that there's a direct connection to the eugenics agenda of global public health policy and the Shah of Iran. Through the name Pardis Sabeti. Daughter of Parviz Sabeti. Also known as the most feared Chairman of SAVAK, the Shah's murderous secret police. Known for brutal psychological and physical torture of the populace to repress dissent. Why Iranians overthrew the Shah in the first place...that unfortunately led to the Ayatollah's brutal regime.

Pardis has been in a key position assisting with the global health depopulation agenda, coming to prominence during the Ebola vaccine-induced crisis in Africa. And in significant positions related to pandemic response, eugenics research, surveillance and psychological control systems development.

And many other names I brought up in this long, wandering Stack I shared last year:


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Will check out your references. A huge topic.

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And you may also find the following research book interesting, particularly when you learn where it was cited:

Rural Health Care Delivery

Modern China from the Perspective of Disease Politics

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2013


('GET' .pdf download)

The above book was referenced by the Council on Foreign Relations in March, 2020. When they declared the western nations needed to follow the CCP's totalitarian model. The book explains the Logic of Disease Politics. And how disease-focused public health is used to transform a nationalistic population with individual rights into a collectivist totalitarian communist nation:

Past Pandemics Exposed China’s Weaknesses

The Current One Highlights Its Strengths

Foreign Affairs, March 27, 2020


I shared a Stack on this last year, too. When you see the chapter and section titles from the Chinese book I list I think you'll be curious enough to dive into it as I did. Long. But it's a hellofa roadmap that tracks with our current trajectory:


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And get this: The "flu" was/is found in PASTEURIZED milk. Dead milk that is "approved" for use by the public. Milk that is heated to almost boiling to kill pathogens because we are told that raw milk is deadly. Um... I grew up on raw milk right from the cow. Raw milk is, by far, a superior product. This garbage they peddle as "milk" is just white liquid with some fat in it. Practically no nutrients except for the ones they artificially add. This is a scam people. It's more evil to try and get people to be afraid of their food next and an excuse to kill animals "for the earth". When, oh when, is the public finally going to say enough is enough? If we don't start standing up to this crap, we deserve what we get.

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They’re just using another scare tactic to hopefully dissuade folks from buying our raw diary from farmers we’ve known for decades. Raw milk is the best! I’ve been drinking it for almost 30 years & never an issue. If anything, it’s medicinal & extremely nourishing. Helps when you’re hungry, but maybe a bit nauseous or not ready for solid food. A lot of times, my body is hungry, but not for solid food yet, in the mornings. I am so appreciative that I have my raw milk to satisfy me during these times. Pasteurization has been another scam on Americans. In Europe, there are vending machines that sell raw milk. They can stick their pcr tests where the sun don’t shine! It’s unbelievable how manipulated we are in America. Everything is literally a scam!

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When your profit and power are job #1, any test will be manipulated to that end.

Public health? We don't need no stinkin' public health.

Follow your code of ethics or hang.

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Worth repeating:

“Reject the notion of public health. It is a scam devised by collectivist authoritarians who seek to play Sim City with your life.” —Jordan Schachtel

“It is not your health but your freedom to choose that most terrifies the medical fascist.”

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Do I detect seismic activity in Kary Mullis's grave site?

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Interesting how Mullis was doing well enough that summer of 2019 to blast Fauci every chance he got. Then he was dead all of a sudden at age 74. Families always seem to keep their mouths shut after these events as I am sure they get the Visit, if that is even necessary.

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Got to keep the fear narrative going to keep the RNA research push going!

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More conditioning and control the food. More vaccines for the problem they have created. And of course they are trying too steal another election

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This feels like a ploy to stop raw milk from clean farmers. After all, pasteurized milk is not good for the body, but raw milk is very good for the body. They can't have that, eh?

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The PCR test for confirming infection and potential transmission is part of the fraud, this has been documented to death.


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Cow's milk tells us the most about what happens to it after it is homogenized and pasteurized after it has spoiled.

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Hit the deadlines?

Methinks maybe you meant headlines.

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Headlines are always based on deadlines.

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Some of them should be dead. Killed.

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