Even if it wasn't an intentional usurpation of the right to self-determination, that is its effect.

The correlation with attempts to reclassify non-medical socially contentious issues as "public health" problems subject to regulation by "health authorities" makes the usurpation of sovereignty a cornerstone of the treaty.

There's a lot of money and political power at stake with this issue.

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Another “crisis” or three has to happen for this to be forced into place in the US. They also need Fed digital currency to squeeze the noncompliant states. For that to happen, the financial system has to be crashed. Janet Yellen actually said it last week. Look it up. The real fun starts June 1.

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June 1st, huh.

I guess I'll get my air conditioned fixed by then.

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AC backup? DiY solar powered 12 volt fan blowing cold air thru pvc pipe both inserted in styrofoam cooler filled with ice from solar powered ice cube maker (until the appliances break). June/July timeframe for pyroclastic meltdown sounds right

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thanks so much Meryl , after hearing you first on Gary Null , as well as most of the rest of the prominent figures who were brave enough to follow the data rather than the corrupt "science" , i have been a fan of all of your tenacious and determined very hard work

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With whatever active role we take, we must also pray God will guide and defend us. Our Blessed Mother warned us about all this at Fatima in 1917. Remember to pray the Rosary every day.

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No matter what the United States still has NULLIFICATION and people need to start working with their state legislators to make it happen. Any agreement or law that violates the constitution and mandates states obey is not a law, regulation or international agreement/treaty we must obey. And nullification is how we stop it at the state level. The pecking order in this country is WE THE PEOPLE at the top of pyramid, then the state and the federal government at the bottom. The federal government has just 18 enumerated powers and it is about time we reined them back in. It truly is the last peaceful resolution we have. Dr. Francis Boyle told me he totally supports the use of Nullificaiton.

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Lawyers are good at obfuscation which makes document interpretation challenging at best. Therefore, worst case should be assumed. The risk to loss of national sovereignty, at least as relates to matters of health, and personal health rights, should be assumed as goal of proposed amendments, and any defense should be formulated upon that assumption.

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And I really wonder what those armed 82,000 "IRS" agents are for. It does seem to be a global coup d'etat, WEF CCP BlackRock Vanguard, trying to destroy individualism, Western values, nations, replace Judeo-Christian values and institutions, co-opt them, now with grants for vaccine pushers, divide everyone, weaken the young, take away parents' rights, destroy the military, all institutions, so we end up with marquees flashing the faces of those whose social credit is low due to "hesitancy" It does seem to have returned to stealth mode, but too many people are awakened I think.

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May 15, 2023·edited May 15, 2023

My 2 cents: We only can *give* sovereignty away, it can't be taken autocratically. In the case of the USA, it is the Marxist/Communist Biden administration that would willingly give it away to use the conditions to excuse themselves for violating our Constitutional Rights. But just because I write some words on paper doesn't mean that I somehow have dominion over you or anyone else. Screw that.

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Bless you Dr Nass for your endurance. Here's another left field weird WHO advice publication on sexuality education for infants !?! https://dailysceptic.org/2023/05/14/outrage-over-who-guidance-on-sexuality-for-infants/

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Doc, I know you’re extremely busy, but have you seen this about snake venom in mRNA and crispers? https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKs1YJG/

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Thee WHO is ant-human globalists WEF controlled

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Criminals are LIARS & hide the proof for their crime.

That is the first thing forensic detectives learn.

Criminals working as president do the same thing - but they have the advantage to have other criminals around them - that help them HIDING THE PROOF.

And the BIO-TERRORISM around the planned "Rockefeller Lockstep Scenario" from Mai 2010 - which has devastated the entire planet from late 2019 until today - has been fired up by BIG PHARMA, the medical community, the Media that Bill Gates has been corrupting for many years & Governments all over the planet that have been lured into this SCAM that is an intelligent PAY BACK SCAM, as Bill Gates is considered a "Leader" by the PSYCHOPATHS that are controlling this SCAM.


Looks like the STEALTH German NAZIS like Klaus Schwab, Henry Kissinger, Ursula von der Leyen have once again been the most loyal CRIMINALS to support American Global Crimes for serving the SECRET "Führer", aka BILL GATES & his completely criminal baby by the name of "WHO"- with the SATANIC purpose of DEPOPULATING the planet.

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We will not comply. On another topic - Sucharit Bhakdi and Michael Palmer were awesome as always on your recent CHD show. Thanks for that.

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I am overflowing with knowledge but still have no power. Whatever did the CIA mean engraving into marble at their headquarters, "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"?

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There is something that can blow up the entire WHO/IHR "Treaty" in the US. It is called "The Restored Republic" , which will end the UNITED STATES Corporation, the PETRO Dollar and the proposed CBDC and make of none effect the 1937 & 1942 SCOTUS cases mentioned in the above article.

Time will tell, but I am on the side of The Restored Rebublic!

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We need a worldwide healthcare workers strike NOW.

We must flex the muscles of our democracy before CBDCs paralyze them permanently.

Sadly governments around the world are operating a corporate dictatorship that they refer to as a “Public-Private Partnership” or “Stakeholder Capitalism”. As foot soldiers of the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization and the United Nations Agenda 2030, they operate tactical command centres to enforce the policies and objectives of their corporate directors. Covid-19 demonstrated the lengths to which they are willing to go to establish a tyrannical, unelected one-world government.

The evil that we are fighting knows no bounds. It has no moral compass. It despises and mocks religion, the sanctity of life, individual freedom and human rights. Bioweapons launched during the Covid attacks have killed and injured millions of unsuspecting citizens around the world. Infertility is threatening to destroy the reproductive ability of the human race. Eugenics, Artificial Intelligence, gene editing and the private ownership of DNA and RNA foreshadow an age of complete slavery and corporate domination of every aspect of life.

Our governments have betrayed the public good by allowing the corporate takeover of our university and research centres, our professional medical colleges and licensing boards, our hospitals and both our federal and provincial ministries of health, their agencies and advisory bodies. Regulations to safeguard public health are being dismantled at a record pace to pave the way for the international pharmaceutical takeover of “Agile Nations” and global healthcare.

Doctors, nurses, scientists and medical researchers who try to speak out to warn us are fired, fined, de-licensed, or jailed. Censorship of the news media and the prohibition of free speech and freedoms of assembly and worship suppress resistance by creating fear of punishment for speaking out or disobeying orders. Employers have become agents of the state and enforcers of totalitarian policies.

Seniors are dying, children are dying and people of all ages are being maimed and permanently injured by the pharmaceutical mandates of our leaders. Tens of thousands of doctors and nurses and other healthcare professionals have been fired as vaccine injuries increase. Life saving surgeries continue to be delayed or cancelled due to the ongoing obstruction of healthcare. Extraordinary new “Sudden Death” syndromes are appearing along with bizarre new life-threatening clots. Their war against humanity is killing us and we must fight back now.

The only way to stop the medical tyranny that governments worldwide are enforcing is to completely stop obeying. This is a drastic step that will temporarily create harm and may cause the death of some critically ill people but in war some must suffer to save the many. In this case, the many is all of humanity. Nothing short of a complete shut down of medical services will defeat the government and its puppet agencies and colleges. A medical general strike won’t need to continue long before public pressure will force the government to re-instate fired healthcare workers, drop all charges and reimburse all fines imposed by regulatory colleges and hospitals and to restore the primacy and privacy of the doctor-patient relationship that is the bedrock of trust in the delivery of medicine.

Medical professionals must weigh the short-term harms that a strike would cause against the long-term benefits of a return to unrestricted patient care based on professional integrity, practical experience, and a commitment to “do no harm”. Millions of people will continue to die and be harmed by the current healthcare agenda of our corporate governments. This drastic step is necessary to avoid an unimaginable future loss of life and suffering and to re-employ the so badly needed healthcare professionals who have been sidelined by corrupt governmental policies.

Many professionals will not agree that such extreme measures are necessary. Many may fear reprisals from the government, their unions or professional organizations. But what can the government really do? If they invoke back-to-work legislation or levy fines, the protestors ignore them. If they attempt to arrest or jail demonstrators then they turn a temporary disruption into a permanent one causing even greater harms. Now is the time to ask yourself what have these unions and organizations done to protect their members from government overreach into their profession? What have they done to protect the public trust and the moral integrity of the healthcare profession? Not everyone needs to participate in this initiative to make it effective. The healthcare delivery system has already been severely damaged by government abuse. A simple majority of healthcare workers would be enough to legitimize the protest and ensure its success.

How can we expect healthcare workers to defend us from medical tyranny if we don’t support them financially when they put their jobs and incomes on the line? We must rally public support through multiple crowd funding sources and demand that the healthcare workers’ unions and medical professional associations contribute substantially to the fight. Hospitals won’t remain functional for long without healthcare workers so there won’t be a lot of lost wages to cover. The blame for the strike must be attached solely to the harms caused by the draconian government policies and the treasonous transfer of power to corporate criminals. We all need to take responsibility now and shoulder the financial burden of this battle.

Please think about this and discuss it with your colleagues,


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