Thank God Russia can hold the common enemy, the Globalists, in check. Unfortunately, locally, the long arm of the Globalists is pushing forward. Recently a local bank announced to a depositor cash will no longer be available. Fake, surveillance, punishment currency will be substituted. Immediately cancelled the account.

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Hope your depositor friend takes an ad out warning bank customers to vamoose with their accounts. I can't imagine the bank manager doing this on his own. Is he aware his job is at stake if everybody scrams?

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They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to

do this right now visit.......... https://t.co/K2mXQiCZiT

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Russia in in the Asia team of globalists, same game, same goals, different tactics. All the sabre-rattling is mere distraction to hide other bad stuff.


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What does the globalist Manuel Macron, the globalist Justin Trudeau, the globalist Angela Merkel and dozens more have in common with Vladimir Putin?

They all pushed the vaxxine, they all want to implement CBDC, they all want 15 min. cities, and they all attended the World Economic Forum's Young Global Leaders Academy.

Vladimir Putin will not save anyone. Not even himself.

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I've used metals and commodities markets as my weather vane when it comes to world turmoil for years. They have always been a sign of "what's to come". It's one of the reasons I've *refused* to jump on the fear train when it comes to nuclear war, etc. When commodities/metals start escalating *usually* that means that "someone knows something that we don't". Usually.

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"'It seems to me that Bauer was signaling that NATO has its response. If Russia plans an attack, and this can be detected in advance through satellite intelligence and other means, NATO could act preemptively,'"

--from https://newsukraine.rbc.ua/comment/expert-says-whether-nato-can-strike-russia-1732672492.html

That's it! NATO has perfected mind reading technology.

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Trying to reply to Meryl, regarding Oreshnik falling short of Big Apple when launched from Russia...

I see that Oreshnik was likely derived from an ICBM with a lighter payload, and is thought to have 5000 km range, so a little shy of NYC, when launched from Kaliningrad, but I have seen the assertion that it could hit NYC, also.

The kinetic energy of something like tungsten submunitions is transmitted deep into the ground as shockwaves destroying deep bunkers, which is well explained here, and the video of 36 submunitions in 6 packs disappearing into the underground levels of the Ukrainian military factory is brief and impressive.

Mike Mihajlovik has a lot of important context and technical information: "Oreshnik" Enters The Chat [i] Hypersonic missile attack on Dnipro — warning shot https://bmanalysis.substack.com/p/oreshnik-enters-the-chat-i

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Please remember predictive programming, 2012 olympics featured a Satanic ritual telegraphing covid 19 scam. The opening ceremony of 2024 olympics featured a pale grey graphic horse

Book of Revelations chap 19. The Georgia guidestones first commandment stated earth to have no more than a half a billion humans. The globalists are all in on the agenda.!. Are they waiting for holidays to unleash this fury?

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NATO is totally retarded. It needs to be blown up and taken out of existence. But not by a Russian missile.

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Putin said Russia considers the arming of Ukraine and the acceptance of Ukraine into NATO an existential threat since the US has lied about extending NATO eastward. If the recent actions and rhetoric by NATO nut jobs hasn't vindicated Putin's concerns, what would? I never cease to be amazed at how calm the US legislators remain while children are being killed with shots and nuclear war is becoming a real risk. I bet trivial and petty stuff bothers them to the nth degree. Praying for us all.

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This Oreshnik missile has 6 MIRVed warheads, apparently with independent propulsion, as well as precision targeting AND with up to 6-each deeply-penetrating hypersonic (Mach-11 by video of strike) kinetic shock warheads, which destroy deep underground bunkers where elites might take refuge. London and New York are both within range.

This brings the threat back to the elite decision-makers, which they may not yet comprehend.

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Unless they have submarine mounted orechniks

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Wales, Alaska is 3807 miles from NYC, and Russia is less than 40 miles further, so it is close from that approach, but still over the speculated 3000 mile range of Oreshnik.

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I don't think NY/DC are in range, John. What is a kinetic shock warhead? what method does the damage?

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"What is a kinetic shock warhead?"

I believe it's like the US rail gun ammunition.

There is no need for explosive on those as the sheer speed / mass / kinetic energy is what does the damage.


I wonder if the Oreshnik ammunition we saw, had immense kinetic energy to penetrate the target, coupled with a subsequent explosive to really annoy those inside.

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Silver is the most undervalued asset in this world

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And it's real

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These pieces of crap think they are nuke proof. Keep poking the bear and find out

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They made it all up like a reality show. War was not needed, but.... get our checklists out. Oh how I want to believe in something in this world....but this fallen world, evil bugs, white horse conquering, stolen money, war, red horses, coming black horses. Sadly many must stand back and remember what Jesus warned - even the elect may be deceived. The antichrist in estate honors the god of forces/fortresses. Initially, the Antichrist (A/C) Will Be (Dan 7:24-25)


A King Who Exalts Himself (Dan 11)

 Will do according to his will.

 Will exalt & magnify himself above every god.

 Will speak marvelous things against the God of gods.

 Will prosper till the indignation be accomplished.

 Will not regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he will magnify himself above all.

 In his estate, he will honor the god of forces.

 A god whom his fathers knew not, he will honor w/gold, silver, precious stones & pleasant things.

 Thus will he do in the most strong holds w/a strange god, whom he will acknowledge & increase w/glory.

 He will cause them to rule over many & will divide the land for gain.

 Subdues three (3) kings.

 Speaks against the Most-High God.

 Oppresses God’s Holy People.

 Works to change time & laws.

 Lives luxuriously.

 Fools/lures w/lukewarm false replication of Christianity.

 Greedy, lustful, boasting, arrogant, worshipper of Apollyon.

 Laodicean master – desire for wealth, style, banking, money, etc.

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This is an accurate description word for word, of China's Communist Party and their sllies in Pyongyang, who successfully tricked Jimmy Carter into believing that they had accepted Christ as their Savior.

Ju Che, the official religion of North Korea, holds that Marx was correct about his theory of paradigms made up of contradictory things but goes far beyond that to claim that Communist scientists will organize all that chaos into a manmade pseudo-God.

This echoes false teachings by Jesuit priest Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, who also spoke of an evolving God, about 70 years ago. His Abbott did not allow him to publish his books until he had died, but now they are widely k own.. The Ju Che heresy goes beyond Teilhard de Chardin's heresy, by actually asserting that humans will create the God whom we want to exist

Now as for the Greek cult of Apollyin. aThey were the origin of the Evolving God theory. A branch of the Apollyon cult won over a Persian mystic named Mani. The Manichean Heresy nearly claimed the soul of Saint Augustine of Hippo...Manicheans believed that matter was evil, light was holy, and God was Himself a sinner imprisoned inside the material firmaments He created. This heresy was condemned by the Pope and ultimately ceased being confused with Christianity. Augustine credited his mother's prayers and continuing discussion with him, that brought him back into the Church. The logic that won his mind back from Satan's deceptioon was the fact that a half-sinner and half-saved God could not be omniscient nor omnipotent, and would therefore be an impersonatkr of the true God. When those scales fell from Augustine's eyes, Augustine grasped that Satan had to be a real being, for the only way evil could have entered God's Creation was for some created being with the capacity for free choics to choose to create evil.

In Freemasonry, ceremonial copies of the Bible and the Qur'an have on their cover, the name "Lucifer", because the revealed word of God is the story of how Lucifer invented evil and was confined to our tiny rock called Earth, and put in a garden with a human gardener named Adam, that he might rehabilitate himself. Instead he poisoned the gardener.

We have to understand that to take up evil is a choice.

In Latin, Lucifer literally means "bearer of the light". Christ spoke of Christians as the Light of the World. With Lucifer insisting in living in a pit lying to handful of followers, as envisioned by St John the Divine in describing the New Jerusalem, he no longer brings light to anywhere. That duty now falls on Believers.

Well, we do have good news to tell the world. Evil is not of God's creation. Nothing about it is kosher, holy, nor halal. Evil had to be invented.

If evil was created by choice, that means it can be renounced by choice.

Those who choose to create a fake "God" have made their choice to lie.

In Judaism, Lucifer has many names, but of only one thing did the Hebrew prophets recognize Lucifer as King: He is known to rabbinical scholars as The King of Lies.

Everyone in the world who wants tk build and serve an imitation of God, becomes the slave of the King of Lies.

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Hi Bob. I'm traveling so I cant fully interpret your write up...when I hit solid ground and I'm not so brain dead I'll read with hopeful understandingbif your intented meaning. Meanwhile i do note every civilization has "fables" of a great flood. But funny how there is such fervor against the God of Creation story and the flood. All of which was denied, spent billions to change textbooks in the 1950s and beyond, creation of a now debunked evolution theory in which the models they fabricated from one finding, i.e., one tooth 🦷 the premise for an entire prehistoric man in the cycle later found to be that of an extinct pig, etc. Btw to me I don't care of any positions as none will bump me from my belief... because I was saved by the hand of God in a firefight...then He saved my child with a miracle right in front of my eyes https://youtu.be/wJYW-lAiiVQ?si=bR0jIDROXWUyzRza

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russia can bloviate for now but when God speaks, all will be in the captive audience, including russia. Count on it, and be on His side of it while the opportunity still exists.

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Seems to me that it's the US/EU mouthing off the most and certainly acting most belligerantly.

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They are putting the MRNA covid vax in your food you need to

do this right now visit.......... https://t.co/K2mXQiCZiT

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next week is another week....

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LOL Trust the market.

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Because the oreshnik test strike concerned underground arms production facilities, MSM can uphold the "no big issue" perspective and the unelected EU boss still thinks Russia has to import washing machines for computer chips. IOW while for the knowledgeable the strike meant "checkmate", "the gang" continues with "no big issue".

Russia vowed to retaliate and could use the "Sodom" option:

Chose a woke city with military importance plus 1 or more globalist bunkers

Give the population a few hours to leave the city: those morally intact will leave immediately while the rest stays, with the globalists thinking to be safe in their bunkers.

Strike with full power so concerned scientists will even find glazed materials (!) but without a trace of radioactivity.

This might give the proper signal to the rest of the globalist hegemonic gang and their minions.

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