Oh Meryl.....thank you so much for sharing my TNCSS Substack. This legislation is being pushed all over the country. This is a pet project of our supposed Republican Governor.

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God forbid. See Elizabeth Nickson’s substack to understand just how fraudulent & destructive these globalist “conservation” NGO’s are. @elizabethnickson

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But see my post about the benefits of maintaining farmland IN farming.

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Spellcheck struck twice in the last paragraph. It couldn't handle the woke concept of "rewilding."

BTW, I had been involved with conservation easements before the globalists got into them. They were a great solution for a family facing estate taxes whose next generation wants to keep farming.

I suspect that the last paragraph is also wrong in suggesting that the non-profit can change the acceptable uses of the land in order to push the farmer off of it. The conservation easement is a very carefully drafted contract which specifies acceptable land uses. That can't be unilaterally changed, even if Bill Gates is on the other side.

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Thank you I added my own comments her as well along these lines.

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One thought I have had is that, if I were taken to court in dispute over the easement, simply having to respond in court, with all of the costs, would be prohibitive, regardless of whether the issue at dispute were real or contrived. It would immediately give leverage to either a trust or whoever holds the easement, which would have far more resources than me. It would turn my own land into a leverage point against me.

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They control almost everything because they control the money: https://youtu.be/xuhMW47aVag?si=0vqdvAkAUP-D2O6s

I've been saying for far too long that they are purposely destroying America from within and land grabs are just a small part of it.

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As a Tennessee resident, I emailed my state Representatives urging them to vote against this globalist agenda.

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The real end goal is to seal off 50% of all land from any human presence and another 25% to very limited human presence with the remaining 25% of land for human settlements (15 Minute Prisons/Gulags/Reservations). It is called the Wildlands Project and it is part of the UN goal in UN Agenda 21 to end private property. When you end private property you also destroy the ability for many people to become successful which of course is what they want.

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Meryl.....UPDATE on SB207 from TN. Sadly our RINO Governor had his henchmen pushing the Agriculture Easement bill (SB207) and it passed out of the Senate Ag committee today with a 5-4 vote. Of course it still has a way to go before it is law but what the Governor wants he makes sure that he gets one way or the other. We saw more political gamesmanship this session than we had ever seen before. These legislators are either brain dead or bought or possibly some are both. I guess they never heard of Biden's EO 30X30 which was designed to seal off 30% of all land by 2030 and 50% by 2050. Instead of doing things to help farmers be profitable they latch on to these deceptive schemes. This legislation is being pushed all over the country and you would think this would be a red flag. Well at least 4 Senators voted the right way.

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That foul Nature Conservancy offered a sheep rancher where I'm originally from an "offer they couldn't refuse" in the 1990s and the rancher sold tens of thousands of acres to them. The Nature Conservancy then proceeded to, of course, shut down all of that land that had been used for almost 200 years and now it just sits there. To some, this may sound like a great idea, but in my experience, it only served to raise prices on items that the rancher provided, destroyed employment for many (which then trickled down to destroy businesses that relied on employees spending money at their establishments), and is actually doing *harm* to the land now because the sheep were good for the land. Eating then "fertilizing" the land, "tilling" the soil by walking on it, grass was abundant. But now, most of that grass is gone and is being replaced with sage brush. Deer, elk, and antelope used to share that land because of the grass. Now, those other animals have had to find food somewhere else. This insane "conservation" tactic used by these monsters doesn't conserve anything but a weird cult agenda. The earth *needs* animals and human beings to tend it for it to stay healthy.

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I used to donate to the Nature Conservancy back in the 1980s when it was not a government-affiliated organization. It used to simply buy property and set it aside as protected. Then it lobbied for tax breaks, then “conservation easements” which meant passing over responsibility for conservation to the government. Now it is part of the NGO-fascist regime that shields government from oversight and accountability.

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Much of this guarantees farmland will be used FOR agriculture and not industry or subdivisions, and can be a very good thing. Greedy corporate developers too often pressure financially pressed farmers especially older ones who want to retire, to sell, but the farmers want to keep it in farm production indefinitely. That;'s a good thing. Depends on the wording of course.

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All NGOs that garner government funds (taxpayer money) are actually government agencies. Their employees are paid with taxpayer dollars collected by government and distributed by government. These employees essentially work for the government like any government employee. To claim otherwise is like saying killing people in a war is not murder.

These NGOs should be funded privately and if they are legitimate and worthy of existence, they should be able to get funded. Private investors like a good thing. Otherwise, their is no reason to fund them as they are gigantic rabbit holes of waste.

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This is an even more incoherent post than I usually read on this site. Conservation easements cover an area of the United States the size of Pennsylvania and are a wonderful win-win that conserve precious land while providing benefits to the land owner.

Can someone point out exactly why they are being demonized?

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Read the linked articles.

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