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HAHA! No way! Enough talking. We know “ who” and “ what” these people are all about. When will they be brought to justice for their crimes?


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A just and much needed position! "ADJUST" is another way to read that. Make the adjustment to withstand the many-pronged frontal attack, and fortify your soul (that's YOU) with the reading of God's Word, in order to connect yourself with Him. It's critical because of the campaign to deceive the world, regarding the Character of God, His Creation, and what the end-outcome will be regarding those who are "against" the Lord in any way. We have an AWESOME "KING" and if we are judged as insubordination perpetrators, we are slated for eternal nothingness (after having paid for our personal misdeeds sins).

"Why will ye die?" Says the Lord. He wants everyone to repent and get straight.


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True. The LORD is a just and will not allow this nonsense to go on indefinitely. According to the Bible, His return is imminent. (Matthew 24:6)

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It will be a FRIGTENING and sorrowful time for the mockers and unbelievers. But a GLORIOUS and welcomed Day for those who have stood faithful, and trusted the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

I'm always pressing this point home, because of its apparent nearness. 'Hard to imagine that things MUST get a lot worse before that "Day." We just don't know how quickly they will do that, but it is written that "The last movements will be rapid ones." This squares with the way we see how Justice has been trampled upon so blatantly and repetitively with no recourse to straighten it. Once "Lady Justice" is stripped, flogged, and tossed in the street and made to suffer every insult, the time is surely at hand for the Lord's Return! And the graduating curve of sinfulness spikes.

When I was growing up, I recall the shocked reaction of the pubic for Clark Gable saying, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Of today's Hollywood movies, I would venture that EVERY one is laced with either subliminal or outright blasphemous and crude language and actions.

Surely we are living in the "end times" AKA... "The Time of Jacob's Trouble" or at least very close to that tumultuous time.

Thank you for your return comment, my Sister!

Under the shadow of God's Wing,


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