Rabies shots are generally mandatory. If your dogs and cats might encounter bats or skunks, it's a good idea. Although keeping them inside is a better idea. My favorite vet says in Europe that cats get just 1 Rabies shot, ever. If your cat or kitten is getting fixed, it's safer to NOT get innoculations at the same time. I lost a foster kitten once because he got fixed and a rabies shot at the same time. It brought out underlying illness and he was doomed. I agree it's generally safer to avoid shots for our pets, too, just not always possible as they have probably been under veterinary scrutiny for most of their lives.
There hasn't been a case of rabies in my STATE in 50 years.
But I need to try to kill my dogs with a rabies shot, for a disease they MIGHT get from an animal, that runs from them, for the 5 minutes they're outdoors every 2 or 3 hours between 7 am and 7 pm.
After my 6 yr. old Golden got sick....I found a new vet who was willing to do a rabies titer. It showed continued protection for years. He then gave me a letter for my town each year. They accepted this approach. I never vaccinated her again and stopped using the tick and flea solution that my previous vet foisted on us. (ANd...it did not prevent the tick borne illness that she got). I stopped all the chemicals and injections. She was healthier for it. See if you can try this option. Good luck.
No one in my area does the titers. IF someone would do it the vets will not accept the results. (I have been told this by the vets.) It cuts into their profits.
phuque vets. I raised standard poodles for 18 years. Quit in 2013. My pack of 5 is dying off. Granny is 16, daughter is 13, Granddaughter is 10. no shots or licenses since 2012. Oregon
Exactly Bandit. And I am always bewildered by people who report their pets to the state! We always got our pets from a neighbor or someone giving away puppies or kittens and we *never* marched down to report our pet to some government agency! When are people going to grow a pair and start saying NO to things?
Yes!! And when ya look up how Pasteur went about "proving" rabies was even a thing it will disgust everyone to their core. The dogs dont need ANY shots. My guess is they mandated them when people and vets started to figure it out. After my lab got cancer at 7 years old (they claim it comes out of nowhere smdh) I came across a vet that finally told me the truth...that the dogs dont need ANY of these shots. You can go on amazon and buy the shot and the tag together for $25. If they are strict in your area, do that and then just throw the deadly concoction away and keep the tag. My girlfriend had to board her dogs to go on vacation and they made her get a kennel cough shot to take him. Her dog immediately contracted Kennel cough and they claimed it was because it takes a week to take effect and he must have gotten it from the other dogs. But how if they were all made to get the shot before boarding? The biggest problem we have is that people are so dumb lol. They are killing their own dogs and dont even know it.
The word "mandatory" only holds significance if we comply with whatever edicts are pushed out on the public. The only way anyone would know if we don't do something is if we tell others. I *never* "vaccinated" my pets and they lived long lives (one cat over 20 years). There's lots of things that are (and have been) "mandatory" and the only reason that word has any power is because people continue to march down and do whatever "mandatory" thing that someone said people had to do. It's time for the public to stop thinking that just because something is deemed "mandatory" that we are supposed to comply with it. We must start having the courage to say NO to things we don't want to do. I definitely get what you're saying for sure. I just had to throw in a couple of cents. :)
Thanks for the good information. Now that vaccines are moving into the Mrna style, are the Rabies shot going this way too? Would it be a reasonable question to ask a Veterinarian about this? I favor the one shot and done approach. Often if you do rescue animals, the shelters have the shots done and include it in the price of adoption.
More pet owners should tell their vets they want to titer their animals who most likely have sufficient immunity which will be demonstrated by the inexpensive blood test.
You mean STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLIZED GEOENGINEERING (SAG), STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLIZED INJECTION (SAI) and "SOLAR RADIATION MANAGEMENT (SRI). These are the proper terms. Look them up. NOBODY is "painting," they're spraying aerosolized nanoparticulate metals including aluminum, barium, manganese and strontium as well as nanoplastics and graphene, a biological carrier-- why? Get informed. Visit https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org
While Stateside, at an aeronautics display for the public (McClellan AFB Sacramento CA,) There were a few pilots explaining about the jets they flew. I took the opportunity to bring up the "sky painting" and the science, logic, and visible evidence of the thing. He informed me that it all was nothing more than "con" trails (a fitting description, wouldn't you say?) He meant, "condensation" trails from the engines at cold altitudes, but I took it otherwise! The conversation went from nothing to no where in a hurry, and that was that. There's NO way to educate the majority of the duped. That could be it, or it could be an instruction from the Brass "high command" to keep this all a secret from the public's knowledge.
Someday, we'll find these things out, as to what the M.O. truly was and the motive behind it, AND who was pulling the strings during the operation.
But I think we whose head is above sand level have a pretty accurate idea of these questions.
Except under the most extreme conditions, modern high bypass turbofan jet engines produce virtually NO water vapor. Virtually all jet engines are high bypass turbofan types.
Isn't it the heat from a jet engine, reacting to the super-cold atmosphere at high altitudes, which makes the condensation trails? Where I live, passenger jets are seen very rarely, They're always very high. I've noticed that contrails do form a ways back from the actual aircraft, which can just barely be seen. It will remain as a "trail" for about 50 plane lengths, then it simply vanishes.
Back in Sacramento valley, the sky would sometimes be criss-crossed with chem trails. They'd bleed and spread and join one another, giving the sky a sick gray color, but not dissipate.
Go and avail yourselves of Dane' Wigington's article re HIGH BYPASS TURBOFAN JET ENGINES and read THE REAL SCIENCE. It's only been up on his geoengineeringwatch.org website explaining WHY condensation DOES NOT FORM for, oh, maybe five years or more now.
While what Dane writes is ever so true, and scientific, I will add that it does not conflict with my views or what I have personally witnessed, both from the time as a young kid, to a decade or so ago, when the "conspiracy theory" began to cause people to look up. As I clearly stated in the post, there was a Jet, very high which flew over and left a trail, but being conscious of chem-trails, I watched carefully, and it dissipated just as fast as the jet was traveling. The "ice" or whatever it is warmed up and simply disappeared. That's just a guess, but what I consider as fact, is that there was no chemtrail being released from the jet. In fact, the contrail did not begin forming until about a full jet-length after. That should "avail" for the clearing up of any misguided assumptions you might have, or any misunderstanding as to what I posted.
Some people cherry-pick when they listen or read. They grasp certain words and formulate a hypothesis from them without carefully tying the words to each other for their intended meaning. I'm sure you have met some like that.
Dane's info was straight up front when Googled. He must be a highly qualified tech guy. I will be reading some of the stuff from his site. No argument foreseen.
Haha! Yes, you have a point there. Whatever they say IS the science, no proof needed and no questions aloud. Asking questions is clearly anti-science aggression. (Eye roll)
“Depending on your risk group” now means no one should get it since these pseudoscientific debacles present more risk than benefit to all ages. So, yes, I WILL follow their advice: No one should get them.
NO Never but we are still in siloes re thinking on vax. Educated adult children still see me as conspiracy theorist. I have found it impossible to break this wall down. As a mother this is great source of concern and sadness. If you were in my shoes what would you do? I don’t pray and they don’t either.
I cannot imagine your pain. But stand your ground. You did your best. Sometimes even a mother's love cannot counteract brainwashed children's obstinance. They are missing more than you are. It's possible they will someday realize this. I'd use "reverse psychology." Stop trying to reach your selfish children and enjoy yourself with your also-unvaxed friends. Force your children to come back to you by ignoring them. If they never come around, I suggest you disinherit them and make sure that reason is made clear at the reading of your will.
Ignoring them, they ignored me. Now experiencing a death of a beloved family member and one of the two estranged children has united. with me again. Will not bring up vax, she knows my position she has not changed hers you can’t beat a dead horse. Perhaps the payoff of covid was intended to break down familial bonds. Don’t let them win reunite and don’t lecture your loved ones the damage has already been done further estrangement resolves nothing. Family is forever. COVID debacle is an aberration. Loving relations are more apt to resolve differences than anything else.
I have an adult son. I tried talking him out of it as much as he tried talking me into it. His 22 year old girlfriend now has serious immune issues and POTS and randomly faints. They still can't see the connection no matter what I say. They just accept her new health. It has been very hard. We still talk though. I am at least happy about that.
I understand. So many of us parents of adult children are not taken seriously on this topic; after all, I'm no virologist or specialist in the sciences.
Our kids have been more indoctrinated in their formative years than we realize. Now we see the fruit of all the years of public school (and many private schools).
More peer and activity goals drove my children to vax. Feared exclusion, no vax no access to cultural events for one. Other employed by major support org and seemed work related but not really sure, it is in the medical field and she buys what they recommend. Intelligent but sought no alternative views nor questioned the total lockdown narrative, completely captured by MSM perhaps the constant fear updates day and night on those cell phones did the heavy lifting in capturing and keeping their allegiance. Talk about reinforcing their vow any one that didn’t vax was “an anti-vaxxer” turned into the opposition, the enemy, the other when now we know the real culprit is the mRNA vaccine the real opposition and enemy. College grads both did no independent research. Me their Mom could not imagine not seeking more and broader research - great resource is:
Grew up in mafia country. Youngstown-Warren Ohio, Liberty County included. Ironic name. Monopolizing businesses was their signature. "Such a deal we got for you." Pay us and we own you. Disobey us and suffer the consequences.
These people have taken over. Everything. They learned their lessons in Youngstown. Go legit. No more spectacular hits. They transitioned from blowing things up. 70's nickname? Bomb city USA. To suffocating people with Duct tape.
Don't know what they use now for sure, moved away decades ago. Would guess, drugs and video of trafficked children to entrap technocratic slaves, you're with us now Tony. Same weakness as your grandpa. Of course "vaccines" for the more expendable.
In those days, there was a lot of talk about monopolies. Now, not a word. We know all their names. Walmart, Microsoft, Blackrock, Disney, Pfizer.
Quit feeding the beast. Easy to spot. Making bags of money while humanity groans, but don't worry, they will show mercy in the end. Just look at Gaza for our eventual fate. And no we aren't as special we think.
He may ask for help re gf with POTS. Check first person story on line - What is Dysautonamia - could give you some way in. What appears as rigid belief system could be denial and unexpressed fear. Hang in, you have made yourself available to them, keep in touch, keep being a presence.
I red-pilled two people with the video of Naomi Wolf reading from the Pfizer documents at Hillsdale College. Can't say that's a conspiracy, unless you admit Pfizer is conspiratorial. Problem would be getting them to watch it.
Check out Sasha Latypova of Due Diligence and Art on substack and Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News on substack to understand the Constitutional laws that allowed this debacle to take place. PREP in place til 2028.
Pfizer documents did not show that it was DoD and HHS that enacted this scourge giving all actors including Pfizer full immunity , can’t make this up our government is actively poisoning and killing their citizens - our children.
As Scripture says, God loves us MORE than parents' love they have for their own children! So much of God's Character has been manifested through time, through His Word (which Jesus says He IS!) that really, there is no excuse to NOT know of it. It boils down to whether we adopt selfish behavior (which is sinful) or whether we trust God's Character to be true to His Word, and lean AWAY from selfishness (and sinfulness). Sin simply is the breaking of His Law, which is "A transcript of His Character." It's not rocket science!
Christianity is a PURE and quite SIMPLE religion. We "belong" to God because He created us (and that with a purpose) AND He redeemed us through the blood of His dearly beloved Son, Jesus, who gave His life, and much more for every single human being that has ever lived. It remains OUR choice (freedom to choose) what we shall worship and believe. We've been given "prophecy" and an entire WORLD full of unexplainable biology to support a well-grounded theological mind-set, one upheld in logic and fact. In actual fact, EVERY discipline known to man, is replete with undeniable clues that it was the Hand of God who set these things up with such precision and artistic love, for our benefit. And if all of that falls short in one's disturbed world-view, God has given us His WORD, His actual communicated voice for our belief.
And that we STILL rebel against all of this is a marvel indeed!
I am in the exact same place. My daughters went to big shot universities and are a bit arrogant at times and their common sense doesn't exist. And they refuse to acknowledge a word of truth.💥💛🌟
What a way to go the former citadels of critical thinking colleges locked our children into ghettos, even using informers to report non-conforming dorm mates. Totalitarian experience, they have captured these participants for life. Our future leaders already WEF acolytes. Why even go to college if they have these draconian policies at the rates they charged for a prison stay in essentially a gulag. Our culture is sick, beyond repair and essentially co-opted all these students futures compromised by vax and psychological programming without a doubt this one of the biggest captures by the government of its citizenry. Full compliance with future “mandates” assured. They have been captured life will never be the same. Did these young people get PTSD? Time will tell.
I wish I had a better world view, one in which this "defeated" state of mind could be vanquished. But the steam roller is not easily defeated. Many are trying, but as you say, and I believe, it will not hapen.
The bedrock reasons for a "Christian world-view" is sustained at every turn, everywhere one looks for it. But if we choose to NOT look, for reasons of selfish or fearful intent, thinking God is not fair, or not THERE, and refuse to investigate further, we will be justified in that saddened, frustrated world-view. In fact, it has become a real test of strength to overcome the tendency to be despondent, and just sit and cry about the conditions. It's very depressing.
And that's NOT what our Creator enlists us to do. It has become everyone's duty to learn the truth about Creation Science, and the REAL age of the earth, and from there, to teach others who have been brainwashed by the "higher-learning" institutions (that are not even as functional as a common morgue) of these wonderful and powerfully reassuring truths found in EVERY discipline. This is our quest. What better way to spend what's left of "living" here than to dispel the lies, and deceptions perpetrated against the Creator and His creatures, by these infiltrated murderers?
No, I choose to struggle with it and try to overcome it by watching REAL videos showing the case for a young earth, a world-wide flood, a fantastic biological conglomeration of systems and sub-systems from a flock of starlings, to the inner workings of a single cell. And since I'm a "commoner," I just sit back and absorb the brain-work and field-work of the professionals, or rather the "experts" in their fields. Once a spark of truth has been caught, showing that the world has been duped by Satanic intrusions, the rest of the investigation falls into place sweetly, like a Columbo plot. And the really nice part is that if we choose to believe God, it all ends well!
"All's well that ends well!"
That's why Christianity is the ONLY religion with hope for eternal life. All the rest are false. They claim no Redeemer, no Savior. (No Thank You!)
Agreed. Living in a maudlin mood serves no one. Wishing a different outcome for your children is not a positive way to spend time. I have the same situation, so I'm directing this
advice to myself also. I watch as the books I've sent get thrown in the trash I'm told. Also clearly told that my information will shut down communication, visits, etc. I feel your sadness.
I think we have already passed the point where no pathogen is needed. The medical dictatorship has reached the stage at which announcing something (and giving it a meaningless label) is enough. Journalists, bloggers, podcast makers and article writers will gladly do the job of terrifying the public. Most of them - for free. After 4 years, we are already accustomed to being scared on a daily basis. Soon, we won’t care about these repeated alarms, the mind will simply accept them as part of the ambient landscape. Then, the real action may start.
No worry. No need to prepare or watch out. If “they” are professionals, we will only waste energy and time, all in vain. If “they” are not as skillful, why worry?
Yes, that’s a thin line between seeing what is happening and making personal adjustments to the situation (“prepping”) and surrendering to indecision or giving up the values which are the foundation of your personal world.
It’s like the red light. You see it, you adapt, hit the brakes, and you are safe. No worrying. Some folks prefer worrying whether they will manage to run across these few yards without stopping.
There is a saying, “Doing the same thing the same way disagrees with expecting different results”.
The last time I checked (everyone can, too), we have the same people at the controls for the last dozens of years. The same in their affiliations, the same in their unwillingness to change something for better (check: economy, education, health, employment, pensions, housing, public finances, migration, international trade, name any field you want), and even in the same personal composition of the governing team.
The state has always been on the downside run with finances, with every single year pushing debt way way above revenues. Not a single year with positive gross profit in the terms of the national economy. Translated into private business or personal finances, it means constant debt, or bankruptcy. This continued trend is only one of the common characteristics of those at the steering wheel, regardless of their beliefs.
To change this into anything, you would need to replace literally everybody from the federal down to the local organizational levels of structures. Genetic hereditary power won’t let go that easily. Removing it just like that by newcomers (even with good intentions) would destroy the whole country within weeks.
Seeing what is has nothing to do with mindset. Unless you see something different - then I will quickly admit I am wrong.
yes it is your de facto mind set. Government is not for profit. It is for our peace, safety and happiness. ARTICLE I Section 1 "Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —"
The de facto color of law incorporated governance at the de facto federal level March 1861. ( see the definition of de facto and de jure Black's Law 6th edition page 416. de facto illegal or illegitimate; de jure lawful and Constitutional. Sovereign defined in Bouvier the authentic dictionary for the Constitution. https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm
Oregon was flipped November 8, 1910 fro de jure to de facto with ARTICLE VII (Amended) every court, municipal, county, state and federal on Oregon is a for profit incorporated subdivision of a for profit color of law governance. Except our Article III Amendment VII Civilian Court of record. Each state, or commonwealth (33) or 17 territories are for profit subdivisions of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc in some form since 1861. The dems and reps are the left and right wings of the industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. published at www.orsja.org.
> “Government is not for profit. It is for our peace, safety and happiness.”
Except that we don’t have any of this in our daily life. Especially recently. And - as advertised by the said government - we won’t have this in any foreseeable future.
First try to amend the rules for the government to make them waive all their profits. Once you succeed, we can start talking about peace, safety and happiness :-)
BTW. If you haven’t noticed, “government” is an entity separate from the public (population, people, citizens). Legally, the government exists for its own sake, and there is no connection between it (and its actions) and the fate of the public. In other words, “people” (nation, citizens) are not superior to the government in any way. No connection, no relationship.
Tis the story of every civilization to come and go -“trial and error” We’re all born into a physical realm of sin and degeneracy- we get to choose which path we go down. When all the leadership has opted for the wide path of destruction just keep your course and ETERNITY awaits!🙏🌎 God bless yall, just keep vigilant and have a discerning heart and mind so you’re able to withstand the attacks!
This Earth is your home. The only one you have. You may hate it, but it’s your shelter and the place where you spend all your life.
By calling your home “a realm of sin and degeneracy”, you have desecrated it.
Also, you have just stood up against God and offended Him by calling His ultimate creation intended to be the home for all of us (including you) “a realm of sin and degeneracy”.
A just and much needed position! "ADJUST" is another way to read that. Make the adjustment to withstand the many-pronged frontal attack, and fortify your soul (that's YOU) with the reading of God's Word, in order to connect yourself with Him. It's critical because of the campaign to deceive the world, regarding the Character of God, His Creation, and what the end-outcome will be regarding those who are "against" the Lord in any way. We have an AWESOME "KING" and if we are judged as insubordination perpetrators, we are slated for eternal nothingness (after having paid for our personal misdeeds sins).
"Why will ye die?" Says the Lord. He wants everyone to repent and get straight.
It will be a FRIGTENING and sorrowful time for the mockers and unbelievers. But a GLORIOUS and welcomed Day for those who have stood faithful, and trusted the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I'm always pressing this point home, because of its apparent nearness. 'Hard to imagine that things MUST get a lot worse before that "Day." We just don't know how quickly they will do that, but it is written that "The last movements will be rapid ones." This squares with the way we see how Justice has been trampled upon so blatantly and repetitively with no recourse to straighten it. Once "Lady Justice" is stripped, flogged, and tossed in the street and made to suffer every insult, the time is surely at hand for the Lord's Return! And the graduating curve of sinfulness spikes.
When I was growing up, I recall the shocked reaction of the pubic for Clark Gable saying, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Of today's Hollywood movies, I would venture that EVERY one is laced with either subliminal or outright blasphemous and crude language and actions.
Surely we are living in the "end times" AKA... "The Time of Jacob's Trouble" or at least very close to that tumultuous time.
My question is: are those advising these continued and constant boosters, getting them themselves? They should provide proof they are not just advising people they don't know to seek interventions because they say so.
It is all made up - they wouldn't bother to present you any fake proof, it just does not make any sense to argue with those compulsive liars: garbage in, garbage out.
Of course they’re not taking the poison themselves; why do you think they’re so literally hysterical to get the masses of the great unwashed to take them, over & over & over. Not to mention the carcinogenic & other toxic material “the science” has put into our food, water, personal & household products, air & on & on
Sorry, but couldn't resist the parallel. "Underground" they ARE, meaning behind the curtain, a secret (and very evil) cabal of conspirators. ONE day, they will be exposed, but I think not in this temporal setting we live in.
And these are the people that want to rule the world in disaster preparedness... doing all the things that are proven to not work. They all should be executed in the public square.
They are unrelenting psychopaths.
Unrepenting too.
Agreed. All injections now contain modified RNA and nanotechnology. Refuse all of them.
and say no to your veterinarian when they want to jab your pets too.
YES!!! They are killing our pets and making them sick as well. Big money for veterinary services.
Rabies shots are generally mandatory. If your dogs and cats might encounter bats or skunks, it's a good idea. Although keeping them inside is a better idea. My favorite vet says in Europe that cats get just 1 Rabies shot, ever. If your cat or kitten is getting fixed, it's safer to NOT get innoculations at the same time. I lost a foster kitten once because he got fixed and a rabies shot at the same time. It brought out underlying illness and he was doomed. I agree it's generally safer to avoid shots for our pets, too, just not always possible as they have probably been under veterinary scrutiny for most of their lives.
There hasn't been a case of rabies in my STATE in 50 years.
But I need to try to kill my dogs with a rabies shot, for a disease they MIGHT get from an animal, that runs from them, for the 5 minutes they're outdoors every 2 or 3 hours between 7 am and 7 pm.
After my 6 yr. old Golden got sick....I found a new vet who was willing to do a rabies titer. It showed continued protection for years. He then gave me a letter for my town each year. They accepted this approach. I never vaccinated her again and stopped using the tick and flea solution that my previous vet foisted on us. (ANd...it did not prevent the tick borne illness that she got). I stopped all the chemicals and injections. She was healthier for it. See if you can try this option. Good luck.
No one in my area does the titers. IF someone would do it the vets will not accept the results. (I have been told this by the vets.) It cuts into their profits.
phuque vets. I raised standard poodles for 18 years. Quit in 2013. My pack of 5 is dying off. Granny is 16, daughter is 13, Granddaughter is 10. no shots or licenses since 2012. Oregon
Exactly Bandit. And I am always bewildered by people who report their pets to the state! We always got our pets from a neighbor or someone giving away puppies or kittens and we *never* marched down to report our pet to some government agency! When are people going to grow a pair and start saying NO to things?
Yes!! And when ya look up how Pasteur went about "proving" rabies was even a thing it will disgust everyone to their core. The dogs dont need ANY shots. My guess is they mandated them when people and vets started to figure it out. After my lab got cancer at 7 years old (they claim it comes out of nowhere smdh) I came across a vet that finally told me the truth...that the dogs dont need ANY of these shots. You can go on amazon and buy the shot and the tag together for $25. If they are strict in your area, do that and then just throw the deadly concoction away and keep the tag. My girlfriend had to board her dogs to go on vacation and they made her get a kennel cough shot to take him. Her dog immediately contracted Kennel cough and they claimed it was because it takes a week to take effect and he must have gotten it from the other dogs. But how if they were all made to get the shot before boarding? The biggest problem we have is that people are so dumb lol. They are killing their own dogs and dont even know it.
What state are you in?
I'm sorry, I do not give out that information. Suffice it to say, I'm in a Midwestern state.
The word "mandatory" only holds significance if we comply with whatever edicts are pushed out on the public. The only way anyone would know if we don't do something is if we tell others. I *never* "vaccinated" my pets and they lived long lives (one cat over 20 years). There's lots of things that are (and have been) "mandatory" and the only reason that word has any power is because people continue to march down and do whatever "mandatory" thing that someone said people had to do. It's time for the public to stop thinking that just because something is deemed "mandatory" that we are supposed to comply with it. We must start having the courage to say NO to things we don't want to do. I definitely get what you're saying for sure. I just had to throw in a couple of cents. :)
Thanks for the good information. Now that vaccines are moving into the Mrna style, are the Rabies shot going this way too? Would it be a reasonable question to ask a Veterinarian about this? I favor the one shot and done approach. Often if you do rescue animals, the shelters have the shots done and include it in the price of adoption.
I agree that's a good question. I don't know yet, but will ask my vet soon.
More pet owners should tell their vets they want to titer their animals who most likely have sufficient immunity which will be demonstrated by the inexpensive blood test.
Thank you for the good advice.
Smart lady. Absolutely right!
I can't even try to speak about this anymore.
Tis like the skypainting, which I clearly see while others tell me not to believe my own lyin eyes
The naked emperor syndrome is the opposite - people see clothes when there are none.
Like in the fable, perhaps a little child will shatter the illusion.
If children keep asking about the sky painting, perhaps some adults will begin to wake up.
New Hampshire, Canada has woken up.
There is always hope.
You mean STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLIZED GEOENGINEERING (SAG), STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLIZED INJECTION (SAI) and "SOLAR RADIATION MANAGEMENT (SRI). These are the proper terms. Look them up. NOBODY is "painting," they're spraying aerosolized nanoparticulate metals including aluminum, barium, manganese and strontium as well as nanoplastics and graphene, a biological carrier-- why? Get informed. Visit https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org
The New Hampshire bill against climate engineering was reported on GeoEngineeringWatch as per my link.
Painting is just a common term used by some to describe aerosol spraying.
Sounds like something a "concerned mum" would tell a 5-year-old ;-)
Hang in there. Hopefully you will make new meaningful friendships.
It's not easy, but we are all faced with a similar circumstance.
While Stateside, at an aeronautics display for the public (McClellan AFB Sacramento CA,) There were a few pilots explaining about the jets they flew. I took the opportunity to bring up the "sky painting" and the science, logic, and visible evidence of the thing. He informed me that it all was nothing more than "con" trails (a fitting description, wouldn't you say?) He meant, "condensation" trails from the engines at cold altitudes, but I took it otherwise! The conversation went from nothing to no where in a hurry, and that was that. There's NO way to educate the majority of the duped. That could be it, or it could be an instruction from the Brass "high command" to keep this all a secret from the public's knowledge.
Someday, we'll find these things out, as to what the M.O. truly was and the motive behind it, AND who was pulling the strings during the operation.
But I think we whose head is above sand level have a pretty accurate idea of these questions.
Except under the most extreme conditions, modern high bypass turbofan jet engines produce virtually NO water vapor. Virtually all jet engines are high bypass turbofan types.
Isn't it the heat from a jet engine, reacting to the super-cold atmosphere at high altitudes, which makes the condensation trails? Where I live, passenger jets are seen very rarely, They're always very high. I've noticed that contrails do form a ways back from the actual aircraft, which can just barely be seen. It will remain as a "trail" for about 50 plane lengths, then it simply vanishes.
Back in Sacramento valley, the sky would sometimes be criss-crossed with chem trails. They'd bleed and spread and join one another, giving the sky a sick gray color, but not dissipate.
"Don't Just Spray 'Em.......Barium!
Go and avail yourselves of Dane' Wigington's article re HIGH BYPASS TURBOFAN JET ENGINES and read THE REAL SCIENCE. It's only been up on his geoengineeringwatch.org website explaining WHY condensation DOES NOT FORM for, oh, maybe five years or more now.
While what Dane writes is ever so true, and scientific, I will add that it does not conflict with my views or what I have personally witnessed, both from the time as a young kid, to a decade or so ago, when the "conspiracy theory" began to cause people to look up. As I clearly stated in the post, there was a Jet, very high which flew over and left a trail, but being conscious of chem-trails, I watched carefully, and it dissipated just as fast as the jet was traveling. The "ice" or whatever it is warmed up and simply disappeared. That's just a guess, but what I consider as fact, is that there was no chemtrail being released from the jet. In fact, the contrail did not begin forming until about a full jet-length after. That should "avail" for the clearing up of any misguided assumptions you might have, or any misunderstanding as to what I posted.
Some people cherry-pick when they listen or read. They grasp certain words and formulate a hypothesis from them without carefully tying the words to each other for their intended meaning. I'm sure you have met some like that.
Dane's info was straight up front when Googled. He must be a highly qualified tech guy. I will be reading some of the stuff from his site. No argument foreseen.
Thanks for the tip,
Them: “Follow the science”
Us: Where is the “science”?
Them: “We are THE science”
US: 🖕
Let’s hope there’s enough of “us” to crush this stupidity (scientism).
Well, in a way they did buy the science, so
they do own it. LOL
Haha! Yes, you have a point there. Whatever they say IS the science, no proof needed and no questions aloud. Asking questions is clearly anti-science aggression. (Eye roll)
“Depending on your risk group” now means no one should get it since these pseudoscientific debacles present more risk than benefit to all ages. So, yes, I WILL follow their advice: No one should get them.
Try to explain that to the WHO!
And the storm troopers at your door.
How about "they take their own shots " and leave us alone.
Notice of liability needs to be issued to all these criminals.
And there is this...Congress doubles down on failure - giving more funding to the same psychopaths for Disease X.
Just in time for DAVOS 2024
NO Never but we are still in siloes re thinking on vax. Educated adult children still see me as conspiracy theorist. I have found it impossible to break this wall down. As a mother this is great source of concern and sadness. If you were in my shoes what would you do? I don’t pray and they don’t either.
I cannot imagine your pain. But stand your ground. You did your best. Sometimes even a mother's love cannot counteract brainwashed children's obstinance. They are missing more than you are. It's possible they will someday realize this. I'd use "reverse psychology." Stop trying to reach your selfish children and enjoy yourself with your also-unvaxed friends. Force your children to come back to you by ignoring them. If they never come around, I suggest you disinherit them and make sure that reason is made clear at the reading of your will.
Ignoring them, they ignored me. Now experiencing a death of a beloved family member and one of the two estranged children has united. with me again. Will not bring up vax, she knows my position she has not changed hers you can’t beat a dead horse. Perhaps the payoff of covid was intended to break down familial bonds. Don’t let them win reunite and don’t lecture your loved ones the damage has already been done further estrangement resolves nothing. Family is forever. COVID debacle is an aberration. Loving relations are more apt to resolve differences than anything else.
I have an adult son. I tried talking him out of it as much as he tried talking me into it. His 22 year old girlfriend now has serious immune issues and POTS and randomly faints. They still can't see the connection no matter what I say. They just accept her new health. It has been very hard. We still talk though. I am at least happy about that.
I understand. So many of us parents of adult children are not taken seriously on this topic; after all, I'm no virologist or specialist in the sciences.
Our kids have been more indoctrinated in their formative years than we realize. Now we see the fruit of all the years of public school (and many private schools).
More peer and activity goals drove my children to vax. Feared exclusion, no vax no access to cultural events for one. Other employed by major support org and seemed work related but not really sure, it is in the medical field and she buys what they recommend. Intelligent but sought no alternative views nor questioned the total lockdown narrative, completely captured by MSM perhaps the constant fear updates day and night on those cell phones did the heavy lifting in capturing and keeping their allegiance. Talk about reinforcing their vow any one that didn’t vax was “an anti-vaxxer” turned into the opposition, the enemy, the other when now we know the real culprit is the mRNA vaccine the real opposition and enemy. College grads both did no independent research. Me their Mom could not imagine not seeking more and broader research - great resource is:
Global research.ca
Check it out they dispel many untruths and are reliable.
Excellent source Global Research.
Grew up in mafia country. Youngstown-Warren Ohio, Liberty County included. Ironic name. Monopolizing businesses was their signature. "Such a deal we got for you." Pay us and we own you. Disobey us and suffer the consequences.
These people have taken over. Everything. They learned their lessons in Youngstown. Go legit. No more spectacular hits. They transitioned from blowing things up. 70's nickname? Bomb city USA. To suffocating people with Duct tape.
Don't know what they use now for sure, moved away decades ago. Would guess, drugs and video of trafficked children to entrap technocratic slaves, you're with us now Tony. Same weakness as your grandpa. Of course "vaccines" for the more expendable.
In those days, there was a lot of talk about monopolies. Now, not a word. We know all their names. Walmart, Microsoft, Blackrock, Disney, Pfizer.
Quit feeding the beast. Easy to spot. Making bags of money while humanity groans, but don't worry, they will show mercy in the end. Just look at Gaza for our eventual fate. And no we aren't as special we think.
He may ask for help re gf with POTS. Check first person story on line - What is Dysautonamia - could give you some way in. What appears as rigid belief system could be denial and unexpressed fear. Hang in, you have made yourself available to them, keep in touch, keep being a presence.
I red-pilled two people with the video of Naomi Wolf reading from the Pfizer documents at Hillsdale College. Can't say that's a conspiracy, unless you admit Pfizer is conspiratorial. Problem would be getting them to watch it.
Check out Sasha Latypova of Due Diligence and Art on substack and Katherine Watt at Bailiwick News on substack to understand the Constitutional laws that allowed this debacle to take place. PREP in place til 2028.
Pfizer documents did not show that it was DoD and HHS that enacted this scourge giving all actors including Pfizer full immunity , can’t make this up our government is actively poisoning and killing their citizens - our children.
PSALM 91...prayer does work miracles. Try it...you’d be amazed! God/Creator is perfect love. Like the love you have for your children.
As Scripture says, God loves us MORE than parents' love they have for their own children! So much of God's Character has been manifested through time, through His Word (which Jesus says He IS!) that really, there is no excuse to NOT know of it. It boils down to whether we adopt selfish behavior (which is sinful) or whether we trust God's Character to be true to His Word, and lean AWAY from selfishness (and sinfulness). Sin simply is the breaking of His Law, which is "A transcript of His Character." It's not rocket science!
Christianity is a PURE and quite SIMPLE religion. We "belong" to God because He created us (and that with a purpose) AND He redeemed us through the blood of His dearly beloved Son, Jesus, who gave His life, and much more for every single human being that has ever lived. It remains OUR choice (freedom to choose) what we shall worship and believe. We've been given "prophecy" and an entire WORLD full of unexplainable biology to support a well-grounded theological mind-set, one upheld in logic and fact. In actual fact, EVERY discipline known to man, is replete with undeniable clues that it was the Hand of God who set these things up with such precision and artistic love, for our benefit. And if all of that falls short in one's disturbed world-view, God has given us His WORD, His actual communicated voice for our belief.
And that we STILL rebel against all of this is a marvel indeed!
I am in the exact same place. My daughters went to big shot universities and are a bit arrogant at times and their common sense doesn't exist. And they refuse to acknowledge a word of truth.💥💛🌟
Sheeple children I have two with no sign of them renouncing their beliefs. I am old my hope is that they
outlive me and I do not have them pre-decease me.
"big shot universities" Did you mean, Big on shot universities?
What a way to go the former citadels of critical thinking colleges locked our children into ghettos, even using informers to report non-conforming dorm mates. Totalitarian experience, they have captured these participants for life. Our future leaders already WEF acolytes. Why even go to college if they have these draconian policies at the rates they charged for a prison stay in essentially a gulag. Our culture is sick, beyond repair and essentially co-opted all these students futures compromised by vax and psychological programming without a doubt this one of the biggest captures by the government of its citizenry. Full compliance with future “mandates” assured. They have been captured life will never be the same. Did these young people get PTSD? Time will tell.
I wish I had a better world view, one in which this "defeated" state of mind could be vanquished. But the steam roller is not easily defeated. Many are trying, but as you say, and I believe, it will not hapen.
The bedrock reasons for a "Christian world-view" is sustained at every turn, everywhere one looks for it. But if we choose to NOT look, for reasons of selfish or fearful intent, thinking God is not fair, or not THERE, and refuse to investigate further, we will be justified in that saddened, frustrated world-view. In fact, it has become a real test of strength to overcome the tendency to be despondent, and just sit and cry about the conditions. It's very depressing.
And that's NOT what our Creator enlists us to do. It has become everyone's duty to learn the truth about Creation Science, and the REAL age of the earth, and from there, to teach others who have been brainwashed by the "higher-learning" institutions (that are not even as functional as a common morgue) of these wonderful and powerfully reassuring truths found in EVERY discipline. This is our quest. What better way to spend what's left of "living" here than to dispel the lies, and deceptions perpetrated against the Creator and His creatures, by these infiltrated murderers?
No, I choose to struggle with it and try to overcome it by watching REAL videos showing the case for a young earth, a world-wide flood, a fantastic biological conglomeration of systems and sub-systems from a flock of starlings, to the inner workings of a single cell. And since I'm a "commoner," I just sit back and absorb the brain-work and field-work of the professionals, or rather the "experts" in their fields. Once a spark of truth has been caught, showing that the world has been duped by Satanic intrusions, the rest of the investigation falls into place sweetly, like a Columbo plot. And the really nice part is that if we choose to believe God, it all ends well!
"All's well that ends well!"
That's why Christianity is the ONLY religion with hope for eternal life. All the rest are false. They claim no Redeemer, no Savior. (No Thank You!)
😁. Especially Cornell is possible
Agreed. Living in a maudlin mood serves no one. Wishing a different outcome for your children is not a positive way to spend time. I have the same situation, so I'm directing this
advice to myself also. I watch as the books I've sent get thrown in the trash I'm told. Also clearly told that my information will shut down communication, visits, etc. I feel your sadness.
Hang in never lose hope. Know you did your best.
Do not follow use your motherly love 💗
I think we have already passed the point where no pathogen is needed. The medical dictatorship has reached the stage at which announcing something (and giving it a meaningless label) is enough. Journalists, bloggers, podcast makers and article writers will gladly do the job of terrifying the public. Most of them - for free. After 4 years, we are already accustomed to being scared on a daily basis. Soon, we won’t care about these repeated alarms, the mind will simply accept them as part of the ambient landscape. Then, the real action may start.
Well said and I agree with your overview.
Your last sentence I agree with as well and that is what concerns me the most, when the REAL action starts.
No worry. No need to prepare or watch out. If “they” are professionals, we will only waste energy and time, all in vain. If “they” are not as skillful, why worry?
Didn’t think about it from that vantage point. Worrying never gets you anywhere, as my Mom use to say.
Thanks for your thoughts and input.
Yes, that’s a thin line between seeing what is happening and making personal adjustments to the situation (“prepping”) and surrendering to indecision or giving up the values which are the foundation of your personal world.
It’s like the red light. You see it, you adapt, hit the brakes, and you are safe. No worrying. Some folks prefer worrying whether they will manage to run across these few yards without stopping.
your mindset is off. We are returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. www.orsja.org
There is a saying, “Doing the same thing the same way disagrees with expecting different results”.
The last time I checked (everyone can, too), we have the same people at the controls for the last dozens of years. The same in their affiliations, the same in their unwillingness to change something for better (check: economy, education, health, employment, pensions, housing, public finances, migration, international trade, name any field you want), and even in the same personal composition of the governing team.
The state has always been on the downside run with finances, with every single year pushing debt way way above revenues. Not a single year with positive gross profit in the terms of the national economy. Translated into private business or personal finances, it means constant debt, or bankruptcy. This continued trend is only one of the common characteristics of those at the steering wheel, regardless of their beliefs.
To change this into anything, you would need to replace literally everybody from the federal down to the local organizational levels of structures. Genetic hereditary power won’t let go that easily. Removing it just like that by newcomers (even with good intentions) would destroy the whole country within weeks.
Seeing what is has nothing to do with mindset. Unless you see something different - then I will quickly admit I am wrong.
yes it is your de facto mind set. Government is not for profit. It is for our peace, safety and happiness. ARTICLE I Section 1 "Natural rights inherent in people. We declare that all men, when they form a social compact are equal in right: that all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness; and they have at all times a right to alter, reform, or abolish the government in such manner as they may think proper. —"
The de facto color of law incorporated governance at the de facto federal level March 1861. ( see the definition of de facto and de jure Black's Law 6th edition page 416. de facto illegal or illegitimate; de jure lawful and Constitutional. Sovereign defined in Bouvier the authentic dictionary for the Constitution. https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm
Oregon was flipped November 8, 1910 fro de jure to de facto with ARTICLE VII (Amended) every court, municipal, county, state and federal on Oregon is a for profit incorporated subdivision of a for profit color of law governance. Except our Article III Amendment VII Civilian Court of record. Each state, or commonwealth (33) or 17 territories are for profit subdivisions of the United States of Washington District of Columbia Inc in some form since 1861. The dems and reps are the left and right wings of the industrial / military / executive / legislative / judicial / administrative / banker / FRN / BAR / Nazi / Jesuit / Khazarian / Jihadist / communist / U.N. / Big Pharma / medical de facto, color of law /RICO society that should not be. published at www.orsja.org.
> “Government is not for profit. It is for our peace, safety and happiness.”
Except that we don’t have any of this in our daily life. Especially recently. And - as advertised by the said government - we won’t have this in any foreseeable future.
First try to amend the rules for the government to make them waive all their profits. Once you succeed, we can start talking about peace, safety and happiness :-)
BTW. If you haven’t noticed, “government” is an entity separate from the public (population, people, citizens). Legally, the government exists for its own sake, and there is no connection between it (and its actions) and the fate of the public. In other words, “people” (nation, citizens) are not superior to the government in any way. No connection, no relationship.
They are more interested in killing us than damaging us.
Unfortunately for us we are the target and hunted , with needless injuries/ injections be safe not sorry
Very few of the vaccinated had to be hunted. They did as they were told by their televisions.
well yeah, but treating the injection injuries and illnesses is a nice bonus for them.
Tis the story of every civilization to come and go -“trial and error” We’re all born into a physical realm of sin and degeneracy- we get to choose which path we go down. When all the leadership has opted for the wide path of destruction just keep your course and ETERNITY awaits!🙏🌎 God bless yall, just keep vigilant and have a discerning heart and mind so you’re able to withstand the attacks!
I ignore the “medical cartel” and trust only in God/Creator.
From what I have read and heard from preachers, this world - the ultimate creation of God - is not a “physical realm of sin and degeneracy”.
What preachers have you been listening to? Just look around us, we are to live in this world but not of it.
This Earth is your home. The only one you have. You may hate it, but it’s your shelter and the place where you spend all your life.
By calling your home “a realm of sin and degeneracy”, you have desecrated it.
Also, you have just stood up against God and offended Him by calling His ultimate creation intended to be the home for all of us (including you) “a realm of sin and degeneracy”.
You have a lot to learn.
If you have not been harmed yet, the World Health Organization will try at least once every year. This is a part of the depopulation plan.
HAHA! No way! Enough talking. We know “ who” and “ what” these people are all about. When will they be brought to justice for their crimes?
A just and much needed position! "ADJUST" is another way to read that. Make the adjustment to withstand the many-pronged frontal attack, and fortify your soul (that's YOU) with the reading of God's Word, in order to connect yourself with Him. It's critical because of the campaign to deceive the world, regarding the Character of God, His Creation, and what the end-outcome will be regarding those who are "against" the Lord in any way. We have an AWESOME "KING" and if we are judged as insubordination perpetrators, we are slated for eternal nothingness (after having paid for our personal misdeeds sins).
"Why will ye die?" Says the Lord. He wants everyone to repent and get straight.
True. The LORD is a just and will not allow this nonsense to go on indefinitely. According to the Bible, His return is imminent. (Matthew 24:6)
It will be a FRIGTENING and sorrowful time for the mockers and unbelievers. But a GLORIOUS and welcomed Day for those who have stood faithful, and trusted the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
I'm always pressing this point home, because of its apparent nearness. 'Hard to imagine that things MUST get a lot worse before that "Day." We just don't know how quickly they will do that, but it is written that "The last movements will be rapid ones." This squares with the way we see how Justice has been trampled upon so blatantly and repetitively with no recourse to straighten it. Once "Lady Justice" is stripped, flogged, and tossed in the street and made to suffer every insult, the time is surely at hand for the Lord's Return! And the graduating curve of sinfulness spikes.
When I was growing up, I recall the shocked reaction of the pubic for Clark Gable saying, "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn." Of today's Hollywood movies, I would venture that EVERY one is laced with either subliminal or outright blasphemous and crude language and actions.
Surely we are living in the "end times" AKA... "The Time of Jacob's Trouble" or at least very close to that tumultuous time.
Thank you for your return comment, my Sister!
Under the shadow of God's Wing,
My question is: are those advising these continued and constant boosters, getting them themselves? They should provide proof they are not just advising people they don't know to seek interventions because they say so.
It is all made up - they wouldn't bother to present you any fake proof, it just does not make any sense to argue with those compulsive liars: garbage in, garbage out.
Of course they’re not taking the poison themselves; why do you think they’re so literally hysterical to get the masses of the great unwashed to take them, over & over & over. Not to mention the carcinogenic & other toxic material “the science” has put into our food, water, personal & household products, air & on & on
They are still here with their families and not underground
Sorry, but couldn't resist the parallel. "Underground" they ARE, meaning behind the curtain, a secret (and very evil) cabal of conspirators. ONE day, they will be exposed, but I think not in this temporal setting we live in.
Feeling still quite safe not to be bothered by anyone of the million victims.
And these are the people that want to rule the world in disaster preparedness... doing all the things that are proven to not work. They all should be executed in the public square.
Phuque WHO.