This Earth is your home. The only one you have. You may hate it, but it’s your shelter and the place where you spend all your life.
By calling your home “a realm of sin and degeneracy”, you have desecrated it.
Also, you have just stood up against God and offended Him by calling His ultimate creation intended to be the home for all of us (including you) “a realm of sin and degeneracy”.
What preachers have you been listening to? Just look around us, we are to live in this world but not of it.
This Earth is your home. The only one you have. You may hate it, but it’s your shelter and the place where you spend all your life.
By calling your home “a realm of sin and degeneracy”, you have desecrated it.
Also, you have just stood up against God and offended Him by calling His ultimate creation intended to be the home for all of us (including you) “a realm of sin and degeneracy”.
You have a lot to learn.