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I can't even try to speak about this anymore.

Tis like the skypainting, which I clearly see while others tell me not to believe my own lyin eyes

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The naked emperor syndrome is the opposite - people see clothes when there are none.

Like in the fable, perhaps a little child will shatter the illusion.

If children keep asking about the sky painting, perhaps some adults will begin to wake up.

New Hampshire, Canada has woken up.


There is always hope.

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You mean STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLIZED GEOENGINEERING (SAG), STRATOSPHERIC AEROSOLIZED INJECTION (SAI) and "SOLAR RADIATION MANAGEMENT (SRI). These are the proper terms. Look them up. NOBODY is "painting," they're spraying aerosolized nanoparticulate metals including aluminum, barium, manganese and strontium as well as nanoplastics and graphene, a biological carrier-- why? Get informed. Visit https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org

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The New Hampshire bill against climate engineering was reported on GeoEngineeringWatch as per my link.

Painting is just a common term used by some to describe aerosol spraying.

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Sounds like something a "concerned mum" would tell a 5-year-old ;-)

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Hang in there. Hopefully you will make new meaningful friendships.

It's not easy, but we are all faced with a similar circumstance.

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While Stateside, at an aeronautics display for the public (McClellan AFB Sacramento CA,) There were a few pilots explaining about the jets they flew. I took the opportunity to bring up the "sky painting" and the science, logic, and visible evidence of the thing. He informed me that it all was nothing more than "con" trails (a fitting description, wouldn't you say?) He meant, "condensation" trails from the engines at cold altitudes, but I took it otherwise! The conversation went from nothing to no where in a hurry, and that was that. There's NO way to educate the majority of the duped. That could be it, or it could be an instruction from the Brass "high command" to keep this all a secret from the public's knowledge.

Someday, we'll find these things out, as to what the M.O. truly was and the motive behind it, AND who was pulling the strings during the operation.

But I think we whose head is above sand level have a pretty accurate idea of these questions.


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Except under the most extreme conditions, modern high bypass turbofan jet engines produce virtually NO water vapor. Virtually all jet engines are high bypass turbofan types.

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Isn't it the heat from a jet engine, reacting to the super-cold atmosphere at high altitudes, which makes the condensation trails? Where I live, passenger jets are seen very rarely, They're always very high. I've noticed that contrails do form a ways back from the actual aircraft, which can just barely be seen. It will remain as a "trail" for about 50 plane lengths, then it simply vanishes.

Back in Sacramento valley, the sky would sometimes be criss-crossed with chem trails. They'd bleed and spread and join one another, giving the sky a sick gray color, but not dissipate.

"Don't Just Spray 'Em.......Barium!


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Go and avail yourselves of Dane' Wigington's article re HIGH BYPASS TURBOFAN JET ENGINES and read THE REAL SCIENCE. It's only been up on his geoengineeringwatch.org website explaining WHY condensation DOES NOT FORM for, oh, maybe five years or more now.

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While what Dane writes is ever so true, and scientific, I will add that it does not conflict with my views or what I have personally witnessed, both from the time as a young kid, to a decade or so ago, when the "conspiracy theory" began to cause people to look up. As I clearly stated in the post, there was a Jet, very high which flew over and left a trail, but being conscious of chem-trails, I watched carefully, and it dissipated just as fast as the jet was traveling. The "ice" or whatever it is warmed up and simply disappeared. That's just a guess, but what I consider as fact, is that there was no chemtrail being released from the jet. In fact, the contrail did not begin forming until about a full jet-length after. That should "avail" for the clearing up of any misguided assumptions you might have, or any misunderstanding as to what I posted.

Some people cherry-pick when they listen or read. They grasp certain words and formulate a hypothesis from them without carefully tying the words to each other for their intended meaning. I'm sure you have met some like that.

Dane's info was straight up front when Googled. He must be a highly qualified tech guy. I will be reading some of the stuff from his site. No argument foreseen.

Thanks for the tip,


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