Agreed. Living in a maudlin mood serves no one. Wishing a different outcome for your children is not a positive way to spend time. I have the same situation, so I'm directing this
advice to myself also. I watch as the books I've sent get thrown in the trash I'm told. Also clearly told that my information will shut down communication, visits, etc. I feel your sadness.
Agreed. Living in a maudlin mood serves no one. Wishing a different outcome for your children is not a positive way to spend time. I have the same situation, so I'm directing this
advice to myself also. I watch as the books I've sent get thrown in the trash I'm told. Also clearly told that my information will shut down communication, visits, etc. I feel your sadness.
Agreed. Living in a maudlin mood serves no one. Wishing a different outcome for your children is not a positive way to spend time. I have the same situation, so I'm directing this
advice to myself also. I watch as the books I've sent get thrown in the trash I'm told. Also clearly told that my information will shut down communication, visits, etc. I feel your sadness.
Hang in never lose hope. Know you did your best.