As Scripture says, God loves us MORE than parents' love they have for their own children! So much of God's Character has been manifested through time, through His Word (which Jesus says He IS!) that really, there is no excuse to NOT know of it. It boils down to whether we adopt selfish behavior (which is sinful) or whether we trust God's Character to be true to His Word, and lean AWAY from selfishness (and sinfulness). Sin simply is the breaking of His Law, which is "A transcript of His Character." It's not rocket science!
Christianity is a PURE and quite SIMPLE religion. We "belong" to God because He created us (and that with a purpose) AND He redeemed us through the blood of His dearly beloved Son, Jesus, who gave His life, and much more for every single human being that has ever lived. It remains OUR choice (freedom to choose) what we shall worship and believe. We've been given "prophecy" and an entire WORLD full of unexplainable biology to support a well-grounded theological mind-set, one upheld in logic and fact. In actual fact, EVERY discipline known to man, is replete with undeniable clues that it was the Hand of God who set these things up with such precision and artistic love, for our benefit. And if all of that falls short in one's disturbed world-view, God has given us His WORD, His actual communicated voice for our belief.
And that we STILL rebel against all of this is a marvel indeed!
PSALM 91...prayer does work miracles. Try’d be amazed! God/Creator is perfect love. Like the love you have for your children.
As Scripture says, God loves us MORE than parents' love they have for their own children! So much of God's Character has been manifested through time, through His Word (which Jesus says He IS!) that really, there is no excuse to NOT know of it. It boils down to whether we adopt selfish behavior (which is sinful) or whether we trust God's Character to be true to His Word, and lean AWAY from selfishness (and sinfulness). Sin simply is the breaking of His Law, which is "A transcript of His Character." It's not rocket science!
Christianity is a PURE and quite SIMPLE religion. We "belong" to God because He created us (and that with a purpose) AND He redeemed us through the blood of His dearly beloved Son, Jesus, who gave His life, and much more for every single human being that has ever lived. It remains OUR choice (freedom to choose) what we shall worship and believe. We've been given "prophecy" and an entire WORLD full of unexplainable biology to support a well-grounded theological mind-set, one upheld in logic and fact. In actual fact, EVERY discipline known to man, is replete with undeniable clues that it was the Hand of God who set these things up with such precision and artistic love, for our benefit. And if all of that falls short in one's disturbed world-view, God has given us His WORD, His actual communicated voice for our belief.
And that we STILL rebel against all of this is a marvel indeed!