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> “Government is not for profit. It is for our peace, safety and happiness.”

Except that we don’t have any of this in our daily life. Especially recently. And - as advertised by the said government - we won’t have this in any foreseeable future.

First try to amend the rules for the government to make them waive all their profits. Once you succeed, we can start talking about peace, safety and happiness :-)

BTW. If you haven’t noticed, “government” is an entity separate from the public (population, people, citizens). Legally, the government exists for its own sake, and there is no connection between it (and its actions) and the fate of the public. In other words, “people” (nation, citizens) are not superior to the government in any way. No connection, no relationship.

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Dan, it is nomenclature and definitions. all words in the Confederation and perpetual Union's article The United States of America's Constitution circa 1859 are defined in Bouvier's Law Dictionary https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm. Look up sovereign as an example. Extremely important.

Have you read ARTICLE I Section 1? We implemented it. We know how and we will show anyone. Get 5 people and start.

There is only 1 (one) lawful government on the land and soil of the several states, commonwealths and territories. That is on Oregon. All the rest are incorporated for profit governance. We also have the only Article III Amendment VII Civilian Court of record.

There is no legally only de facto Black's 6th page 416. We know the exact dates of the flip from de jure to de facto, for DC and Oregon. All of this is governing law on Oregon. We did the work. "people = men and women with their progeny. only. Not citizens, not state nationals, maybe Citizens, and all power is inherent in the people. You must have it inculcated into you being from the unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America to our Confederation and perpetual Union styled The United States of America and its Constitution circa 1859. 503 641 8375 I yield.

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I first heard about it some 15 years ago. Nothing happened so far, and this time span is 1/4 of my life gone and with no visible results. I am nobody, with no legal education, no significance in the community. I won’t sign up to advocate for matters beyond my competencies - it would be exactly the same as the current system. The point is to have this federal power to recognize what you are referring to. Once this is achieved, I may be interested. If I am still here.

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Dan, you got a complete explaination. You did not hear about this 15 year ago. I has been done for the first time by us. www,orsja.org we are men and women andwhat we are doing is not beyond your competence. You are in the 62.5%

It all plots on the bell curve. 62.5% will not say the truth to the de facto. Yes sir; no sir ! 3 bags full Sir. on the left, 12 to 15% are too stupid to qualify to join the military. 16.25% on the right are smart enough to figure it out but will not take action; 3 to 5% on the left control the stupid et al. evil and those that acquiesce to evil ; On the right 3 to 5% of us will return all of us to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024. A solution that works is published at www.orsja.org. Very few will go Athens, Tennessee 1946. The de facto yields to the de jure when the fraud of deception is clear. The occupant of the office will take a proper oath to the de jure Constitutions with God included no exceptions.

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