Time to defund the WHO worthless eaters.

Thanks for all your efforts Meryl. You are a giant hero.

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The Useless Eliters, lol.

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LOL!!!! Brilliant! I'm going to spread that phrase! #UselessEliters Com'on everyone, let's do it!!!

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Haha, there, I've posted it to about 15 Telegram channels.

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UselesssEliters!!! Good name for those who think money makes for intelligence.

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I'm still not sure why we would trust the same people who say we need to depopulate the earth with our "health" during a "pandemic"... When we look at the people who back the WHO, Gavi, and so many of these other agencies and corporations that say they just care so much about us, we can point to almost every single one of them and see them saying that we need to have less people on the planet. If I came to your house with a weapon and told you that you need to die as soon as possible to save the earth but then told you that I have some great medicine for you that will make you live a long, happy and healthy life... um, wouldn't you at least question my motives? Why is it when these monsters pretty much do the exact same thing, people line up for whatever "cure" they are giving out? It's madness on a level I never thought I'd see in my lifetime. Sigh. I'm so sick of it all.

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In my opinion, I think the problem lies with Biden and HHS, who are outwardly keen to hand over America's sovereignty to the supranationals. Why are they adopting UN Agenda 2030 which means national sovereignties are done away with?

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When one is too woke to be awake, simple assessment skills go out the window.

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I sent a revision of yesterday's letter to my U.S. Rep and Senators....

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I know a great cure for cholera—clean drinking water!

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Exactly. Unhealthy conditions spread disease. But they want us to believe we are all equally at risk for pandemics and need a global response. Biggest con of our lifetime next to CO2 con.

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Indeed. And a very cheap way is to use chlorine dioxide where needed - one of the best broad spectrum pathogen killers.

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How many years have they been scheming to enact this treaty and these amendments? How many important people were involved in coming up with all these drafts and the efforts to conceal their changes? My answer: A huge number of (devious) people and organizations over many years. This observation leads me to think the same people are not going to suddenly say, "Oh, never mind. We'll drop this initiative."

The same participation rate and deep planning explains how we got the mRNA vaccines (another "solution" from our unelected experts). The same applies to the efforts to roll-out Central Bank Digital Currencies ... or the "Green New Deal" or efforts to "fight" Climate Change.

They are not going to suddenly quit or abandon these "reforms." In fact, they had to devote a huge part of their 3-D chess game to creating the Censorship Industrial Complex, which was simply a necessary audible to make all of the above possible.

They have also learned they can be as brazen as they need to be ... because they know they have already captured every organization that could expose their true character and their true goals. In other words, they didn't go to all the time and trouble to capture all these organizations for no reason or just because they could.

All this said, a few people and organizations are now jeopardizing one of their most-important programs, perhaps their most important program. That's a good sign, but they aren't going to give up without one hell of a fight. That's for sure.

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I hope it loses all of this money! It uses it for evil deeds.

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Then bill gates of hell will replenish the coffers.

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Of course, he will gladly do just that. But, here's the thing:


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Thank you. Good details I did not knoq.

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The WHO power grab is literally an attempt at creating a one-world government. If all the countries fall for this and sign up for this, the WHO simply has to declare an “emergency” for any reason, and they become the world’s governing body.

Then they insert their top billionaire “contributor” as the head of the WHO, and guess what - Bill Gates himself is suddenly the Emporer of Earth.

I’m not kidding.

Bill Gates took over the WHO years ago with his endless money. There’s an extremely good documentary about it that came out BEFORE Covid that every human on earth should watch:


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This smirking megalomaniac belongs in a room without windows and doors… he has caused misery and death on so many continents and has bought his way out of facing any consequences.

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I am done with Teddy's medical terrorism. Can we just get on to the next fake pandemic?

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I heard monkey pox is making a comeback! Must have found a forgotten surplus of "vaccines" sitting on an old shelf somewhere.

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How often do we get pandemics these days?

The last really bad one was over a 100 years ago… think by those frequencies Tedros will be long gone by the time another mad scientist releases the next manmade catastrophe… unless he knows different.

The WHO did not do a great deal to prevent the Covid pandemic from escalating into a farce..acting way behind several sovereign countries.. and supplying bad advice whilst preventing the use of known therapeutics.. does the world need to be controlled by a buffoon.

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The Plandemic was a farce from day one!

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In many ways the WHO perpetuated the lie of a pandemic. It must have been right on time for them. I suspect they were kissing up to China by agreeing that there was a pandemic - China donates a lot of money to WHO. WHO then sent a research team to China where they oohed and ahhed over China's surveillance mechanisms.

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WE could do without another ineffectual governing body run by medical gangsters whose prime objective .. is to stuff their pockets.. and cause misery to mankind.

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What good has the WHO accomplished? Is it really needed? Can we just cut it loose?

As far as America is concerned, we have discovered there really was no pandemic. We're not really sure there ever was a virus. What there was - - - was draconian government controls (mandates) that damaged lives and economies. None of this would have been improved if the WHO had been actively involved.

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A survey of workers in this territory found the health care worker group the single most resistant to allowing injections of unsubstantiated substances into their bodies. Yeah a lot of them lost their jobs, but still cling to life. It wasn't experimental, they bloody well knew what they were mandating for us!

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Yes. And the mandates also operated like a purge - whether in health care or the military or aviation, they knew they’d get rid of all those who put up resistance. Very convenient for their next assault on humanity - they’ve retained the compliant...

OTOH, as Bret Weinstein says, they’ve also driven a considerable community of people together - people who refuse to comply.

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It is not a coincidence that this new community of colleagues are usually top of list overachievers. Their opinions once cherished, their banishment must be very confounding for those left to manage, without their expertise and experience. No wonder our competitiveness slips by the hour, we cancelled the very best amongst us.

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Look at the first sentence! So confusing and poorly written. These people are lost.

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Disgusting. I wonder if Herr Gates puts his mouth-- and every other body part as well-- where his money is and has taken every single one of "his" vaccines, as well as every single one of the "boosters" for each vaccine. Shouldn't we ask him??

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And when we are at "grants" to promote "vukccines" - the connection to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) and the current headlines *):

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


... the "grants data file" - to open with .xls


Line 1826

INV-039590, Robert Koch Institute, to support the WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence, Global Development, 2021-11,

https://www.rki.de, Berlin, Germany, GLOBAL, Research and Learning Opportunities


Line 23378

OPP1216026, Robert Koch Institute, to investigate the origin and evolution of the smallpox vaccine, Global Health, 2019-11,

https://www.rki.de, Berlin, Germany ,GLOBAL, Vaccine Development



Documents from Germany’s public health agency reveal the decision to “lockdown” was political




In the released yet blacked protocols of the RKI on May 29, 2020 it is noted:

"Gates Foundation Paper"

A look back at this period in time shows this publication:

A down payment on a COVID-free future


By Mark Suzman

CEO, Board Member, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

May 08, 2020


" ... When historians come to write about the coronavirus pandemic, what will be the date they look back on as the moment the tide began to turn? An early contender is May 4, 2020—the day a virtual summit secured an $8 billion down payment to fight COVID-19.

What made the day so significant wasn’t the larger than expected sum pledged, but the fact that it came from a wide range of nations, companies, and nonprofits—including a further $50 million from our foundation. ..."


" ... Our involvement with these institutions and initiatives, and how we’re thinking about research, manufacturing, and delivery, illustrates how the foundation’s response goes far beyond our financial contribution, which has now reached more than $300 million. ..."


The "plandemic" business and the release of the first millions - meanwhile trillions - started.


The "mission" was to force healthy people into "jabs" which never worked but issued VAIDS and adverse drug events in an unprecedented scale.

What a crime.

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It might be interesting to look into the "grant data file" of Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to see the donations for "faith based organizations" to promote the "holy vukccines" - here:

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


... the "grants data file" - to open with .xls


Of course the ones "owning" the science issued this paper - with countless references to have "faith" in a treatment that is the main cause *) of chronical diseases ( including the ones called "X" in the near future):


Faith-Based Organizations and SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination: Challenges and Recommendations


Levin J, Idler EL, VanderWeele TJ

Public Health Reports. 2022;137(1):11-16.


First published online October 25, 2021


A connection to this "Coalition" might be in the cards as well.





What is the Source of The Modern Epidemic of Chronic Illness?




What a criminal network.

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As long as we can advance our neo Sodom Gomorra & LGBTQ standards & mass baby killing sacrifices, we should be able to reach Hell on earth parity very soon! Satan [the father of lies & death] will be so happy! (All this moral sickness we see, didn’t advance & grow out of a Godley Church & Home nation & environment, did it?)

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