Tonight, Monday, February 12, a Common Law Grand Jury is being held and recorded on-line as evidence by our ARTICLE III Civilian Court of record at 7PM. PST
These are Due Process charges in a Right to Travel case and cause where one of the people repeatedly gets arrested and jailed for no lawful nor legal infraction; where, in Common Law, there is neither harm nor damage to anyone nor to any property and therefore is innocent of any trespass, though she has been unnecessarily harmed, charged, defrauded and trespassed against repeatedly.
Due to the numerous infringements on her Constitutional rights and to multiple kidnaps, trespasses and imposed fines, the defendant will be opening a Civil court case into the Portland Federal District Court. We will provide the proceedings and facts from this Grand Jury into that case as evidence.
Join us on Skype if you are currently linked in. Or you may call in, on-line through Free Conference Call: (351) 888-6757,2207357#
Please be punctual, as this will be recorded for lawful and legal purposes here and as evidence in a Civil case in the Portland Federal District Court.
We returned Oregon to a de jure Constitutional republican form of government November 2022
There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/nazi/communist/jihadist/catholic/jesuit/Khazarian/UN/Big Pharma/medical conspiracy complex. Minus the Georgia Guidestones.
Sincerely the old, white, man , talking head for the
Seek your Constitutional republican form of government on your state or territory this year 2024
By: ron vrooman writing for the Beaverton Oversight Committee , Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly and its Civilian Court of Record, Grand Jury, 2nd Amendment Militia.
Press Release; Immediate! Common Law Grand Jury TONIGHT 2/12 by ARTICLE III Civilian Court of record on Oregon
Laura Runnion
3:57 PM (2 hours ago)
to amesh, newstips,,, bcc: me
Tonight, Monday, February 12, a Common Law Grand Jury is being held and recorded on-line as evidence by our ARTICLE III Civilian Court of record at 7PM. PST
These are Due Process charges in a Right to Travel case and cause where one of the people repeatedly gets arrested and jailed for no lawful nor legal infraction; where, in Common Law, there is neither harm nor damage to anyone nor to any property and therefore is innocent of any trespass, though she has been unnecessarily harmed, charged, defrauded and trespassed against repeatedly.
Due to the numerous infringements on her Constitutional rights and to multiple kidnaps, trespasses and imposed fines, the defendant will be opening a Civil court case into the Portland Federal District Court. We will provide the proceedings and facts from this Grand Jury into that case as evidence.
Join us on Skype if you are currently linked in. Or you may call in, on-line through Free Conference Call: (351) 888-6757,2207357#
Please be punctual, as this will be recorded for lawful and legal purposes here and as evidence in a Civil case in the Portland Federal District Court.
We returned Oregon to a de jure Constitutional republican form of government November 2022
There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/nazi/communist/jihadist/catholic/jesuit/Khazarian/UN/Big Pharma/medical conspiracy complex. Minus the Georgia Guidestones.
Sincerely the old, white, man , talking head for the
Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly
They Lost when they murdered LaVoy.
Seek your Constitutional republican form of government on your state or territory this year 2024
By: ron vrooman writing for the Beaverton Oversight Committee , Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly and its Civilian Court of Record, Grand Jury, 2nd Amendment Militia.
General Delivery Beaverton, Oregon [97005] 503 641 8375