I hope people truly start to understand that the world these so-called leaders envision for us is a world no one would want to live in.

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That’s their objective.

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including them...

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Dr Nass have PROVEN "bad faith" from the WHO's Tedros by proving again and again Tedros lies through his teeth and projects his own pathological lying onto others.

It is time that WE created our list of "Big Pharma shills," and Tedros is #1 on this list.

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Google: H.R. 6645 Bill to DEFUND the UN by the 118th Congress. it will lead you to the Bill and you will be able to contact your Representive in the House. I wrote my Rep and told them to support this H.R. 6645...and stop sending money to foreign countries..and .Read the Constitution. It states that taxpayer money is to be used for only 3 purposes: Domestic Concerns, Infrastructure and Military (to protect Americans here in America). There are more of us than them... contact everyone on your email list and tell them to do the same. It is critical we get out of the UN & WHO. We don't need foreign entities dictating to America and telling us what we have to do;...taking away our Consitutional Rights.

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Give me Liberty or give me death.

What do I need to do?

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I don’t know the answer for your particular circumstances but I’m going to print Dr Nass’ post and send it to all 160 elected officials in Ireland so that they understand what’s happening and I hope will take the right action.

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Simple history lesson of Tedros - as heard personally from the previous Chief Justice in Ethiopia - the man is a criminal. We don't hear enough of this fact.

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Once more, Dr. Nass, God chooses his warriors at the requisite time. Thank you for providing for fodder for our cannons when dealing with the principalities.

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Thanks for all the work you're doing to inform us about all this. Meryl! Would that we had a media that cared about such things rather than trying to figure out if they should or shouldn't let on that our 46th President is not all there and that in any case "Orange Man Bad! MAGA Bad!" We're dealing with some very sleazy power mad characters and I'm praying Ol' Teddy here will have a very glum expression on his face later this Spring because this horrible "treaty" didn't go through!

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I believe we need to pray, but also take action. I wrote my Florida representatives and just received the auto response. Biden is actually for this and Trump does not have the detailed history and governmental experience to fight this group. I think the most important step we can take is to do everything in our power to get Bobby Kennedy Jr in the White House- he has a,ready stated he will not let this treaty get passed. He has the knowledge, experience, guts and commitment to do so. However, if there is something we can do to help weaken WHO/WEF before Bobby gets in it would be better. What proactive steps can we take?

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As am example. sovereign was defined by the wrong lexicographer. An early US Congress declared the Bouvier Law Dictionary 1856 defined the words Constitutionally correct.

When you look up sovereign in the correct Law Dictionary you find there is a 2nd and specific definition on America it is the people at large, me and you. Original Jurisdiction of free men and women on the land and soil. https://www.1215.org/lawnotes/bouvier/bouvier.htm it is also published at www.orsja.org.

He who can be deceived let him. That is "their" law form. We are no longer deceived. They hide the true and lawful definition of a very important word. We are doing the work with Jural Assemblies on each state. returning to a Constitutional republican form of government this year 2024.

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The time to defund WHO has passed, it is now time to bomb them into oblivion. Hopefully, right after Trump kills everyone involved in the WEF, WHO can get theirs.

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This has the hallmarks of Blair Speak…. He is the one tipped to become Tedros’s replacement.(or was it WEF… it’s all part of the same gang of crooks)Power crazed fools who understand very little about health and freedom of choice… patient autonomy done away with and placed into the hands of a megalomaniac…well no thanks.. the choice I freely made to live or die on the hill of the unvaccinated .. it was my choice .. and will remain so no matter who thinks differently.

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Yea! So well said. My panties are on!

I enjoy your writings....and humor.

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re Tedros "WHO's Director-General is dutifully following China's playbook – which is unsurprising as China put forward the sole non-physician candidate Dr. Tedros. When he was the health officer of Ethiopia, Human RIghts watch reported that Tedros’ engaged in widespread political suppression by withholding food and medicine to Ethiopians of other ethnicities, most egregiously the Amharans, who are now “missing” two million people. When he was elected WHO Chief in 2017, he immediately attempted to put the Marxist Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe - who engaged in massive anti-white racist human rights abuses, as the goodwill ambassador to the WHO. "


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Sugar coated poison apples are the WHO's main "gifts" to the public, in the course of evolution primed to trust leaders and organizations. The effort to show what the sugar coating hides or distracts from in an easily readable form (highlighted in color) is highly appreciated and also is useful in action against those profiting from the scheme.

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Great picture of Teddy, every picture tells a story and is worth 1000 words.

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His face is as hideous as his evil mind.

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Both, and more so the latter, are essential pre-requisites to be promoted into that job ...

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I would believe that.

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but don't.

Why ?

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Press Release; Immediate! Common Law Grand Jury TONIGHT 2/12 by ARTICLE III Civilian Court of record on Oregon


Laura Runnion

3:57 PM (2 hours ago)

to amesh, newstips, editor@northwestobserver.com, editor@oregoncatalyst.com, bcc: me

Tonight, Monday, February 12, a Common Law Grand Jury is being held and recorded on-line as evidence by our ARTICLE III Civilian Court of record at 7PM. PST

These are Due Process charges in a Right to Travel case and cause where one of the people repeatedly gets arrested and jailed for no lawful nor legal infraction; where, in Common Law, there is neither harm nor damage to anyone nor to any property and therefore is innocent of any trespass, though she has been unnecessarily harmed, charged, defrauded and trespassed against repeatedly.

Due to the numerous infringements on her Constitutional rights and to multiple kidnaps, trespasses and imposed fines, the defendant will be opening a Civil court case into the Portland Federal District Court. We will provide the proceedings and facts from this Grand Jury into that case as evidence.

Join us on Skype if you are currently linked in. Or you may call in, on-line through Free Conference Call: (351) 888-6757,2207357#

Please be punctual, as this will be recorded for lawful and legal purposes here and as evidence in a Civil case in the Portland Federal District Court.

We returned Oregon to a de jure Constitutional republican form of government November 2022

There really is an active conspiracy, the industrial/military/judicial/legislative/executive/banker/ BAR/royalist/nazi/communist/jihadist/catholic/jesuit/Khazarian/UN/Big Pharma/medical conspiracy complex. Minus the Georgia Guidestones.

Sincerely the old, white, man , talking head for the

Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly www.orsja.org

They Lost when they murdered LaVoy.

Seek your Constitutional republican form of government on your state or territory this year 2024

By: ron vrooman writing for the Beaverton Oversight Committee , Oregon Statewide Jural Assembly and its Civilian Court of Record, Grand Jury, 2nd Amendment Militia.

General Delivery Beaverton, Oregon [97005]

ronvrooman38@gmail.com 503 641 8375

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Sovereignty is a chief component of "why" America / Americans are the main targets of globalist overlords. The other of course is wealth. What other country is (even still) as free or as wealthy?

One World Rule, or at the very minimum, Most of The World Rule is coming. People are dull, and far too self absorbed - selfish, petty, wanting to be in the spotlight, not just on the pedestal, but on the throne.

Swoon over my words and submit to my presence. Suck up to me and be accepted as part of the club.

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two words: Second Amendment. I used to think the right to bare arms was archaic and problematic but no longer. it IS one of the most important things we have to stand guard between our sovereignty and the globalists. they've already had semi-success at undermining our society with deliberate division & fear porn and have taken advantage of our misplaced complacency. I for one, don't intend on letting them get any further.

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