re Tedros "WHO's Director-General is dutifully following China's playbook – which is unsurprising as China put forward the sole non-physician candidate Dr. Tedros. When he was the health officer of Ethiopia, Human RIghts watch reported that Tedros’ engaged in widespread political suppression by withholding food and medicine to Ethiopians…
re Tedros "WHO's Director-General is dutifully following China's playbook – which is unsurprising as China put forward the sole non-physician candidate Dr. Tedros. When he was the health officer of Ethiopia, Human RIghts watch reported that Tedros’ engaged in widespread political suppression by withholding food and medicine to Ethiopians of other ethnicities, most egregiously the Amharans, who are now “missing” two million people. When he was elected WHO Chief in 2017, he immediately attempted to put the Marxist Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe - who engaged in massive anti-white racist human rights abuses, as the goodwill ambassador to the WHO. "
re Tedros "WHO's Director-General is dutifully following China's playbook – which is unsurprising as China put forward the sole non-physician candidate Dr. Tedros. When he was the health officer of Ethiopia, Human RIghts watch reported that Tedros’ engaged in widespread political suppression by withholding food and medicine to Ethiopians of other ethnicities, most egregiously the Amharans, who are now “missing” two million people. When he was elected WHO Chief in 2017, he immediately attempted to put the Marxist Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe - who engaged in massive anti-white racist human rights abuses, as the goodwill ambassador to the WHO. "