two words: Second Amendment. I used to think the right to bare arms was archaic and problematic but no longer. it IS one of the most important things we have to stand guard between our sovereignty and the globalists. they've already had semi-success at undermining our society with deliberate division & fear porn and have taken advantage …
two words: Second Amendment. I used to think the right to bare arms was archaic and problematic but no longer. it IS one of the most important things we have to stand guard between our sovereignty and the globalists. they've already had semi-success at undermining our society with deliberate division & fear porn and have taken advantage of our misplaced complacency. I for one, don't intend on letting them get any further.
two words: Second Amendment. I used to think the right to bare arms was archaic and problematic but no longer. it IS one of the most important things we have to stand guard between our sovereignty and the globalists. they've already had semi-success at undermining our society with deliberate division & fear porn and have taken advantage of our misplaced complacency. I for one, don't intend on letting them get any further.