I did my graduate work in public health at UC Berkeley, and back in the 1980s, I served as a consultant to the World Health Organization. I once had respect for WHO. However, they do not deserve any respect...and until there are revolutionary changes in that organization, it does not deserve financial support from the USA.

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Trial by Jury – The Case of the Missing Monkeypox ‘Virus’

[The camera zooms in on the courtroom packed with reporters, their pens poised. The aspiring viroLIEgist sits nervously at the witness stand, fidgeting with a stack of lab notes. Across from him stands the sharp-dressed attorney, Mr. Rigorous, known for his devastating cross-examinations. Behind him, the jury watches intently]

Judge: [Hammering the gavel] Order in the court! Mr. Rigorous, you may proceed with your cross-examination.

Mr. Rigorous: [Grinning] Thank you, Your Honor. [He approaches the viroLIEgist.] Dr.

Specimen, you claim to have isolated a Monkeypox virus, is that correct?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Uh, yes, yes. We have a robust methodology –

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting] Robust, you say? [He winks at the jury.] Let’s start at the

beginning. Did you, at any point, isolate and purify this so-called “virus” directly from the pustules of a sick patient?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Well, not exactly. You see, direct purification from fluids is unnecessary because –

Mr. Rigorous: [Leaning in, eyebrows raised] Unnecessary? I see. What you’re telling us is that you skipped the part where you would actually prove there’s a virus in the patient’s mucus?

Dr. Specimen: [Flustered] We used a well-established protocol. Instead, we combined the

patient’s mucus with a monkey kidney cell culture, starved it, and –

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting with mock concern] Oh, so you took a patient’s mucus, mixed it with cells from an entirely different species, starved those cells, poisoned them with toxic chemicals, antibiotics, and, what was it again, fetal bovine serum?

Dr. Specimen: Well, yes, that’s standard –

Mr. Rigorous: [Grinning] “Standard.” So, after this biological disaster, when the cells inevitably broke down and died, you claimed that was evidence of a virus?

Dr. Specimen: [Getting defensive] Yes! The cytopathic effect is what –

Mr. Rigorous: [Smirking] Cytopathic effect! Ah, the mysterious code for “we poisoned cells and watched them die.” Tell me, Dr. Specimen, what proof do you have that the breakdown of these poisoned, malnourished cells was caused by a virus rather than, say… the toxic soup you created?

Dr. Specimen: [Stammering] Well, it’s what the literature says and, um… everyone knows –

Mr. Rigorous: [Cutting in] “Everyone knows?” [He gestures dramatically to the jury.] I believe this court would prefer evidence over gossip, Doctor. Now, let’s talk about the genome you supposedly ‘discovered.’ You took this toxic brew, fed it into a machine, and then used some software to assemble genetic pieces, correct?

Dr. Specimen: Yes, yes, we sequenced the genome –

Mr. Rigorous: [Raising his voice] Ah, sequenced! You mean the software took fragments and tried to fit them together, like a biological jigsaw puzzle with missing pieces?

Dr. Specimen: [Defensively] It’s highly sophisticated software!

Mr. Rigorous: [Sarcastically] Sophisticated? Doctor, if I fed a pile of shredded newspaper into that machine, would it also “reconstruct” War and Peace?

[The jury chuckles. Dr. Specimen looks increasingly uncomfortable]

Dr. Specimen: [Panicking] No, no! It’s different. This is how we create the viral genome.

Mr. Rigorous: [Slyly] Create, you say? So, we’re not finding a virus – we’re creating one?

Interesting choice of words, Doctor. Now, did you ever attempt to prove that this Frankenstein creation could naturally infect a healthy host?

Dr. Specimen: [Squirming] Well, no. We injected lab animals with the toxic cell culture, and when they got sick –

Mr. Rigorous: [Mocking] Sick from your toxic brew? And that, Doctor, is what you call “evidence” of transmission? You didn’t try something simple, like, I don’t know, letting the sick patient sneeze on a healthy person?

Dr. Specimen: [Flustered] Natural transmission doesn’t work well in the lab! It’s much cleaner to inject -

Mr. Rigorous: [Interrupting] Cleaner? Cleaner to torture animals with direct injections of this toxic sludge you call a “virus”? [He lets the words hang in the air.] Doctor, do you have any explanation for why you skipped natural transmission altogether, or is it because – oh, I don’t know – it never works?

[The courtroom erupts with murmurs. Dr. Specimen is visibly sweating]

Mr. Rigorous: [Turning to the jury] Ladies and gentlemen, this man would have you believe that by starving cells, poisoning them, and injecting that toxic concoction into helpless animals, he’s “proving” a virus exists. All without ever isolating or purifying anything! Is this science… or sleight of hand?

[He paces dramatically, letting the tension build]

Mr. Rigorous: One last thing, Doctor. After injecting animals with this ‘viral’ brew, did you ever attempt to purify the “virus” again from those animals to confirm it was there?

Dr. Specimen: [Almost whispering] No…

Mr. Rigorous: [Leaning in] No? You never bothered to re-isolate the virus, because that would expose the fact it wasn’t there in the first place, wouldn’t it?

[Dr. Specimen is completely defeated, sinking lower in his seat]

Mr. Rigorous: [Addressing the jury] Ladies and gentlemen, I rest my case. We are dealing with

scientific fraud on a monumental scale, a fraud that never once demonstrated the existence of a virus through proper isolation or purification. It’s smoke and mirrors! I leave it in your capable hands to deliver justice.

[The jury nods thoughtfully as they leave the room to deliberate. After a brief pause, they return, their verdict ready]

Judge: Members of the jury, have you reached a verdict?

Jury Foreperson: [Standing] We have, Your Honor. We find the defendant… guilty of scientific fraud!

Judge: [Solemnly] Very well. [He turns to Dr. Specimen] For crimes against logic and reason, and for misleading the public in the name of science, I hereby sentence you to… [He smirks] a life term as the head of the National Institute of Infectious Arse-covering and Deception -NIIAD.

[The courtroom erupts in gasps and laughter as the viroLIEgist is dragged out, wailing in ‘protest’]

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Once again a great read. If you're not a writer you should be. And we know I'll know MP is just a bunch of malarkey.

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I wonder how the World Hellth Organization manages to draft ’pandemic’ policies for ’viruses’ never proven to exist. Must be tough writing guidelines for imaginary pathogens - do staff hold seances with Fauci as the medium? They've definitely mastered the art of fictional disease management.

Coming soon to a theater near you ー The Germ That Wasn't, But Somehow Still Needed a Jab!! 🎬💉

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Great film! Can I use this brilliant script in various blogs and news reports about the MonkeyPox? To whom should I give credit (you can email me privately...and you can find my email easily enough via any search engine). If not, I understand...

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I read somewhere that it takes about a year for the withdrawal to be complete. Is that right?

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Seems doubtful we'll soon rid ourselves of this medical mafia, right?

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They own the Transnational captured MSM

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Start by revoking the Durham-Humphrey amendment and DoD's buy-in to the Flexner Report.

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I'm rid of it already. : )

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This reminds me of the Colorado Coroner who criticized a doctor for listing 2 gunshot victims as Covid deaths. So what killed them, the bullet or Covid. My guess is the bullets.

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You’re a fucking dupe.

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The WHO most probably didn't ask if they were promiscuous or perverted in their sexual behaviour, which are sure ways to spread MPox, but they most probably don't even know what that means.

Why would a country participate in WHO charade? Easy MONEY!!!!!

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Welcome to the prestigious world of viroLIEgy! Here, we present the time-honored, peer-approved, utterly irrefutable method of ’viral isolation’ - a cornerstone of modern science™. Just follow these simple steps, and before you know it, you'll have a brand-new ’virus’ to name, fearmonger with, and base a pandemic on!!

Step 1: Collection of Specimen - MonkeyPox

- Begin by obtaining some lovely a swab sample from a sick individual.

- Under no circumstances attempt to purify or isolate any viral particle directly from this sample – way too obvious! Instead, it’s crucial to keep things cloudy and complicated. Why start with clarity?

Step 2: Poison the Cell Culture

- Add the unpurified sample into a cell culture of monkey kidney cells or other lucky cells of your choosing.

- Starve the cells of vital nutrients - because suffering is scientific!!

- Just to spice things up, toss in some cytotoxic antibiotics, fetal bovine serum, and a nice dose of chemical reagents. A truly gourmet death cocktail.

- Watch carefully as the cell culture starts to break down! Then pat yourself on the back for your skill at poisoning.

Step 3: Call the Cell Death - Cytopathic Effect (CPE) - “Viral Infection“

- The cells look sickly? Excellent! Must be a virus at work!!

- Completely ignore the toxic cocktail you just poured in – it’s definitely not related. Remember, correlation equals causation when it comes to viruses.

Step 4: Extract Some Genetic Junk

- Scoop up the soup of dead and dying cells and toss it into a sequencing machine – impressive, eh?

- Collect the tiny fragments of genetic material the machine spits out – don’t bother verifying where these fragments come from. It’s too time-consuming and unnecessary.

Step 5: Build a ’Virus’ Using Software Magic

- Feed these disjointed scraps of RNA or DNA into your favorite bioinformatics software.

- Let the algorithm work its magic to “stitch” together a theoretical ’viral genome.’

- Missing sections? No problem! Simply fill in the blanks using a pre-existing ’reference genome.’ Science is all about educated guesses, after all.

Step 6: Announce a Brand-New “Variant”

- Want to keep the hype going? Simply repeat the process, and voila - new variants magically appear!! Each sequencing run spits out a slightly different ’viral genome,’ ensuring endless headlines.

Step 7: Electron Microscopy (The Finishing Touch)

- Prepare the cell culture for electron microscopy. To ensure that the cells are completely unrecognizable, marinate it in formaldehyde, acetone, heavy metals, and a dash of resin.

- Blast it with an electron beam (because radiation makes everything better).

- Now, find a blurry blob in the mess and declare it the virus!! Be sure to add arrows to the image - because nothing says scientific proof like a helpful arrow.

Step 8: Skip the Control Experiment

- Absolutely DO NOT perform any control experiments

- A proper control (where you everything except add the sample) would show the same cytopathic effects. We can't have that!!

Step 9: Inject Animals - The Cruel Finale

-To “prove” this ’virus’ can infect living creatures, inject the toxic cell culture directly into the organs of lab animals.

- Be sure to avoid “natural transmission” methods like coughing or sneezing – those never work!

- If the animals fall ill from organ damage? It’s obviously the “virus,” not your method of direct injection!

Step 10: Never, Ever Re-Isolate the ’Virus’

- Under no circumstances should you attempt to re-isolate the “virus” from the infected animals you just tortured.

- Why? Because you never purified or Isolated it from the original sample, so any attempt to do it here would unravel the whole operation. Best to leave this loop of circular reasoning intact.

And there you have it, folks! Follow this method, to the letter, and you, too, can conjure up a brand-new “virus,” or even spark a full-blown pandemic - complete with media hysteria and lucrative ’vaccine’ deals, all while conveniently sidestepping bothersome details like purification, isolation, controls, or natural transmission.

Now, can anyone spot any issues? No? Perfect!

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I wonder if TB will be next. It seems like the Bird Flu may have flown - but who knows. They have something up their sleeve see https://jonfleetwood.substack.com/p/buried-on-page-86-of-stopgap-spending

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Could. Antibiotic-resistant TB strains are rampant.

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If you had a globalist, like we do in Canada as our leader, in fact, the Liberal party is full of them, then I don’t see an answer in the affirmative to your last question, as being quite likely.

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Not for me!

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Does the rest of the world need to go through its medical tyranny thing?

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Very interesting Dr. Nass....it is so obvious that they want "things" to happen and to scare us. What is scary is the spraying going on around the Autoban Society and near a turkey farm in California as covered in the linked Substack here. They want the H1N1 to happen somehow, perhaps this is one way, and they are flying very low altitudes. SO EVIL! https://mellowkat.substack.com/p/ag-inc-dousing-a-bird-reserve-and?

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Your contact is incredibly disingenuous and your credibility quite dubious. Not on the list of 1000 things contributing to our third world s******* status.

Stupid white guys on the other hand.

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Anyone seen or heard from RFK recently? Perhaps he's too busy with his pro-genocide, psychopathic, Zionist buddy, Justin Trudeau, hunting down pro Palestinians and branding them anti-semitic, which Kennedy deems the greatest plague ever. And Jesus wept.

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I thought the IHR regulations giving the Director General this power -like declaring emergencies at will - was defeated??

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More tomfoolery and fear mongering.

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Their plan of weakening people's immune system through the covid shot was brilliant: The weaker ones will develop and die of whatever bug comes their way. Give the africans more shots instead of good water and food (heck, anyone in the world now). Again the weakest ones will develop what they have been vaccinated against anyways. And stop giving them the proper medecine or traditionnal plants when an illness arises. What other results do you expect? This situation gives them power to declare any emergency pandemic.

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