The major lesson would be to leave the WHO ASAP and to terminate "personhood" from corporations. Next, full accountability for producers, not just for medical products. That alone would improve health more than the WHO & corporate friends ever could.

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Hatched at the UN in 2016 - Gates, Rockefeller etc https://www.ageofautism.com/2021/11/id-2020-re-visited.html

Lockstep 2010 http://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf

The trouble is someone like F William Engdahl wrote about it but it didn’t seem real. Or if it seemed real how could you possibly persuade anyone else. And yet the reality was always that these people wanted to subdue and reduce the rest of us and it was always just a question of tightening the screws.

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“Whose idea was the pandemic treaty?” My money is on Billy boy.

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The world would be SO MUCH BETTER OFF without the WHO...sigh...

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Me and 23 people of import who I randomly selected from the city doing Christmas shopping all agree that we should round up these buffoons and throw tomatoes 🍅 at them.

So there!

Prosecutions to follow the tomatisation.

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The biggest problem, the plandemic that never was.

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Everything we see reinforces the view that the purpose of the treaty is to further prepare for worldwide population reduction. Political elites are being bribed to go along while billionaires like Gates get richer by the day.

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When did each leader sign on? I can’t imagine newly elected Netherlands PM Geert Wilders would agree to it. Most of those who’ve signed are WEF YGLs.

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What is the status of the US in this agreement? Have we signed on to this latest con job? I know that all the Senate voted to keep us in the WHO, and we all need to contact our Senators to voice our wish to exit this cabal! My own Representative will not even answer my mail concerning this. While I am here, I wish someone would ask Dr. Nass why she has not answered my question regarding the non-existence of a virus. Go to odyssey, search for the three-part series on @spacebusters, that proves that no such thing as a virus exists. It is a fraud, and the scientific evidence is there for the seeing, Jack

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I have wanted to know this from the get go. That person or persons must be tried for treason and put in jail without an attorney.

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"Ah, One Health, aka making the youth so ashamed of their consumption of planetary resources they would willingly be treated as equal to animals" - great insight.

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My bet is on gates leading the way. He is that devious and anti-humanity.

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WHO is a wolf in sheep's clothing! Beware you who are sheep of the world!

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Great format to break down the BS from the WHO. I feel this is a very effective format to breakdown the WHO treaty into bitesize pieces of information. Unfortunately, to you and me the WHO's motives are abundantly clear, and it is not our well being, but there are many people that just don't see it. I work with them everyday and I can tell you for sure that they have no idea what is going on. The last three years has had zero impact on their perspectives or understanding of the coordinated global plan to take complete control of our lives. I understand this is depressing information, however, it does not stop me from sharing information and waking people up one at time but my rate of success is decreasing. It's like all the low hanging fruit has been picked and all that left is the really hard to get stuff.

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Similar to how the Patriot Act was drafted completely and waiting in the wings before the 9/11 false flag attacks...

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