I'm fortunate to have gotten a direct experience of childhood vaccines. I was a Waldorf School kindergarten teacher for 13 years in the seventies and eighties. Many parents were not vaccinating and I could pick out those who were vaccinated because they got strep throat and scarlet fever every year and were put on Antibiotics! The rest of the class would have chicken pox and measles parties and were all healthy as can be! We need fevers to develop our immunity in childhood.
The Navy forced my daughter to take the Anthrax vaccine when she was deployed overseas during the Iraq War. She almost immediately started having neurological problems. Fortunately, her symptoms improved but, even today, they come back periodically. She considers herself lucky in that many of her fellow military members suffered much worse.
In 2004, Congress passed a law to stop the military from vaccinating with new, unproven vaccines. Obviously, that law was ignored during Covid!
Oh hell. And that means the eugenics philosophy is fully in place and killing is the game. . Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins. Lots and lots of DOD contracts and grants for DOGE to stop. Hey Elon, this is low hanging fruit!
It is cheaper for our government if not so many of us live to retirement age or at least die soon after retirement, plus they probably spent our social security anyway.
Now there is the technology to constantly control us. Of course they are going to use that.
With the new technology that there is today, they don't feel they really need so many useless eaters around using up THEIR resources.
Thanks for setting me straight, I suspect that where I read about a law being passed that the writer was confusing your lawsuit win with actual legislation.
Isn't it very telling that the govt wants to study hesitancy (how to get more injections into people) instead of doing studies on safety/efficacy (showing people the reasons, if any, to get the injections). More injections paid for by us taxpayers, injections they have no liability for so we pay also for the damages to us. What a great win/win for govt and BigPharma. What a racket. Bring on the RICO cases!
Well they knocked it out of the ball park vaccine hesitancy after the mRNA clot shots, for a high percentage of people there will never be any trust in vaccines ever again.
I now not only distrust any and all vaccines, but also most doctors, clinics, medical interventions, drugs, food, government - you name it! (And I live in Europe, btw).
Shared on Meryl's CHAOS Newsletter before. But since she's kindly done the shout-out about social science, climate, CDC fearporn 'nudges' it's worth a reshare.
Here's the actual, legit marketing operational plan behind the phony global "weather enterprise" (aka, Racket), US operational focus. In their own words. It has many references to how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) model is a resource to advance climate fear porn propaganda with health regulatory powers under the auspices of public health - from 2018!! Appendix B focuses on propagandized (Social & Behavioral Science mind-farking) health as model for propagandized climate. As well as a collection naming of all of the centers of power that are coordinating and collaborating with this massive psychological mind-farkery operation. It's a big, big, big man-caused climate change "enterprise"/racket:
Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018.
I've seen no better single resource to putting together their operational marketing plan and strategies in one place than this book. For those who wish to do a very deep dive. A 182-page exercise describing the imposition of stupidity masquerading as intelligence and enlightened thought on an unwitting world. A criminal enterprise is also known as a racket. Which is exactly what the WHO/CDC are - criminal enterprises, rackets.
Thanks! And yeah, I found a marketing plan of sorts for the jab in the NIH website. They had paid an advertising agency to come up with a list of coercive bullshit. I would say it was pathetic, but it seems to have worked on an amazing number of people, some of whom I know. Personally I felt insulted at the puerile list - celebrities, shaming, guilt, everyone else is doing it, etc. Likely pad millions for it.
Those "Ivy Leagues" have lost their credibility. There has been a few who write that they, as well as the cabinet and mainstream media, were bought out by s0r0s. Now, I doubt they understood what was happening, which is why this dark op was so successful.
They really went all in with coercing, it seemed to work and there will persistently be a portion of people who are essentially cultist and will put the noose around their grandkids neck.
But the evidence has been overwhelming. It's like the Russia is losing agenda. Now how do you explain all the lies MSM told? Oops, don't cut it!
Would like to see some simple media legislation. Equally tell both sides of any story, in an unemotional detached way. False headlines have real consequences, retractions in the headlines, would be a good start.
Finally the civil war footing in the US has gotta go. Our biggest threat comes from willfully uniformed extremists of all persuasions.
Here's another nifty little table on how to alter perceptions and compel resulting behavioural changes produced by UK authorities (same in the US) showing the Plug-and-Play app for any behavioral science campaign. Vaccines, masks, lockdowns. Climate. QR Code surveillance, Digital Currency. Gender. Energy. Cricket bug food supply. All-purpose:
Oh, that's pretty much the list. Thanks again!!!!! Oh, and I think my favorite social media BS was reading that Jennifer Aniston was cutting ties with any of her friends who did not get jabbed. I laughed - oh, so I cannot even hope to be friends with a Friend! Again, insulting lunacy, but it did seem to work very well.
Excellent, thanks. I recommend viewing this interview to connect the ancient bloodlines with the old Spanish land titles and the lands the universities are located on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QbI5RPbHWo&t=1s
NOAA is another racket these days. They bury the impacts of Hunga Tonga and won't do the computer modeling and research on climate engineering by other nations but put the blame on you.
The Chinese government since 2014 has known about the discovery that the dust from the Taklamakhan is a critical component to western USA rainfall events.
The continuation of desert reclamation in this area by China is a threat to the national security of the USA in terms of sustainability of human settlements hydropower, irrigation and biodiversity..It further is in general violation of a number of the Stockholm Declaration Principles.
Going on since 1978. (a time period the U.S. Senate was considering an international treaty to address environmental impact review of major technological' industrial changes) The Taklamakhan shelter belt work continues to 2050. Good from China's technocratic POV but a full on catastrophe in the making for the western USA. by SAV.
Thought I would repost this climate impact for those inquiring educators drawn here.
I will preface this remark by stating I have been at various times in my long career an educator and instructor in Environmental Science. I also was a presenter with Dr. William W Kellogg back when it was pushed forward by the technocrats at the Aspen Institute as The Greenhouse Effect. I was, based on the data available at the time, a signatory to the Scientists Call for a Climate Emergency. I have since then had my name removed when I realized this maybe a concern but hardly an emergency as fearmongered by social manipulators like Greta and Al Gore.
That said, what I know is to me, living in the high New Mexico desert, an emergency. I don't say that lightly having been a water reservoir study project manager in my state, a natural resources inventory creator for part of our states water plan, and helping to stop fracking proposals in our geologically complex middle Rio Grande acquifer.
We absolutely do need to be more cautious w our resources. All these tech and connectivity, as well as all the junk in the skies can sure become a problem. Let us live simply. We don't need to milage the earth and waters and people-thats the "for profit" gig. Let us live simply. So much wisdom, value and peace in that.
Except when we do have nations that are deliberately impacting us, a loss of 5 to 10 percent water production in the west sure won't allow you much of a future. Dryland farming is already tenuous at best. China needs to 1. Stop the Taklamakhan modifications and 2. clean up its SO2 emissions.
It would be far more interesting to study "vaccine acceptance" since the mindset of those who deny vaccine inefficacy and vaccine safety problems in the face of massive (and after COVID ginormous) evidence for these would be a great lesson in the mechanisms of the human mind that create self-deception. Studying the minds of those who study vaccine hesitancy would also provide interesting lessons in the workings of the deranged minds of psychopaths and of those who deceive themselves into believing that propagandizing the public is somehow an act of altruism.
I have no words - instead of improving safety, quality and accountability by vaccines developers, they're fixated on "vaccine hesitancy," and combat it with the multi-million grants. Surreal...
I could've saved the government millions. Here’s why people might be ’vaccine’ hesitant:
MoMurder-na Harmaceuticals Presents: The VAER Y SCARY 19 VACCINE!!
“100% Safe and Effective ... Until It’s Not!!“
Are you tired of living a long, healthy life? Do you long for the excitement of a debilitating, mystery illness? Well, worry no more!! The VAER Y SCARY 19 VACCINE is here to shake things up!!
Straight from the brilliant minds who brought you opioid epidemics, thalidomide babies, and the food pyramid that made you diabetic, MoMurder-na is proud to offer you a vial of Holy Water designed to fortify your faith in modern medicine.
Side effects?? Only the BEST!! Here are the top 19 thrilling adverse events waiting for YOU and your family!!
🧘 Anaphylaxis - Because breathing is overrated
💕 Myocarditis & Pericarditis - Give your heart that warm, inflated feeling!!
🚑 Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) - Clots? Low platelets? Why not both?!!
🦽 Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) - Who needs mobility when you have compliance?
💉 Severe Allergic Reactions - Let's see if your EpiPen works!!
🤸 Seizures - A great way to shake up your nervous system!!
❤️🩹 Stroke - A stroke of bad luck, but hey, safe and effective!!
❤️🩹 Heart Attack - Because nothing says protection like cardiac arrest!!
🎉 Pulmonary Embolism - Breathe deep ... if you still can!!
🙈 Deep Vein Thrombosis - A clot of fun for the whole family!!
🥳 Appendicitis - Appendix?? Who needs one anyway?
🙇 Intestinal Obstruction - Your gut instincts were right to be afraid!!
🚑 Kawasaki Disease - Vroom vroom!! Straight to the pediatric ward!!
🔥 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) - The kids are NOT alright!!
🧏 Bell’s Palsy - When your compliance shows ... on only half your face!!
Transverse Myelitis - For those with backbone!!
👀 Optic Neuritis - Who needs eyesight when you have blind faith?
🏥 Autoimmune Disorders - Your body’s new hobby? Attacking itself!!
☠️💉☠️💉 Death - R.I.P.
But wait, there's more!! While we've already delivered 19 VAER Y SCARY side effects, we just couldn't in good conscience leave out these additional surprises:
🏎️ Turbo Tumors: Growing faster than a biotech stock before the recall!!
🌳🪵Sterility Surprise: The ultimate way to trim your family tree down to its roots.
🏥 Blood Bank Bonus: Your monthly cycle transforms you into a one-woman donation center.
🏛️Kafkaesque Neuropathy: No cure, no logic - just suffering, like a true bureaucratic masterpiece!!
🗽CIDP: Your nerves stage a failed uprising, with no liberators in sight!!
🛌 Sleep Disorders: Tossing and turning like a paranoid dissident waiting for a knock from the secret police.
🎹Fatigue: So drained, you'd swear you'd carried a grand piano up a 100 flights of stairs.
🕺🤸Chronic Muscle Spasms & Tics: Spontaneous Lock ’n Pop breakdancing - just hope it doesn't hit during rush hour!!
☠️💉 Death: We like to double-down on this one!!
Worried? DON’T BE!!
The ’safe and effective’ data was carefully curated, massaged, and retroactively adjusted by esteemed experts in white coats - the same ones who promised you that cigarettes were good for your throat and DDT was safe to spray on your kids!!
And if the ’science’ isn't enough to calm you down, don't worry!! We've got free Happy Meals waiting for you and your loved ones - post jab!! 💉☠️👍 Because nothing says ’trust the science’ like an over-processed burger and fries served with a side of coercion!!
(To the tune of a cheerful ad ー think McDonald’s but sinister!!)
“Get the shot, don't ask why!!
Ignore the deaths ー comply, comply!!
It’s VAER Y SCARY, but don't you stress...
Side effects mean it works the best!!“
Narrator: MoMurder-na Harmaceuticals ー “If you survive the first dose, we’ve got boosters lined up just for you!!“
🚨Warning: Some customers may experience buyer’s remorse, loss of bodily autonomy, or sudden urges to question authority. If symptoms of critical thinking persist, please consult your nearest fact-checker. 🚨
Programming Not Working outcome comes to mind. We Know "Rockefeller Medicine (video)
by Corbett | Nov 4, 2013. As Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this week as we explore the real history of modern healthcare and the real motivations behind the family that brought it to you." https://corbettreport.com/rockefeller-medicine-video/
Love this. I am very new to the vaccine space. While at the World Vaccine Congress two years ago I had a telling conversation with a peculiar fellow who was hired by Merck to do another "study" of VAX hesitancy in order to pick the right kind of messaging. This guy also had ties to the CFR.
It reminded me of my days working for DoD contracts with super smart scientists who couldn't see the outcomes or implications of their brainchildren. They attack the problem like a dog on a bone. They live for solving a type of puzzle giving no thought to whether or not the puzzle had any real utility or served any good.
My own perspective on vaccines began as an eight-year-old child. My father was an Army officer preparing for a station in Taiwan circa mid-1950s. We were subject to enormous numbers of vaccinations including cholera, typhoid, etc. besides "normal" schedules. I had severe reactions to some of the vaccinations.
As I grew older and could determine my own course in my mid-teens, I refused all vaccinations and never had another even when pushed by doctors.
This aversion grew into a solid personal philosophy when "Covid" hit and the extreme propagandized media and approaches began toward those who wouldn't vaccinate. I became aware of a deeply held personal spiritual belief which maintains that DNA is sacred and contains light and knowledge for the human being. To vaccinate is to corrupt human life.
From the time I was a young adult, I believed that the human immune system was paramount. If proper food, water, exercise, and rest were obtained, any illness could be cured. I read books in my early 20s like Bieler's "Food is Your Best Medicine," and my life deeply responded to this POV. This is the "Garden of Eden" of which everyone speaks. To understand the human body is to comprehend the very core principles of human life.
Thus, "vaccine hesitancy" for me is a deeply spiritual approach to life and cannot be abrogated.
Maybe if they renamed the study Vaccine Refusal Because Oh, Hell No! This is not right! We have excellent reason to not trust you! And we are correct!, the answer will come to them.
I'm fortunate to have gotten a direct experience of childhood vaccines. I was a Waldorf School kindergarten teacher for 13 years in the seventies and eighties. Many parents were not vaccinating and I could pick out those who were vaccinated because they got strep throat and scarlet fever every year and were put on Antibiotics! The rest of the class would have chicken pox and measles parties and were all healthy as can be! We need fevers to develop our immunity in childhood.
The Navy forced my daughter to take the Anthrax vaccine when she was deployed overseas during the Iraq War. She almost immediately started having neurological problems. Fortunately, her symptoms improved but, even today, they come back periodically. She considers herself lucky in that many of her fellow military members suffered much worse.
In 2004, Congress passed a law to stop the military from vaccinating with new, unproven vaccines. Obviously, that law was ignored during Covid!
There is no such law.
In 2004 our case against DOD was decided in our favor and the vaccine license was revoked. In early 2006 FDA gave the company back the license.
DOD is still vaccinating with new, unproven vaccines.
Oh hell. And that means the eugenics philosophy is fully in place and killing is the game. . Harvard, Columbia, Cornell, Vanderbilt, Johns Hopkins. Lots and lots of DOD contracts and grants for DOGE to stop. Hey Elon, this is low hanging fruit!
Why is the department of war pushing injextions?
They really care about us , we are told, which means they are at war against us and want us all dead.
I got ill Friday from all the dammm skypainting I guess, feel like I been poisoned, someone really hates Womanity
Remember they used UkroNam to push the creation of vexxxines specifically against Russian people,
It is cheaper for our government if not so many of us live to retirement age or at least die soon after retirement, plus they probably spent our social security anyway.
Now there is the technology to constantly control us. Of course they are going to use that.
With the new technology that there is today, they don't feel they really need so many useless eaters around using up THEIR resources.
Thanks for setting me straight, I suspect that where I read about a law being passed that the writer was confusing your lawsuit win with actual legislation.
Ohhh nooo, 😩
SO sorry to hear that!
Thank you for your kind words!
Betrayal of the highest order.
She should track down the "medic" who administered it and terminate with extreme prejudice.
Isn't it very telling that the govt wants to study hesitancy (how to get more injections into people) instead of doing studies on safety/efficacy (showing people the reasons, if any, to get the injections). More injections paid for by us taxpayers, injections they have no liability for so we pay also for the damages to us. What a great win/win for govt and BigPharma. What a racket. Bring on the RICO cases!
I believe they do it on behalf of pharma who fund this propensity as pharma have always funded vaccine hesitancy research worldwide.
Exactly my thought! Sooooooo ass-backwards!
Well they knocked it out of the ball park vaccine hesitancy after the mRNA clot shots, for a high percentage of people there will never be any trust in vaccines ever again.
I now not only distrust any and all vaccines, but also most doctors, clinics, medical interventions, drugs, food, government - you name it! (And I live in Europe, btw).
Mal sehen how school vaccination, flu shots, TDaP for rusty nails, etc. pan out. Most of my siblings remain gung ho.
Shared on Meryl's CHAOS Newsletter before. But since she's kindly done the shout-out about social science, climate, CDC fearporn 'nudges' it's worth a reshare.
Here's the actual, legit marketing operational plan behind the phony global "weather enterprise" (aka, Racket), US operational focus. In their own words. It has many references to how the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) model is a resource to advance climate fear porn propaganda with health regulatory powers under the auspices of public health - from 2018!! Appendix B focuses on propagandized (Social & Behavioral Science mind-farking) health as model for propagandized climate. As well as a collection naming of all of the centers of power that are coordinating and collaborating with this massive psychological mind-farkery operation. It's a big, big, big man-caused climate change "enterprise"/racket:
Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, 2018.
Front Matter [You've gotta click into it and check out the names of some of these Boards and Committees that contributed!]
Ch 1 Introduction
Ch 2 The Motivation for Integrating Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise
Ch 3 Assessing the Current State of Social and Behavioral Sciences Within the Weather Enterprise
Ch 4 Social and Behavioral Sciences for Road Weather Concerns
Ch 5 Research Needs for Improving the Nation’s Weather Readiness and Advancing Fundamental Social and Behavioral Science Knowledge
Ch 6 A Framework to Sustainably Support and Effectively Use Social and Behavioral Science Research in the Weather Enterprise
Ch 7 Summary of Key Findings and Recommendations
Appendix A Examples of Funding for Social and Behavioral Science Activities by NOAA, NSF, DHS1
Appendix B Lessons from SBS Integration into the “Public Health Enterprise”
Appendix C People Who Provided Input to the Committee
Appendix D Committee Biosketches
For just the references to CDC here's the booklet's search results for just where it's mentioned:
I've seen no better single resource to putting together their operational marketing plan and strategies in one place than this book. For those who wish to do a very deep dive. A 182-page exercise describing the imposition of stupidity masquerading as intelligence and enlightened thought on an unwitting world. A criminal enterprise is also known as a racket. Which is exactly what the WHO/CDC are - criminal enterprises, rackets.
Thanks! And yeah, I found a marketing plan of sorts for the jab in the NIH website. They had paid an advertising agency to come up with a list of coercive bullshit. I would say it was pathetic, but it seems to have worked on an amazing number of people, some of whom I know. Personally I felt insulted at the puerile list - celebrities, shaming, guilt, everyone else is doing it, etc. Likely pad millions for it.
Yale was one of those paid to conduct focus groups and figure out the best emotional blackmail to use.
Those "Ivy Leagues" have lost their credibility. There has been a few who write that they, as well as the cabinet and mainstream media, were bought out by s0r0s. Now, I doubt they understood what was happening, which is why this dark op was so successful.
They really went all in with coercing, it seemed to work and there will persistently be a portion of people who are essentially cultist and will put the noose around their grandkids neck.
But the evidence has been overwhelming. It's like the Russia is losing agenda. Now how do you explain all the lies MSM told? Oops, don't cut it!
Would like to see some simple media legislation. Equally tell both sides of any story, in an unemotional detached way. False headlines have real consequences, retractions in the headlines, would be a good start.
Finally the civil war footing in the US has gotta go. Our biggest threat comes from willfully uniformed extremists of all persuasions.
Here's another nifty little table on how to alter perceptions and compel resulting behavioural changes produced by UK authorities (same in the US) showing the Plug-and-Play app for any behavioral science campaign. Vaccines, masks, lockdowns. Climate. QR Code surveillance, Digital Currency. Gender. Energy. Cricket bug food supply. All-purpose:
Great resource on the "How to" in Conservative Woman out of the UK, also applicable in the US:
Oh, that's pretty much the list. Thanks again!!!!! Oh, and I think my favorite social media BS was reading that Jennifer Aniston was cutting ties with any of her friends who did not get jabbed. I laughed - oh, so I cannot even hope to be friends with a Friend! Again, insulting lunacy, but it did seem to work very well.
Thank.you, for your diligence.
Excellent, thanks. I recommend viewing this interview to connect the ancient bloodlines with the old Spanish land titles and the lands the universities are located on. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QbI5RPbHWo&t=1s
You found Daryl! UC Davis is a quirky place. Lots of involvement with the Wuhan developers, too.
Thank you, for these.
NOAA is another racket these days. They bury the impacts of Hunga Tonga and won't do the computer modeling and research on climate engineering by other nations but put the blame on you.
The Chinese government since 2014 has known about the discovery that the dust from the Taklamakhan is a critical component to western USA rainfall events.
The continuation of desert reclamation in this area by China is a threat to the national security of the USA in terms of sustainability of human settlements hydropower, irrigation and biodiversity..It further is in general violation of a number of the Stockholm Declaration Principles.
Going on since 1978. (a time period the U.S. Senate was considering an international treaty to address environmental impact review of major technological' industrial changes) The Taklamakhan shelter belt work continues to 2050. Good from China's technocratic POV but a full on catastrophe in the making for the western USA. by SAV.
Geography UCONN.
Thought I would repost this climate impact for those inquiring educators drawn here.
I will preface this remark by stating I have been at various times in my long career an educator and instructor in Environmental Science. I also was a presenter with Dr. William W Kellogg back when it was pushed forward by the technocrats at the Aspen Institute as The Greenhouse Effect. I was, based on the data available at the time, a signatory to the Scientists Call for a Climate Emergency. I have since then had my name removed when I realized this maybe a concern but hardly an emergency as fearmongered by social manipulators like Greta and Al Gore.
That said, what I know is to me, living in the high New Mexico desert, an emergency. I don't say that lightly having been a water reservoir study project manager in my state, a natural resources inventory creator for part of our states water plan, and helping to stop fracking proposals in our geologically complex middle Rio Grande acquifer.
We absolutely do need to be more cautious w our resources. All these tech and connectivity, as well as all the junk in the skies can sure become a problem. Let us live simply. We don't need to milage the earth and waters and people-thats the "for profit" gig. Let us live simply. So much wisdom, value and peace in that.
Except when we do have nations that are deliberately impacting us, a loss of 5 to 10 percent water production in the west sure won't allow you much of a future. Dryland farming is already tenuous at best. China needs to 1. Stop the Taklamakhan modifications and 2. clean up its SO2 emissions.
It would be far more interesting to study "vaccine acceptance" since the mindset of those who deny vaccine inefficacy and vaccine safety problems in the face of massive (and after COVID ginormous) evidence for these would be a great lesson in the mechanisms of the human mind that create self-deception. Studying the minds of those who study vaccine hesitancy would also provide interesting lessons in the workings of the deranged minds of psychopaths and of those who deceive themselves into believing that propagandizing the public is somehow an act of altruism.
Absolutely. I see so many people disregarding that there is any connection between autism and vaccines.
“It’s been proven many times that vaccines do not cause autism!!”
I always ask people to point me to a study that proves it, but no one can. Why wouldn’t people want to know for sure if there’s any connection?
They get a lot of people with sodium fluoride in the water or a garnish of fluoxetine.
I have no words - instead of improving safety, quality and accountability by vaccines developers, they're fixated on "vaccine hesitancy," and combat it with the multi-million grants. Surreal...
I could've saved the government millions. Here’s why people might be ’vaccine’ hesitant:
MoMurder-na Harmaceuticals Presents: The VAER Y SCARY 19 VACCINE!!
“100% Safe and Effective ... Until It’s Not!!“
Are you tired of living a long, healthy life? Do you long for the excitement of a debilitating, mystery illness? Well, worry no more!! The VAER Y SCARY 19 VACCINE is here to shake things up!!
Straight from the brilliant minds who brought you opioid epidemics, thalidomide babies, and the food pyramid that made you diabetic, MoMurder-na is proud to offer you a vial of Holy Water designed to fortify your faith in modern medicine.
Side effects?? Only the BEST!! Here are the top 19 thrilling adverse events waiting for YOU and your family!!
🧘 Anaphylaxis - Because breathing is overrated
💕 Myocarditis & Pericarditis - Give your heart that warm, inflated feeling!!
🚑 Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS) - Clots? Low platelets? Why not both?!!
🦽 Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS) - Who needs mobility when you have compliance?
💉 Severe Allergic Reactions - Let's see if your EpiPen works!!
🤸 Seizures - A great way to shake up your nervous system!!
❤️🩹 Stroke - A stroke of bad luck, but hey, safe and effective!!
❤️🩹 Heart Attack - Because nothing says protection like cardiac arrest!!
🎉 Pulmonary Embolism - Breathe deep ... if you still can!!
🙈 Deep Vein Thrombosis - A clot of fun for the whole family!!
🥳 Appendicitis - Appendix?? Who needs one anyway?
🙇 Intestinal Obstruction - Your gut instincts were right to be afraid!!
🚑 Kawasaki Disease - Vroom vroom!! Straight to the pediatric ward!!
🔥 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) - The kids are NOT alright!!
🧏 Bell’s Palsy - When your compliance shows ... on only half your face!!
Transverse Myelitis - For those with backbone!!
👀 Optic Neuritis - Who needs eyesight when you have blind faith?
🏥 Autoimmune Disorders - Your body’s new hobby? Attacking itself!!
☠️💉☠️💉 Death - R.I.P.
But wait, there's more!! While we've already delivered 19 VAER Y SCARY side effects, we just couldn't in good conscience leave out these additional surprises:
🏎️ Turbo Tumors: Growing faster than a biotech stock before the recall!!
🌳🪵Sterility Surprise: The ultimate way to trim your family tree down to its roots.
🏥 Blood Bank Bonus: Your monthly cycle transforms you into a one-woman donation center.
🏛️Kafkaesque Neuropathy: No cure, no logic - just suffering, like a true bureaucratic masterpiece!!
🗽CIDP: Your nerves stage a failed uprising, with no liberators in sight!!
🛌 Sleep Disorders: Tossing and turning like a paranoid dissident waiting for a knock from the secret police.
🎹Fatigue: So drained, you'd swear you'd carried a grand piano up a 100 flights of stairs.
🕺🤸Chronic Muscle Spasms & Tics: Spontaneous Lock ’n Pop breakdancing - just hope it doesn't hit during rush hour!!
☠️💉 Death: We like to double-down on this one!!
Worried? DON’T BE!!
The ’safe and effective’ data was carefully curated, massaged, and retroactively adjusted by esteemed experts in white coats - the same ones who promised you that cigarettes were good for your throat and DDT was safe to spray on your kids!!
And if the ’science’ isn't enough to calm you down, don't worry!! We've got free Happy Meals waiting for you and your loved ones - post jab!! 💉☠️👍 Because nothing says ’trust the science’ like an over-processed burger and fries served with a side of coercion!!
(To the tune of a cheerful ad ー think McDonald’s but sinister!!)
“Get the shot, don't ask why!!
Ignore the deaths ー comply, comply!!
It’s VAER Y SCARY, but don't you stress...
Side effects mean it works the best!!“
Narrator: MoMurder-na Harmaceuticals ー “If you survive the first dose, we’ve got boosters lined up just for you!!“
🚨Warning: Some customers may experience buyer’s remorse, loss of bodily autonomy, or sudden urges to question authority. If symptoms of critical thinking persist, please consult your nearest fact-checker. 🚨
Excellent comprehensive list, oh...a FREE Dunkin donut too!
Awesome comment - thanks for the laughs!!! Especially love the sleep disorders one.
Brilliant - this is funny in a vaer y scary way!
Makes sense: "I am grateful for those years, which gave me a PhD in how Washington works." I was kicked out of college for attempting to do the same!
I was reprimanded and nearly expelled (my program suddenly ended) when I questioned the nutrition "science"...even lightly!
Somehow, we decided to connect with China on our nutrition policies..
That’s simple. It’s not their money to spend on us, it’s our money to spend on them. They all deserve prison on chain gangs.
I can just visualize Harris, Biden, Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer making sand from 5 ton rocks.
Programming Not Working outcome comes to mind. We Know "Rockefeller Medicine (video)
by Corbett | Nov 4, 2013. As Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this week as we explore the real history of modern healthcare and the real motivations behind the family that brought it to you." https://corbettreport.com/rockefeller-medicine-video/
I don't believe viruses exist, I see no reason to take a vaccine that comes with numerous side effects.
Love this. I am very new to the vaccine space. While at the World Vaccine Congress two years ago I had a telling conversation with a peculiar fellow who was hired by Merck to do another "study" of VAX hesitancy in order to pick the right kind of messaging. This guy also had ties to the CFR.
It reminded me of my days working for DoD contracts with super smart scientists who couldn't see the outcomes or implications of their brainchildren. They attack the problem like a dog on a bone. They live for solving a type of puzzle giving no thought to whether or not the puzzle had any real utility or served any good.
insightful observation, Dr Setty
My own perspective on vaccines began as an eight-year-old child. My father was an Army officer preparing for a station in Taiwan circa mid-1950s. We were subject to enormous numbers of vaccinations including cholera, typhoid, etc. besides "normal" schedules. I had severe reactions to some of the vaccinations.
As I grew older and could determine my own course in my mid-teens, I refused all vaccinations and never had another even when pushed by doctors.
This aversion grew into a solid personal philosophy when "Covid" hit and the extreme propagandized media and approaches began toward those who wouldn't vaccinate. I became aware of a deeply held personal spiritual belief which maintains that DNA is sacred and contains light and knowledge for the human being. To vaccinate is to corrupt human life.
From the time I was a young adult, I believed that the human immune system was paramount. If proper food, water, exercise, and rest were obtained, any illness could be cured. I read books in my early 20s like Bieler's "Food is Your Best Medicine," and my life deeply responded to this POV. This is the "Garden of Eden" of which everyone speaks. To understand the human body is to comprehend the very core principles of human life.
Thus, "vaccine hesitancy" for me is a deeply spiritual approach to life and cannot be abrogated.
Maybe if they renamed the study Vaccine Refusal Because Oh, Hell No! This is not right! We have excellent reason to not trust you! And we are correct!, the answer will come to them.
Excellent observations Dr. Nass! Thank you for continuing to be a critical thinker and human advocate.