The government can go f*ck itself! No one with any sense will EVER trust them again. Certainly, I will not! And I didn't take the poison jab!

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The government didn't make anyone take the jab. It let our employers and families force us into taking it.

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all government agencies exempted themselves so not an issue there. But the govt did mandate it and force it on military service members.

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When you are on active duty in the military, you are on call 24/7 in service to your employer, the military, which is not considered to be the government with respect to constitutional rights. That is why the UCMJ exists, to deprive you of your rights.

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Having served a total of 26 years between the USA, USAR, and the USAF I know a little about how things are done. The military mandated it because they were ordered to by guess who? Ultimately if you died or are permanently disabled from the death shot I guess this seems like a pretty silly discussion.

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It seems like accidental genocide, at best, to me.

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It was genocide in plain sight. The v covid are bioweapons. Millions of people have died from it and a lot more are suffering.

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Yikes! That is one way of looking at it!

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Which is why the military is having such a difficult time recruiting members.

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By the time you are under the UCMJ you have already relinquished your civilian rights. That happened the second you took the oath to serve. The purpose of the UCMJ is to preserve order and discipline, not to deprive people of their rights. And you do have some rights under the UCMJ, like Article 31. The military has a single objective - to win wars - PERIOD. The military is (or at least used to be - not sure what it is now) an authoritarian organization, which is necessary to fight and win wars. I think it comes down to whether or not mandates were lawful orders considering what was known at the time, and I suspect that even with the limited information available then, they were not. The left will continue to try to find ways to mandate because their objective is to kill many people. It is the job of everyone else to thwart them by not complying and by creating credible awareness.

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No one was forced to take a jab. Not the government, not family, not employers. The people themselves failed to stand up and refuse to comply. If EVERY employee got up from their desk and walked out the employer would have a come to Jesus before the week was up. People are cowards and have no spine. They fail to realize there is more of us than there is of them and if we ALL stand together against them they cannot arrest us all but businesses will not allow their policies to destroy what they have built and if they do then they don't deserve to have a business. I give credit to all of those doctors, nurses and employees who had the guts to refuse the poison injection. They are the real American heroes. The rest are cowards and many that took the jab are now either dead, will be dead or are disabled. Even if you believe in these worthless injections forcing people to inject anything into their body is not legal and one day those that chastised others for not taking the shot will be forced to take something they don't want.

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What you say is mostly true. But I know many who had no choice but to accept the jab to keep supporting their family. The pressure was very high in some cases

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Understood. But I know people who stood up and/or changed jobs to not take the jab. They took their employers to task. It was hard and it was horrible for them to be criticized by people who had been their close colleagues. But they did it. And oh how happy they did! Most found better employment because they joined organizations who didn’t follow the edict. I admire them for their courage. This time around, I’d say the majority of Americans, except those lost to permanent fear or virtue signaling, will resist and do it proudly.

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I hope this happens. But where I live in PA I see people who are apathetic, and cowardly: Followers. People who watch the MSM and believe the propaganda fed to them via the idiot box.

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Sadly, they’re not just in PA. We have them here in CA too. I guess they’re everywhere. There are people here still wearing masks and testing. Fortunately, there are also some who’ve learned from the first time. It’s kind of hard to imagine people who can’t put it together when there’s a rerun of what happened.

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It is super easy to be judgemental and despise the people who felt they had no choice. Once again, this seems a silly discussion to me and I am hereby going to close this down.

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Johanne, I understand but agree 100% with Karen. We are now being forced to face and make life and death decisions. You might lose a job, but you can live to fight and to help each other survive.

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Shut up. Get another job. Move and get another job. People do it for lessor reasons. Stop your whining. You will take it again and the pressure WILL be much greater next time , and you will screw us all and all of humanity will continue to be genetically altered, maimed and killed.


They want you dead.

Do not comply!

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Very well said. It was others who forced us by threat of job loss or shunning. Terrible what happened to friends and families, and all the job losses. I am so tired of being a coward. But I still am. I stay away from people so they don't find out I am a (horrors!) Anti Vaxxer!!! *Cue Music sting*. Actually, I don'l like names, like "anti vaxxer", I prefer to think of myself as PRO health freedom, and natural health!

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Pro-Natural Immunity!

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When one is in debt, one must do what the creditor says or risk having the debt called, as they were in the Great Depression.

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How about directing your righteous contempt at the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity? They've never had the tools at their disposal that they do now, and people have never been so susceptible to their lies and gaslighting. It's a huge and unnerving step to finally realise that those who have been more or less trusted are evil sociopaths and democracy is a sham, so try a little compassion.

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Technically it did mandate the jab.

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Sure felt like it

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The entire psyop was perpetrated by an alliance between the governments, the corporations and the medical establishment. They bribed, brainwashed or blackmailed people to fall in line while silencing anyone brave enough to challenge their bullshit narrative. And they also had no hesitation in forcing everyone they could to take the poison shots. This level of hypocrisy, stupidity and pure evil will ultimately destroy itself. If you agree, good for you - you possessed an ability to keep your humanity intact.

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The bible is pretty clear that all humans are sinners. The difference is that some of us have convinced ourselves that we are good, and a few have figured out to watch out for those, because those who think they are better than us will enslave us, if they can.

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Those are the really dangerous ones - the true believers, who force (or try to force) people to do things against their will "for their own good."

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Right and this time, we must say no!

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It was the biggest propaganda I have ever seen.

…And I grew up under the Ceausescu regime.

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Yes, just like it was the Germans that built the ovens and the prisions for their fellow men and women.

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Likewise, the US government built the detention camps for their citizens with Japanese ancestry and gave them three days to surrender to them. Could you secure your real estate and personal property in three days?

Not to mention the FEMA camps that the federal government built and maintains in readiness to incarcerate citizens in, rather than illegal immigrants, who get to live in luxury hotel rooms.

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Nice to read a comment from someone who knows about the FEMA camps. And you know it is far grimmer than that, what with those slick FEMA coffins, modern day guillotines, and more. Haliburton's no-bid contract for $385M in 2006 must have been sweet. I wonder: what would that dollar amount be now, adjusted for inflation?

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Back in the late 1990s, I was a member of what we loosely called law clubs, which would meet weekly to hear reports from the handful of members who could and would do legal research on local, state, and federal legislation and jurisprudence.

I remember satellite photographs circulating at one meeting that showed a train siding that ended in a building apparently equipped with a building that could be used to fumigate said traincar. The siding ended inside a FEMA camp. This was shortly after the time of the false flag attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Wow. I never learned of that capability within their facilities. Ugh. I was a little late to that party. I know challenges were moving up the ladder to the IRS and its unconstitutional and illegally enforced "income" tax... and then they pulled off 9/11. And *poof*. No more. Enron off the hook, too, of course, plus "lost" Pentagon $3T was forgotten. Bastards. (R.I.P. Bill Cooper, while I'm thinking about it.)

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And receive money for doing so.

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¨The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States...¨

Who was the Commander in Chief Vonu? Trump.


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He certainly wasn't the Surgeon General.

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Vote in November as if your life depends on it. It truly does.

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That is more true about what you put in your mouth.

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Aug 21·edited Aug 21

If the government were to follow your recomendation it might be the best they ever had!

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Didn't comply first time around. Why start now? I will die on this hill sans mask or jab. Up the irons, pricks!

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Unless you already have heart disease, you probably won't die of it.

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Amen and wake up everyone

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There are those of us who didn't go along with it the first time.

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It's good to see him (RFK Jr.) put those words in print. One man alone can not accomplish the overthrow of the transnational technocracy, but we are not alone. The battles are just beginning. Brace yourselves.

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stupidest people in the world live right here in the US. They will vote for their jailers

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Yep. All of this is up to us. If the people do what they did in 2020, we're screwed. Imagine those who lived through *real* plagues and *real* pandemics in ages past that didn't act anything like what the American public acted like in 2020. *Irrational* FEAR IS A CHOICE. And compliance with total insanity is a choice as well. NO NO NO NO NO

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Sadly when you talk to the jabed mask wearing ppl, you get blank looks.

Pray many more wake up to the deceptions.

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How do you suggest we "resist" other than refuse to comply? That's not what I call resisting. Because they will love the chance to incarcerate (or kill?) those like us, and non-compliance will give them the excuse. Non-compliance is only resistance when it is massive enough to force the government to back down. If the next virus is significantly deadly, I don't see a chance of us having enough numbers to accomplish that.

But I won't comply, regardless. Look how long it took so many to die of the massive clots growing in them. You won't know how dangerous the shot is until it's too late in many cases. And on the other hand, many will die rather quickly, just like last time. So we'll have no basis on which to infer risk vs. benefit. And they have no motivation to test it thoroughly since so many sheep will just line up for the shot out of fear. And they've proven they couldn't care less about even the death of children.

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Deadly to a few because of their choices? I would'nt trust anything they put out there or say. Many need to not comply. Pray they wake up.

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No teddy-pox for me. WHO and all the rest can burn in HELL!

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I can't resist resisting their technocratic takeover. I am in.

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I've had it up to my eyebrows with all of this friggin sh-t. They can take all of their fear-mongering, poisonous injections, & attempts to control everyone & everything & put it where the sun doesn't shine.

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I didn't and will do the same again: I will fight it.💪🏾

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How do they get an EUA for mPox jab when this is out there: https://www.fredhutch.org/en/news/spotlight/2018/07/hb_hickson_virology.html

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Queue the "reports" from CDC/NIH/NIAID/HHS poo-pooing nitazoxanide in 3...2...1...

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Meryl and RFK, two of the best to represent us, many thanks for this letter. I never wore a mask because it just didn't make sense, but now it is apparent. RFK could have won against Joe Biden or Kamala but the Soros Communist news is so persuasive, and people have a hard time thinking our trusted news has been bought. I will keep preaching, only to be laughed at on occasion.... but we gotta try! I think that even when they laugh ~ their mind keeps thinking of what I said, and maybe it helps them wake up.

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Excellent sentiment! Give-up my critical thinking about medical issues? Any other issues? NO!

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