More assholes with agendas and opinions! We don't need 'em! In fact, FUCK THEM ALL!

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UnVaccinated sperm and blood will be the new gold and silver.

Only more valuable.


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New Crypto please !!! 🤣🤣🤣

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I know. Right?

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Thank you Meryl for your sterling and relentless efforts to keep us informed, I will say that personally and notwithstanding the volume of material forwarded from you, material that is simply of the highest and most robust quality as prepared by you and received that I for one am in awe of your efforts, wondering if you ever sleep, such is the sheer scale and volumes received, not complaining, quite the opposite actually..

To be honest and having just read this latest, what mystifies me is just how readily supposed “learned” and highly educated people from across the entire geographic strata …read globe, can allow themselves to be used and taken in by tyranny, by perpetrators of the worst excesses and evil, unless of course it is intentional and their moral backbone is essentially non existent, they, those who are involved in this scamdemic having sold whatever vestige remained of their souls or what soul they had possessed being long gone, hence, whilst looking all innocent and innocence the reality is so different, it seems they knowingly and wilfully are participating is this Faustian reality we are enduring and have been living since late 2019.

Further, that in the case of any of the medical professionals and public service employees involved, that a true lack of fidelity to the oaths sworn by them that they attested to upholding exists, only adds further to this criticism and belief that so many of them together the scientists, researchers, financiers, CEO’s etc… have literally all sold out… they’ve sold out themselves, their families, their friends, colleagues, loved ones and when all is said and done… humanity.

Looking at the images of so many that you provide and reference in you many essays, one could be forgiven for thinking of …. just how is that what we collectively know and understand to be our reality, by these people, how could it be happening to us, given when looking at them, you could or would think butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths, they presenting as so genteel…

However as most of us know, nothing could be further from the truth, there seems an almost pathological incestuous merging of relationships amongst these people that has enabled this nonsense, behaviour that has enabled much of what we understand and know to be aimed at… and that is impacting us all… that resulted in injury and death to so many.

Thus I view such people, those who work and are neck deep in this scam, whether working in mainstream media, science, education, medicine, finance or in positions of management serving the interests of their puppeteers, thinking of them as nothing but frauds, their behaviour and involvement being reprehensible, in short they are nothing more and resemble Trojan Horses …

Thank you again for the education you have given me, I never tire of reading the material received, irrespective the volume… put another way it is priceless and our being better informed providing much needed context to this dystopian reality we endure.

May you continue to be blessed with great health receiving the rewards deserved, worked for and that I will say your certainly due, predicate your commitment to humanity…

Kia Kaha and much aroha from New Zealand

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What is needed is a full court press of satirists! Thousands of them so the perpe-traitors can find no rest. Satirists of the world Unite! You have Nothing to Lose but your Cheneys!

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So much bullshit wherever you turn

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Buzzword “stakeholders” that means we get reamed

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Where do I sign up for one of these sinecures? Does it come with Free air fare? I might as well get paid while saving humanity from the horrors of Climate Change.

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Meryl, I can't help thinking that these nitwit international bureaucrats are simply pawns in a game played by bankers. They pretend to be public health officials, pretend to be interested in human health and the welfare of humanity, but their words seem to be empty platitudes mouthed as actors paid by the bankers to protect bankers' financial interests. Is this too simple, or too cynical?

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I am afraid the young ones actually think this language means something, because they have been immersed in meaninglessness their whole lives. These are the stars who learned to obey and parrot. I don't know... Tedros knows he is pretending. The rest?

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I believe that you are right -- that there are many true believers, but that not all of them are young. It is still hard to believe that there are so many in leadership roles who swallow hook line and sinker what seems to be obvious salesmanship, and obvious hypocrisy. I guess it may go back to Upton's Sinclair's quip, particularly as it pertains to opportunists, that it is hard to convince someone of something when their salary depends on them not believing you.

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"... immersed in meaninglessness their whole lives." : absolutely spot on. Propaganda speak, the dumbing down of language, education generally, and provocative entertainment has been numbing our minds for decades. Our public discourse is nothing more than glittering generalizations, created to spark emotions and bypass the mind. Rational intellectual processes and inquiry hardly seem to exist in our culture any more. All in all, a subtle and patient kind of warfare.

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Stark reality will soon be upon them, like a vivid alarm bell that jerks one awake.

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Mindless cogs trained to support the industrial complex, as educator/author John Gatto's book, Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling! Thirty years in New York City’s public schools led John Gatto to the sad conclusion that compulsory schooling does little but teach young people to follow orders like cogs in an industrial machine.

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Thank you for tracking this hilarious nonsense. The pretensions of these people are astounding. They must have been very spoiled children.

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"World" "Health" Summit?

So, who owns the world? Probably the same people who own "health":


This is the end game.

Getting lost in the details only leads to compartmentalization, which is the highest level of gaslighting:


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The WHO continues its genocidal behavior, arrest them all!

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The stark fact that the WHO and their summits, never ground their ambitions on empowering humanity to become healthy through connecting with Mother Earth, while cultivating the land with indigenous crops which sustain life and support human immune system, should immediately discredit them in my view. Any endeavor of these unhealthy advocates, who couldn't be more "misinformed" as to how to define what health is, makes me laugh. What a complete waste of US$billion!!! The word health has been raped, mutated to mean something so far away from what human beings are experts at naturally. Thus, what the WHO stands for, should be seen as one of the biggest sins that has ever taken place on earth!

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Strictly speaking the first slide is more like a covert confession of failure. If the approach really had been scientific, the problems couldn't have arisen or in the case of "initial erring on the wrong side", could have been corrected before serious damage could have happened.

That especially in the West (NATO countries), both mental and physical health deserves the label "abysmal" only is the result of "the gang"'s racketeering that made it a killing and now is trying to do the same by offering a "solution". Which reminds of the Einstein quote, paraphrased that those causing a problem are the least likely to solve it.

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Bayer made the cut. I think they have been involved in genocide for generations. They should have a song by now you would think.

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Bayer bought 70 Jewish slaves, for lab rats, they all died! But Bayer lives on!

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note the 666 in the IFPMA logo

they're just trolling us at this point

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Full of platitudes. Or, as Panther cartoonist Emory Douglass would create them saying "Oink, oink, OINK and then again OINK.

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