If these utterly and complete ignorant people weren't so utterly and freakingly STUPID and ARROGANT, the French revolution also had their "Year 1 of the revolutionary calendar" and then Pol Pot in Cambodia had his Khmer Rouge to erase history and reset Cambodian society to a zeroth year, removing any vestiges of the past. Gee.... how'd t…
If these utterly and complete ignorant people weren't so utterly and freakingly STUPID and ARROGANT, the French revolution also had their "Year 1 of the revolutionary calendar" and then Pol Pot in Cambodia had his Khmer Rouge to erase history and reset Cambodian society to a zeroth year, removing any vestiges of the past. Gee.... how'd that one end up?
Oh wait. Those that don't know history are doomed... of forget it. They are too arrogant to learn that one either...
These people are now utterly drunk with power... just as Hitler (and make no mistake, these people are also fascists, married with Marxism - I explain how they are combined here: https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism ) What arrogant steps are they taking, right now, as I write. I don't know, but I do know they are. I also know that they are spitting in the face of God and His creation, and as philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote in his eponymous book He is There, and He is Not Silent. Or read CS Lewis 75 yr old book That Hideous Strength, which prognosticated pretty much exactly what we see today.
Fact is, neither one ended well for the creators of it. As Jacques Mallet du Pan wrote about that day's WEF, the revolution always devours its own young (Lit. on his “Considerations on the Nature of the Revolution in France, “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants” )
You can ignore reality; but you cannot ignore the reality that comes from ignoring reality... which includes a real space/time God.
Bonne chance, mes amis en WEF. You thumb your nose at God at your own peril. Yes, I am 100% non-violent, and advocate following the law, but as Spurgeon wrote about God (actually the Bible, but meme chose ici) "Defend Him? You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.” Bonne chance, if you don't know French, means good luck. These guys will need it.
Oh yeah. There is actually a real Hell. Better to reign in Hell that serve in Heaven? Trust me, you won't think that when you get there. (Rocker David Crosby of CSNY and the Byrds said "Heaven is overrated" before he died. Really, David? How do you know? And what do you think NOW, David
Joni, a long time smoker, had a stroke (or something similar); saw her recently on some show. Wow! I just remember he as this lithe, willowy blonde from Saskatchewan.
We all get old! As they say, "'Tis only one life; twill soon be past; and only what's done for Christ will last."
Heaven is real and so is The Eternal Lake of Fire in Hell. I know where I am going. All these atheist will regret their turning away from our Almighty Creator with their rebellious hearts
If these utterly and complete ignorant people weren't so utterly and freakingly STUPID and ARROGANT, the French revolution also had their "Year 1 of the revolutionary calendar" and then Pol Pot in Cambodia had his Khmer Rouge to erase history and reset Cambodian society to a zeroth year, removing any vestiges of the past. Gee.... how'd that one end up?
Oh wait. Those that don't know history are doomed... of forget it. They are too arrogant to learn that one either...
These people are now utterly drunk with power... just as Hitler (and make no mistake, these people are also fascists, married with Marxism - I explain how they are combined here: https://blaisevanne.substack.com/p/introducing-fasco-marxism ) What arrogant steps are they taking, right now, as I write. I don't know, but I do know they are. I also know that they are spitting in the face of God and His creation, and as philosopher Francis Schaeffer wrote in his eponymous book He is There, and He is Not Silent. Or read CS Lewis 75 yr old book That Hideous Strength, which prognosticated pretty much exactly what we see today.
Fact is, neither one ended well for the creators of it. As Jacques Mallet du Pan wrote about that day's WEF, the revolution always devours its own young (Lit. on his “Considerations on the Nature of the Revolution in France, “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants” )
You can ignore reality; but you cannot ignore the reality that comes from ignoring reality... which includes a real space/time God.
Bonne chance, mes amis en WEF. You thumb your nose at God at your own peril. Yes, I am 100% non-violent, and advocate following the law, but as Spurgeon wrote about God (actually the Bible, but meme chose ici) "Defend Him? You don't have to defend a lion. All you have to do is let the lion loose, and the lion will defend itself.” Bonne chance, if you don't know French, means good luck. These guys will need it.
Oh yeah. There is actually a real Hell. Better to reign in Hell that serve in Heaven? Trust me, you won't think that when you get there. (Rocker David Crosby of CSNY and the Byrds said "Heaven is overrated" before he died. Really, David? How do you know? And what do you think NOW, David
Sadly woke and jabbed he was, just like Joni, Neil and others. Brainwashed beyond repair...
Neil has just become an evil, vile man.
Joni, a long time smoker, had a stroke (or something similar); saw her recently on some show. Wow! I just remember he as this lithe, willowy blonde from Saskatchewan.
We all get old! As they say, "'Tis only one life; twill soon be past; and only what's done for Christ will last."
Heaven is real and so is The Eternal Lake of Fire in Hell. I know where I am going. All these atheist will regret their turning away from our Almighty Creator with their rebellious hearts