When it comes to feared diseases, Lyme Disease is up there with the worst of them. However, there is a major problem with the mainstream story. The "new" disease only appeared in the 1970s with ticks and Borrelia "germs" subsequently being blamed soon after.
It is time to expose the scientific papers that this whole thing is based upon and point out another fundamental problem: how can this 'disease' possibly be diagnosed?
This is an important topic because the marketing campaigns involving ticks as the cause of a big epidemic and even as potential "bio-weapons" have already begun...
Dr. Nass, please do your own research. You know as well as we do that there was no lab virus and no lab leak. You can call us names( no virus trolls) all you want. It will not change the truth: They are developing toxins and poisons, but not pathogens.
“Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture. Therefore, no virus can possibly satisfy Koch’s postulates. However, we repeat that these postulates are not a logical necessity. If they are not fulfilled, the question of disease causation must be settled in some other manner.”
This is the basis of the no-virus fringe: require an impossible condition for proof, then when the impossible condition isn’t met, QED.
Lets take this one ‘virus‘ at a time. What's your proof of SARS-COV-2? Does it involve a PCR postive result, poisoning of cell cultures with antibiotics to induce cytopathic effects and conducting no control??
Nope, Koch was a germ theorist who formulated the postulates. Germ Theorists have never been able to satisfy their own demands so have engaged in watering the postulates down or doing away with them altogether. Now, its enough for a viroliegist to claim he/she has a virus by poisoning cell cultures with antibiotics to induce cytopathic effects and simply claiming a ‘virus‘ to be the cause.
Naturally, no control is performed as this would upset the beauty of their circular reasoning.
Funny coming from someone who simply drinks the Koolaid and cultishly believes what they are told. Anyone who doesn't at least consider another ideology, much less questions pretty much everything we've been spoon fed, is not a serious participant in any conversation.
Observing a virus under a microscope is DATA. All those in your camp throw out those financial offers, but Steve Kirsch threw out an offer on the topic and no one took him up on it. It is just silly at this point to bait and trap.
100%. The current science cannot create a virus in the lab that can create a pandemic, period. Nor do viruses" jump from species to species. This is why the press/gov't loves the "natural origin vs. lab leak argument" because it doesn't matter--the important thing is that you believe there are deadly pathogens that can cause pandemics. That is the MESSAGE they want us to receive.
Dr. Nass, trying to convince virus disbelievers that viruses exist, is like trying to convince my neighbours that Pfizer shots are not safe or effective, it won't work, they are locked into an ideology that has resulted in closed mindedness. No matter the proof you present, they will keep returning to the same loop that propagandized their minds in the first place.
I have plenty, you are the one without alternate reasonable explanations with proof as to what is causing symptoms that scientists attribute to contagion. The virus denialism narrative will not thrive ever, because there is no substance to it.
It's Team Virus that doesn't believe viruses can be isolated. Team No Virus has seen no evidence of viral isolation. If you have a paper please cite. Lemme know exactly where in the methods section isolation was acheived. You choose the ‘virus.‘ Fair?
Not even photographs of viruses is evidence of existence capable of changing the alleged minds of these flat-earthers of biological science. There were clear photos of viruses that have in fact been isolated appearing in one of Dr. Malone's recent substack posts. Yes, isolated viruses, but you've got this strange chorus of deniers saying that we're just seeing "artifacts," and endless "sea lioning" behavior (endless questions where you have to show ALL of the research done over time, of which the sea lions can never be convinced).
Yes, I read his article and saw the images. I studied some virology at college. I guess the profs were drawing pics on the white board of alien spaceships, I dunno! All the virus deniers are caught in the same loop, and it is so limited, and they cannot offer an alternative scientific explanation for symptoms of contagion that make sense.
In all fairness, how do you know what you are seeing is anything that you say it is?--other people are telling you what you see and I for one, have had enough of that. I saw Muslim terrorists destroy the twin towers with two airplanes on tv--that was bullshit. I saw a ludicrous tin can land on the moon in 1969 and call Nixon on his landline--that was bullshit. So pardon me if I do not take the word of a lab interpretation of a swirl on a glass slide.
And PS: Malone is a deep state shill who was catapulted to the top of the conversation the day the first victim from the poison shots died.
You studied virology?? LOL 😀 You should ask for a refund!! Virology invented itself as a field witout having any virus. Just one example of the field‘s nonsense. So called West Nile River virus was concluded to exist after a whitecoat injected the blood of a Ugandan woman who had a high fever directly into the brains of 8 rabbits who became poorly. Conclusion: the ‘virus‘ caused that. You can't make this shit up!!
Thank you for the work you do in researching the posts you do.
I think there will be some, for their own strange reasons, that will deny anything that is proven to be true just because it is not what they want to believe.
You will always run into this but remember the larger number who are listening and willing to think beyond what they have been told.
They found fault with Columbus too when he said the world was not flat!
Ignore them, good Dr. Not worth the energy you can so better devote to your work.
I hear dr Cowen may have new ideas on how the lungs don't absorb O2 .... and also on electrons... which is very interesting as no one has seen an electron so..... lol
Dr's Cowan, Kaufman, Baileys, Yeadon have unwittingly gone down the wrong rabbit hole, and many are now confused. I think the 'terrain theory' and 'new German medicine' has created the bias in Dr. Cowan's mind. He wrote the 'myth of contagion' but contagion is very real to all those who contract symptoms from others, like those who develop herpetic lesions after sleeping with someone who has herpetic lesions on their genitals. Contagion is the answer here not coincidence. Jeremy Hammond wrote a great article pointing out the book's 'wrong think.'
No-virus people aren't impressed by accusations of 'wrong think'. Cite valid scientific evidence of a virus and contagion, if it exists. The onus is on the virus and contagion fear-mongers. And fyi, ending up with skin issues after rubbing up against someone isn't evidence that a sub-microscopic replication-competent 'virus' is to blame. You'll have to do much better than that.
You will have to do better and explain the appearance of herpes on someone who had recent contact with someone with those symptoms. You can't. Show some scientific evidence as to the cause of herpes other than a virus, you can't.
No I don't, because you're the one making a positive claim that something exists and causes something to happen, not me. There is zero onus on me, just as I don't need to prove that something other than the Lock Ness Monster causes waves in the water.
Also, there is zero logical reason to assume that there is 1 and only 1 cause for all the symptoms labelled "herpes". All I need to do is point out your lack of valid evidence.
And space badgers. These are one tenth the size of viruses but the badgerogists have done gain of function on their laser cannon capability. Now one space badger can take out an entire cell in 3 minutes.
I think people who have not studied virology, or any biological sciences for that matter are at a disadvantage in debating the subject. Virologists who work in labs, day in day out, year in year out, must be frustrated at being told they are studying 'nothing' by those with little education on the actual science.
These same people recommend the flu vaccine, and also argue that the mere presence of antibodies prove their vaccines work in some way. I see no reason to take them seriouosly, even if they work in the labs, day in and day out, living off my tax money.
A virus can still exist, but this appeal to authority doesn't work.
as a virologist who worked mainly with respiratory viruses, I do not recommend the flu shot. In fact, I agree that the flu shot is not a vaccine but simply an immune booster. You should be careful about making general and broad sweeping statements without evidence.
Thank You, I have never taken these shots, doesn't make sense to me. When I was kid my mother has us four kids get school shots, after two of us got Whooping Cough, she stopped vaccines after that and I have not taken them since. Also, did not have my kids take them.
For me they mean developing the Flu before we were home from the doctor's office, 2 weeks of H. 76, only 2 Flu shots for 'the worst 2 ones'. Otherwise never had the flu. Bronchitis as I got older has been an issue, easly fixed with Allergy meds, Amocicilian and Tessalon Perles. No C jabs, just supplements, added in Qucertin and Quinine Bark. No colds since. 1 case of PEELZ food poisoning. Wonder why the sticker came off the oranges?
I don't think our taxes are paying the scientists. Pharma reps are making the recommendations. Pharma is corrupt. Scientists working in labs generally are focused on the science. If there is a conflict of interest, where the scientist is working for Pfizer rather than an independent lab, then I wouldn't trust them either. But there are many scientists I would trust.
The flu vaccine is a scam that came out of virology, and continues to do so each year with the blessing of their major regulatory bodies. If virologists actually get that stuff injected into themselves each year, I have doubts about their understanding of the field they work in.
While I am sure that there are labs with working staff on Salary, The NIH controls Billions of dollars every year and these funds are NIH Funding Contracts specifically to Labs all over the Country. The Scientists in the Labs, and their Universities petition to get the Grants for the work they have been given or appointed this is also true of the private Sector labs., these funds are Federal Funds, State Funds., and some Philanthropic Funds.
As with any group or Industry there are no absolutes. I believe there are thousands that go into scientific work initially with the purpose of helping and to build a great career - I mean we were raised with the concept "become a Doctor or Marry a Doctor". Unfortunately, some of the historic families that created the Centralized Control over the Industry have also created the agencies the control the heads of these agencies. Example: The Rockefeller Foundation funded the first Psychiatric School in The United States, and controlled the media surrounding it, the same with The Cancer Industry. In doing some research you find the media was used to silence opposition to their control just as what happened with Standard Oil. There has never been any biological proof of "mental illness" and the thousands of diagnosis that the Industry makes Billions of dollars on by virtue of their controlled narrative, the Psychiatric Industry has what is called The DSM Manuel that they created with thousands of labels to ling to their newest poisonous mind altering drugs, based on "majority vote" not based on any biological testing or proof., yes people are witnessed doing strange things - acting out of alignment on what society deems acceptable, but that does not mean it is "all in their head", many mental issues stem from physical pain and environmental toxins, diet etc. adversely affecting ones ability to think clearly. The Cancer Industry has expanded to major Cancer Facilities in every State with Billions in Federal Funding with a 1% Success Rate. I once watched a symposium, it was about four years ago by an oncologist that said in the Cancer Industry we are trained that if we see something on an exray and we don't know what it is we call it "cancer". IMO that 1% Success rate may be people that didn't have cancer in the first place and if they did doing a biopsy is the last thing that should have been done as that would spread the cancer and that is the first thing that the Oncologist is trained to do a "biopsy". I could go on. But the Rockefeller Foundation has been the sponsor for many "experimental injections" including the injections to our military at Ft. Riley before "the Spanish flu" when these soldiers went to Europe infected and caused that epidemic. Netherlands researcher Janet Aussabaard did that research. The Rockefellers funded The Flexner Report in 1910 to basically put out and dismantle natural medicine Doctors all over the United States.
Roger McFilllin has a good substack on the harms of SSRI's etc....Yes, most cancer treatments fail. The Rockefellers set up today's failed medical system. I order my homoeopathic remedies from London, too difficult to get them here now. We don't have a health care system.
25 years ago, I read this book: Emerging Viruses:AIDS and Ebola:nature, accident or intentional. He did his research, he found the scientists reports of the development of the AIDS virus and the supped up Ebola virus developed in the USA. I believed it. Until now. Just because some scientist wrote it up doesn’t mean it’s real. What is real, there is no good scientific evidence that supports germ theory.
Empirical evidence has shown that people who tested positive for HIV for the most part died until the antiviral cocktails were refined. The mortality rates fell then. Cause and effect example. When you see people around you die after HIV positive tests, it seems foolish to believe someone who says HIV does not exist.
Exactly. They started to die when they were told they were sick and talked into taking AZT. That was the cause of death. Read AIDS inc., and the work of the Perth Group. Watch House of Numbers. Houseofnumbers.com
You are so mistaken and so are those books. I have had two family members die who had positive HIV tests and neither took AZT. It does not get more tangible than that, far more real than your belief in a book.
Thanks for your interesting post. The following evidence for viruses in a link below is not persuasive:
" 1. The particles of many viruses have very characteristic shapes that are not likely to be confused with any particles produced by living cells, or with debris left behind by dead cells.
2.There are many biochemical methods for characterizing viral particles, and moreover for establishing that they contain genetic information characteristic of the virus rather than the host cell culture.
3. Not all viruses can easily be grown in cell cultures. Those which cannot are indeed routinely propagated in, and directly isolated from, laboratory animals."
In number one, what have "shapes" got to do with it? In number two, how does the writer know what is "characteristic" of the thing he seeks to establish? In number three "isolated" is not explained - what is "isolated"?
If viruses exist then surely there must be better evidence than this. The explanation for viral existence is the effect it might cause. This amounts to saying that viruses must exist, and cause sickness, since people get sick. This is an empty circle where nothing is explained. Same fallacy is rife throughout science.
My family will not be injecting anything on the basis of "evidence" of this quality.
The evidence of harm from vaccines, and other drugs, on the other hand, is iron clad and irrefutable.
Just how brainwashed do you have to be to believe fairy stories from those who are liability free and making huge money and disbelieve your own eyes and the warnings of brothers and sisters?
After seeing countless 'health' agencies fail to provide evidence of any virus in response to Christine's staggering number of FOIA requests, I've come to realize: ‘virology‘ has a serious independent variable problem. Apologies for taking so long to get there.
Giant viruses can be simply viewed under a microscope. Viruses are a crucial part of our marine ecosystem. We have more oxygen in the air because of them. Don't need Koch or FOIA answers to see the bloody virus under the scope.
Giant virus is a misnomer. It's biological role has not been shown to be one of parasitism:
…the so-called giant viruses, i.e. an enwrapped nucleic acid that can be found everywhere in the sea and in basic organisms. Like all bacterial phages, not only are they
harmless, but they have beneficial functions. They can be also isolated by using the density gradient centrifugation, which proves their existence
No probs! I'm ok with bad language. Please could you cite a paper for any giant ‘virus.‘ I‘d like to take a look at the methods section. It would be greatly appreciated.
No but it gets my BS meter going when I see legitimate requests get stonewalled. Scientist need to show proof of their work to be taken seriously. Saying "Trust me, I know what I am doing" doesn't cut it.
Neither is poisoning cell cultures to induce cytopathic effects. The responses to the FOIAs can be summed up like this, “Sorry, we have no evidence of the virus you're inquiring about.“
I just want someone to explain how a virus "leaked" out of a lab in Wuhan and spread around the WORLD in like, a month? HOW does that happen? Is it what you would call it a PANDEMIC of PROPAGANDA?
I think some of the workers in the lab became ill. It happened long before it came to the media's attention. I picked a family member up from the airport a few weeks ago, they became ill in China, a few days later I became ill with the same symptoms. That is how fast it can move in a world where travel is common.
All those familiar with the Truth about the 9/11 CIA attack on America will understand, knowing how demented our Psychopath, Malthusian Globalitarian Misanthropist Rulers are. An excellent new update on 9/11 yesterday:
"...Over the past six months, the International Center for 9/11 Justice (IC911) has embarked on the first stage of an in-depth study into what took place in the skies on September 11, 2001.
Today, IC911 and UK Column are delighted to announce an online symposium to be held on September 8, 2024, 6:00–10:00 PM UK, where we will commemorate the 23rd anniversary of that horrible day and share IC911’s research to date. The symposium will evaluate three key claims of the US government’s account:
That the alleged 9/11 hijackers could so smoothly and successfully commandeer all four airliners;
That the alleged hijacker pilots could successfully fly three of the aircraft into their intended targets;
That US air defenses failed to intercept the hijacked planes due to communication breakdowns and bad luck.
IC911 Research Director Dr. Piers Robinson will introduce the four-hour livestream event. Captain Dan Hanley, a pilot of 35 years and founder of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers, will speak about the importance of getting the world to understand that Muslim terrorists did not fly the planes on 9/11. Following their remarks, there will be four presentations..."
Can you explain EXACTLY how this virus "leaked" out? Aerosol spraying all over the world? Someone leave a window open? Just saying it "leaked out" is meaningless.
Who said anything about "leaked out"? Can't you read? I said deliberately and maliciously released around the World. And likely they used aerosol spraying devices. Bioweapon researchers have figured out many devious methods of spreading their WMDs.
I think it's fair to say that the previous experiment to mutate Sarscov1 leaked from the Wuhan Institute (which has had multiple leaks in the past).
This GOF was secretly funded by then NIH Director Tony Fauci, who had a personal connection with Shi Xiuli, to conduct research, because GOF experiments were prohibited by law in the US.
Fauci himself said he knew nothing about it in his congressional testimony, but the Chinese Communist Party will likely keep it hidden because it would be bad for them to be criticized by the world. They're a communist party, so they're experts at hiding things.
Fauci also thought the Chinese Communist Party would cover it up too.
There is no chaos, there is biowarfare, Kalergi warfare, neoWeimar warfare, and Tavistock warfare, all easily neutralized, by arresting and prosecuting a few hundred WEF-BRlCS terrorists.
Lab created clones DO appear in flu vax and livestock vaccines. That is deployment, not escape. The deployment of vaccines to cause autoimmune response to common foods, like beef, is textbook biowarfare. LiMeng is aware of this 2018 deployment.
When horses and cattle started dropping dead from scheduled vaccines in 2018, from the same array of sudden-onset and crhronic diseases killing people, it was obvious that the placebo level was too low to escape notice of veterinary clinics and Department of Agriculture regulators. Videos of farmers reporting the damage made social media, despite the cover-up.
No, never heard of the flat earth society! I believed whole heartedly in viruses and biowarfare. When I heard that viruses and virology was a house of cards built on quick sand I was stunned. Then I started looking into it. When I realized they were correct, my whole world shattered. How could this be? Surely there is something out there attacking us? No, there is no pathogen causing illness. Illness like health is a complex puzzle. There is no one thing making us sick or getting us better. 100+ years of propaganda! It’s tough to wrap your head around. The prize: freedom. There is no proof anywhere, ever, that pathogens cause illness.
Re: No Virus ... aware of and engaged in the HIV debacle from the beginning - friends died up to '93 - and being HIV+ for 11years, personal experience renders the no virus myth as folly.
Lose 1/3 of your body weight; experience persistent stomach issues for 5years; lose muscle mass ... then tell me there is no virus.
Not given to joining a movement any longer, and being highly critical of mass-mind-concensus, concluding the HIV virus was a trial project for later virus depoplulation programmes is a no brainer.
Governments the world over are corrupt with intentions spoon fed them by those in power not seen.
Comments such as the one made by "Sylvie" reveal lack of respect, and are obviously bots / trolls lacking discernment, communication etiquette and basic humane capacity to engage. Preferring to lob out "do this." Poor form.
Appreciation for your relentless endeavours to expose the government and health corruption. Thank you Dr. Nass.
Lyme disease belongs at the top of your list.
The Lyme Disease Lie
When it comes to feared diseases, Lyme Disease is up there with the worst of them. However, there is a major problem with the mainstream story. The "new" disease only appeared in the 1970s with ticks and Borrelia "germs" subsequently being blamed soon after.
It is time to expose the scientific papers that this whole thing is based upon and point out another fundamental problem: how can this 'disease' possibly be diagnosed?
This is an important topic because the marketing campaigns involving ticks as the cause of a big epidemic and even as potential "bio-weapons" have already begun...
👉 Watch the new video HERE.
Dr. Nass, please do your own research. You know as well as we do that there was no lab virus and no lab leak. You can call us names( no virus trolls) all you want. It will not change the truth: They are developing toxins and poisons, but not pathogens.
Dr. Nass's no-virus fans would do well to read this short article, which nicely addresses their thesis: https://doctors4covidethics.org/do-viruses-exist/
You should watch Tom Cowan's response to this paper.
“Viruses, by their very nature, can only multiply within living cells but not in pure culture. Therefore, no virus can possibly satisfy Koch’s postulates. However, we repeat that these postulates are not a logical necessity. If they are not fulfilled, the question of disease causation must be settled in some other manner.”
This is the basis of the no-virus fringe: require an impossible condition for proof, then when the impossible condition isn’t met, QED.
Lets take this one ‘virus‘ at a time. What's your proof of SARS-COV-2? Does it involve a PCR postive result, poisoning of cell cultures with antibiotics to induce cytopathic effects and conducting no control??
Nope, Koch was a germ theorist who formulated the postulates. Germ Theorists have never been able to satisfy their own demands so have engaged in watering the postulates down or doing away with them altogether. Now, its enough for a viroliegist to claim he/she has a virus by poisoning cell cultures with antibiotics to induce cytopathic effects and simply claiming a ‘virus‘ to be the cause.
Naturally, no control is performed as this would upset the beauty of their circular reasoning.
You still talking?
Funny coming from someone who simply drinks the Koolaid and cultishly believes what they are told. Anyone who doesn't at least consider another ideology, much less questions pretty much everything we've been spoon fed, is not a serious participant in any conversation.
No Virus doesn’t have ‘fans’. Just as ‘No Santa’ doesn’t have ‘fans’
No Santa, No Virus Evidence are both awareness of the evidence.
At this stage being unaware of the purely in silico nature of virus genomes is an extraordinary position to dig into.
Great explanation on contagion.
Contagion the myth. 220 years of 100% failed transmission experiments. Maintaining belief in this superstition at this stage is wild.
Tom Cowan's theory is wild, but he is allowed to have it.
A) It’s not a theory. It’s an observation of DATA
B) It’s nothing to with Tom. It’s hard reality.
C) I notice you ignored my offer if £3000 Rita
D) Funny that.
Observing a virus under a microscope is DATA. All those in your camp throw out those financial offers, but Steve Kirsch threw out an offer on the topic and no one took him up on it. It is just silly at this point to bait and trap.
Great link.
Thanks for THAT link !
It is a Goliath !!!
If Dr. Nass knows there was no lab virus, why would she write this article. Your comment does not make sense. I say that in all seriousness.
You can't reach members of the Good Club... They're too busy doing good
100%. The current science cannot create a virus in the lab that can create a pandemic, period. Nor do viruses" jump from species to species. This is why the press/gov't loves the "natural origin vs. lab leak argument" because it doesn't matter--the important thing is that you believe there are deadly pathogens that can cause pandemics. That is the MESSAGE they want us to receive.
Wow, what a presumptive postulation. But WE know even better than YOU do what tune you're playing, and maybe even who's paying you pipers ;-)
Dr. Nass, trying to convince virus disbelievers that viruses exist, is like trying to convince my neighbours that Pfizer shots are not safe or effective, it won't work, they are locked into an ideology that has resulted in closed mindedness. No matter the proof you present, they will keep returning to the same loop that propagandized their minds in the first place.
I can't think of anything more close minded than the following set of dogmas viroliegists rely on to ‘prove‘ their circular reasoning:
1. A PCR postive result is taken as proof of the existence of a ‘virus‘
2. Poisoning cell cultures to induce cytopathic effects without conducting a control is taken as proof of ‘viral‘ replication
3. Sticking some arrows on an EM image and declaring its XYZ virus without ever having isolated one
Virology has always been junk science.
If you don't believe a virus can be isolated, which you are entitled to believe, that is the end of the conversation.
Monkepox is in vogue. Please cite a paper for it and lemme know where in the methods section it was isolated. Fair?
I don't have to prove anything to virus deniers. You keep on believing what you want. I will do the same.
You mean you can't. You don't have any evidence.
I have plenty, you are the one without alternate reasonable explanations with proof as to what is causing symptoms that scientists attribute to contagion. The virus denialism narrative will not thrive ever, because there is no substance to it.
It's Team Virus that doesn't believe viruses can be isolated. Team No Virus has seen no evidence of viral isolation. If you have a paper please cite. Lemme know exactly where in the methods section isolation was acheived. You choose the ‘virus.‘ Fair?
....they can be seen under a microscope. And this one, measuring 1.5 micrometres in length, is the biggest that has ever been found....-BBC
There’s no such thing as a ‘virus disbeliever’ or a ‘Santa believer’
Those aware of DATA falsifying hypotheses or of the 100% lack of evidence in the real world for a story are not believing anything.
It is those who believe Santa or virus genomes exist in physical reality who are the believers.
Eventually, as with the ‘Climate Emergency’ all will come to understand the details of this preposterous pseudoscience.
You are entitled to your opinion.
Thank you but I politely refuse.
I refuse to do opinion.
I stick to DATA and MODEL amassing.both.
It’s purely about ferreting out the green stuff and the pink stuff and keeping them separate.
Viruses are pure pink stuff. Just a story
I think when you see a virus under a microscope that falls into the green stuff.
Maybe some day someone will do that.
First they will have to.
Isolate and purify a pure sample of a pathogen.
See its uniformity under an electron microscope.
1) See it’s presence in the bodily fluids of a certain ‘disease’
2) Not see it in those without the disease.
3) Recreate the disease by putting it into another specimen
4) Take fluids from the infected person.
5) Find it there.
These are Koch’s postulates.
Excellent excellent proper science.
Nothing has ever passed any if them
Using Koch's postulates to prove the existence of viruses is a faulty yardstick. You are suffering from the Dunning - Kruger effect.
Not even photographs of viruses is evidence of existence capable of changing the alleged minds of these flat-earthers of biological science. There were clear photos of viruses that have in fact been isolated appearing in one of Dr. Malone's recent substack posts. Yes, isolated viruses, but you've got this strange chorus of deniers saying that we're just seeing "artifacts," and endless "sea lioning" behavior (endless questions where you have to show ALL of the research done over time, of which the sea lions can never be convinced).
LOL 😀 And how did he acquire this photo? Please describe the steps taken to isolate that ‘virus.‘ Was the first step a postive PCR test?
Yes, I read his article and saw the images. I studied some virology at college. I guess the profs were drawing pics on the white board of alien spaceships, I dunno! All the virus deniers are caught in the same loop, and it is so limited, and they cannot offer an alternative scientific explanation for symptoms of contagion that make sense.
In all fairness, how do you know what you are seeing is anything that you say it is?--other people are telling you what you see and I for one, have had enough of that. I saw Muslim terrorists destroy the twin towers with two airplanes on tv--that was bullshit. I saw a ludicrous tin can land on the moon in 1969 and call Nixon on his landline--that was bullshit. So pardon me if I do not take the word of a lab interpretation of a swirl on a glass slide.
And PS: Malone is a deep state shill who was catapulted to the top of the conversation the day the first victim from the poison shots died.
You studied virology?? LOL 😀 You should ask for a refund!! Virology invented itself as a field witout having any virus. Just one example of the field‘s nonsense. So called West Nile River virus was concluded to exist after a whitecoat injected the blood of a Ugandan woman who had a high fever directly into the brains of 8 rabbits who became poorly. Conclusion: the ‘virus‘ caused that. You can't make this shit up!!
Thank you for the work you do in researching the posts you do.
I think there will be some, for their own strange reasons, that will deny anything that is proven to be true just because it is not what they want to believe.
You will always run into this but remember the larger number who are listening and willing to think beyond what they have been told.
They found fault with Columbus too when he said the world was not flat!
Ignore them, good Dr. Not worth the energy you can so better devote to your work.
I hear dr Cowen may have new ideas on how the lungs don't absorb O2 .... and also on electrons... which is very interesting as no one has seen an electron so..... lol
Dr's Cowan, Kaufman, Baileys, Yeadon have unwittingly gone down the wrong rabbit hole, and many are now confused. I think the 'terrain theory' and 'new German medicine' has created the bias in Dr. Cowan's mind. He wrote the 'myth of contagion' but contagion is very real to all those who contract symptoms from others, like those who develop herpetic lesions after sleeping with someone who has herpetic lesions on their genitals. Contagion is the answer here not coincidence. Jeremy Hammond wrote a great article pointing out the book's 'wrong think.'
No-virus people aren't impressed by accusations of 'wrong think'. Cite valid scientific evidence of a virus and contagion, if it exists. The onus is on the virus and contagion fear-mongers. And fyi, ending up with skin issues after rubbing up against someone isn't evidence that a sub-microscopic replication-competent 'virus' is to blame. You'll have to do much better than that.
You will have to do better and explain the appearance of herpes on someone who had recent contact with someone with those symptoms. You can't. Show some scientific evidence as to the cause of herpes other than a virus, you can't.
No I don't, because you're the one making a positive claim that something exists and causes something to happen, not me. There is zero onus on me, just as I don't need to prove that something other than the Lock Ness Monster causes waves in the water.
Also, there is zero logical reason to assume that there is 1 and only 1 cause for all the symptoms labelled "herpes". All I need to do is point out your lack of valid evidence.
I think you are deluded, but so be it.
In other words you can't cite any valid evidence. Don't feel too badly, neither can anyone else.
If I accuse you of having my phone in your pocket and you show me your pocket is empty and I turn round and say
“No good. You have to show me whose pocket the phone is”
You will think me a buffoon.
I think you are a buffoon.
The feeling is mutual.
Yes, but then again, you also believe in fairy tales so you’ll excuse me if your insult appears ludicrous.
Terrain is not a theory. It is ‘Germ’ that is the falsified hypothesis.
It’s a silly superstition to maintain at this point.
Thank God Ignaz Semmelweiz was superstitious then!
No. He helped save a lot of lives
The doctors would move from handling corpses and toxic embalming and other fluids straight to handling births, wounds….
Important to minimise toxins. .
Yes, important to minimize the toxic effects of pathogens.
And space badgers. These are one tenth the size of viruses but the badgerogists have done gain of function on their laser cannon capability. Now one space badger can take out an entire cell in 3 minutes.
I think people who have not studied virology, or any biological sciences for that matter are at a disadvantage in debating the subject. Virologists who work in labs, day in day out, year in year out, must be frustrated at being told they are studying 'nothing' by those with little education on the actual science.
These same people recommend the flu vaccine, and also argue that the mere presence of antibodies prove their vaccines work in some way. I see no reason to take them seriouosly, even if they work in the labs, day in and day out, living off my tax money.
A virus can still exist, but this appeal to authority doesn't work.
as a virologist who worked mainly with respiratory viruses, I do not recommend the flu shot. In fact, I agree that the flu shot is not a vaccine but simply an immune booster. You should be careful about making general and broad sweeping statements without evidence.
This is where I differ from virologists. You call it an immune booster, and I call it a scam that potentially damages the body.
Thank You, I have never taken these shots, doesn't make sense to me. When I was kid my mother has us four kids get school shots, after two of us got Whooping Cough, she stopped vaccines after that and I have not taken them since. Also, did not have my kids take them.
For me they mean developing the Flu before we were home from the doctor's office, 2 weeks of H. 76, only 2 Flu shots for 'the worst 2 ones'. Otherwise never had the flu. Bronchitis as I got older has been an issue, easly fixed with Allergy meds, Amocicilian and Tessalon Perles. No C jabs, just supplements, added in Qucertin and Quinine Bark. No colds since. 1 case of PEELZ food poisoning. Wonder why the sticker came off the oranges?
I don't think our taxes are paying the scientists. Pharma reps are making the recommendations. Pharma is corrupt. Scientists working in labs generally are focused on the science. If there is a conflict of interest, where the scientist is working for Pfizer rather than an independent lab, then I wouldn't trust them either. But there are many scientists I would trust.
Do they get the flu shot?
I don't understand your point?
The flu vaccine is a scam that came out of virology, and continues to do so each year with the blessing of their major regulatory bodies. If virologists actually get that stuff injected into themselves each year, I have doubts about their understanding of the field they work in.
Hi Rita,
While I am sure that there are labs with working staff on Salary, The NIH controls Billions of dollars every year and these funds are NIH Funding Contracts specifically to Labs all over the Country. The Scientists in the Labs, and their Universities petition to get the Grants for the work they have been given or appointed this is also true of the private Sector labs., these funds are Federal Funds, State Funds., and some Philanthropic Funds.
So true, but do you think scientists are all corrupt, the everyday guy in a lab who realizes something is off?
Hi Rita,
As with any group or Industry there are no absolutes. I believe there are thousands that go into scientific work initially with the purpose of helping and to build a great career - I mean we were raised with the concept "become a Doctor or Marry a Doctor". Unfortunately, some of the historic families that created the Centralized Control over the Industry have also created the agencies the control the heads of these agencies. Example: The Rockefeller Foundation funded the first Psychiatric School in The United States, and controlled the media surrounding it, the same with The Cancer Industry. In doing some research you find the media was used to silence opposition to their control just as what happened with Standard Oil. There has never been any biological proof of "mental illness" and the thousands of diagnosis that the Industry makes Billions of dollars on by virtue of their controlled narrative, the Psychiatric Industry has what is called The DSM Manuel that they created with thousands of labels to ling to their newest poisonous mind altering drugs, based on "majority vote" not based on any biological testing or proof., yes people are witnessed doing strange things - acting out of alignment on what society deems acceptable, but that does not mean it is "all in their head", many mental issues stem from physical pain and environmental toxins, diet etc. adversely affecting ones ability to think clearly. The Cancer Industry has expanded to major Cancer Facilities in every State with Billions in Federal Funding with a 1% Success Rate. I once watched a symposium, it was about four years ago by an oncologist that said in the Cancer Industry we are trained that if we see something on an exray and we don't know what it is we call it "cancer". IMO that 1% Success rate may be people that didn't have cancer in the first place and if they did doing a biopsy is the last thing that should have been done as that would spread the cancer and that is the first thing that the Oncologist is trained to do a "biopsy". I could go on. But the Rockefeller Foundation has been the sponsor for many "experimental injections" including the injections to our military at Ft. Riley before "the Spanish flu" when these soldiers went to Europe infected and caused that epidemic. Netherlands researcher Janet Aussabaard did that research. The Rockefellers funded The Flexner Report in 1910 to basically put out and dismantle natural medicine Doctors all over the United States.
Roger McFilllin has a good substack on the harms of SSRI's etc....Yes, most cancer treatments fail. The Rockefellers set up today's failed medical system. I order my homoeopathic remedies from London, too difficult to get them here now. We don't have a health care system.
Sorry for the typos folks, I updated it but it didn't save it.
Virology is not a science! It’s a set of dogmas.
Prove it.
A PCR postive result is taken as proof of the existence of a ‘virus‘
Poisoning of cell cultures to induce cytopathic effects without conducting a control is taken as proof of ‘viral‘ replication
Sticking some arrows on an EM image and declaring its XYZ virus without ever having isolated one
Giant viruses can be viewed easily, no need for PCR test.
25 years ago, I read this book: Emerging Viruses:AIDS and Ebola:nature, accident or intentional. He did his research, he found the scientists reports of the development of the AIDS virus and the supped up Ebola virus developed in the USA. I believed it. Until now. Just because some scientist wrote it up doesn’t mean it’s real. What is real, there is no good scientific evidence that supports germ theory.
Empirical evidence has shown that people who tested positive for HIV for the most part died until the antiviral cocktails were refined. The mortality rates fell then. Cause and effect example. When you see people around you die after HIV positive tests, it seems foolish to believe someone who says HIV does not exist.
Exactly. They started to die when they were told they were sick and talked into taking AZT. That was the cause of death. Read AIDS inc., and the work of the Perth Group. Watch House of Numbers. Houseofnumbers.com
You are so mistaken and so are those books. I have had two family members die who had positive HIV tests and neither took AZT. It does not get more tangible than that, far more real than your belief in a book.
Thanks for your interesting post. The following evidence for viruses in a link below is not persuasive:
" 1. The particles of many viruses have very characteristic shapes that are not likely to be confused with any particles produced by living cells, or with debris left behind by dead cells.
2.There are many biochemical methods for characterizing viral particles, and moreover for establishing that they contain genetic information characteristic of the virus rather than the host cell culture.
3. Not all viruses can easily be grown in cell cultures. Those which cannot are indeed routinely propagated in, and directly isolated from, laboratory animals."
In number one, what have "shapes" got to do with it? In number two, how does the writer know what is "characteristic" of the thing he seeks to establish? In number three "isolated" is not explained - what is "isolated"?
If viruses exist then surely there must be better evidence than this. The explanation for viral existence is the effect it might cause. This amounts to saying that viruses must exist, and cause sickness, since people get sick. This is an empty circle where nothing is explained. Same fallacy is rife throughout science.
My family will not be injecting anything on the basis of "evidence" of this quality.
The evidence of harm from vaccines, and other drugs, on the other hand, is iron clad and irrefutable.
Just how brainwashed do you have to be to believe fairy stories from those who are liability free and making huge money and disbelieve your own eyes and the warnings of brothers and sisters?
After seeing countless 'health' agencies fail to provide evidence of any virus in response to Christine's staggering number of FOIA requests, I've come to realize: ‘virology‘ has a serious independent variable problem. Apologies for taking so long to get there.
Giant viruses can be simply viewed under a microscope. Viruses are a crucial part of our marine ecosystem. We have more oxygen in the air because of them. Don't need Koch or FOIA answers to see the bloody virus under the scope.
Giant virus is a misnomer. It's biological role has not been shown to be one of parasitism:
…the so-called giant viruses, i.e. an enwrapped nucleic acid that can be found everywhere in the sea and in basic organisms. Like all bacterial phages, not only are they
harmless, but they have beneficial functions. They can be also isolated by using the density gradient centrifugation, which proves their existence
A misnomer according to who? Are you saying you don't consider a virus a virus if it is harmless?
Giant virus is a misnomer because it refers to a fictional entity that is much smaller, that has not been proven to exist.
It isn't a misnomer, but if you want to say that you can you just did.
So, new chimp on the block, monkeypox. How was that isolated?
By the way I say 'bloody' tongue in cheek, no animosity here.
No probs! I'm ok with bad language. Please could you cite a paper for any giant ‘virus.‘ I‘d like to take a look at the methods section. It would be greatly appreciated.
Not getting a FOIA response is not evidence.
No but it gets my BS meter going when I see legitimate requests get stonewalled. Scientist need to show proof of their work to be taken seriously. Saying "Trust me, I know what I am doing" doesn't cut it.
Neither is poisoning cell cultures to induce cytopathic effects. The responses to the FOIAs can be summed up like this, “Sorry, we have no evidence of the virus you're inquiring about.“
I just want someone to explain how a virus "leaked" out of a lab in Wuhan and spread around the WORLD in like, a month? HOW does that happen? Is it what you would call it a PANDEMIC of PROPAGANDA?
I think some of the workers in the lab became ill. It happened long before it came to the media's attention. I picked a family member up from the airport a few weeks ago, they became ill in China, a few days later I became ill with the same symptoms. That is how fast it can move in a world where travel is common.
There is zero doubt this virus was spread maliciously and deliberately. Ron Unz has a good article documenting the evidence:
All those familiar with the Truth about the 9/11 CIA attack on America will understand, knowing how demented our Psychopath, Malthusian Globalitarian Misanthropist Rulers are. An excellent new update on 9/11 yesterday:
"...Over the past six months, the International Center for 9/11 Justice (IC911) has embarked on the first stage of an in-depth study into what took place in the skies on September 11, 2001.
Today, IC911 and UK Column are delighted to announce an online symposium to be held on September 8, 2024, 6:00–10:00 PM UK, where we will commemorate the 23rd anniversary of that horrible day and share IC911’s research to date. The symposium will evaluate three key claims of the US government’s account:
That the alleged 9/11 hijackers could so smoothly and successfully commandeer all four airliners;
That the alleged hijacker pilots could successfully fly three of the aircraft into their intended targets;
That US air defenses failed to intercept the hijacked planes due to communication breakdowns and bad luck.
IC911 Research Director Dr. Piers Robinson will introduce the four-hour livestream event. Captain Dan Hanley, a pilot of 35 years and founder of 9/11 Pilot Whistleblowers, will speak about the importance of getting the world to understand that Muslim terrorists did not fly the planes on 9/11. Following their remarks, there will be four presentations..."
Can you explain EXACTLY how this virus "leaked" out? Aerosol spraying all over the world? Someone leave a window open? Just saying it "leaked out" is meaningless.
You said it leaked out, not me. I suspect deliberate spread.
The article I featured provides a history of lab leaks, is 9 years old, and has nothing to do with COVID.
Who said anything about "leaked out"? Can't you read? I said deliberately and maliciously released around the World. And likely they used aerosol spraying devices. Bioweapon researchers have figured out many devious methods of spreading their WMDs.
I think it's fair to say that the previous experiment to mutate Sarscov1 leaked from the Wuhan Institute (which has had multiple leaks in the past).
This GOF was secretly funded by then NIH Director Tony Fauci, who had a personal connection with Shi Xiuli, to conduct research, because GOF experiments were prohibited by law in the US.
Fauci himself said he knew nothing about it in his congressional testimony, but the Chinese Communist Party will likely keep it hidden because it would be bad for them to be criticized by the world. They're a communist party, so they're experts at hiding things.
Fauci also thought the Chinese Communist Party would cover it up too.
There is no chaos, there is biowarfare, Kalergi warfare, neoWeimar warfare, and Tavistock warfare, all easily neutralized, by arresting and prosecuting a few hundred WEF-BRlCS terrorists.
Seriously? How can you say that with a straight face?
It’s nonsense like this fear mongering BS story that will keep the sheeple running for the next poisonous jab.
Funny how these papers pretending to prove viruses exist never actually prove anything but the strength of the dogmas the authors believe.
Lab created clones DO appear in flu vax and livestock vaccines. That is deployment, not escape. The deployment of vaccines to cause autoimmune response to common foods, like beef, is textbook biowarfare. LiMeng is aware of this 2018 deployment.
When horses and cattle started dropping dead from scheduled vaccines in 2018, from the same array of sudden-onset and crhronic diseases killing people, it was obvious that the placebo level was too low to escape notice of veterinary clinics and Department of Agriculture regulators. Videos of farmers reporting the damage made social media, despite the cover-up.
The flat earth society migrated to the no virus society?
No, never heard of the flat earth society! I believed whole heartedly in viruses and biowarfare. When I heard that viruses and virology was a house of cards built on quick sand I was stunned. Then I started looking into it. When I realized they were correct, my whole world shattered. How could this be? Surely there is something out there attacking us? No, there is no pathogen causing illness. Illness like health is a complex puzzle. There is no one thing making us sick or getting us better. 100+ years of propaganda! It’s tough to wrap your head around. The prize: freedom. There is no proof anywhere, ever, that pathogens cause illness.
100% CORRECT 👍
Nope, to the ‘virus‘ con-munity. Choose any virus you like and cite a research paper ‘proving‘ its existence.
Funny but true.
Re: No Virus ... aware of and engaged in the HIV debacle from the beginning - friends died up to '93 - and being HIV+ for 11years, personal experience renders the no virus myth as folly.
Lose 1/3 of your body weight; experience persistent stomach issues for 5years; lose muscle mass ... then tell me there is no virus.
Not given to joining a movement any longer, and being highly critical of mass-mind-concensus, concluding the HIV virus was a trial project for later virus depoplulation programmes is a no brainer.
Governments the world over are corrupt with intentions spoon fed them by those in power not seen.
Comments such as the one made by "Sylvie" reveal lack of respect, and are obviously bots / trolls lacking discernment, communication etiquette and basic humane capacity to engage. Preferring to lob out "do this." Poor form.
Appreciation for your relentless endeavours to expose the government and health corruption. Thank you Dr. Nass.